WWE Championship Match: The Game Triple H vs. The Legend Killer Randy Orton

What we need is Triple H, JBL, Undertaker, Kane, Shawn Michaels,Batista or anyone and everyone hovering around the 40 mark to step down and retire and let the new talent through, we need a new generation not a new WCW. Randy is the man to do it. Run through them, make them retire. Make it hard for them to keep up in tempo and physicality. They can make this match the make or break for WWE. Lets see heaps of new young blokes come through (with their own spin on their personality).
What we need is Triple H, JBL, Undertaker, Kane, Shawn Michaels,Batista or anyone and everyone hovering around the 40 mark to step down and retire and let the new talent through, we need a new generation not a new WCW. Randy is the man to do it. Run through them, make them retire. Make it hard for them to keep up in tempo and physicality. They can make this match the make or break for WWE. Lets see heaps of new young blokes come through (with their own spin on their personality).

You know these guys won't retire especially since they have top claim in the real game in town. Yes, we have TNA but they can't match the stranglehold WWE has on the business and the older guys know they have their home with Vince. Chances are, older guys might just bury the business but their really isn't a icon like Hogan, Austin or Rock right now. Cena is their only go-to guy and he isn't that icon people, other than kids, look up to. Randy is not that guy either. In actuality, he doesn't do much for me at all. I can take him or leave him just as much as Edge, they are pretty much identical except one has long hair with too much teeth. Jericho should be the monster heel right now since his new character is a mean sonofabitch but he is stuck in a shitty feud that doesn't showcase the true nature of the Jericho character.
Until Vince finds that "icon" guy, we are going to have our "old reliables" like Undertaker and HBK. If they cleaned house on all the brand name guys, no one would tune in, especially older fans who want to try to get back into wrestling again.
Orton has to win this match. The build for it has been executed so that Triple H will lose his cool or something to that extent, and Orton takes advantage. Have them go back and forth HHH kicks out of the RKO, Orton the pedigree, and Orton pulls it out of nowhere. Think about: How many people have been allowed to get the best of the mcMahons over the years? DX and.........Randy Orton. For this storyline to truly succeed, Orton HAS to win this match. No swerve, no Mcmahons turning on HHH for his past sins, just a clean win for Orton. Theylve strapped the rocket to his back so far, and allowed him to CARRY Raw on his back, they have to go all the way. As much as I WANT HHH to win as a mark, knowing how Id feel if someone did that to my wife, Orton NEEDS to win. Period. Yes, this is a make or break match for the company. And Ortons next feud should be with.....Edge. Another topic for another day. Someone post it, Ill give my reasons.
You know these guys won't retire especially since they have top claim in the real game in town. Yes, we have TNA but they can't match the stranglehold WWE has on the business and the older guys know they have their home with Vince. Chances are, older guys might just bury the business but their really isn't a icon like Hogan, Austin or Rock right now. Cena is their only go-to guy and he isn't that icon people, other than kids, look up to. Randy is not that guy either. In actuality, he doesn't do much for me at all. I can take him or leave him just as much as Edge, they are pretty much identical except one has long hair with too much teeth. Jericho should be the monster heel right now since his new character is a mean sonofabitch but he is stuck in a shitty feud that doesn't showcase the true nature of the Jericho character.
Until Vince finds that "icon" guy, we are going to have our "old reliables" like Undertaker and HBK. If they cleaned house on all the brand name guys, no one would tune in, especially older fans who want to try to get back into wrestling again.

Buts that the problem. If you remember there were many years between Hogan and Austin. There were good wrestlers holding it together but alot of trial and error. It took McMahon to say "Gloves Off!", in reference to him fighting against WCW, to finally give some freedom to the wrestlers themselves and create their ownself. McMahon was clear of majority of the old guys from 80's and early 90's and there was so much room for anyone who had an idea to come through and be pushed.

Lokk at this for a second please and you tell me what is wrong. Age of wrestlers as of this year. JBL 40, Batista 40, Goldust 40, Jim Duggan 55, Kane 42, HBK 44, Regel 41, Y2J 39, Triple H 40, Big Show 37, Chavo 39, Taker 44, Khali 37, R-Truth 37, Edge 36, Tommy Dreamer 38, Christian 36, Finlay 51.

Their worried about ratings and revenue, well...As Jim Cornette said back in 1997, "these all are household names, but so is garbage, and it stinks when it gets old too". Quoting Austin in 1998 on OTR "Ric Flair was great, but should have retired years ago", and that was then.

You never know if you don't try!
You know these guys won't retire especially since they have top claim in the real game in town. Yes, we have TNA but they can't match the stranglehold WWE has on the business and the older guys know they have their home with Vince. Chances are, older guys might just bury the business but their really isn't a icon like Hogan, Austin or Rock right now. Cena is their only go-to guy and he isn't that icon people, other than kids, look up to. Randy is not that guy either. In actuality, he doesn't do much for me at all. I can take him or leave him just as much as Edge, they are pretty much identical except one has long hair with too much teeth. Jericho should be the monster heel right now since his new character is a mean sonofabitch but he is stuck in a shitty feud that doesn't showcase the true nature of the Jericho character.
Until Vince finds that "icon" guy, we are going to have our "old reliables" like Undertaker and HBK. If they cleaned house on all the brand name guys, no one would tune in, especially older fans who want to try to get back into wrestling again.

Here's something for you. At the time Austin had his last match, and then the rock had his real last match against Goldberg. Brock Vs Cena was on the card for Backlash, Spots were opened up. Austin bowed out the right way, on top.
TBH I can't wait till Triple H is retired. He has been in the main event angle for years. I used to feel the same way about the Undertaker but now hes a nostalgia talent which is what he is smart to be. He wrestles a limited schedule and stays pretty hot. I know many ppl hate Cena but personally he is the face of the WWE.

I hope Orton goes over because he is so talented and learned so much ring psychology from his father.
Having the bad guy win at Wrestlemania is like having Charlie Brown kick the football. Only ONE time in the history of Wrestlemania has the bad guy won the MAIN EVENT. Wrestlemania XIX does not count as it was NOT the main event of the show. The only time the bad guy won was Wrestlemania 2000 where HHH retained his belt in the fatal-four way elimination match where Vince screwed the Rock only to have Rock win the belt at Backlash. If Randy Orton wins at Wrestlemania 25 it will ruin the reputation of the event. Having the biggest heel win the match at the biggest show of the year at the 25th Anniversary of that show. Wrestlemania IX does not count either because Hogan ended up winning the belt at the end. Therefore HHH is the one and only heel to walk away with his world title belt after the final match.
Orton needs to win. Orton will win. The question is how the WWE decides to go about it.

If we don't get a clean win it will probably be because of a McMahon turn. They have painted it like it will be Stephanie McMahon. If they do go this route I hope WM is the last match between the two for a while. Keep them on seperate shows. Build a fued toward Summer Slam with Triple H begging to get at Legacy, slowly taking out each member.

If we get a clean win I expect the fued to continue, with matches at Backlash, Judgement Day, and Extreme Rules. I think this fued could be a lot like the Batista-Triple H fued where Triple H put Batista over at 3 consecutive PPVs. I don't think having multiple title changes would help either character. Having Orton win all the matches would elevate Orton to Main Event status. He is clearly the future of the company.

If for some reason we get a Triple H win, there will have to be a rematch. With Orton threatning Stephanie McMahon leading to a Backlash Rematch with a McMahon swerve. I don't like the idea, but either way by the end of the month of April Randy Orton will be WWE Champion.
I will say first off, this has to be the worst Hyped Wrestlemania since WrestleMania 23. I think the WWE is living off Mania will see itself too much and giving us a match we seen too many times before. I mean come on, Triple H vS Randy Orton again? I mean these two have yet to give us a classic match in there entire feud. Plus this was the same lackluster main event as last year except Cena moved to the other Triple Threat match against a guy he faced too many times before.

I think WrestleMania is a waste of time and the WWE deserves to get a low buyrate for this PPV. I mean what is the difference between this PPV and One Night Stand or Night of Champions? WrestleMania matches are suppose too be the biggest matches in the year, matches you either want to see or see again, not matches you seen on Raw and other PPV’s before that didn’t amount to anything.

As far as what this match will do for business. I don’t think it matters who win as the ratings will continue to fall no matter who wins. As 1) People are getting tired of Triple H at the top, no matter you cheer him or boo, people still want different. 2) Randy Orton is a heel, and heels don’t bring in ratings. Plus he isn’t a entertaining over the top heel, he is a cold heel and that kind makes people not care in the product as they don’t want to see him as you can see by the ratings fall.

I don’t care who wins as if either man wins, it’s bad for business. It goes to the other Main Event as well, if either man wins, it’s bad for business. What the WWE should have done is held off Jeff Hardy win till Mania, then business might have picked up, or better yet gives us a main event worthy of Mania for people to care about the business once again. I don’t know maybe Triple H vS Jeff Hardy or CM Punk vS John Cena. Something that hasn’t been done over ten times.
I will say first off, this has to be the worst Hyped Wrestlemania since WrestleMania 23. I think the WWE is living off Mania will see itself too much and giving us a match we seen too many times before. I mean come on, Triple H vS Randy Orton again? I mean these two have yet to give us a classic match in there entire feud. Plus this was the same lackluster main event as last year except Cena moved to the other Triple Threat match against a guy he faced too many times before.

I think WrestleMania is a waste of time and the WWE deserves to get a low buyrate for this PPV. I mean what is the difference between this PPV and One Night Stand or Night of Champions? WrestleMania matches are suppose too be the biggest matches in the year, matches you either want to see or see again, not matches you seen on Raw and other PPV’s before that didn’t amount to anything.

As far as what this match will do for business. I don’t think it matters who win as the ratings will continue to fall no matter who wins. As 1) People are getting tired of Triple H at the top, no matter you cheer him or boo, people still want different. 2) Randy Orton is a heel, and heels don’t bring in ratings. Plus he isn’t a entertaining over the top heel, he is a cold heel and that kind makes people not care in the product as they don’t want to see him as you can see by the ratings fall.

I don’t care who wins as if either man wins, it’s bad for business. It goes to the other Main Event as well, if either man wins, it’s bad for business. What the WWE should have done is held off Jeff Hardy win till Mania, then business might have picked up, or better yet gives us a main event worthy of Mania for people to care about the business once again. I don’t know maybe Triple H vS Jeff Hardy or CM Punk vS John Cena. Something that hasn’t been done over ten times.

I couldn't agree more besides having Shawn Michaels fight the Undertaker and the Hardy's fighting each other this Wrestlemania is not really worth it. The build up is terrible and the matches are way too predictable.

Come on does anybody think that Matt Hardy is going to beat Jeff Hardy, does anyone really think that Shawn is going to end the streak of the Undertaker, does anyone think Jericho is going to win the match against those "legends" and finally does anyone really think that John Cena won't walk away World Heavyweight Champion.

This is why I started this topic I'm sure everyone can predict what is going to happen this year at WM the WWE has gotten way to predictable and stale over the years thats why I think Randy Orton HAS to win this match. This will at least give us something knew instead of that same old Triple H and John Cena.
Even if Randy Orton wins, it’s not new as he old beat Triple H again. That’s what this PPV feels like, “This again?” Not in a good way, but in a bad way. I mean Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy have wrestled before and it was no way near Bret Hart vS Owen Hart. Shawn Michaels and Undertaker have wrestled before, sure the video on Raw was cool, but really did we have to have this match. I know he’s “Mr. WrestleMania” and the other guy is “Undefeated at Mania,” but I could have done without that match. After last year, I’m over the Undertaker streak. As we all know who is going to win the match and would be pissed if he lost match as if Orton didn’t do it, then no one should do it.

The only hope I have for Mania is that it will deliver as a show. That the matches will be good and overall the show will be great. The only thing I’m hoping for is that who ever wins the MITB cashes in that night. And I think some mention Jericho taking the briefcase and going it, I could see that happening; maybe Kofi takes another knockout for shock value. Plus that would be a great gimmick for Kofi, put him title matches, have him taken out, then the other guy wins the match. He would be a walking Curve Your Enthusiasm.
Even if Randy Orton wins, it’s not new as he old beat Triple H again. That’s what this PPV feels like, “This again?” Not in a good way, but in a bad way. I mean Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy have wrestled before and it was no way near Bret Hart vS Owen Hart. Shawn Michaels and Undertaker have wrestled before, sure the video on Raw was cool, but really did we have to have this match. I know he’s “Mr. WrestleMania” and the other guy is “Undefeated at Mania,” but I could have done without that match. After last year, I’m over the Undertaker streak. As we all know who is going to win the match and would be pissed if he lost match as if Orton didn’t do it, then no one should do it.

The only hope I have for Mania is that it will deliver as a show. That the matches will be good and overall the show will be great. The only thing I’m hoping for is that who ever wins the MITB cashes in that night. And I think some mention Jericho taking the briefcase and going it, I could see that happening; maybe Kofi takes another knockout for shock value. Plus that would be a great gimmick for Kofi, put him title matches, have him taken out, then the other guy wins the match. He would be a walking Curve Your Enthusiasm.

I actually think that would be great. Its ashame they are wasting Jericho's talent in a match with a bunch of old guys who should of walked away years ago. I mean Jimmy Snuka COME ON!!!! Instead of wasting our time with another Orton vs Triple H or Cena vs. Edge it would of been cool to see Orton vs Jericho or Jericho vs Edge or Jericho vs the Undertaker. I mean even Triple H vs Jericho would have been a little bit more fresher (even though it happened 7 years ago). I really think Vince was hoping Stone Cold was going to agree to wrestle one more match and they had no other choice but to put him with Piper, Steamboat and Snuka.

WWE seems to always kill Chris Jericho's momentem. They did it back in 2002 when they had Triple H destroy him at WM and this past year with John Cena. I really just hope they don't do the same this year to Randy Orton. It would be a waste to have him win the Royal Rumble and take out Vince, Shane and Stephanie and get nothing out of it.
At first I read this thread and kind of snickered at the dramatic stance the title suggested, but then thinking about it, it's actually a valid question. While I certainly believe that this is make or break time for Randy Orton, can I say the same thing for the WWE as a whole.

For Randy Orton, it's real simple, he has to leave Wrestlemania 25 as WWE champion, or look damn good in the process. A victory by Triple H should only be a weak, desperate victory, nothing strong. However, I think the WWE would be completely ******ed to have Triple H go over at this point at mania, outside of giving him the spotlight at the Silver Anniversary of Mania.

Randy Orton, what else does the guy need to do. He took the title off of Benoit, only to get absolutely buried a month Later by Triple H, and subsequently become irrelevant until feuding with the Undertaker. He lost his 2nd title in 30 minutes to Triple H, and then won his third title only after Triple H had wrestled 3 times that night, only to lose said title once again to Triple H, and completely get buried and destroyed by the end of that feud. 3 time champion, 3 times ended by Triple H, and I ask, why? What's the point in building Orton up each and every time, and to have it all completely derailed by the Game? It makes no sense to me, and it's a complete waste of time. If Orton loses this match at Mania, and looks weak in the process, then the WWE has essentially wasted everyone's time over the last year in building Orton up.

As far as the WWE goes, I think it does play into it's future. I don't understand why the WWE would continue to push a guy that is 40, and already a 13 time world champion over a 28 year old stud that is as hot as he's ever been. Triple H has done fuck all since his return in 2007 to put anyone over besides himself, and why? I don't know why, except for ego. The guy has yet to lose in a singles match by taking someone's finisher since he returned at Summerslam 2007. He's lost two fluke matches to Jeff hardy, both via roll up. Why is a guy that is on the wrong side of 35 continuuing to dominate everyone he is in the ring with? For the future of the company, Triple H has to lose, and lose badly to Orton at Mania.
I don't think it will be any kind of a make or break match because both guys are to far over with the fans for it too matter. I think (and hope) that it is gonna be some good ol' entertainment from 2 of the best in the business
Shocky is right, but unfortunately, im not sure if it will go that way. Trips ALWAYS loses at Mania, and has done so the last three straight he has participated in, twice by tap out. Im just not sure if I can see that trend continuing. Being a Triple H fan, I would love nothing more than to see him get RKO'd into oblivion, and put Orton over, but I think that is just pretty highly unrealistic for a Face champion losing to heel challeneger in what will likely be the match that closes WM. Orton will win due to intereference if anything, and anyone saying it should go any other way in this situation is kind of delusional.

What SHOULD happen...orton should go over. In a dominant fashion.

What might happen...Orton goes over, but with help

What likely WILL happen..Triple H somehow survives, and retains. Loses and drops the title at Backlash.
I really do like the elaborate storyline going into WM25 for the main event. But I'll get right to my point: Does anyone sense a turning point in which Orton becomes very popular with the outcome of WM25? Like, being cheered a lot? We already heard some faint RKO chants tonight, and it's no secret he has a lot of fans, here on wrestlezone and in different arenas place to place.

I also say this because... isn't it weird to see Triple H and Vince paired up? Just bizarre. I will never trust Vince 100% Don't you think their joining (however necessary it may be) makes Triple H seem too authoritarian? I don't think the fans will be behind this for too long. Thus I see a shift in power, in momentum, going behind Orton as a mega heel. One who is such a badass he gets cheered. It seems to be the perfect plan; how it all comes full circle. I like it!!!

Also on a side note: I strongly sense Batista will get involved in some way in this match. I hate to spoil it for ya'll but he IS healed by now, this WOULD be the perfect way to bring him back. Theres a lot of buzz around this whole thing for me ^_^

I'll go a little farther: Do you think maybe, just maybe, this will be the era of Orton and not the era of Cena for this generation?? Or will it go this way (which may make more sense): Hogan/Savage, Bret/Shawn, Rock/Austin...Cena/Orton!
One match that I have always wanted to see is Orton Vs Cena. No disqualifications, no gimmicks, nothing, just wrestling. To my knowledge, we have never seen that before. If Randy wins not just the match at WM, but the feud in general, then this needs to be the next step. I believe that Orton is the combination of The Rock and Stone Cold as a heel, and John Cena is the same but as a face.

As for the turning point, i believe he will be the Triple H of this generation (if he goes over at WM). He'll have that dominating feel, and will replace that coward feel i get from Orton on occasion. Rhodes and Dibaise, will be tha Batista and Orton of now. It would make for an intense match as the former top face of tha WWE (Trips) goes up against the new face of the company (Orton) after Trips prime has gone.
I was thinking last night during Ortons promo: this match would have been EPIC if it hadn't been done so many times already. The way Orton said he's been waiting for so long to get back at Triple H would have made a lot more sense if this feud was fresh. This match could have been 5 years in the making. Even with this tremendous build-up, I'm stoked for this match even if I have seen it 5-6 times already.
Well here we are, four days away, and I'm met with indifference going into this match. Is this match the Main Event of the night, you bet, but should it be, i don't know. These two have yet to prove anything to me that they are any good in the ring with each other. They have had more then their fair share of time in the ring with each other, and nothing smashes me in the face saying, Main Event of Mania worthy.

The build up for this has been excellent the first two weeks, and the last two weeks, but the middle three was simply up in the air and really derailed this feud. The last two week shave regained some of that momentum. This match is very personnel, we get taht, but I would like for some focus to be on the title, and it simply hasn't.

Orton's plan though was ridiculous. So, wait, you eliminated Triple H from the Rumble to get a shot at Triple H at Mania, a month before he won the title, huh? Come on WWE, we're not fucking idiots. So not only does Orton Have Not Have IED, but he's now a psychic too, oye.

Simply put, anything other then a Randy Orton ass whooping of Triple H will be dissapointing. Supposedly Orton's entire character has been building to this since 2004, and if he loses, where the hell can the character go. If Triple H loses, he has the McMahons to fall back too. Hell, you can pretty much guarantee that Backlash is going to be the McMahons and Triple H vs. Legacy. If Orton doesn't win, the character is damaged, and has lost to Triple H again. What else can you do.

I'm hoping for a Clean Orton win here, but I'm probably hoping against hope.
Well, it's Saturday 4th April here in Australia. The day of my first formal (prom). But I felt like I had to make this post before Wrestlemania.

Randy Orton vs Triple H for the WWE Championship. We've seen it at least 5 times for the Title, if not more. Randy Orton needs to win here. If Triple H wins, this whole damn match has no purpose, as the Game has defeated Orton many times before. I can't believe Triple H is going to be in the main event of a Wrestlemania, once again for the WWE Title. It doesn't matter if it's the final match or not, because the fact remains that Triple H is involved in the WWE Championship match annually at Wrestlemania.

The problem with this feud is that the WWE have spent all their time and energy into making it as good as it can possibly be. And the build up to this match has been extraordinary. Because the whole company is currently booked around this feud, most of the other matches at Wrestlemania had a shitbuild up, with some matches having hardly any build up at all. So the WWE puts a lot of effort into a match the fans have seen a lot of times already. If this match is the final match on the card, Triple H is winning and retaining his WWE Title, which is probably the worst scenario possible.

Some of the logic in this feud hasn't made much sense, but it's damn personal. Also, wouldn't this match be so much better if it wasn't for the WWE Title, seeing as they both rarely even talk about the WWE Championship being on the line here? Legacy will have an important role of the night, make no mistake about that. Also, I can't help but think the WWE has something majorly planned for this match on Sunday. Something big has to happen, outside of Orton winning the Title. The McMahons turning on Triple H is too predictable. And also, didn't Orton say that history would be made?

My prediction right now, is an Randy Orton face turn. If it happens, you heard it here first. Orton has been a heel for about 4 years now, if not more. I think it's time for a change. Randy and Hunter can shake hands after the match as HHH raises Orton's hand in victory. Some big Wrestlemania moment has to happen, and I think this would be a terrific scenario. It's Orton's time, and the time is now.

If HHH wins, we riot. If Orton wins, we all win. I personally think Hunter will job to Orton. It won't be so decisively though, but I really hope Randy wins another WWE Championship on Sunday. It's now or never for Randy to become the next big thing.
I chortle at so many things here.

Shocky, I chuckled when Orton says he won the RUmble so he could challenge Trips at WM. the last guy he elimnated from the Rumble being, y'know, Triple H. Whatever.

I also think its hysterical that everyone claims Orton HAS to go ver here. Eh, not really, especially if trips barely slimes away with the title. Its perfectly reasonable to think trips will go over here, and drop the belt to Orton at backlash. Reason being, this match will likely go on last at Mania, and you cant have a heel in the vein of Orton and what he has been doing lately, go over the super hero face in the last match at WrestleMania. Really?? The guy who physically and sexually assualted a mans wife in front of him is going to WIN at Wrestlemania??? :lmao: Take off your smark goggles and be serious. That shit aint happening. It really depends on were they put this. If its not the last match, I could well see Orton winning. In fact, if its not the last match, I can almost garuntee Orton is winning. If it closes the show, which it likely will, Trips is winning.

NorCal preditcion : Triple H
My prediction right now, is an Randy Orton face turn. If it happens, you heard it here first. Orton has been a heel for about 4 years now, if not more. I think it's time for a change. Randy and Hunter can shake hands after the match as HHH raises Orton's hand in victory. Some big Wrestlemania moment has to happen, and I think this would be a terrific scenario. It's Orton's time, and the time is now.

If HHH wins, we riot. If Orton wins, we all win. I personally think Hunter will job to Orton. It won't be so decisively though, but I really hope Randy wins another WWE Championship on Sunday. It's now or never for Randy to become the next big thing.
I think a Randy Orton face turn would be a good and a bad thing. First off you can forget about Cena Vs Orton anytime soon. Orton would have to change his character, which would need to take time. Oh, and about tha storyline, it could happen, but tha problem iz.....After RKO well....RKOed, DDTed, and kiss his wife, and kicked his in-laws in tha head, there aint no way Hunter would shake that muthf**ka hand. They want this to last past Mania, let Orton win, wit a steph interference on Ortons part, then have Trips, Shane, and Vince, Vs. Legacy w/ Steph at Backlash, then at Judgement Day, have em face off one more time and have Orton win to prove he is over. Is Trips wins, then the storyline would not be giving time to develop into the best of tha year. The past 6 weeks of buildup has been great, not historic, but great none the least. If Orton wins, the WWE knows wat they are doin, but if he loses, then creative has to show true creativeness if they plan to keep me watching Raw.
There was a list of order of matches and of course this one is last. But right before it Undertaker vs Michaels. Be prepared for this match to have boring chant galore as it has to follow Michaels Undertaker.
Honestly, I'm really conflicted here.

On one hand, you have Randy Orton, who has been red-hot as of late and the WWE has pushing him big time, winning the Royal Rumble, taking out Batista, as well as 1/2 of the McMahon Family. No one is hotter than he is right now and I feel like the best thing for business would be to give the strap to Randy.

On the other hand, Orton has been getting the upper hand of HHH the majority of the fued and I can easily envision HHH, along with the rest of the McMahon family, celebrating as Wrestlemania goes off the air.

I hope Orton wins because how many time we have to see HHH get the best of Orton? I like HHH but I'm ready for Orton to win and I think he will beat HHH.....just not tomorrow night.

I think the WWE will go for the feel-good moment to close Wrestlemania.

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