Raw LD 9/12/2016: There Are Worse Things To Watch

Basically the same way Christian got his second World Title and that's celebrated.

He's retired basically and its WWE. One of the odd things they do. If DZ is ever celebrated near the end of his career I'm sure they'll emphasize his win. I do get what you're saying though. They do still refer to DZ as a former world champion. I guess it's just bad writing in that promo. Ziggler's largely been an afterthought for years now.
I'm glad Rusev is back in time to keep Reigns busy. If they're not going to turn him heel, they should at least keep him off the ME for a while.
Maybe the reason RAW goes over 3 hours, is because WWE doesn't want ads in the main event and with the show already beyond 3 hours, USA can't interrupt with ads, because then it would take more time to finish.

Good guy WWE.
In all fairness, he wasn't warned because he didn't threaten Foley.

Hmm...maybe Rollins is turning face because he's getting dumber.

Would be good for Rollins if he doesn't become as dumb as Roman. That guy got screwed by HHH and hasn't addressed it since unlike Seth.

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