Raw LD 9/12/2016: There Are Worse Things To Watch

I'm not so sure Roman is considered the future anymore. He's in the conversation still, I'd guess, but is bet they start pushing more guys to see who ends up pulling ahead in terms of drawing power.

I think Seth is the one in line for the big Babyface push, at least for the near future. Ntm, Roman as a babyface is damaged goods that needs loads of rehab... he definitely needs a heel turn at this point to open a new chapter regardless of how highly the hierarchy views him.

All that said; I am struggling to find a complete package amongst the current crop(including NXT) that can take over from John Cena as the Top Guy in the promotion.
I think Seth is the one in line for the big Babyface push, at least for the near future. Ntm, Roman as a babyface is damaged goods that needs loads of rehab... he definitely needs a heel turn at this point to open a new chapter regardless of how highly the hierarchy views him.

All that said; I am struggling to find a complete package amongst the current crop(including NXT) that can take over from John Cena as the Top Guy in the promotion.

I wish Crews would develop a personality, because he's got pretty much everything else.
I think Seth is the one in line for the big Babyface push, at least for the near future. Ntm, Roman as a babyface is damaged goods that needs loads of rehab... he definitely needs a heel turn at this point to open a new chapter regardless of how highly the hierarchy views him.

All that said; I am struggling to find a complete package amongst the current crop(including NXT) that can take over from John Cena as the Top Guy in the promotion.

The only one with anywhere near the amount of natural charisma required of the top guy is Enzo, and I can't see him as THE guy.
I think Seth is the one in line for the big Babyface push, at least for the near future. Ntm, Roman as a babyface is damaged goods that needs loads of rehab... he definitely needs a heel turn at this point to open a new chapter regardless of how highly the hierarchy views him.

All that said; I am struggling to find a complete package amongst the current crop(including NXT) that can take over from John Cena as the Top Guy in the promotion.

Styles, but he's old.

I think Rollins, Ambrose and Owens can get there and Reigns too, but probably more as a heel first.

Hogan said recently that WWE could make a big babyface out of Owens. He has a CM Punk/1997 Steve Austin vibe to him.

However Ambrose needs to get serious and lose the PG-lunatic thing and just go batshit phsycho crazy heel like the Joker (without the laughing) and Reigns needs a reboot.

But yeah right now, I'd bet my money on those 4 if I was Vince McMahon, but they still need work and proper booking.
New Day has been a unit longer than The Shield. Crazy.

Imagine if the SHIELD, New Day, the Wyatt Family and the Club were all stables running rampant in the WWE at the same time. I, for one, would enjoy watching if that were to become reality.
Imagine if the SHIELD, New Day, the Wyatt Family and the Club were all stables running rampant in the WWE at the same time. I, for one, would enjoy watching if that were to become reality.

I know the term "War Games" get thrown around on the forums, but that's the ONLYway you end that angle.
Imagine if the SHIELD, New Day, the Wyatt Family and the Club were all stables running rampant in the WWE at the same time. I, for one, would enjoy watching if that were to become reality.

Last 3 years proved that trios work very very well. Wyatts were better as 3. Club was better as a trio with Styles.

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