Raw LD 9/12/2016: There Are Worse Things To Watch

Plus, even if they had interesting storylines, it's not easy to tune in new people.

For example, I start watching a series, I know where I begin and then I can connect with the characters and the plot.

How does a new viewer get attached to the WWE stars and the plot, if they're not familiar?

To be fair, that's always been the case with wrestling. Stories always move forward and there are no re-runs. I've always equated taking up wrestling with getting into comic books for the first time. You'll be lost for a bit, but if you keep with it you'll inevitably catch on.

It's why WWE recaps stuff to death - in case you're just tuning in, so you'll have some idea of what's happening.
Plus, even if they had interesting storylines, it's not easy to tune in new people.

For example, I start watching a series, I know where I begin and then I can connect with the characters and the plot.

How does a new viewer get attached to the WWE stars and the plot, if they're not familiar?

If a storyline is interesting, the characters in said storyline will be interesting. Therefore, a viewer would latch onto a character in said storyline regardless of when he starts watching it. Not really that hard, is it?
Austin and Rock are also really high on him. Being top guys themselves, they know what it takes.

Exactly. Even though I'm a Shield mark, it's time for new people like Owens to make it through to the top. Styles did it on SD, would love for Owens to hold the title for awhile and make everyone chase it.
Then the guy Rusev has beaten a dozen times? Zeb comes to mind.

Doesn't matter. It's wrasslin, if you're gonna be a fan, it's best to have a really short memory. I mean, Sheamus lost to everybody for a solid year in a shitty stable and was WWE champ.
To be fair, that's always been the case with wrestling. Stories always move forward and there are no re-runs. I've always equated taking up wrestling with getting into comic books for the first time. You'll be lost for a bit, but if you keep with it you'll inevitably catch on.

It's why WWE recaps stuff to death - in case you're just tuning in, so you'll have some idea of what's happening.

And that's also why you need a top star. To bridge the fans with the brand. You tune in because of the star, not the brand and the stuff that's going on. At least that's how I started watching and other people I know, casual fans, started watching.
I was thinking, maybe Kevin Owens can push through. He's got a fair amount of natural charisma and is over. He's Trips' guy, too. When they turn him face, they just might need that bottle to catch some lightning.

With the Authority playing his mom, dad, gran dad and everybody... I'm skecptical. I wanted Kevin Owens to be elevated in this new era, but I just don't know at the moment if he'll rise above the stuff that hurt Rollins' original singles heel run.
Exactly. Even though I'm a Shield mark, it's time for new people like Owens to make it through to the top. Styles did it on SD, would love for Owens to hold the title for awhile and make everyone chase it.

Shield aren't exactly old though, they've been singles main eventers for like a year top.
Lol. They lose for a second week in a row. All this conversation we're having now about the next big stars, WWE laughs at us.

And I'm getting repetitive with each passing week.
Shining Stars can win, win, win, win, win and win forever, but they don't have any hope in getting over whatsoever.
If a storyline is interesting, the characters in said storyline will be interesting. Therefore, a viewer would latch onto a character in said storyline regardless of when he starts watching it. Not really that hard, is it?

People nowdays want tits, murders, swerves, betrayals, drama. It's not easy for wrestling to meet those demands.

Lucha Undergroung, which is positioned as a seasonal series, has more chances of catching new eyes and that's probably why it became so popular in such sort amount of time.
Shield aren't exactly old though, they've been singles main eventers for like a year top.

You would think they've been around for years with the amount of world championships they've won between the three of them. Time to take a backseat and let others have a go. Neither Reigns or Rollins brought in the viewers.
With the Authority playing his mom, dad, gran dad and everybody... I'm skecptical. I wanted Kevin Owens to be elevated in this new era, but I just don't know at the moment if he'll rise above the stuff that hurt Rollins' original singles heel run.

That's why you wait until he turns. All the top guys, save for Hogan, required a big face turn to truly get to that level.
Shield aren't exactly old though, they've been singles main eventers for like a year top.

They are stale due to the continued push they have gotten whilst others remain in midcard limbo for extended periods. I still maintain it all comes down to poor story-telling and an unwillingness to let anyone get over in an organic fashion since Daniel Bryan.

Like at present: Why is Rollins still acting as a snivelling heel when he should be transitioning to being babyface? Hmm... perhaps KO is one headed for an unlikely symphatetic babyface turn?
Think Reigns will be inserted just to take the pin? If that's the case, it's only a matter of time before people complain he needs a push. I will then proceed to laugh at them.
They are stale due to the continued push they have gotten whilst others remain in midcard limbo for extended periods. I still maintain it all comes down to poor story-telling and an unwillingness to let anyone get over in an organic fashion since Daniel Bryan.

Like at present: Why is Rollins still acting as a snivelling heel when he should be transitioning to being babyface? Hmm... perhaps KO is one headed for an unlikely symphatetic babyface turn?

I think it boils down to very few clear cut faces and heels anymore.
They are stale due to the continued push they have gotten whilst others remain in midcard limbo for extended periods. I still maintain it all comes down to poor story-telling and an unwillingness to let anyone get over in an organic fashion since Daniel Bryan.

Like at present: Why is Rollins still acting as a snivelling heel when he should be transitioning to being babyface? Hmm... perhaps KO is one headed for an unlikely symphatetic babyface turn?

He's transiotioning. He just wants it to come naturally. Austin is the best example of that. He stayed exactly the same going from heel to face in 1997.

Owens is acting way to cocky to become a face and it's early for him to turn really.

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