WWE Championship: Triple H, Batista, and Shane McMahon vs. Legacy

With the animosity built with HHH and Batista, don't be shocked to see Baptista screw HHH out of the belt somehow. HHH and Batista have some history. Wrestlemania ring a bell? It's one of the few times HHH was pinned in a Main Event.

Anyway, this match has sucks written all over it, unless a swerve takes place. Bottom line.
I actually sorta dig thi, after the developments of monday night. there are just SO many flud scenarios going into this now, and those are merely the ones that show at the surface, and not any sorts of crazy curve balls WWE throws (Shane joining legacy??)

Its pretty obvious that the animosity in Triple H's team will be the thing that ends up costing him the belt. Its almost a certainty as far as im concerned, everything is in place for this to happen, and for orton to have an anti vickie tweener champ angle built over the next few months.
Dammit Luther, damn you. I wanted to be the first person to say it. Anyways Yes I obviously agree with Luther here by saying Batista will turn heel and either have a feud with HHH or Shane O'mac. Batista being face was great for the company but it has been to long now, much like HHH and he just needs to have fresher opponents. I mean a feud with Orton for Batista would work but they had there match and I would rather Batista turn heel. It just makes so much sense for Batista.

Or we could have a HHH heel turn here might happen. Which wouldn't be a good thing but think about it. HHH Dominates the whole match. Tags Shane O'mac in and then Shane goes up for the money elbow or what ever it's called and HHH pushes him off and then hits Batista. Thus walking out and Orton winning by countout. Then the next night HHH says he wants to be a leader again and says he will lead legacy to greatness. Orton adn legacy pretend to agree. Then at Judgement day it's annouced that HHH will face Batista and Orton in a 3-way match and then Orton turns on him winning the title and leaving HHH staying heel. But that is a really bad idea, just an idea for HHH.

Another way can this can turn out is that Shane O'mac turns heel by turning on HHH and/or Batista and joining legacy. It makes sense since he is a second generation person in WWE and Shane always plays a better heel because it just makes more sense because he has so much power in the company, plus it could set up another Stephanie vs Shane feud because the last one sucked ass.

Anyways on the actual match itself, I think it will be a terrible match but I am really happy that they are finally having a tag match as a main event because it can just set up some more feuds for the future. I see a HHH victory here because he wont loose the title after 2 months, just no way he will.
Triple H loses the title here. He will, it's pretty much a given. Triple H doesn't even have to be pinned to lose the championship so of course something is going to happen where maybe Shane could just lay down for Orton when Triple H and Batista could be arguing with each other. It's something that I see happening and if Shane lays down for Orton, I called it! Either way, something shifty is going to happen because of the team stipulation that Triple H doesn't have to get pinned to lose the title.

Orton is leaving Backlash the WWE Champion. No doubt about it.
What if Batista were to pin Triple H or Shane-O-Mac and try to stake his claim to the title...it's a different swerve from what everyone is thinking/predicting right now. It could either lead to him being named champion setting up either Orton or HHH vs Batista at JD or a triple threat match. It could also further the feud between the 3. Or perhaps Orton-HHH one last time at JD with the winner being the #1 contender and Batista possibly facing someone else for the title at JD.
One way they could go after this match is have Batista win for HHH's team then at Raw, he cuts a promo saying he should be the #1 contender for HHH's title because if it wasnt for him HHH wouldnt be champion.
Another way they could go after this has already been mention, I think & that is Orton's Team winning & HHH blames Batista for losing HHH's title & they could start feuding & if Cena loses his title to Edge at Backlash, he can go after Orton
The best thing about Backlash this year is that all the matches are unpredictable. Except for maybe the CM Punk vs Kane match, I have literally no clue as to who will win this Sunday. This match is interesting, but I seriously hope it's not just a way of putting the WWE Title on Randy Orton without having Hunter lose cleanly. It should a decent match but I'm not sure whether or not Legacy is ready for the big spotlight yet. It should be a good test run for them nonetheless.

Either Randy Orton or Triple H will get the pinfall in this matchup. But anyone could get pinned. I hope it doesn't go for too long. I could see it going many ways though. I could see Orton winning the title by pinning Shane. Or I could see Batista betraying Triple H, thus making Orton win the belt. Or Batista could be the win to get the pinfall, thus earning a title shot in the near future. With Edge possibly winning the World Title, I'm still expecting Triple H to retain.

It makes sense, as Orton can win the WWE Championship in a Hell in a Cell match to finally gain a win over Triple H. It's unlikely to occur, but it should occur as it would put over Orton immensely. I'm not expecting much, because I'm personally sick of this feud and I'm sick of seeing Triple H and Randy Orton at the same time, and in the same ring. In all honesty, I really don't care who wins this match because the feud has been shoved down my throat that much, that I really don't care about it anymore.
I think Shane and Batista are working together and they will conspire to take the belt from Triple H. Either that or Shane will turn on Triple h and after that Triple H moves on to a Shane/Triple H feud and Batista stays in the Orton feud.

Judment Day

WWE Championship

Randy Orton vs Batista

Family Feud

Triple H vs Shane
I don't care HOW it happens.... HHH needs to lose this.

Will Batista turn on him?
Will Shane turn on him?
Will Ted pin HHH/Batista/Shane?
Will Cody pin HHH/Batista/Shane?
Will Orton pin HHH/Batista/Shane?

Or will something random and unexpected happen? Doubt it, unfortunately. Triple H's title reigns are boring and last forever. I would much rather see Orton get another run with the belt, he should have won at wrestlemania and he should win now.

So once again. I don't care HOW, as long as Triple H loses the belt here, SOMEHOW.
This match could be as it has happened in WWE before at King of the Ring 2000. It was Triple H(C),Vince and Shane vs The Rock and The BOD with the same stipulation.
Boring. I saw this match at King of the Ring 2000, and it sucked then, like ti will suck now. You have 3 guys that are no where near being able to handle this type of pressure in Legacy (who a month ago wasn't good enough to make it ont he card, and now they're involved in the title) and Shane Mcmahon. I fully expect Shane O Mac to go Jeff Haryd and jump off of something and everyone go nuts, blah.

This is just another way for Triple H to stay around the main event scene. If he loses, then more then likely it was caused by a swerve from one of his teammates, making him look strong. If hew ins, then well, he does what he always does. Either way, Triple H benefits from this match type. This match is a train wreck waiting to happen, and if it goes on last it will be a travesty.
Pretty damn good. I think this one HAD to exceed everyone's expectations, as it wasnt boring, or drab at any time, and had a good mix of tag phsycology, the heels playing their roles, and little wild brawling at the end. Also featured what the IWC has clamoured for, for quite some time. Triple H taking a finisher, and being pinned in the center of the ring. The Age of Orton starts anew, with a very good match.

Grade: B
This was what it was. Everything expected to happen happened here. The DQ thing at the end cost HHH the title, there was a hint of discontinuity, and Orton finally pinned HHH to win the title. Also, above all else, HHH looks like he'll be on the shelf for awhile meaning this feud is over for now which is what was needed. SOlid match, not great, but just right.
I throughly enjoyed this match and the main reason was that it allowed Rhodes and Dibiase to shine, particularly Rhodes who I am more impressed with all the time. They were both allowed ample time in the ring to work over their opponents and Rhodes for example was allowed to break up pins and prevent some of the faces from hitting their finishers which garnered him some heet. I also liked that he was able to blast McMahon and Batista with a chair...Also the outcome was great (despite the botched premature bell ring) and Orton was allowed to cleanly beat HHH. This was the right result for me as Hunter's turn with the belt needed to end imo...Orton can do more with it at this point in his career.

Overall, this match was successful in a number of ways but I esp liked that the younger guys were allowed to look good and that is what is ultimately most important for the future. I wouldn't object to more main events like this, I liked the format...

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