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In the beginning of the Usos vs. Curtis/Baretta, Striker mentions that Trent and Johhny's girlfriends are best friends, Trent's girlfriend being an "Adorable little brunette from the Northeast" and Johnny's girlfriend being "probably one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen from Texas".

Try and guess who it is. It should be pretty obvious.
Trent and AJ are together, Curtis and Kaitlyn are together. All four of them are best friends as well, it's really quite cute.

ALSO, Claudio Castagnoli has changed his twitter name to @AntonioCesaro and his biography now reads that he's an FCW Superstar.

I love it. Hope Chris Hero gets a cool name too.
Trent and AJ are together, Curtis and Kaitlyn are together. All four of them are best friends as well, it's really quite cute.

ALSO, Claudio Castagnoli has changed his twitter name to @AntonioCesaro and his biography now reads that he's an FCW Superstar.

I love it. Hope Chris Hero gets a cool name too.

The best part of Claudio is he a indi guy why has the wwe look. So he should be pushed and treated initially better then punk and bryan. (However when I was re reading this this I thught to myself Bryan and Punk actually have it pretty good.)
I don't wanna see claudio in development for long. Him and Hero are ten year veterans and don't need the "seasoning".
The best part of Claudio is he a indi guy why has the wwe look. So he should be pushed and treated initially better then punk and bryan. (However when I was re reading this this I thught to myself Bryan and Punk actually have it pretty good.)

Bryan's initial push was much better written that what he's doing now, briefcase or no.
Yeah. Maybe a pink slip is the shot in the arm his career needs. If not that, how about a wellness violation so we can have some room to breathe?

I jest of course. I'm doing okay cardio-wise and there's not enough Bryan on TV as it is to test my metal.
Apparently some other indy guy(Delirious I think) mentioned the name Chuck Logan in regards to Claudio. Wouldn't be a bad name for Hero.
- At last word, CM Punk and Triple H's No DQ match was scheduled to go on last as the main event of tonight's WWE Night of Champions pay-per-view.

Many people within WWE are expecting Kevin Nash to do a run-in during the Punk vs. Triple H match tonight, leading to a possible Punk vs. Nash match at Hell in a Cell or a triple threat.

- Beth Phoenix has been scheduled to win the WWE Divas Title from Kelly Kelly at tonight's show from her hometown of Buffalo, New York.
So the only non-title match is going on last on the title themed PPV? Great thinking there WWE.

You can't really disagree with the decision. Del Rio vs Cena isn't that big of a deal. Punk vs HHH has been the main event program since Summerslam. Cena will probably win as well, which would be a really shitty ending to the PPV, and they know it.
Only because of Mark Henry. Randy Orton has totally been phoning this feud in. Kinda sad too, especially when I started to dig him in his feud with Christian.

I agree with you to a certain extent, Orton has been god awful in this feud until last Friday, where I thought he did a pretty decent job to get me excited for the match. I'm still hoping Henry wins though.
I agree with you to a certain extent, Orton has been god awful in this feud until last Friday, where I thought he did a pretty decent job to get me excited for the match. I'm still hoping Henry wins though.

To be fair, what's he been able to do? All he's had to do is sell Henry kicking seven shades of shit out of him.
Only because of Mark Henry. Randy Orton has totally been phoning this feud in. Kinda sad too, especially when I started to dig him in his feud with Christian.
Why not phone it in? He's over enough where he can sit back and let everyone else shine and lose nothing for it. Orton hasn't "milked it" and the showbiz guy in me (not that there's ever been a guy in me...) says he right not to have.
John Cena doesn't phone it in. Never has, not even against guys like Kahli. Why does Blandy get to when the biggest star in the company doesn't?

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