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I don't get this whole whoever win tonight faces Orton. Last I heard Henry was the champ, you know, the one that needs to defend his championship. Wait, unless the main-event was a title match. Ugh, confusing. Also, why is Daniel Bryan just an afterthought in the Cara v Cara feud?

Because they need a babyface who can work well with both guys. Simples.
Yeah, we get it. You love undercard guys nobody cares about.

Thank fuck. I thought we'd suddenly started caring about these people and I just hadn't got the memo. I'm still an unapologetic Heath Slater fanatic though. "Go go, attempted rapist! Go go!"; I'll make that chant catch on one day.
TNA Impact Taping Results From Knoxville, TN:

Beer money is out first to talk about their match against each other. they also say that tonight is "hogan's retirement" and it's about damn time.

First match is kazarian vs gunner. Gunner wins via submission. Referee reverses decision because gunner wouldn't release the hold. Kazarian is your winner. Kazarian is assisted backstage.

Next out is Mr. Anderson. The crowds really popping for Anderson. Anderson says he's here to apologize to "his assholes". The impact fans. The crowd chants "we are assholes". Anderson says he's not good at politics. He doesn't swing from the bosses balls, he worked for everything he has gotten. He says in a moment of weakness he joined immortal. Huge boos here. Anderson said "what the he'll was I thinking. He calls Bully ray a huge douchebag which brings bully ray out. Bubba ray tells he crowd to shut up. Lots of "you suck chants". He starts dissing the local football team. Cheap heat. Anderson and Bully Ray go back and forth over the past few months between them. Anderson says they will have one more match, but bully ray says no they don't. Anderson challenges ray to a Philadelphia falls count anywhere math at bound for glory. Ray leaves and Anderson plays to all his assholes for a minute in the ring.

Earl Hebners in the ring to huge applause. Next match is mickie James and velvet sky vs. Winter and Madison rayne accompanied by Angelina love. Mickie and winter start it off. Quick tag to Madison rayne. Velvet tags herself in and does a nice baseball slide into Madison. Mickie James clotheslines winter from the top rope. Angelina trips up Mickie while winter "falls" on Hebner. Velvet really takes it to winter. Velvet knocks Angelina off the ring, but is rolled up from behind. Winners are Madison rayne and winter thanks to Angelinas interference.

Next out is Eric bischoff to huge boos. He tells everyone to sit down and shut up. He said he has sone details to take care of for Kurt angle. He calls out Jeff hardy. Hardy is out to a big pop. "hardy" chants everywhere. Bischoff lists all the greats he has worked with. He talks about how hardy abused his opportunities. Bischoff tells hardy that he is enigmatic, but a loser. He tells him he's out if chances. Bischoff tells hardy that he's out of chances, he dropped the ball for the last time. Hardy says he appreciates bischoffs honesty, but he has one thing to say. Twist of fate on bischoff. This brings out immortal. Hardys out of the ring and bumps into me as I'm typing.

Next up is Samoa Joe vs. Undefeated Crimson. Crimson starts out first attacking Joe. Joe counters with a thumb to the eye. Joe is in control. Both are out of the ring and crimson has regained control. Back in the ring and Joe is in control. Crimson goes to slam Joe but his knee gives out. Joe goes to work on the knee with a submission hold, but crimson won't tap. Crimson rolls Joe up out of nowhere for the win.

Next up roode vs storm. This is the main event for the 1st show. Storm gets an almost hometown cheer. Roode gets a mix of boos and cheers. They grapple back and forth. A"USA" chant breaks out. They are face robace talking in the ring. They grapple back and forth Storm pins roode but only gets a two count. Thu trade chops. It's a very back and forth match. Roode almost gets a three count with a second rope neck breaker. DDT by storm for a 2 count. Back and forth close 3 counts. Super plex on roode. Only gets 2. Roode has storm in a submission hold. Storm won't tap. Backbreaker by storm for a 2 count. The Ted gets knocked out on accident. Angle is out and attacks storm. Roode is your winner. Roode looks around confused. Roode helps storm up. They shake hands and celebrate together.

Next up is Hogan. Borash tells us were about to be part of wrestling history, and out comes Hogan to A mix of cheers and boos. Hogan plays to the crowd. A hogan chant breaks out. Hogan says today is the last day he will be in the wrestling business. Hogan starts talking about what he will have to do when he leaves without wrestling in his life. Hogan says people have driven over 10 hours to see this last show. "thank you hogan" chant starts. He says hulkamania had the longest career and it's time to celebrate.

Out comes sting dressed in a hogan Shirt and red suit. Sting asks if anyone buys hogan's retirement story. Hogan says nothing lasts in te business, and tells sting to leave it alone. Sting says he knows hogan better than anyone. Sting says he has some compelling footage of hogan. Sting says he'll leave after the footage. The footage is hogan saying "do you really think they buy this, we fooled everyone" to bischoff. They talk about the merchandise sales retirement brings. The crowd boos huge. Hogan tells sting he'll never wrestle him. Hogan is in stings face. Hogan's pissed and sting leaves. Hogan is still in the ring to boos all around.
Second Show
Next up is Jerry Lynn and christopher Daniels vs. Rvd and aj styles. Lynn and Daniels attack RVD and AJ backstage. They come down the ring entrance fighting. Lynn and Daniels are in cotton, but RVD turns it around. Styles and Daniels are in the ring. RVD tags in. Daniels hides behind the ref. Lynn tags in and gets a 2 count. Styles pins lynn but Daniels breaks the 3. Aj flys over the top rope on Daniels. Aj with the styles clash on Lynn for the win. Daniels threatened to break the styles clash, and AJ dared him. Daniels walked away. RVD and styles take this one.

Next up is Kurt angle. He calls out Bobby Roode. A "next worlds champ" chant breaks out. Angle talks about how e broke roode down mentally and physically and takes credit for Roode's win over James Storm. Angle calls himself the greatest ever. Angle says he dominates TNA with no help. He asks storm if he any good as a singles wrestler, with no help from Storm. Angle goes on and on and on. Angle says if he loses he will shake roodes hand give him the belt and step to the side. They tease a handshake, but it doesnt happen. Roode says he doesn't give a Damn about anything except finding out how good angle really is. Roode talks about It taking heart to be a champion. He says the man with the bigger Heart will win. Roode talks about angles accolades. Roode says no immortal or no fortune at BFG. angle agrees. Angle goes to leave but comes back and says that hogan and bischoff have him in a match with gunner and jeff jarret tonight In a handicapped match.

Next up is Samoa Joe vs Matt Morgan
Morgan. Joe starts out out on top, but Morgan quickly takes over. Morgan rolls Joe up for a quick 3 but Joe starts the beatdown after. Crimson comes out for the save. Morgan is your winner. Joe tells crimson and Morgan that they're scared to fight each other, so they gather together like bitches. Joe proposes a three way with them all at BFG.

A hogan and sting contract signing is announced for tonight.

Next out is Mexican America. They all out ink Inc. They come out to a huge pop. Jesse Neal asks them why Mexican America talk bad about America when they live here. Shannon says everyone would be happy if Mexican America got the hell out of America. Apparently there's a female member of ink Inc now, as a mohawked female is in the ring. Jesse tells Mexican America to being all the females they want, because ink inc has women too.

Next up is Brian Kendrick and Jesse sorenson vs. Austin aries and kid kash. The fight starts outside the ring. Aries and kash take it to sorenson. Aries almost gets the 3 but sorenson gets his foot on the rope. Kendrick finally gets in. He evens things up. Aries and kash get into it. Aries tries to hit Kendrick with the belt but he ducks it and kicks the belt in Aries face. Kendrick and sorenson win.
Mr. Anderson defeated Scott Steiner(w/ "special enforcer" Bully Ray) Steiner took it to Anderson early, hitting Anderson with multiple suplexes. Anderson turned the tide with a nice neck breaker. Anderson rolled out and attacked Bully Ray. Abyss ran down and grabbed Steiner's chain. He went to hit Anderson, but hit Steiner instead. Anderson dumped abyss and rolled up Steiner for the win.

Afterwards, Immortal came to the ring to confront abyss. Bully Ray said something and Abyss snapped. Immortal attacked Abyss and got a table from under the ring. Bully Ray set it up and Mr. Anderson ran back to the ring to help Abyss. Bully ray slammed Anderson through the table.

5. Bobby Roode defeated Jeff Jarrett and Gunner. Jarrett and Gunner wouldn't let Roode in the ring, so Roode grabbed a chair and slid in the ring. The ref took the chair away and it was two on one the whole match. Roode went on the offensive. Nice diving neckbreaker from the top from Roode. Roode applied the crossface to Gunner and he tapped. Immortal ran to ringside and attacked Roode. James Storm ran down to help but got attacked as well. Immortal celebrated when Jeff Hardy ran to the ring. He attacked immortal and gave Jarrett the twist of fate. He and Roode shook hands and all three men celebrated in the ring.

Hogan came out to a mixed reaction, Sting popped big. Hogan rolled his eyes when he noticed sting wearing a Hogan shirt. Sting signed the contact without saying a word and slid it to Hogan. Hogan looked the contract over and signed it. Hogan stood up, knocked over the table. He said Sting has been dancing around him for 30 years. He said he did what sting and the "TNA originals" couldn't do. He said Sting has disrespected him for the last time. Both men shook hands. Eric Bischoff came halfway down the ramp and distracted Sting. Hogan hit Sting with a chair and worked him over in the corner. Hogan threw Sting outside and ran his head into the post. Hogan continued to work Sting over with punches. Finally Hogan left Sting laid out and exited the arena to close the show.
What the fuck, why put Morgan in a match he shouldn't win? Unless he pins Joe and they're all NOPE CRIMSON'S STILL UNBEATEN

If he's not going to be a huge X-Div player at the time, Morgan should tag with Sorenson until Morgan has plans; I don't know what the fuck it is, but I liked that kid ever since his debut in the gauntlet match. Maybe it's because they tried to make him look good, but something about how he can actually sell through facial expressions makes me think he's got more potential than Noxzema or whatever the fuck Jewfro's name is.

power + speed teams are pretty rockin' if they're used right.
Those Impact tapings sound really solid to be fair. But they need to find someone who doesnt use predicted text to phone in the spoilers.
The road to BFG has had a serious lack of RVD. I'm guessing the rest of the build to his match with Lynn will be brief pre-tapes. And people think TNA over-uses RVD. Ha!

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