WrestleMania XXIV: Randy Orton vs. John Cena vs. Triple H

dare I say wwe did something right this match was executed perfectly all 3 men had strong moments and they let orton who had the most to gain keep the gold even if he loses the title at backlash which I believe he will probably to triple h this win has elevated him to main heel on raw and validates his title reign and he pinned cena which is great because now he has pinned everyone on raw
WWE most definetely got this one right. I mean nobody expected Orton to win, but he did and he needed to because without this win his title reign was irrelevent and he would not have been a main event heel. Now he has been elevated to that status and it is great. Even though I am not a huge HHH fan, I have to give hiim props for again putting someone over at Mania' and Cena didn't win thats a plus for him actually. The match went perfectly, all three men had high spots, Cena had the STFU on Orton, HHH pedigreed Cena, but Orton picked up the win, all three men look just as strong, if not stronger leaving this match, especially Orton who just had his title reign officially justified/validated.
This was a pathetic match, the only bright spot was Orton going over and pinning Cena after booting the hell out of HHH. This match was what, 13 minutes long, pathetic, especially considering the talent in this match. Even if Cena can't put on a long match, HHH and Orton certainly can. Not to mention it was no DQ, so I was expecting a lot more. This match just seemed way too rushed, the 3 guys just didn't seem all that into the match to be honest. A lot of one on one with the 3rd guy being knocked out, but seriously the "blow" to knock the person out wasn't all that formidable. The submission period was ok, but it just didn't seem fitting. All in all not the best work, and I only hope it culiminates to something else because it will be most disappointing.
I was not impressed by this match. I did like the ending. I liked Orton escaping with the title and the whole stealing it after Triple H's move thing. But these guys were not given the proper time they should have given to work a great triple threat match. There also should have been a lot more out of ring stuff involved in a No DQ match. I don't know exactly why this was not given more time. Cena, Trips and Orton have all showed the ability to work a long match and keep the crowd involved. This one just seemed to end out of nowhere.
WWE most definetely got this one right. I mean nobody expected Orton to win, but he did and he needed to because without this win his title reign was irrelevent and he would not have been a main event heel. Now he has been elevated to that status and it is great. Even though I am not a huge HHH fan, I have to give hiim props for again putting someone over at Mania' and Cena didn't win thats a plus for him actually. The match went perfectly, all three men had high spots, Cena had the STFU on Orton, HHH pedigreed Cena, but Orton picked up the win, all three men look just as strong, if not stronger leaving this match, especially Orton who just had his title reign officially justified/validated.

Definitely hit this on the head. Yet again, Triple H does the job at Wrestlemania, though the hate will still flow ... he has willingly put a lot of people over in the last five years. Cena obviously will get the title again after his movie shoot ... he seems to make more money as champ then as chaser, but I love the way this makes Orton look. He has now defended against HBK, Jericho, Hardy, Trips and Cena and has done a very good job carrying the title for over five months now. He is a legitimate Main Event heel again and it was needed for his career.
I dislike them all. But I dislike Orton the least out of the three. A real shock result. Pointless. But still a shock. I'm unsure why Cena made a premature return to the ring, only to lose at Mania. It seems pretty pointless to me. And what was the point of HHH being in the match?

It's weird, Orton won, but I forgot he was even involved in the match.

At least now HHH fan's can say he deserves the title because he's not won at Mania in years. Or some bullshit like that. The next title reign in about 3 weeks away.
Let's not forget, it was the Pedigree that beat John Cena, so he has that going for him and all of his little fans will think he's still great, blah blah blah. Triple H lost, but he didn't get beat.

I actually enjoyed this match, and enjoyed it a ton. I hate triple threats, but this one went over extremely well. Now to start, the John Cena entrance was completely ******ed. So he goes from hardcore Gangsta, to Soldja Boy, and now he's the loveable 30 year old loser that still gets off of being a star High School Football player, interesting gimmick change there. His Wrestlemania entrances are too over the top and not entertaining. *on a side note, I haven't seen Cena wrestle since the Rumble, and in my opinion, he doesn't look 100% at all. He looks pale and just didn't look right at all. He easily came back waaaay to soon.

The match itself was solid, and Randy Orton was the man that carried that match from start to finish. Orton became a real player and I was damn impressed with him. Good match, and properly booked. Was strong, but not strong enough to end the show.

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