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Impact Wrestling 9/15

Ric Flair comes to the ring and calls out Sting. Flair says Sting might be a “franchise”, but “franchise” and God are a different level. Flair mentions their Clash of Champions match from 23 years ago. Flair says that tonight, it is business and he has to beat Sting tonight. Flair says that as much as he respects Sting, he can hurt him and says the only way Sting can get to Hogan is over Flair's dead body. Sting says that he is looking forward to getting in the ring with Flair, but there is something beyond that. Sting says Hogan and Bischoff have too much power and that Flair has forgotten what is going on around here and says that Hogan and Bischoff have Flair wrapped around his finger.

Stng references WCW and talks about how bad it got and how Flair left to go to "New York." Sting says that for anyone who truly cares about Impact Wrestling, Sting is coming to Bound for Glory to take the company back. Flair says that when he beats Sting, Sting isn't going to New York, coming back to TNA or anything like that, he is coming home. Sting tells Flair that it is Showtime.

Backstage, Karen Jarrett and Traci Brooks are arguing. Karen tells Traci to cover up her chest. Karen asked Traci to gather all of the Knockouts for a meeting. Karen tells Traci to wipe the smirk off her face.

Match Number One: D’Angelo Dinero, Devon, and the Knockout Tag Team Champions Brooke Tessmacher and Tara defeated Sarita, Rosita, and the TNA World Tag Team Champions Hernandez and Anarquia when Tara and Tessmacher pinned Sarita and Rosita at the same time.

Fortune members A.J. Styles, Frankie Kazarian, Christopher Daniels, and James Storm come to the ring. Styles gets the mic and he introduces Bound for Glory Series winner Bobby Roode, and Roode comes to the ring. AJ congratulates Roode on winning the Bound for Glory Series and says Roode will beat Angle for the title. The crowd chants “NEXT WORLD CHAMP”.

Christopher Daniels then takes the mic and mentions how he beat a Former World Champion in this ring and also congratulates Roode on the way that he won last night. Daniels says the fans believe in him and that he has to believe in himself.

Frankie Kazarian then takes the mic and commends the whole group and he says that while they are a unit, they all have individual goals and says that this is Roode's time.

James Storm then takes the mic and says talks about the road that they have been on. Storm would have liked for it to be him facing Angle, but if it can't be, he is more than happy that it is Bobby. He then says to Kurt Angle, sorry about your damn luck.

Kurt Angle's music hits and Kurt Angle makes his way to the ring. Angle says that he clawed his way to the top, even through an injury. Kurt then questions Fortune’s mentality and questions the other four for not being envious. He says that they are all here for the same reason: The World Title. Angle says to Roode that since they don't want to tell them how the other members of Fortune really feel, he will tell Roode that he's jealous. Angle says since the Hogan/Bischoff stroke has rubbed off on him, Angle has said that in the weeks leading to Bound For Glory, Bobby Roode will face the members of Fortune. Angle then says that if any of them manage to beat Roode, after Angle sends Roode back to the bottom of the totem pole after Bound for Glory, whoever beats him will be at the very top.

Match Number Two: Velvet Sky defeated Angelina Love (with Winter) with a DDT. During the match, Winter accidentally hit Angelina with the belt, leading to the finish of the match.

They retaped the opening segment with Ric Flair and Sting. Flair came out in his ring gear and he called out Sting. Sting came out in his ring gear as well and the two bickered back and forth. They did not mention the WCW bit like they did in the first promo, or going “up north”. This segment was much more "angry" compared to the first segment taped, which was more “respectful”. Security had to come out to separate Flair and Sting.

Match Number Three: Samoa Joe defeated Matt Morgan with a modified figure four leg lock in a No Surrender rematch.

Match Number Four: Bobby Roode defeated Frankie Kazarian with a Crossface. After the match, Roode and Kazarian shook hands.

Match Number Five: Bully Ray and Jerry Lynn defeated Ken Anderson in a handicap match. Ray hit Anderson with a chain when the referee was dealing with Lynn.

Match Number Six: Sting defeated Ric Flair with a Scorpion Death Lock. During the match, Immortal ran out and the referee tried to stop them. Bully Ray then snuck up and got in the ring. Ken Anderson ran out and chased Ray away. Hogan stayed around the ringside area to encourage Flair. Flair used brass knuckles but Sting kicked out.

The episode ended with Sting staring at Hogan, who was on the ramp.

For Xplosion:
Match Number One: Mickie James defeated Madison Rayne with the leaping DDT.

Match Number Two: Magnus (with Doug Williams) defeated Jesse Sorensen via Michinoku Driver. Jesse went up top during the match and Kid Kash ran out and pushed Jesse off which led to the finish of the match.
I'm pretty sure Hogan- Sting will main event.
The thing that I wonder is how did the doctors clear Hulk Hogan to wrestle. The guy is coming off multiple back surgeries. If Edge or Bret Hart cant get cleared to wrestle I find it hard to believe Hogan could be found good to go by a good doctor.
The doctor doesnt have to be good.

Edge retired, it was his choice. Same with Bret, although Bret's situation is more complicated due to legal and insurance issues. Both men knew that they couldnt risk one more bump. I dont think Hogan is quite that bad.

Hogan just won't bump beyond maybe the SDD and of course the leg drop. It's going to be a horrible match. Sting /Hogan wont be the ME either if they are going to do a feel-good moment for Roode, it doesnt make sense for that to be the penultimate match.
I like the (dare I call it) psychology of the move that Roode used to win his match. That's clever.

I think he needs to establish the crossface or the armbar as another finisher, his spinebuster just doesn't scream finishing move to me. That and making Angle tap would be an awesome ending to their match.
I think he needs to establish the crossface or the armbar as another finisher, his spinebuster just doesn't scream finishing move to me. That and making Angle tap would be an awesome ending to their match.

I cringe every single time I think of Angle tapping. I just don't think it's right.
In TNA? He may have tapped to Joe.

That spinebuster is a thing of beauty, catches it as well as Arn Anderson ever did. Could win any match in my eyes. But in the world we live in, a simple slam isnt seen to be enough. See: Cena's AA.
- At tonight's WWE SmackDown tapings in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, the new Sin Cara (formerly Hunico in WWE developmental) lost to Daniel Bryan by DQ when he wouldn't stop beating Bryan down in the corner.

After the match, the original Sin Cara (formerly Mistico) made his return to WWE and confronted the fraud Sin Cara in the ring. The two had a staredown and that was it.

As noted before, WWE has been planning on doing a Cara vs. Cara feud and it looks like we're getting it after all.
- According to multiple sources within WWE, Kevin Nash is booked to appear at this Sunday's Night of Champions pay-per-view event in Buffalo, New York.

Triple H "fired" Nash on RAW last week and the WWE website announced it later that week. Nash stated on Twitter that the release was due to financial reasons. As we have noted before, the whole thing was part of the storylines. No word yet when Nash will actually wrestle for WWE but he is booked to appear at Night of Champions.
Letdown (Smackdown)
Edge opens Edge Appreciation tonight and gets a monster ovation fro the Toronto crowd. Edge says it feels good to be back home. Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes interrupts Edge and runs him down, then talking about his victory over Randy Orton on RAW. Cody gives Edge a brown paper bag but he gives it right back. Edge says Cody should put the bag over all of SmackDown and leaves.

* Cody leaves the ring and goes to hand the bags out to the fans but gets decked by Ted DiBiase, who is planted in the crowd as a fan.

* Daniel Bryan beat Sin Cara by DQ after Cara wouldn't stop hitting him in the corner. After the match, the original Sin Cara came down and they stared each other down.

* Backstage segment with Teddy Long and Zack Ryder. Ryder has instituted a no contact order for Randy Orton and Mark Henry tonight. Aksana comes in and gets Teddy to give her a massage. This brings in Trish Stratus, who needs to talk with Teddy.

* Beth Phoenix defeated AJ Lee. She cuts a promo after the match and says she will save the Divas division after beating Kelly Kelly at Night of Champions.

* Vignette for Sheamus

* Trish Stratus and Edge are backstage when Christian walks in. He apologizes to Edge for SummerSlam and they hug. Edge says what he said before about Christian needs to stop whining. Zack Ryder comes in and tells Edge that his guests tonight have a no contact order.
Sheamus and Justin Gabriel beat Wade Barrett and Christian.

* The Great Khali beat Heath Slater by DQ after Jinder Mahal came out and attacked Khali. Khali ended up chokeslamming both men.

* R-Truth beat Evan Bourne while The Miz and Kofi Kingston were on commentary.

* Edge comes out for The Cutting Edge and introduces Mark Henry and Randy Orton.
New Sin Cara attire:

TNA Impact Wrestling spoilers from Tuesday night's tapings in Orlando. These will air next week, September 22nd:

* Sting opened up and called out Hulk Hogan. Hogan says he won't wrestle Sting at Bound For Glory because he's not cleared to perform. Sting shows a clip of Hogan roughing him up a few weeks ago. Sting calls it proof that Hogan still has it. Hogan acts like he's hurt and says he has nothing to prove because he's all about business now. Eric Bischoff comes out and Sting punches him. Sting says Hogan can't stop their match from happening.

* Mickie James, Brooke Tessmacher, Traci Brooks and Karen Jarrett are backstage. A match is announced where the winner of Mickie James vs. Tessmacher will face Winter and Velvet Sky in a triple threat for the Knockouts Title at Bound For Glory.

* Mickie James beat Tessmacher to earn the spot at Bound For Glory.

* Austin Aries defended the TNA X Division Title against Jesse Sorensen. Kid Kash ended up interfering and using Jesse's football that he brought to the ring.

* Kurt Angle calls out Robert Roode to the ring. Daniels vs. Roode is announced by Angle. Roode cuts a great promo about how he will be the new World Champion after Bound For Glory. Angle brings out James Storm who comes face to face with Roode. Storm says he's out here on his own rules and is out here to talk to Angle. Storm wants a match with Angle tonight

* Daniels comes out and announces he won't be facing Roode tonight because he has nothing to prove since he beat AJ Styles recently. Styles comes out and isn't happy with Daniels for his actions of late. AJ proposes another match but Daniels has nothing to prove. AJ knocked the mic out of Daniels' hand and they came nose to nose. Daniels calls AJ a bitch and they go at it. They brawled all over the place before Kazarian helped break it up.

* Kurt Angle and James Storm went to a no contest when referee Brian Hebner went down from a superkick. Earl Hebner came down but Gunner ran out and pulled him out of the ring. Roode came down to help Storm and had a stare down with Angle over the World Title.
Impact actually sounds, dare I say it? Good! I'm looking forward to it, minus the Hogan/Sting shit.

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