Raw LD 9/12/2016: There Are Worse Things To Watch

Sean Valjean

Lets Bitch About This Thing We Love

Kevin Owens already has Seth Rollins at Clash of Champions, but tonight he has Roman Reigns. If WWE's most beloved superstar is victorious, KO's PPV title defense becomes a triple threat match. Nothing like an original concept for this exciting show.

The Gallows and Anderson comedy hour has been a highlight in recent weeks. What will those hilarious scamps get into this week in their war with the New Day? More specifically, which occupation will The Club take up?

Sheamus vs Cesaro. Match 5. Best of 7. Dominance. Ugh.

Sasha Banks toyed with our emotions by basically teasing retirement only to announce that she's coming for Charlotte, probably Clash of Champions, maybe. Despite Sasha being owed a rematch, Bayley is probably the No.1 contender too because she defeated Dana Brook which is the equivalent of signing a contract for a Women's Championship match. After presumably kicking Dana to the curb, can Charlotte hold her own against two top contenders?

Bo Dallas is back and carries a sign now. Bo-Lieve it.
Maybe we'll get a United States Championship storyline for the upcoming PPV where every title is on the line. No?

Maybe we'll get Sami Zayn a storyline! No?

Maybe the feud between New Day and The Club will get interesting. No?

Maybe they are going to address the mess they made when Bayley beat the Women's Champion last week but Sasha also gets a shot at Charlotte. No?

Maybe we won't get 3 squash matches this week. No?

Wanna bet which one of these will get fixed tonight?
I think The Club is getting old with this comedy crap.

It wasn't funny before and it's not funny now
I didn't mind the cheesy stuff from them but it's time they need to be serious and stay serious.
Less than two weeks away, but no US title match.

Also the Club needed AJ, more than AJ needed the Club. I just hope that the Club can get a proper build and actually get over as heels, because they are not atm.

And after they can get over, they can reunite with Styles, let's say for Wrestlemania as the ultimate conquerors.

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