WWE Championship Match: The Game Triple H vs. The Legend Killer Randy Orton

Yes the ending was bad, but what I've seen some people say on here makes great sense: the sledgehammer shot almost guarantees a rematch. This time around you can throw in Legacy and the McMahons somehow and get the match that we were supposed to get. There definitely could have been a better ending and while this was as bad as people say it was, it certainly wasn't without a point.
Yeah, but even if Orton wins at Backlash, it's nothing compared to winning at WrestleMania. It would have been a bigger win for Orton if he won last night because it's the greatest wrestling show in the world, 50 million times bigger than Backlash. It's a nice idea that you put out Klunder, but I would much rather have Orton winning at WM compared to Backlash.

If you didn't pay for it then do you really have the right to criticise? you didn't get ripped off or cheated so i don't quite get why you came to this thread and decided to talk about something irrelevant. It was a pretty good Wrestlemania with the positives outweighing the negatives.

Anyway after 7 weeks of the rivalry the match was dissapointing as it played to a dead crowd and i too was surprised that Orton didn't win. The rivalry could have continued either way but it seemed like Orton could have benifited more from the win. So it looks like we're in for a third Last Man Standing match to end the third remake of a feud between Orton and HHH. Four if you count Rated RKO vs DX.
Didn't like the finish but then again I was out of it after the HBK/Taker match like a lot of other people. Still glad the face beat the hell, but I just thought Orton would get that rub.
See, I've been thinking the same thing, but after a very long day at work today I've had time to mull it over.
Triple H didn't go over cleanly. Orton at one point had the match won - he destroyed Triple H and it was his own arrogance that cost him the title. He took out the ref and he brought the sledge into the match.
Also, Trips used to sledge to take out Orton as well as using Orton's punt to cave him in - only after that did the pedigree give him the 1 - 2 - 3. In a non-extreme match (as we all know) one chair shot, sledge shot etc is enough to put anyone down. Orton took a punt, a sledge and a pedigree.
I think Orton will play on that - he'll realise it was his own arrogance that cost him the chance and because he'll have the footage of the sledge shot, he can demand a rematch (or just invoke the rematch clause, although it would be better if he showed the footage).
Then he can win at Summerslam.
Personally, as disappointed as I was last night when watching WM, I think WWE did the right thing by the majority of the fans.
Most wrestling fans don't want to see the new up and coming guy win - they want to see their favourite face go over. That happened last night - Triple H pulled it out of the bag and took down the guy who ruined his life recently.
I think this is a much better idea as the loss will REALLY piss Orton off. I don't think we've seen the last of his McMahon/Evolution attacks yet - you honestly think he's forgotten about Linda? Plus, he hasn't done anything with Flair.
This is just the beginning of this fued - this is the REAL genesis of Orton's heel champion. Yes, a WM victory would have been incredible but he did retain last year as a heel - he will go over Trips cleanly but when he does that's it - that's the end of the fued.
This way, the keep the fires burning and give the VAST majority of fans exactly what they want to WM - a face victory. Remember the IWC only makes up 5% of the total viewership (how many of you actually paid for the PPV last night? =P).
Feel free to flame me now, but I called dibs if this fued goes on until SummerSlam!
if it was me i would of had stephine mcmahon cost randy orton the match cause she would of got her own back on orton and triple h would'nt of won cleanly again and orton would still have momentum goin into the rest of the year as the top heel in the company and having triple h and stephine mcmahon standing in the ring together holding up the title with thair hands in the air would of been a great wrestlemania moment to end the show if they was going with the face going over but how it is now is that whatever randy orton does to triple h he cant beat him and triple h is superman which is stupid.

i bet triple h did'nt want to job to randy orton at the 25th wrestlemania because everyone would remember it for years to come because its a landmark number and it would of damaged his legacy in the wwe so i blame HHH for this shit ending his ego got the better of him again thats what happens when wrestlers have imput in storylines and booking matches they always make them selfs look better.he did it to RVD in 2002 and buried RVD's momentum and the same with booker t at wrestlemania because he wanted to be the champion for when goldberg came into the company and to kane he competely killed kanes careera as a main eventer kevin nash and meny more triple h will never give up his spot on the big time ppv's he must never look weak in his eyes
KB made an excellent point, i think sometime we're too focused on what the match result was and not how the match finished. it wasn't a clean win at all, HHH whacked Orton with the sledge while the ref wasn't looking, so whats to stop orton coming on raw tonight and going "hunter u needed a hammer to stop me" and then getting his way into a rematch.

In saying that i would have prefered that randy had won by some interference, cause kayfabe wise, if some dude did all the things that randy did, then beat the 13 time world champ at 'mania, he would be unstoppable and pretty much the evil version of john cena bak in 07.

Maybe for once the WWE has decided to put some real thought and effort into developing a feud, but i could be wrong
I Agree with you totally WM25 was a complete bullshit in this fued Orton should have won the strap not cleanly but won it anyway Triple Hollywood couldn't go out there and do what's right for business on the biggest stage of them all because he has to be the top guy even though Orton winning the belt would have been better for business to have Triple Hollywood chasing Orton for the title til they could work it to a fever pitch and have the send off in HITC or a Ladder match or whatever and have Tripler Hollywood win the F**kin' belt back .

Well, to me... it made sense for Triple H to win this one.

Plus, you're forgetting that Triple H has only won two Wrestlemania's this decade, and that twice in a Wrestlemania, people wanted him to win (one of them involved Orton)...

I think people are giving the "power stroke" more credit than it should be, and it's never always been that way, really. I guess it depends on who you talk to.
Their WM25 match should have been the way the feud ended. The way Triple H won was rather conclusive to say the least. He basically handed Orton his ass. I really don't see how they can logically extend this feud. Triple H already got his revenge. He really has no reason to continue feuding with him. Orton has already taken out Triple H's family. What more can Orton possibly do to extend the feud?

Their match was pointless storyline wise and also career wise. Triple H didn't need this win, Orton did. It was the biggest match of his career and he got squashed.
mitb why punk i mean why not christan or shelton they need it

santina wins diva match

y2j beats legends mickey needs to put up or shut up

hardys i wanted jeff to win but this is not over

rey nice joker mask jbl is gone he will probably commentate with jim ross jbls gone i think why 21 seconds thought

taker hbk hbk needed the boost but he didnt get it best match 10/10

cena vs edge vs show cena won of course

austin moment i will never forget it

hhh vs orton wtf
I'm so disgusted with Triple H right now.

Randy Orton should have won that clean ....

He was the heel the whole fucking time too. Meaning he should have won the fueding build-up at least ... Hell even The Undertaker let HBK make him look like a bitch in their build up.

Shame on you HHH..... Shame, shame, shame .......
I tink that the problem with the match was not the it was a terrible match (which it was), but the fact of its place. After Taker going 17-0, Cena (face of company) winning his 5th world title, the fact is that the audience didnt really care. The kid dominated WWE Universe probably lose interest in the storyline half way through for its complexity compared to the Big Show, Edge, Cena storyline, or even the Shawn Vs Undertaker storyline. It really didnt belong in Main Event of Wrestlemania, UNLESS, Randy was going to win. The Undertaker Vs Shawn should have been the Main Event, and Vince knows that. I really dont give a fuck about whether or not it was a Title match. Its the freakin Silver Anniversary of Wrestlemania, and Vince's big moment was Triple H winning his first WM since WM19, and not Randy not goin over Triple H, WOW. Eventually, Randy will get the title, whether it be tonight, or Armageddon, he will get that title, if he goes over Trips, I will be upset, because they would have wasted his shining moment on Trips first win at mania since WM 19. The only reason they might be doing this is because they are not going to draft trips to raw. The reason Cena won last night was to end his feud with Edge for now, and I predict a feud with Randy Orton for now. If Randy had the championship, then it wouldnt make sense, but since he doesnt and a possible trade to smackdown for Orton, I believe that Orton Vs Cena maybe something to look out for at Summerslam.
I did watch the PPV last night with friends. Most of you claim to have not ordered it, so I'm assuming you watched it at bar or are just really disillusioned wrestling fans.

AS an actual consumer of the product, I don't think it was particularly fair to charge 55 bucks for what amounted to a handful of good matches, especially when BOTH main events were clearly terrible matches. HHH vs. Orton was pathetic as a main event for Wrestlemania, and I shouldn't have to be forced to order Backlash or any other sub-par (at least comparatively) PPV to see the resolution of this storyline. In fact, I'm pretty sure, most of us, as has been said already on this forum, just don't want anything to do with the storyline now.

It's not gonna happen, and I'm not even a particularly big Orton fan, but I've been putting up with HHH for years now and I wish he would just leave me alone. I'm just really sick of him ruining my product. But, it's not like I have a lot of options; I can't boycott wrestling. I can say I officially watch AAA on Galavision as often if not more than I watch WWE, and if WM26 is even worse, I'm gonna have to start taking some Spanish classes.
There are only a few options I can really think of at this moment that can really save this feud from going under the toliet.

1. Dont give Randy Orton the title yet-If they were going to give him the title, they should have done it at Mania, and to win it in a damn bad excuse of a gimmick title match at Backlash wouldnt help Orton's big push, it would turn him into what he was last year, A COWARD. The only fair match I remember was with Jeff Hardy, lots of other matches had major cheating. The only person that can go over while cheating is Edge. If they want Randy to get the title, then they need to wait til at least Judgement Day, and no where sooner.

Batista need to be in this feud logically- Batista has had nothing to do with tha McMahon's so far in his career until now I believe. They could have had Ric Flair come out one more time, get bloody up, The Animal comes out, we have a story that makes a little sense. Now they are combining two stories together, which can be both good and bad.

Keep the McMahons in tha storyline-I fear that Batista will turn on Trips at Backlash, or after. Once that happens, the Mcmahons have no further place in the feud, so all they change it too iz a Evolution match. Completly different storyline.

If they keep these in intact, they will be an alright feud
Yea I was mad when triple H won. This deff should not have been the main event the match was slow didn't really have any big spots and after just 3 and a half hours of action the crowd was dead for this match. Triple H wins clean and now Orton will win the title at backlash by pinning shane mcmahon so triple h doesn't look bad.:glare:
I didnt think it was a bad match -EDIT- Okay in retrospect it was pretty shit -EDIT-, I am glad Orton didnt win, really glad as I dont think he is even close to the superstar people on here tout him as. HHH is better and I find him dull these days.

The finish was good in that HHH used the sledge to beat him thereby letting Orton keep his credibility and cut an average promo on RAW about being screwed blah blah blah. Also he fucking destroyed Vince which helped him out a bit. One day he may be at the level to be the dominant guy in WWE but that day aint today.
No heel has ever on the Royal R. and then gone on to win the title at Mania.They wrote themselves into a corner with this storyline and had no other way to keep the credibilty of the RR winner(having Orton/HHH be the last match i.e MAINEVENT) and sending fans home happy(HHH wins)Bear in mind also that HHH has had an infamous WM losing streak,so it was highly unlikely he was going to job again this year.It would have much rather had Cena vs. Orton.At least when Cena jobs,the fans still go home happy.
Plain and simple it was the worst match on the card, Orton looked good and played his role well but it was a bonefied squash match, HHH dominated from start to finish

Orton won the rumble for crying out loud he should have looked stronger.

I am tired of HHH playing the super human, coming to ring and destroying everything in his path, make him look weak once in while

i am so fed up with WWE right now.
HHH winning was a huge dissapointment however there are several reasons why this is good.

1. Orton winning was predictable - everyone thought he would win, and he didnt: ok he should have won and it would have been better but at least it was a surprise.

2. The fued can last longer - the fued can last until at least Judgement Day, involving the mcmahons and batista and it can be topped off with Orton winning in a 1-1 match to put him over.

3. It wasnt a clean win and so ortons credability is still intact.

HOWEVER there are several bad things about this

1. The manner in which HHH won. Orton climbed back into the ring and HHH punted him in the head. From there it was a five minute beat down including a sledgehammer shot followed by a pin. No surprises, no reversals no kicking out or near falls. And 70,000 fans and millions around the world are thinking - is that it?!

2. There were so many alternative options e.g. a batista run in
e.g a mcmahon intervention.
e.g having a mcmahon turn on HHH.

overall very dissapointing but i hope it will help the fued in the long run. im looking forward to backlash.
This match was disappointing to me. I felt like it was all build up, then a quick downfall. The most exciting thing was both men hitting their finishers right out of the gate.

And I think HHH should've ended it with a Punt to the head. Not a punt then a pedigree.

But more importantly SOMEONE SHOULD HAVE TURNED! Be it Shane (3rd Generation) or even Vince (2nd Gen.) It would've been a move to swerve the fans, add on the the feud, as well as give the Legacey a needed boost to get them out of the stable rut that they seem to be in.
Good match. Everyone and their dog are saying it sucks. I wouldn't go THAT far.... however, it did leave roughly 72,000 people there and millions worldwide with a feeling of "that's it!?" in their minds.

The McMahons should have come out. Legacy should have as well. If this match needed to be last on the card, then it needed to maintain the momentum that it had on segments on raw like HHH coming to Orton's house. Orton winning would have been nice too but I guess HHH got Steph to whine to Vince for him. I'll root for the guy if he breaks flair's world title record, but in actual matches I rarely ever do. Stuff like this match is why.

Good, just nowhere near what everyone expected!

What a pile of shit this was. were the fuck do I even BEGIN to figure this one out.

How the FUCK do you make THIS match the fucking one were if Trips breaks rules he loses? Are you serious? ESPECIALLY when Trips was going to win anyway!! hey, lets go ahead and totally cut the ball sack off of one of the more personal feuds in recent memory by forcing them to not break rules. What kind of clown shit was creative smoking?

Bullshit. When you have a storyline like this, you let the antagonist go fucking crazy on orton. THIS was supposed to be when Triple H finally got to make him PAY. As if its not absurd ENOUGH that the differences between these two was getting settled in a ring, and not in a parking lot with a tire iron, but you make it a straight fucking laced no brawling type of match? HOW THE FUCK DOES THIS HAPPEN?

This should have been war. An all out blood bath. Trips hates Orton, Orton hates Trips, both men trying to kill each other. Instead we got this fucking silly borefest.

I wouldnt have minded the finish so much if it went *head punt, sledgehammer, pedigree* and it was all LEGAL. not quick and sneaky. and fucking stupid. Words cant express how much of a failure this was on whomever decided on this stip.

Oh, and for anyone thinking Orton got buried, thats a pretty silly thing to say. The match was pretty give and take until Triple H had to CHEAT and use a SLEDGE FUCKING HAMMER to beat Orton. id say if you HAVE to use a sledge hammer to beat someone, that person is pretty hardcore, right?

Terrible. Disgusting. Stupid. 3/10

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