Backlash: Randy Orton vs. JBL vs John Cena vs. Triple H

JBL is underated but putting him in this feud doesn't make a whole lot of sense, neither does having the other 2 in the match. People will have been hoping for a fresh feud comming into Backlash and will probably be disapointed by this. The problem with Raw atm is that all the maineventers (Orton, Cena, HHH, HBK) have already faced each other at least 3 or 4 times for the title. There are no fresh feuds there. Thats why Raw needs some of Smackdowns talent, unfortuantly though we'll proabably get lumbered with CM Punk on Raw now which is going to suck. Orton will retain likely though theres a chance HHH will get the title which makes orton winning manias match completely pointless. Hopefully Orton retains and feuds again with Jericho.
What if this were to happen?

Randy Orton hits RKO on JBL, HHH hits Pedigree on Cena, they both cover, both get the 3 count, but really, there can only be one winner? So the WWE Champion is decided 1 on 1 at that next PPV...? Anyone?

That would need 2 referees, which (despite I've only watched wrestling for 3 years) has happened over and over again.

The only possible outcome that I wouldn't mind would be Orton retaining and then facing someone new after this draft which is taking forever to come around.
give JBL the title, CM punk cash in money in the bank, feud over!

realistically, i pray to god that orton retains, cena can suck it, triple H has had his time in the spotlight & jbl is a joke. but more than likely, it will be a HHH/Cena win.
give JBL the title, CM punk cash in money in the bank, feud over!

realistically, i pray to god that orton retains, cena can suck it, triple H has had his time in the spotlight & jbl is a joke. but more than likely, it will be a HHH/Cena win.

First of all, Cena is not winning this thing, they are not putting the title on somebody who isn't currently able to work house shows, not going to happen.

Second of all, JBL is not a joke, he is one of the best heels in the WWE right now, the best on the mic. His promo's are amazing, he can draw major heat from the crowd when he wants too, in that sense he is great. He may not be the best wrestler in the world, but I can live with that, the promos are important and JBL along with Santino is a PROMO GOD.

Third, Orton should retain and probably will, he is the obvious favorite in this match, why? Well it is pretty simple, HHH is not getting pinned, not going to happen, this is a match were Orton can retain without pinning HHH, so it is almost money that will happen, the HHH/Orton fued is coming, most likely with Orton as the champ at the start, and sadly HHH the champ at the end.

Regarding HHH, I agree that he has had his chance in the spotlight, do I never want him to be champ again? NO, I could live with it, but not now, not at the expence of the Age of Orton or the Orton Era. This is Randy's time, he is way over as a heel, leave the belt on him, HHH you can have it in 6-12 months, thanks for coming.

That is how I feel about this match, Orton should retain and probably will, HHH has a chance, JBL is a longshot and Cena isn't winning it, not now, not with the movie he is working on.
I basically agree... The match is lame... When the Hell did JBL move into the picture... all those things...
Hopefully Orton keeps the belt... But I wouldn't be surprised if JBL walks away with the belt though...

They need to do this draft real soon... and get some fresh blood to raw... cause all these fueds with Orton are just stale...

Hopefully something interesting happens... cause these past couple RAW's have just been flat out boring
I basically agree... The match is lame... When the Hell did JBL move into the picture... all those things...
Hopefully Orton keeps the belt... But I wouldn't be surprised if JBL walks away with the belt though...

They need to do this draft real soon... and get some fresh blood to raw... cause all these fueds with Orton are just stale...

Hopefully something interesting happens... cause these past couple RAW's have just been flat out boring

The last few Raw's have been boring? The post Mania Raw rocked, last Monday's Raw was great, the middle was a stinker, but you will have that from time to time.

Regarding JBL, he was put in the picture because he is a great heel, great on the mic and provides something new to the few to spice things up, that is why he is in it, will he win no, but there is nothing wrong with him being involved.

This is a decent fued, not amazing, but it is pretty good. I love the fact JBL is put into this, it defenetely pumps some life into this match. It wont be the most amazing match, but it will provide some drama on who will win, will Orton retain, will HHH finally get the belt back after so long (I hope not), will JBL stun the world, and lets face it, Cena is not winning the title back at this point, it wouldn't make sense considering he is making his movie and is not working house shows.

All in all, this is a pretty good fued, it is not boring, the past couple Raw's haven't been boring, last week's Raw was great, not soley because of this fued, but because this fued didn't take up the whole show, which is a good thing. Really looking forward to this match at Backlash.
I agree with many of you on certain points. First off, I'd like to say that this match is incredibly lame, IMO. We have JBL, a good heel contender, but heel versus heel doesn't seem right, even though I believe they might be able to pull it off, they both gather massive heat. But, Trips said it best, what has JBL done except to smack around a midget? He could've been put in a number of contender matches instead. And then Cena, we have a guy whose been champion for how long already? He's not able to work house shows, he's busy filming a movie and he's still in the main event? The guy is working his ass off enough as it is and he's a contender? Then, Triple H. One of my most favorite wrestlers. I can see him as a contender now because, as noted on Wrestlezone, he wants to turn heel and they probably want the strap on him before he does. And as previously stated, heel vs. heel is a little awkward. Orton, a great champion heel. I can see him retain, if they are starting a whole Age of Orton deal. I think he is very talented and can really be a champion you love to hate if they leave the belt on him. On a side note, I agree that the draft has to be soon, I am getting bored of the same faces (no pun intended). I hope it isn't like last years draft, which left me wanting way more. I want to see some serious guys getting moved around, especially to ECW as I believe it is the weakest brand and can use some serious readjusting. I'm a big fan of the old school brand and it saddens me to see such great talent go to waste.
For some reason as each week passes i'm more fascinated with The Age of Orton. I really think he deserves to retain by default if nothing else. First off, he is an extremely good heel and plays it great. He doesnt necessarily cheat to win he kind of pulls out the W out of nowhere with the RKO.

JBL...does not desere to be champ at all anymore, good heel but Orton is a better one and can carry the company as champ better at this point.

HHH and Cena...why let them win it at a B show. Your two biggest stars both should not win it here. If either gets the belt back it should be at something memorable like Summerslam.

I think this ppv should be a launching pad for an Orton vs HHH feud and a Cena vs. JBL feud. Someway i think in this ppv you need HHH to be down on the outside ad maybe FU by Cena on JBL and then cena gets up only to get an RKO and then Orton covers JBL for the win.

HHH says he was never pinned which sarts a solo feud with Orton.
JBL says if it wasnt for Cena he would have never lost starting a feud between the two.

So in my opinion let The Age of Orton continue to atleast maybe June when HHH beats him for the belt and Cena beats JBL in a number one contender match. Then set up in July a tag match of HHH and Cena vs Orton and JBL, where if JBL and Orton win they both get a shot at Summerslam and Cena loses his number one contender spot, but if Cena and HHH win then they fight at Summerslam. This way if HHH and Cena win it gives HHH a solid two month reign cause we all know Cena is going to get his belt back. And we get a solid month build up to Cena vs HHH 2 at Summerslam.
The fact of the matter is Randy Orton is arguably one of the best WWE Champions in recent years....He can execute moves that so many wrestlers cannot...have u seen him do a dropkick??? This title reighn will last long!!!
The real question here is....who does Orton have left to feud with if he retains?

I personally don't feel like seeing Cena and HHH versus Orton anymore. I'm tired of it. That includes a singles "Orton v HHH" setup and so forth. I just have no interest in it anymore.

He's faced HBK, Jericho, Hardy (who most likely won't get the nod now)...who's left?

CM Punk? Ugh. Lol.

If Triple H wins, however, he'll have a few people to feud with, including whoever may win the King of the Ring and the possibility of a heel Batista (if they decide to turn him, which I would).

I don't want to see HHH reign as champion for months, burying people along the way, but I'd rather have that than Cena and I'd rather have either of those two than JBL. Orton is my #1 choice for who can walk out with the belt, but I just don't know who they'll have him feud with afterwards. If its another 2 months of Triple H vs Orton or Cena vs Orton...I'm gonna be bored out of my mind lol.
Enough with the draft option!! If it so happens to pan out like this big deal!! what championship contenders do we have on smackdown??

Undertaker- Already champion, wont happen
Rey Mysterio- Injured, wont happen
Kane- Already champion, wont happen

I wont even go into ECW, the only real threat of this situation would be batista.. but im guessing if he is drafted to raw it will be to continue his fued with hbk or the rumoured storyline with umaga.... The only long shot would be Edge but hes in the title program with taker......

Raw needs to bring up some midcarders for a shot.. refresh kennedy, carlito as major heels and get them into the picture.. I believe the WWE is holding off real title contenders until Jeff Hardy returns, suspension or not he was the hottest superstar in the WWE before he left, its hard for the creative team to not ignore the fans forever!
i think this match is gonna be horrible. i honestly have lost interest in all of the participants. JBL has been horrible since his return, cena lost his entertainment value a while ago, and i've been tired of having triple h crammed down my throat for years. the best thing that could happen in this match would be a lighting rack falling on all of them
wwe gave the ending away because i live in toronto and they were advertising a showfor may 5 and the main event was orton vs jericho for wwe rather ortonretains or jericho wins a title for being a referee
Yeah come on JBL in the main event at backlash fighting for the wwe title that sucks.
There are 2 things that might happen

1.Triple H wins the WWE Title and becomes the Champ for the 12 time
2. Orton gets disqualified and keeps the title
Im really excited to see it cuz it can go either way but im 100% on John Cena's side but since hes making a movie WWE might hold him off im 1000% sure that JBL's not going to win and about 70% that Triple H will win and around 30% sure that Randy Orton retains the WWE Championship

The real question here is....who does Orton have left to feud with if he retains?

Most likely Triple H in a singles match. Triple will lose at Judgement day but demands a rematch and will win at Night of Champions or whatever PPV is after Judgement Day.

If Triple H wins, however, he'll have a few people to feud with, including whoever may win the King of the Ring and the possibility of a heel Batista (if they decide to turn him, which I would).

I don't want to see Triple H-Batista as it seems too boring, even if that'd be a pretty fair choice by the WWE. The only guy I could see Triple feuding with is Y2J, even if he's IC Champ, or JBL. They'll probably have Batista though.

As for the fatal Fourway, Orton will most likely retain, with Triple having an outside shot. JBL's only in this match so whoever wins can pin him and the other two still look strong. Like I said Orton will win then feud with Triple for the next 2 months.
With the change to this match, making it an elimination match-up. Makes things just a bit more interesting.

I see JBL being eliminated first...probably by Cena, then HHH eliminates Cena only to be RKO'ed by Randy..well at least that's what I hope.

A good 15-20 min match, with all the eliminations occurring near the end.

Randy retains here...hopefully...I'd love that. Don't see any reason for him to lose...Cena can't get the belt...will only increase heat on him...JBL's kinda outta the blue...I think he needs to be built up more after the lackluster return and HHH is the only viable option here...but I'm HOPING...and PRAYING that Randy keeps the title.*crosses fingers*
Most likely Triple H in a singles match. Triple will lose at Judgement day but demands a rematch and will win at Night of Champions or whatever PPV is after Judgement Day.

I'm really hoping that that's not the case. We've seen Triple H versus Orton for a long time. At the beginning of 07, it was DX versus Rated-RKO (which obviously includes Orton versus HHH)...we had the Orton-HHH-Orton title switch, we've had Orton versus Triple H in various incarnations for the months building up to WrestleMania, and now its still going on. I'm really tired of Triple H versus even if it doesn't involve Cena or JBL, its still the same feud to me.

Now that they've added the stipulation that this is an Elimination Match, I don't know...this naturally rules out the option that someone other than Orton gets pinned and thusly, he loses the title, but asks for a rematch on the grounds that he wasn't beaten...same as what we've heard after 'Mania, so that'd be repetitive and unoriginal anyway.

No matter what, though, I still don't see JBL or Cena winning this under any circumstances.

But now that there's an elimination method to it, I can see it coming down to Triple H and Orton, with either winning. It totally depends on what their plans are for evidenced by the horrible botch job they did with the King of the Ring...maybe they don't have ANY plans and they're just throwing darts at notecards on the wall to decide what's going on.
While i dont want to see another Triple H Vs Randy Orton fued, its going to happen, whether we like it or not.

The way this match will probably go down like this since its now an elimaniation match, JBL will get elimanated by Cena first. Then Triple H and Cena will go at it like at Mania, and Triple H will reverse the FU into the Pedigree. As soon as Triple H gets the 3 count Orton will either RKO or kick Triple H in the face for the win to retain.

Randy Orton has to retain here, but whats going to happen after, isnt going to be good. It will defiently be Triple H Vs Randy Orton for the title at Judgement Day With Cena and JBL Fueding again, (Thats not going to be any better lol)

Triple H will probably not win the title back untill One Night Stand and then will see Cena vs Triple H II At Summerslam. We may not like it, but its going to happen. I dont wanna see Triple H with the title, But the bastard will get his way, which is getting the title, one way or the other, its just a matter of time.

But for this 4 way match, its definetly a little better with elimanation rules, but that isnt saying much, this will be ok match, average at best. Lets just hope JBL gets the hell away from the title picture after this, the guy seriously is jelly, and crap since returning lol.
Triple h is the king of kings far more better and much suprior and a better performer/entertainer than orton & cena (i dont even have to compare him to jbl)
he deserves the title more than any1 in the business right now, & i agree with u its only a matter of time..THE KING WILL BE BACK ON HIS THRONE!
but i hope he wins it in a dirty way, we need the heel HHH back!!..all hail..
wwe gave the ending away because i live in toronto and they were advertising a showfor may 5 and the main event was orton vs jericho for wwe rather ortonretains or jericho wins a title for being a referee

That doesn't mean anything. WWE purposfully advertise their title matches for house shows based on who is in the title picture at the time of press and often advertise the current champion as the defender even if they know he won't be champion when the time comes around, it keeps fans guessing and keeps the surpises (which they have recently become very adept at) coming.

For example, at a november smackdown show in Belfast, Edge challenged 'Taker for the WHC in the main event when Batista was advertised to defend against a challenging 'Taker. Similarily, Hardy was advertised to defend his IC title against Lance Cade at last week's Belfast show, even though the show wasn't organised untill after his suspension!

Furthermore, UK television is advertising the new WWE CD as including 'the current WWE champion Chris Jericho's entrance music!'

This all means nothing!
I'm glad that this is now elimination, so we don't have a repeat of last year's Backlash, plus it's been a while since we had an elimination match that wasn't the Chamber. Also, we know there won't b DQs which is another bonus (Can anyone else see Orton dishing out a belt shot at the very beginning for a 3rd time?)
But what are the chances for the winners?

JBL - no chance. He'd be best for rivalries in the long term having faced no one but Y2J and Finaly on Raw, but how can he go from Mania curtain jerker to champion in a month? Can't see it happening, plus he needs to get in better shape first. (Though he went from worn out Tag team to Champ in about 2 and a 1/2 months originally so...)
Cena - Maybe but probably not. Hasn't been doing much l8ly, doesn't seem like he had much impact in 8 man on Raw either plus 2007 was a real drag with Cena the champ the whole time (his match with Lashley being the only impressive bout), but HHH was MIA for 2 weeks in Feb and won EC so... still don't think he's likely to win this time around, and is the reverse of JBL, who's he gonna have a rivalry with? Beaten Umaga, JBL, HHH, HBK, Y2J (although that was 3 years ago), Orton, Kennedy (though not in a title match)
Orton - Very likely. I love Orton as the champ, he's the guy who the face breaks their back trying to beat and then gets shut down with an RKO outta nowhere, or he gets DQ'd. Great heel champ, but as others have said what faces are left to beat? Punk's not ready yet, and if they did go with Punk we know he'd b a footnote in the Age of Orton so...
HHH - This is where my money would go, even if i am sick to the back teeth of the King. The big comeback has amounted to nowt so far, so isn't it about time it did? Purposely put off a Royal Rumble title shot for a Mania one and then didn't win it and HHH always seems to come out on top when he's pulling at straws. + Vince will probably want to reward him for another grandchild, but remember HHH doesn't have a great track record at Backlash. My money is on the Game to win (but i'm hoping for Orton).

If Orton doesn't win, expect him to envoke his rematch clause pretty quickly, if Orton retains then who knows how things will go?
I'm really hoping that Orton wins, and I'd give the edge to him 60/40, with 40 going to Triple H. However, in a way, I sort of don't even care who wins between the two of them, just as long as I don't see more than ONE of these 4 in the title feud for the next few months. I'm so sick of seeing Orton, Triple H, and Cena all against each other, and JBL is just a no in all facets. So even though I don't think Punk is even remotely close to being at the same level as a WWE champion should be, I wouldn't mind seeing him cash it in against Orton, but lose, and have a short feud with him, where he doesn't come out on top.

For my tastes...

Worst possible outcome = JBL wins and holds the title for more than 24 hours.
Second worst possible outcome = Cena wins, period.
Next worst possible outcome = Triple H wins and feuds with Orton for 2 months, then JBL, then Cena at Summerslam and afterwards for months on end.
Next worst possible outcome = Orton retains, and Judgment Day is Orton versus Triple H, Cena, and JBL in some sort of combination or method.

Favorite outcome = Orton retains, feuds with someone else.
Triple H will probably win it at Backlash, and here's why: Orton is in reality an interim champion. Cena was injured, and the title was put on Orton as a result. We don't know what scenario would have played out if Cena had stayed healthy. Remember when Batista had to give up his belt because of his injury? The title was put on Kurt Angle temporarily, then we had the ridiculous Rey Mysterio feel good run, until eventually, Batista was right back in the picture. Same with Untertaker. The WWE is throwing a smoke screen at Backlash by adding JBL to the picture, mixing things up so that no one knows what will happen. In reality, this match is between Cena and Triple H.
regardless of cena being injured or healthy, orton was going to win. He was the no mercy poster boy. (IN CASE NO ONE KNOWS..THE POSTER BOY..ALWAYS WINS!!!). he was being set up for a title run from the beggining of the year ever since he was taking people out ( rvd, hbk, st. slaughter, dusty rhodes, matt hardy, etc.) and that smokescreen theory...nice try again. orton is walking out backlash champion. the real smokescreen theroy is adding more people (jbl) to make it seem like he's gonna lose. 1 on 1 he didn't lose. triple threat, he didn't lose n now a fatal 4 way....ding ding he won't lose. so cena followers and triple h loyaltists... go to bed early cause orton is stunning the BLIND world again! no i'm not bias, he has good competiton, but not good enough. orton won't be stopped anytime soon.

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