Raw LD 9/12/2016: There Are Worse Things To Watch

And Stephanie, depending on what week it is, what she's promoting and who she's talking to.

Thought of putting her as well, but alingment-wise, she confuses me most of the time and it was refreshing to not have to see her this week. Wish the GMs would get to run the show week in, week out, tbh.
You know, RAW currently has ZERO main event faces. This is a HUGE problem.

This is beyond fucking stupid. Roman Reigns is still booked as a babyface. People may not like him, but fuck, Cena made a living just like that and remained a babyface until people saw what a fantastic wrestler he was.

Also, isn't being screwed by a big heel a babyface turn? I mean, Seth Rollins sure doesn't like Roman Reigns, but that's fucking logical with everything they've gone through, but in a booking standpoint he's more of a babyface than he is an heel right fucking now.

(Also insert here #StupidJokeAboutKotaIbushi because someone's too dumb to understand a point)
This is beyond fucking stupid. Roman Reigns is still booked as a babyface. People may not like him, but fuck, Cena made a living just like that and remained a babyface until people saw what a fantastic wrestler he was.

Also, isn't being screwed by a big heel a babyface turn? I mean, Seth Rollins sure doesn't like Roman Reigns, but that's fucking logical with everything they've gone through, but in a booking standpoint he's more of a babyface than he is an heel right fucking now.

(Also insert here #StupidJokeAboutKotaIbushi because someone's too dumb to understand a point)
you have been a pissy little monkey since Sunday haven't you?
This is beyond fucking stupid. Roman Reigns is still booked as a babyface. People may not like him, but fuck, Cena made a living just like that and remained a babyface until people saw what a fantastic wrestler he was.

Also, isn't being screwed by a big heel a babyface turn? I mean, Seth Rollins sure doesn't like Roman Reigns, but that's fucking logical with everything they've gone through, but in a booking standpoint he's more of a babyface than he is an heel right fucking now.

(Also insert here #StupidJokeAboutKotaIbushi because someone's too dumb to understand a point)

You. Don't. Understand. A. Fucking. Thing. About. Wrestling. This. Has. Been. Proven. Over. And. Over. Again.
Yet you're the one saying that there isn't a babyface main eventer :rolleyes:

Because there isn't.

Also, following me around to post some more moronic shit nobody agrees with is really fucking creepy. I'm married, and if I wasn't, the last thing I'd want is delusional neckbeard.
Because there isn't.

Also, following me around to post some more moronic shit nobody agrees with is really fucking creepy. I'm married, and if I wasn't, the last thing I'd want is delusional neckbeard.

Jesus... You have a babyface in the roster that main evented the last TWO WrestleManias. How's that not a babyface main eventer? Please tell me. Because in that way SmackDown does not have a top heel, since AJ Styles is pretty much cheered by the crowd.

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