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I actually don't find the idea of Orton turning heel that appealing either. I'd kind of rather see them bring him closer to a tweener and MAKING fans choose between him or Christian by forming a sort of uneasy alliance between the two.
See, this is a difference in taste. I like the slow, methodical approach. Whether you love or hate Orton, he's a master of psychology out there. Never a wasted move. He takes his opponents apart, piece by piece, and is very intense while doing so. That's the style I've always enjoyed. A guy like Kofi, just for example, who moves 500 m.p.h., but doesn't seem to be focused on any one thing, has never appealed to me.

It's not really the matches that bothered me. It was the promos and that dreaded walk to the ring. They took. soooooooo. looooonnnnnggg.
Yeah, as a wrestler he's grown on me. Terrible face ring psychology, but good psychology overall and his matches with CM Punk have gotten better and better. However, as a superstar my tolerance thins for him. He's all but untouchable, all of his foes eat at least one RKO on a weekly basis, his promos are awful, and I just don't find him all that appealing as a character. I don't see what it seems like the majority of WWE audiences see in this guy besides the good wrestling. And let's not go crazy either, he's very good, a B+ for certain, but he's not great.
Shit, I'm sad we're having such a good, productive conversation in this thread, because during Smackdown on Tuesday I'm going to have to stop posting in here again. Unless Christian wins the title back. Then I'll have to leave the site forever.
I actually don't find the idea of Orton turning heel that appealing either. I'd kind of rather see them bring him closer to a tweener and MAKING fans choose between him or Christian by forming a sort of uneasy alliance between the two.

If Orton ruining Christian's first title reign, not even a week after he won the belt, didn't turn them against Orton and for Christian, I think it's a done deal.

It's not really the matches that bothered me. It was the promos and that dreaded walk to the ring. They took. soooooooo. looooonnnnnggg.

As a heel, I loved his promos. His stuff during his feud with HHH in 2009 was off the charts. I know some people disagree, but I thought it was great stuff.

His walk to the ring...mehh. I don't care either way. It made more sense as a heel, but then again, fans starting cheering him as a heel, so he really hasn't been forced to speed it up.

Yeah, as a wrestler he's grown on me. Terrible face ring psychology

I feel like I'm splitting hairs here a lot, and I guess I am. But, Orton wasn't forced to change, and I don't think he should. This is what the fans love. If he were to change, I'm not sure how they would receive him.

but good psychology overall and his matches with CM Punk have gotten better and better. However, as a superstar my tolerance thins for him. He's all but untouchable, all of his foes eat at least one RKO on a weekly basis, his promos are awful, and I just don't find him all that appealing as a character. I don't see what it seems like the majority of WWE audiences see in this guy besides the good wrestling. And let's not go crazy either, he's very good, a B+ for certain, but he's not great.

Now you know how those of us who don't like John Cena have felt, for years.

I don't normally read spoilers, I only did this week because we got a zillion reports that ruined it all for us.

If Christian wins it back I have to leave because I argued so much about how I doubt Christian is going to win the belt back, especially this soon. I have faced worse humiliation, but I wouldn't want to deal with any gloating.

Then again, if Christian won the belt back next week, who would have any idea about what the fuck is going on?
I'm just pointing out that you said it's annoying but not worth getting annoyed about. Seems like another contradiction.

Yea I worded that badly. It's annoying yes, but not annoying to the level that some of his fans are saying. The way it's being made out, he's had his entire career stripped away and danced around in a chicken suit. He had a good match that he lost it in and got treated like a big deal. Saying things like "it would have been better to never win it at all" comes off as absurd.
Definantly one of TNA's better ideas to(possibly) come:

- As noted before in our spoiler posts, "Wildcat" Chris Harris returned to TNA iMPACT at the tapings this past Tuesday night, to air next week.

Word from TNA is that Harris will be re-forming America's Most Wanted with former partner James Storm at some point. People in TNA are shocked that they would consider breaking up the highly successful team of Beer Money, but the longterm plan is for Robert Roode to have a singles run.

For those of you curious as to what Harris looks like now, it appears that he has lost the weight. Hopefully now he can have a good attitude.

I don't care how it goes because AMW was the first thing i liked about TNA & Robert Roode is definantly due for a single's run, he has cut some damn good promos recently and has great potential. Cue KB to question this.
I'd be OK with it, providing Beer Money dont feud. I dont want to see AMW form and turn heel. But I reckon that is whats going to happen.

I personally see them building to Beer Money vs MCMG vs the Hardys at Bound for Glory. I reckon Harris/Hardy vs Beer Money is the first step to that.
I don't know how I feel about it. On one hand I think beermoney has run it's course. After three years what were they going to do, have another title run.... It will be cool to see storm on his own and see how he does. AMW ended for a reason.... They had also run there course. With saying that it will be cool to see it for nostalgic sake. The main problem is tag team wrestling in TNA isn't what it use to be 1 yr ago IMO. There is no1 I would be interested in seeing them fight against.
I'm about to watch iMPACT from this week.

Razorblades at the ready.

1:15 through and I read the episode title. Some shredded wrist already.

'Sangriento's' finisher was BRUTAL.

Anarchia.....rapidly.....replacing....Vickie....Guerrero....for most....annoying....voice...........in wrestling........ever.
By the way, thought I'd include this. Spoiler for the main event of the next PPV, Over the Limit.

According to The Key Arena website, the main event of the 5/22 Over The Limit PPV will be John Cena defending the WWE Title against The Miz in an "I Quit" match.

Sounds good to me.
Who fucking cares if Cena wins? Is it really that big of a deal to you people for Cena to hold the belt again? He's the number one babyface in the company---those people tend to win alot, shocking, I know.

Fuck man what does it matter if Cena is champion? It's not like he would suddenly NOT be in the main event scene if he wasn't the champ anyways, he was still the focus of every show for the last 6 months when he didn't have the belt, so really nothing has changed on RAW except Cena now has a shiny prop on his shoulder.
I don't care if Cena is champ. The problem I have is that their is absolutely no chance in hell Cena would lose the match.
Who fucking cares if Cena wins? Is it really that big of a deal to you people for Cena to hold the belt again? He's the number one babyface in the company---those people tend to win alot, shocking, I know.

Fuck man what does it matter if Cena is champion? It's not like he would suddenly NOT be in the main event scene if he wasn't the champ anyways, he was still the focus of every show for the last 6 months when he didn't have the belt, so really nothing has changed on RAW except Cena now has a shiny prop on his shoulder.

I have no problem with Cena in the match. I also understand that he will win most of the time. I just dislike it when the result is a lock, especially if it cost 50$+ to watch.

NOTE: Major spoiler for the show "The Shield", not wrestling related

Shane kills his family and himself in the last episode of The Shield.

Shane kills his family and himself in the last episode of The Shield.

That's fucked man. I'd be pissed if I were still watching The Shield. Somebody spoiled that for me on /tv/ when I was watching the series and I was royally fucking pissed.

So excuse me while I edit your post...

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