WWE Royal Rumble 2012 LD - Let's Get Ready to RUMMMMMMMBLLLLLLE!

Jericho didn't even have to win. It's not about him winning, it's about the months of build up, him basically saying "you'll see what I meant at the Rumble", and then nothing happening related to his story.

Did you complain this much on the second of January, or did you think that was awesome?
I thought that was a solid Royal Rumble. Probably not the most spectacular of all time, but solid nonetheless. Of course the dreamers who expected HBK, or Lesnar, or Austin, or Taker, were going to be disappointed. I love the fact that Sheamus won. Everyone thought it would be Y2J, myself included. People always complains about predictability in WWE, yet when they deviate from the predictable, people bitch and complain anyway.
It's good that they went with the unpredictable finish, but I wish it would have been someone else other than Sheamus. Even if it was Orton vs. Jericho at the end with Jericho winning, they could've made it so it looked like orton would win, only for jericho to win in a split second/out of nowhere or something.

Why? Why Jericho?

FFS Jericho has been out of the business, not injured, but out to fulfill his singing and dancing priorities for about 2 years. Why should he be afforded the luxury of coming back and winning the Rumble. Especially over someone like Sheamus who has been a dominant force at Smackdown for the last year or so.

It makes perfect sense, and the story told in the bout between the two echoed the same sentiments. A cocky arrogant persona thinking he deserves to win a main event just because he thinks he can, vs someone who gave it everything he had and came out tops in the end - like he has been for the past year and beyond.
*Jericho trolls on 1/2/2012*


*Jericho trolls on 1/29/2012*


sorry guys but what a shitty PPV was this...i didnt like the fights,cena vs kane was the same story like on raw,at the end the same beat down from kane to broski..wow and cena looked like he was really pissed....not..

and about the 30 man royal rumble was by far the worst i have seen in a long time...where was hbk,triple H,undertaker, as really surprises.My god no now we had to see,cole,booker,and jerry as surprises...wow that was fun...and at the end Sheamus wins..really?couldnt they make the undertaker be last and let him win,or the rock or someting but just shock factors...so much hype for jericho comming back and the end of the world as we know it and he didnt even win...that was just shitty.my god i´m pissed,what a waist of my money....

I'm sorry that your money's pant size was effected? Anyway, Taker is basically retired, to give him another rumble win when he can't be a serious champion would be bad. Shawn is done, he said he was done and he said he didn't want to be like everyone else and come back after he was done. I respect that of the man. Triple H is currently playing the role of an unbiased corporate type, if he entered the rumble and won it, that would be a huge slap in the face. The Rock needs only be focused on Cena, nothing else.

It was the end of the world as we know it, just as Jericho said it was going to be. Be honest, going in most people expected an Orton win or a Jericho win. Sure, most of the other bigger names were longshotted but most of us had it in our gut that WWE was gonna give it to Jericho or Orton. In other words, the IWC was outsmarked by Chris Jericho.

Sheamus winning was a pleasant surprise, but not as exciting as the Jericho possibility to me. But, that said as I sit here typing and letting it sink in I have to admit being pleasantly surprised. The WWE did something I didn't expect and really elevated a "newer" star. Sheamus has a following, but isn't on the same plateau as Chris Jericho or Randy Orton. This Rumble win, and especially the way it was done helps to get the fella there. On the odd note, wouldn't it be ironic now to see the two guys bumped from last years card with the US title on the line headlining Wrestlefest with the World title on the line?

So, unlike the quoted poster here, I don't feel this was a waste of any money. In my book, Royal Rumble was a pretty good PPV.
Jericho didn't even have to win. It's not about him winning, it's about the months of build up, him basically saying "you'll see what I meant at the Rumble", and then nothing happening related to his story.

He could have come out and trolled again or eliminated himself on purpose, anything to further the build up.

What happened with him had nothing to do with the previous couple months.

His story hasn't ended, its a new chapter.

Ok, big guy.

I don't mind predictable at all, as long as it makes sense. I like being surprised, and I like Sheamus and think he'll be great in a title chase/run.

I just don't at all understand what the point of all the Jericho stuff was if THIS is what it led to. If it was all just him talking trash about how he was going to win, that's stupid.
Sheamus isn't my first choice either, but I appreciate the swerve out of left field. They built the Rumble to look exactly like Orton or Jericho would win, then changed it up. I like that.

I probably would have picked Barrett, but Sheamus is pretty cool too.

It was a good swerve, but I would have liked the winner to be either Rhodes or Miz if it wasn't going to be Jericho or Orton. At least have one of them in the final four. They were in there for so long and then were gone like nothing. With all the hype they gave Jericho for weeks, it kind of makes him look weak not to come out the winner.

I'd say it's like he ran his mouth for weeks and couldn't back it up, but he didn't really speak! lol
Yeah no shit. It's 2012.....the age of the internet. If you really expected HBK then you are dumb as all fuck.

uhm easy to replay...i didnt watch wrestlezone because i didnt wanted to know who where going to be there.there is your answer.and about ass dumb as fuck you can see that to a other one but not to me.
You really have no concept of creative writing if you think Barrett coming to the ring and saying "I'm gonna win the rumble" is the same as Jericho having a month and a half of cryptic videos, followed by three weeks of silent promos, followed by a poignant one-liner that tied it all together and pointed at tonight being the big "reveal" of his plans.

Except his buildup had NOTHING to do with the rumble. He said one line about the rumble which IS just like everyone else saying they are gonna win. Who are you to say his promos were about the rumble?
Did you complain this much on the second of January, or did you think that was awesome?

I'm not complaining at all, kiddo. I didn't understand when Jericho trolled, but I was intrigued by the possibilities.

If it was all just him talking trash about winning the Rumble, it was wasted. Lots of people were excited to see where it was going, he said it was going to happen tonight, and it didn't. Not because he "trolled" us again - he didn't do anything like he has up to this point. It just came and went.
Honestly the entire show was completely forgettable

Bryan retains in boring fashion with no addition to the story
Divas match
Punk retains with no addition to the story
Cena/Kane goes nowhere
Sheamus wins the Rumble which would be fine if any potential WM match looked exciting.

Where's the development? It'll be on bloody RAW tomorrow for free, which begs the question why the fuck pay to watch this.
Except his buildup had NOTHING to do with the rumble. He said one line about the rumble which IS just like everyone else saying they are gonna win. Who are you to say his promos were about the rumble?

That's exactly what I'm NOT saying. Someone else equated all his stuff to Barrett coming out and claiming that he was going to win.

I'm saying that there's no way creative would spend weeks writing all those vignettes with the kids, have Jericho come out and spend big chunks of TV time doing nothing but pander to the crowd, and then have him give the one-liner last week all just as his "I'm gonna win the Rumble". I don't at all think that's what it was all about, and that's why I don't understand what happened tonight. They made it seem like it was all leading up to something big starting with him tonight, and nothing happened.


then Kharma's baby sits up like Undertaker and starts choking Miz out with the umbilical cord "MAH GOD MAH GOD UNDERTAKER'S THE FATHER"


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