WWE Championship Match: The Game Triple H vs. The Legend Killer Randy Orton

Should be a good match here. I am not looking forward to it because we have seen it so many times this past year, but should be a good wrestling match. I wont Randy to win so much, I just don't see it happening tho. 2 reasons to be exact. 1) Will HHH honestly lay down for another 3 count at Mania for the 5th straight year? I don't think so and what Will mentioned actually could make this intresting. With Vince possibly returning at Mania to side with one of the 2 people who will he side with? Fearing the end of his televison career he could turn face for his last couple of months, he could help HHH win and then near last match of the feud between Orton and HHH Vince could turn on HHH giving Orton the win. I will explain why this would be better down below.

2) It would be better to have HHH win here at Mania because then the WWE title wont be switched after 1 month again ( well nearly a month). The title has been switching by 1 month at a time sicne Survivor Series and it would just be better for some one to atleast have a 3 month reign which will make the title look better.

Honestly I cant see Randy winning here even tho I wont him to win.
I really feel that since No Way Out and Shane's botched punches, Triple H has done something we thought not possible with how Orton is, and that is kill his momentum. This what makes me think, they surely can't be bother to make a decent build up to make me see it, I think the match will be good now it's no-dq but it's not something we haven't seen before out of these too. It just means there no limits.

The only thing I can really see as a ray of hope that Orton wins is because Triple H's actions might be in respond to Orton's but Triple H is turning towards a heel turn, Orton seems to be acting more innocent each week so we can be behind him.

But seriously, not liking how this is building up and I hope something happens to make me want to watch this match even more than the fact it's the Main Event.

The only downside is that this will be the second no-dq one on one match going on in the same night...joy!
After watching raw last monday and seeing Stephanie, i believe that she will fully betray Triple H. She is the only McMahon that has not been punted. We saw Vince betray the Rock at WM17, its Stephanie turn right now. Vince is going to retire between now and next years Wrestlemania, and Shane has that whippy feel to him that doesnt scream Vince to me, but Stephanie does. And she has the feel to take over tha company. Think about the logic of Steph betraying him.

1. How many storylines could come out of it
2. It would leave us with a heel GM (thank goodness)
3. Trips would still have a lil momentum left to do some backlash, etc.. stuff without making Orton lookin conquering over him

I want Orton to go over Trips this Mania,(its long overdue), but with a heel champ, heel GM, no Shane, its to good to past up.

Heck u could even make a decent Judgement Day match with Triple H w/ Vince Vs. Randy w/ Steph, family affair match for the WWE Championship. That would be a very quality match to me
I really feel that since No Way Out and Shane's botched punches, Triple H has done something we thought not possible with how Orton is, and that is kill his momentum. This what makes me think, they surely can't be bother to make a decent build up to make me see it, I think the match will be good now it's no-dq but it's not something we haven't seen before out of these too. It just means there no limits.

The only thing I can really see as a ray of hope that Orton wins is because Triple H's actions might be in respond to Orton's but Triple H is turning towards a heel turn, Orton seems to be acting more innocent each week so we can be behind him.

But seriously, not liking how this is building up and I hope something happens to make me want to watch this match even more than the fact it's the Main Event.

The only downside is that this will be the second no-dq one on one match going on in the same night...joy!

i wouldnt say that he has zero momentum i would agree that Triple H has been killling it though but i mean orton rkoed his wife plus beat the hell out of him so of course the game has been having his revenge, but am i the onleyperson that remebers that Orton had negitive momentum goin into mania last year whe nhe beat the two top faces of the game in the same match? he willin and he will cement his legacy period! why would they waste five months of the biggest storyline in wrestling right now by having him lose?
After watching raw last monday and seeing Stephanie, i believe that she will fully betray Triple H. She is the only McMahon that has not been punted. We saw Vince betray the Rock at WM17, its Stephanie turn right now. Vince is going to retire between now and next years Wrestlemania, and Shane has that whippy feel to him that doesnt scream Vince to me, but Stephanie does. And she has the feel to take over tha company. Think about the logic of Steph betraying him.

1. How many storylines could come out of it
2. It would leave us with a heel GM (thank goodness)
3. Trips would still have a lil momentum left to do some backlash, etc.. stuff without making Orton lookin conquering over him

I want Orton to go over Trips this Mania,(its long overdue), but with a heel champ, heel GM, no Shane, its to good to past up.

Heck u could even make a decent Judgement Day match with Triple H w/ Vince Vs. Randy w/ Steph, family affair match for the WWE Championship. That would be a very quality match to me

This is exactly what I've thought would happen from the beginning, a Stephanie heel turn on HHH would be the biggest thing they could do at this point to create new storylines following WM plus it would be a huge shock and a great way to close the show, making you want to tune into Raw the next night to see what happens next.

I really think this will happen, I know like most people have said, heels don't usually come out on top in the main event of WM, but I'm almost certain that it will happen this year with Orton & Stephanie standing over HHH.
Cannot wait until this match. Has had fantastic build-up, and confident it will be a classic. A mega twist at the end as Randy goes on to win the title. Although it is defo a tough one to call.
IF I was going to order Mania this year (which unlike last year I won't be) this would be the match I'd want to go on last. This to me is THE main event of the evening.

Randy Orton, the Legend Killer, is the future of this company, I see him going over HHH, but I just hope he goes over clean, without help from Legacy. If that happens, I'd be extremely happy. Whether it will or not, I don't know. But, if he did, it sets Orton up to be the man in the company. The torch will be passed from HHH to Orton. And then when Batista is back, we get to see Orton vs Batista, settling all of Ortons past. Then they bring up some new babyface (or John Cena) to knock over Orton. It'll make for AWESOME TV.
Personally the way Raw ended this week pretty much ruin this match for me. The more they build-up this match, the more i think that somebody from TNA is writing this crap. If the target audience that the WWE is looking for are kids, there missing the boat on this one. Also the more they advance in the story the more am seeing the plot holds in this one.

Since the whole Orton vs the Mcmahons happen we learn that Orton is IDS, but since Orton was supposed to have this sickness and the WWE knew about it when the hired him some 6 years ago, wouldn'T it be logical that they help him cure the disease by now. Also, there the fact that he'S been punting peoples for the last 2 years without mentioning this sickness. So this doesn'T make sense. Then he agree to face HHH at wrestlemania only if HHH agrees to not touch him and wait to wrestlemania and orton would do the same, yet Orton attacks HHH on smackdown. Again what wrong with building a feud up without physical altercation, it was done in the past.

After that the next week we got the home invasion non-sense and i thought that maybe there was a shinning light after what happenned last week with the great promos by orton and HHH but they had to continue the non-sense this week. I'm sorry but it's crap like that that make me want to skip wrestlemania this year and unless something change in next week, i probably going to skip it.
Hmmm...Now I have a feeling that Batiasta might have a hand in this match. Firstly because he will feel he needs a title shot and secondly for getting revenge on Orton who injured him. And thirdly because it was estimated that he will return by Wrestlemania. So I wouldn't be surprised to see Batista running down that ramp to lay a beat down on Orton and HHH winning, setting up a triple threat for Backlash.
Batista probably will be involved in WM25, but not in this storyline. He's never had a storyline that has anything to do with McMahons, which this storys main theme is. Second, Batista had his questionable worst year last year (he faced Umaga in a match at WM on tha Midcard), his title reign was the Shortest World Heavyweight title reign in tha WWE. I see him coming to confront Jericho and legends because him and Natch are really close so that would make sense.

As for this match, Steph interferes, Orton wins, crowd has mixed reaction, smarks go crazy.
Personally the way Raw ended this week pretty much ruin this match for me. The more they build-up this match, the more i think that somebody from TNA is writing this crap. If the target audience that the WWE is looking for are kids, there missing the boat on this one. Also the more they advance in the story the more am seeing the plot holds in this one.

Since the whole Orton vs the Mcmahons happen we learn that Orton is IDS, but since Orton was supposed to have this sickness and the WWE knew about it when the hired him some 6 years ago, wouldn'T it be logical that they help him cure the disease by now. Also, there the fact that he'S been punting peoples for the last 2 years without mentioning this sickness. So this doesn'T make sense.

I follow you, but I think it's pretty obvious that the whole purpose of introducing IED thing was just to make an excuse and prevent himself from being fired. The guy's a maniac, and it's pretty obvious that the storyline called for him to hide behind some ailment.

Then he agree to face HHH at wrestlemania only if HHH agrees to not touch him and wait to wrestlemania and orton would do the same, yet Orton attacks HHH on smackdown. Again what wrong with building a feud up without physical altercation, it was done in the past.

The dude RKO'd his wife. I couldn't just "talk" to someone if they've done that.

After that the next week we got the home invasion non-sense and i thought that maybe there was a shinning light after what happenned last week with the great promos by orton and HHH but they had to continue the non-sense this week. I'm sorry but it's crap like that that make me want to skip wrestlemania this year and unless something change in next week, i probably going to skip it.

To each his own, I guess.
gawsh daaayyyuuum Monday built some heat for this bad boy. I think this definately has the proper build behind it to close the show now. There just arent many things I can think of that would be worse than watching someone do the things Randy did to MY wife. I am totally unsure as to how they will continue to push this, but itll be tough to top. Aside from it being two of the top 4 guys in the whole fed, now there is a very very serious personal issue driving things. Awesome.
Of course, Orton has to win this. Here's how I see it: Triple H dominates the match, Priceless interefere, Triple H destroys them, he's about to finish off Orton but Stephanie turns up and distracts him, Orton hits RKO and wins.
I ask this because every year we come into Wrestlemania and the same people are always in the spotlight - John Cena and Triple H. It seem like every Wrestlemania minus the years where Triple was injured because of his quad that these two have been in the main event spotlight.

Back in the day the Wrestlemania Main Event was used to push a superstar forward for the upcoming year and give us the superstar that was going to be in the spotlight all year. Examples Wrestlemania 11 pushed Diesel, Wrestlemania 12 pushed Shawn Michaels, Wrestlemania 13 pushed the Undertaker and Wrestlemania 14 pushed Stone Cold.

So that brings me to my point does Randy Orton need to beat Triple H at Wrestlemania this year to help push him forward and to give us something new for the upcoming year? This will help push Legacy into a legitimate stable with Orton as the Champion and give us something new? Orton can feud with Triple H, HBK, and Batista throughout the year.

Yes Randy Orton won the main event match last year and has won titles before but if Triple H and John Cena walk out of Wrestlemania with the 2 Heavy Weight Titles is that going to be bad for the business moving forward?
No, I don't think Orton needs to beat HHH in order to push him further. I think Orton's vengeful, viper-like attitude and attacks will continue to do that. Should he lose, it will piss him off even more and the attacks could become even more brutal which will bring Batista and maybe even HBK into the fued. HHH winning at Mania will cap his revenge on Orton because it will show Orton that no matter what happened, it still wasn't enough. With that being said, though, I think Orton will win and somehow, some way, there will be a McMahon involved in the decision.
yes randy orton has to beat HHH and yes if he doesn't it's bad for business. thrusting HHH in the spot light again seems like the only impactual move right now cause they've never had vince out of the spot light like he is now so it's obvious how they're using his personal life in this angle the only outcome to set up the rest of the year is a stephanie uber heel turn and putting legacy over. the alternative is what? jeff vs. HHH? mixing up the brands works to a point especially for wrestlemania . so i look at it like a double edged sword we have to watch another HHH headlined ppv which to me has ran it's course but the insuing angle could be the momentum for 2009. wrestlemania is the culmanation of events for the end the the fiscal year, but also sets the tone for the next year. i wouldn't look to see HHH in two many more headlining positions anytime after wrestlemania outside of backlash, the trouble is they haven't really established anybody to take the reigns of the top spot besides john cena. take a look, undertaker, HBK, and triple H, wont be around much longer. hopefully. but then who is left randy orton, edge, and cena. a seemless transtion? hardly? HBK, undertaker, and HHH had their careers built with the rock and stonecold steve austin. the guys who they can work with can have decent to forgetable matches. any combonation of matches with the latter was incredible. unfortunatley all the best workers are either dead or working for someone else. the wwe has to, this year, establish some new contenders and by that they have to revive the mid card titles. so yeah it's make or break could set the tone or it could add too more of the predictable boring t.v. we've seen this year.
I think for Randy Orton's sake, there needs to be one of 2 things that has to happen:

1) Orton loses, but he's put over. By that, I mean we don't have HHH fighting off Orton, Rhodes, and DiBiase, and just pinning him and being told that "HHH just had a fire in him tonight and made Orton pay". That doesn't help Orton out in the slightest bit. It simply hurts him. If Orton loses, he needs to lose as if he's the face. By that, I mean he needs to be screwed out of it. HHH would need to hit him over the head with that sledgehammer or have Stephanie screw him, and make it so HHH looks like he couldn't beat Orton on his own. THEN, Orton needs to have a CLEAN pin (no interference, no quick roll-up, no "HHH almost kicked out", etc) over HHH at Backlash to win the title. And then he needs to DECIMATE HHH at Judgment Day and move on to feud with someone else.

2) Orton would need to beat HHH and look like he beat him because he was the better man. He wins the title not because Rhodes and DiBiase helped him out and they triple-teamed HHH (especially if they do what they've been doing recently where HHH is somehow able to singlehandedly beat all 3 guys at the same time :icon_rolleyes:). Then he needs to retain against him at Backlash and go on to feud with someone else.

If they really want Orton to be the top guy in the company for the next few years, they need to give him a decisive, clean win over HHH. There's nothing wrong with keeping someone like HHH looking strong on an average basis, but he has to realize that "what's best for the business" isn't "HHH never loses and everyone should love me", its "HHH is a main event guy and should be booked like every other main event guy, which means he has to lose more often". A clean win over HHH at WrestleMania will make Orton look so much better, and he'll get absolutely NOTHING out of the Royal Rumble win and the past few months of build if he just simply loses to HHH or can only beat him by cheating and STILL only by the skin of his teeth. And WWE needs to realize that HHH isn't going to be around much longer and he's not "the future", Orton is, so their priority should be to build Orton up, rather than just give HHH yet another moment in the spotlight.
I think that Orton does have to win. Whether or not it would be bad for business I can't say for certain - personally, it would piss me off if they put HHH over. It would piss me off even more though if they have Orton win by cheating somehow. He is good enough now, with the build up the story has been given, Orton's promo work, in ring work, everything - that he should be given a clean win over HHH. The only reason HHH should be put over is if they plan on continuing this fued for another PPV or two. They could have HHH win, Orton continue attacks as smalltownfan said leading to another match at Backlash. Then if Orton wins at Mania, HHH could win at Backlash then they need to settle it once and for all and have the feud culminate at Judgement Day. If a McMahon does indeed get involved as has been speculated (I REALLY hope they don't b/c we have seen that done so much already) then the feud has to continue for a few more PPVs to explain why they did it and all that.
I think that the issue of 'who needs to put who over' ruins wrestling, at least for me. I want to see Triple H win, not because he 'deserves' to, but because that's simply honestly what I want. Randy Orton won last year against Cena AND HHH, and Triple H doesn't have the best Wrestlemania win-loss record anyway, so it would be nice to see Triple H win.

Obviously I wouldn't really mind any outcome, so long as it was interesting with the current storyline.
I think, that in order for this feud to continue on after Wrestlemania, which usually the feuds do even if they go just to Backlash. Triple H needs to win if the fued is to continue.
Triple H, for me. has more to gain from beating Orton. If Orton wins; he has taken out all the McMahon family. So whats the point in it continuing, when Randy has got such a definitive victory. For me, if Orton wins, then he is top dog no doubt.
Triple H wins, the the feud has Orton's vengance of defeat to fuel it, think about it, Randy won Wrestlemania last year. To be honest, as much as people batter Triple H, he hasn't won at a Wrestlemania since WM 19 when he beat Booker T. Thats 6 years now.

Concluding; Triple H needs to victory for himself, a Wrestlemania moment. Wrestlemania can close with the McMahon's and Triple H in the ring, arms raised, Triple H's contination into the on screen turmoil of the McMahon family. Randy Orton doesn't need this victory to further himself, it is no skin off Randy Orton's nose. I think that Triple H deserves a victory at Wrestlemania. The Twenty Fifth Anniversary should be where it is.

Backlash, I can see a 6 man tag match Vince, Shane and Triple H vs. Legacy. Then maybe a one on one match at Judgement Day or a RAW match where Orton wins the title. He does need it back.
I ask this because every year we come into Wrestlemania and the same people are always in the spotlight - John Cena and Triple H. It seem like every Wrestlemania minus the years where Triple was injured because of his quad that these two have been in the main event spotlight.

Back in the day the Wrestlemania Main Event was used to push a superstar forward for the upcoming year and give us the superstar that was going to be in the spotlight all year. Examples Wrestlemania 11 pushed Diesel, Wrestlemania 12 pushed Shawn Michaels, Wrestlemania 13 pushed the Undertaker and Wrestlemania 14 pushed Stone Cold.

So that brings me to my point does Randy Orton need to beat Triple H at Wrestlemania this year to help push him forward and to give us something new for the upcoming year? This will help push Legacy into a legitimate stable with Orton as the Champion and give us something new? Orton can feud with Triple H, HBK, and Batista throughout the year.

Yes Randy Orton won the main event match last year and has won titles before but if Triple H and John Cena walk out of Wrestlemania with the 2 Heavy Weight Titles is that going to be bad for the business moving forward?
what are you talking about . wrestlemania has always had the same people in main event for at least 4 years in row .hogan was in almost in every wrestlemania main event in the 80's except 1 . stone cold vs rock was done 3 times at wrestlemania in the 90's. rock was in the main event for 4 years in the row . wrestlemania main event was never to to push a superstar forward for the upcoming year and give us the superstar that was going to be in the spotlight all year. that superstar already was being pushed way before wrestlemania . so what you said is completely wrong.
Honestly no not really but winning the title would give randy a huge push.....buts lets be honest orton has a lot more manias left in him than the game so orton can have his moment a lil later say against edge or cena at mania ( we all know its going to happen) and it wont kill the business if orton loses because u still have some money matches for him.....him and cena and the best orton vs. edge.
There is a reason Triple H hasn’t won a Wrestlemania match since WM 19. He has played the role of a heel in 3 out of 5 Wrestlemanias. The other two times he had with a quad injury and last year was the first time he played a face in a match since he beat Jericho in 2002.

I think there is no question about it that Randy Orton has to win this match. Triple H has had his “Wrestlemania Moment” back in 2002 when he beat Jericho for the WWE title and the World Heavyweight Title. No one has ever done that at Wrestlemania before and it hasn’t happened since. Randy Orton’s moment consists of stealing the title in a Tripe Threat Match last year only to have Triple H take the title off him at Backlash and beat him again at Judgment Day while breaking his collar bone in the process.
Triple H is at a point in his career that he doesn’t need the belt anymore too be legit. We all know he is married to the boss’s daughter and he is a McMahon. Look at HBK he hasn’t held a major title since 2002 and no matter how bad he looks or how long he is out of the spotlight they can always plug him into the main event picture and it will be legit to the fans.

Randy Orton needs this moment and I think the fans need this moment after the last 5 years of having Triple H and John Cena shoved down our throats. We all know John Cena is going to walk out with the World Title do we also need to have Triple H as Champion again too.

To answer mrstlouis: Look at Wrestlemania 4 it was used to push Macho Man, Wrestlemania 6 was used to push the Ultimate Warrior, Wrestlemania 9 was used to push Yokozuna and Wrestlemania 10 was used to push Bret Hart. In the beginning years they really had no one else they could push and back in the 80's and early 90's people paid to go see Hulk Hogan. Besides Hogan everyone one else was a midcarder and it hurt the company for years when he packed up and went to WCW. People don't fill the arenas to just see Triple H and John Cena there are tons that could hold the title these days the WWE goes won't put the belt on them.
There is a reason Triple H hasn’t won a Wrestlemania match since WM 19. He has played the role of a heel in 3 out of 5 Wrestlemanias. The other two times he had with a quad injury and last year was the first time he played a face in a match since he beat Jericho in 2002.

I think there is no question about it that Randy Orton has to win this match. Triple H has had his “Wrestlemania Moment” back in 2002 when he beat Jericho for the WWE title and the World Heavyweight Title. No one has ever done that at Wrestlemania before and it hasn’t happened since. Randy Orton’s moment consists of stealing the title in a Tripe Threat Match last year only to have Triple H take the title off him at Backlash and beat him again at Judgment Day while breaking his collar bone in the process.
Triple H is at a point in his career that he doesn’t need the belt anymore too be legit. We all know he is married to the boss’s daughter and he is a McMahon. Look at HBK he hasn’t held a major title since 2002 and no matter how bad he looks or how long he is out of the spotlight they can always plug him into the main event picture and it will be legit to the fans.

Randy Orton needs this moment and I think the fans need this moment after the last 5 years of having Triple H and John Cena shoved down our throats. We all know John Cena is going to walk out with the World Title do we also need to have Triple H as Champion again too.

To answer mrstlouis: Look at Wrestlemania 4 it was used to push Macho Man, Wrestlemania 6 was used to push the Ultimate Warrior, Wrestlemania 9 was used to push Yokozuna and Wrestlemania 10 was used to push Bret Hart. In the beginning years they really had no one else they could push and back in the 80's and early 90's people paid to go see Hulk Hogan. Besides Hogan everyone one else was a midcarder and it hurt the company for years when he packed up and went to WCW. People don't fill the arenas to just see Triple H and John Cena there are tons that could hold the title these days the WWE goes won't put the belt on them.
see you are wrong there with the wrestlemania used to push superstars when they had already been pushed a year before that mania . macho man was pushed when he ic champ,way before that mania.. warrior also was pushed real hard as ic champ before mania. yokuzuna was not pushed at wrestlemanina 9 . yokozuna was already world champion before mania & lost the title to hogan at Wrestlemania 9.BRet hart & luger shared the spotlight at Wrestlemania 10 . they only reason BRet hart & luger shared the spotlight at Wrestlemania 10 was because hogan had left.. I have been watching wrestling since 1982 when i was 4 years old .
I think, that in order for this feud to continue on after Wrestlemania, which usually the feuds do even if they go just to Backlash. Triple H needs to win if the fued is to continue.
Triple H, for me. has more to gain from beating Orton. If Orton wins; he has taken out all the McMahon family. So whats the point in it continuing, when Randy has got such a definitive victory. For me, if Orton wins, then he is top dog no doubt.
Triple H wins, the the feud has Orton's vengance of defeat to fuel it, think about it, Randy won Wrestlemania last year. To be honest, as much as people batter Triple H, he hasn't won at a Wrestlemania since WM 19 when he beat Booker T. Thats 6 years now.

Concluding; Triple H needs to victory for himself, a Wrestlemania moment. Wrestlemania can close with the McMahon's and Triple H in the ring, arms raised, Triple H's contination into the on screen turmoil of the McMahon family. Randy Orton doesn't need this victory to further himself, it is no skin off Randy Orton's nose. I think that Triple H deserves a victory at Wrestlemania. The Twenty Fifth Anniversary should be where it is.

Backlash, I can see a 6 man tag match Vince, Shane and Triple H vs. Legacy. Then maybe a one on one match at Judgement Day or a RAW match where Orton wins the title. He does need it back.

I agree. If Orton wins then it shows that he can easily dismantle the McMahon family where so many others have failed. And, honestly, don't get that "monster heel vibe" from Orton. Triple H always had that vibe to me since he started to break away from DX and became the Game. Maybe it's his facial expressions as opposed to Orton's "Imma give you such a STARE!" routine. I dunno what it is, but Orton never feels like that big heel that can't be toppled. Maybe it's his opponents . . .
Anyway, I feel that Orton has to lose but in a "screw job" kind of way. Not so much on HHH's side, like a sledgehammer shot, but Steph or Vince coming down to put the screws to Orton. Take for example the ref take a bump and the Legacy takes the chance to take out HHH but he cleans house, like he always does with them, then Vince runs out and gives Orton his own punt of doom to the head, something to that effect. It doesn't really show any weakness on HHH or Orton's part. It just shows to never "cross the boss." And then we have the big re-match at Backlash in a Hell in a Cell or just a good old cage match and have Orton win the title.
Also, I hope they drop Randy's "I.E.D." thing. It's bad enough it is linked to steroids and it is just a stupid excuse to give him. Just say the dude has anger issues and be done with it! Actually, his rage/regret thing when he kicked Vince reminded me of Happy Gilmore, snaps one minute then shows regret the next.

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