Raw LD 9/12/2016: There Are Worse Things To Watch

Can someone that watches NJPW tell me what was the Club hype all about? Are they actually better than this and WWE is holding them down? OR did they got overexposed, without a leader like Balor or Styles?

Being over in Japan doesn't mean you're going to be over in the US. For instance, Matt Bloom.
The only one with anywhere near the amount of natural charisma required of the top guy is Enzo, and I can't see him as THE guy.

Enzo sucks in the ring, that is his downfall, tho I do see why you'd have him as your possible choice.

In terms of complete packages;
I'd still say Roman and Seth are ahead of the pack and both have the look that Vince covets. Roman has been damaged very badly so he is out of it for now, at least and needs a complete overhaul if he is to win the crowd over. Seth needs the right storyline and the right tweaks, and maybe by Mania he'll get to a level required to be anointed the Top babyface, but it is early days yet.
They're good, just presented incorrectly. These guys should be killers, not doing lame comedy skits.

So just another example of WWE not going full villain with their villains. I don't know if PG is at fault since some certain stuff we could get with PG-13, we can't get them now, but c'mon, there has to be a lot of ways to get some guys heat. Not just cheating and stupid comedy.
Why isn't that move called the Magic Bullet?

Normally I would say "because bullets have the kind of negative connotation that they don't want passed on to sensitive kids and their overprotective parents!"

Then I remembered it's called the Magic Killer, and I got nothing.
I wish Crews would develop a personality, because he's got pretty much everything else.

You could say the same about Roman Reigns as well. But yeah, practically each possible candidate has some flaw that impedes their progress to the very top level at this time, unfortunately.
Enzo sucks in the ring, that is his downfall, tho I do see why you'd have him as your possible choice.

In terms of complete packages;
I'd still say Roman and Seth are ahead of the pack and both have the look that Vince covets. Roman has been damaged very badly so he is out of it for now, at least and needs a complete overhaul if he is to win the crowd over. Seth needs the right storyline and the right tweaks, and maybe by Mania he'll get to a level required to be anointed the Top babyface, but it is early days yet.

Ring skills don't matter as much as charisma for your top guy. Nakamura has an insane amount of natural charisma, too, but I really can't see him being THE guy either.
Ring skills don't matter as much as charisma for your top guy. Nakamura has an insane amount of natural charisma, too, but I really can't see him being THE guy either.

Nakamura is Japanese, tho. That immediately disqualifies him from the top guy role based on how things usually go in WWE. But beyond being sucky in ring, Enzo doesn't have 'the Look' either, tho honestly, I wouldn't mind seeing him getting a slow burn underdog push to the top and wondering if the fans would get behind him in a big way a la Daniel Bryan.
Everyone is in the same pond right now, Owens, Ambrose, Reigns, Wyatt, Rollins, Balor, Zayn. The truth is noone has yet broke the glass ceiling. Like Jim Ross said, nobody is yet over on the roster, except Cena and Lesnar.
He's 36. Kinda old for the company to build him up enough (38) and then have him as their top guy.

The "one top guy" idea may be outdated anyway. The brand itself seems to sell more these days. Instead of having "The One", WWE should focus on building an ensemble cast of top talent.
You could say the same about Roman Reigns as well. But yeah, practically each possible candidate has some flaw that impedes their progress to the very top level at this time, unfortunately.

Big E just needs a new finisher, and I think he might actually be the closest. His personality is a 10, his ring work is a 7 (and could go to an 8 or 9 with a new finish), and the fact that WWE could finally get out of the dark ages and push their all-black superstar as the #1 guy could be great for the company moving forward. I see a big future for Woods, too, but he will take longer to fully develop.
Nakamura is Japanese, tho. That immediately disqualifies him from the top guy role based on how things usually go in WWE. But beyond being sucky in ring, Enzo doesn't have 'the Look' either, tho honestly, I wouldn't mind seeing him getting a slow burn underdog push to the top and wondering if the fans would get behind him in a big way a la Daniel Bryan.

The fans getting behind Enzo wouldn't be an issue. He could come in the ring and fart on the mic and people lose their minds.
The "one top guy" idea may be outdated anyway. The brand itself seems to sell more these days. Instead of having "The One", WWE should focus on building an ensemble cast of top talent.

They need a face to bridge the brand with the mainstream world though.

They need the next Lesnar, Cena, Rock, Austin, HHH, Hogan.

Having everyone in the same pond isn't so good. What will happen when Lesnar, Cena, Taker and HHH can't wrestle any more?
Will today's wrestlers be in the level were they can carry Wrestlemania and fill 78,000 stadiums?

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