WWE Clash of Champions 2016 LD

Are the announcers only allowed to say what the moves are during CW matches? I feel like Big E could go do a flying tiger space drop and they would just say "Big E's going to fly!"

That really irks me about Cole, it's like he doesn't know what any moves are called. "Plants him, hits him", etc drives me crazy. Especially disregarding names of finishers, like the TJP Clutch that Perkins just won with, Cole just said "he lock it in".

Wouldn't ya think these guys would have a list of finishers/signature move names for newer wrestlers at the very least?
Awesome match. That was super fun.

Character roles need to be fleshed out but I think TJP did a lot to establish himself tonight. And Kendrick is great on that department as usual.
Oh yeah. My grandmother is one as well. I read somewhere that Komen's CEO gets something like 10x the benefits/pay package as the CEO of the Red Cross, which is exponentially bigger. It's nonsense.

While everyone is so busy begging for the CEO's of for profit businesses to go to prison, the real criminals are in charge of nonprofits. I would love to see a Big Short sequel about Kommen.
I haven't seen a single match of this series. I suppose this is the only one that matters. Nice cheap pop Cesaro.
Fine and dandy, but a little underwhelming just because of the quality of matches we saw at the CWC. Plus there's the fact that Michael Cole is calling it and not Mauro or DB.

Kendrick is the shit
Let Cesaro talk more. The guy is good on the mic. The problem is that when Claudio Castignoli came to WWE they made him say sausage in five different languages every week and everyone remembers that shit. He can talk!

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