I was really looking forward to the direction they could have gone with Balor and Zayn working together. Balor/Owens will be an entirely different match, though.

It's nice to see them actually booking their best guys correctly though, instead of making them spend months crushing the mid-card to "pay their dues".
Overall a solid show, I think Owens/Zayn, Neville/Balor, and Sasha finally taking what was hers gladly made up for the tag title match and Corbin/Dempsey.
Matt Jackson is already poking the proverbial stick at Jim Cornette With a Picture of them with the Jr Tag Titles and Kevin Owens with the NXT title
Now that we're done with the Charlotte reign of terror we'll get to see awesome matches with Banks/Bayley/Bliss/and Becky who stepped it up big time tonight. Can we just bring them all up together so they don't suffer from Emma syndrome on the main stage?
Did anyone see the most pathetic excuse of a botch in the history of botches?

Baron Corbin clotheslined Bull Dempsey and both guys were supposed to go over the top. Bull couldn't get over, Baron took the tumble to the outside, and after he lands Bull Dempsey starts the over-the-ropes spot and falls to the outside. It was pathetic.

If I never see Bull Dempsey again it'll be too soon. I hope he got fired once he got backstage.

Oh, and Balor/Neville was amazing, Owens/Zayn was almost as good, the Womens match was somewhere in between, and Tyler Breeze should be on RAW already.
Keep forgetting you guys do these things...

NXT was great apart from Bull vs Corbin i don't even care if my favs won or not, apart from Zayn who got destroyed that was hard to watch and surprising since in NXT people never just came in and got a title shot.

still can't for next week especially since my friend doesn't have the network, so I invited him to watch NXT says he liked the little he saw.
Man, did I ever enjoy seeing 75% of this LD being worked into thinking Sami was really hurt. I mean that with absolute sincerity, like it speaks to the brilliance of both wrestlers.

he clearly purposely bumped his head on the back end of the moonsault onto the ramp, then sold the after effects after they got into the ring. It was subtle, but it happened. This further enhances the angle that he didn't get beat, as the initial damage was done to his head by a move HE performed.

Balor Vs Neville was good, but people in here over rated it a bit.

Itami throwing kick-based offense after Breeze worked on his knee for 45 minutes was def cringeworthy.

Genuinely shocked when Charolette lost. When asked why, I could only respond "I guess I figured she would just be champion.....uh forever"

Great fucking show. Incredible title match.
Man, did I ever enjoy seeing 75% of this LD being worked into thinking Sami was really hurt. I mean that with absolute sincerity, like it speaks to the brilliance of both wrestlers.

he clearly purposely bumped his head on the back end of the moonsault onto the ramp, then sold the after effects after they got into the ring. It was subtle, but it happened. This further enhances the angle that he didn't get beat, as the initial damage was done to his head by a move HE performed.

Balor Vs Neville was good, but people in here over rated it a bit.

Itami throwing kick-based offense after Breeze worked on his knee for 45 minutes was def cringeworthy.

Genuinely shocked when Charolette lost. When asked why, I could only respond "I guess I figured she would just be champion.....uh forever"

Great fucking show. Incredible title match.

I don't get the criticism for Itami's selling. Like I was saying to KB last night, he couldn't put weight on it when he was standing/walking, and was planting with the good leg when the plant leg needs to support his weight anyway. If he was planting on the bad leg, I would totally agree, but I thought what he did was better than quite a bit of leg selling I've seen.
If you had a broken arm are you going to start throwing clotheslines with it? It would be both painful and fairly useless.

its very simple.

If anything, I thought it was a missed opportunity to show Itami had a lot more he could do than kick.
A clothesline actually works perfectly for this. It works because either your run at your opponent or they run at you and get taken down by your outstretched arm. Your arm takes impact, but doesn't do any real work. So, yes, a clothesline with a broken arm, while painful, can be effective.

Itami's kicks are similar. The way he, Bryan, and others in that same vein kick, there is so much momentum coming from the hips and plant leg that the actual kicking leg can just come along for the ride. Obviously that's not ideal (similar to how a lariat is more effective than a clothesline), but it can still be effective even though you are also hurting yourself.
A clothesline actually works perfectly for this. It works because either your run at your opponent or they run at you and get taken down by your outstretched arm. Your arm takes impact, but doesn't do any real work. So, yes, a clothesline with a broken arm, while painful, can be effective.

Ill let one of the numerous people who just completely shit their pants handle this :lmao: :lmao:
I thought this was a really good show, but "fantastic", "amazing", "like WrestleMania" are all crazy exaggerations. It was probably the weakest Takeover yet for one, and I say this really wanting Steen/Zayn to literally tear the house down (cause God only knows I love telling all you fuckers about how I always knew they were great), but come on, get real.

It was a really good show, but Breeze/Itami wasn't very good, Corbin/Bull pretty much sucked, the tag title match was just there, the rest was very good. Fantastic? Phenomenal? Amazing? No.

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