I tink that the problem with the match was not the it was a terrible match (which it was), but the fact of its place. After Taker going 17-0, Cena (face of company) winning his 5th world title, the fact is that the audience didnt really care. The kid dominated WWE Universe probably lose interest in the storyline half way through for its complexity compared to the Big Show, Edge, Cena storyline, or even the Shawn Vs Undertaker storyline. It really didnt belong in Main Event of Wrestlemania, UNLESS, Randy was going to win. The Undertaker Vs Shawn should have been the Main Event, and Vince knows that. I really dont give a fuck about whether or not it was a Title match. Its the freakin Silver Anniversary of Wrestlemania, and Vince's big moment was Triple H winning his first WM since WM19, and not Randy not goin over Triple H, WOW. Eventually, Randy will get the title, whether it be tonight, or Armageddon, he will get that title, if he goes over Trips, I will be upset, because they would have wasted his shining moment on Trips first win at mania since WM 19. The only reason they might be doing this is because they are not going to draft trips to raw. The reason Cena won last night was to end his feud with Edge for now, and I predict a feud with Randy Orton for now. If Randy had the championship, then it wouldnt make sense, but since he doesnt and a possible trade to smackdown for Orton, I believe that Orton Vs Cena maybe something to look out for at Summerslam.