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Reformation of the Edge-Heads? Why not, it would be nice to have an actual tag team in your damn tag team division.
JGlass, I've been thinking that since I read that card earlier. Fucking sucks right?

I just don't fucking understand why they're doing this. They do realize that AJ is the most popular and most talented guy in the company, right? Why do they keep sticking him in these ******ed ass feuds?
Curt Hawkins since his debut if we include his FCW stuff, has been in 4 differant teams and has got good chemistry out of all of them. I'm defiantly a fan of seeing him and his improved moveset. Also I guess Ryder would be good also but I'm more of a Hawkins fan.
I just don't fucking understand why they're doing this. They do realize that AJ is the most popular and most talented guy in the company, right? Why do they keep sticking him in these ******ed ass feuds?

He got a great match out of Dreamer in the I Quit match. I guess he has to work another miracle. To prove he is worthy of a title shot?
Because being the top guy in the company isn't proof enough? Whoever is calling the shots there needs to wake up and smell the 21st Century and recognize what TNA fans want to see, homegrown talent that is great in the ring be in the top angles.
I know. I talked to a guy who was there and he said it was Mahal, and not Daivari. As for Dutt, I have no idea where you're getting that.
This Hawkins/Ryder thing is either going to lead to them feuding on Superstars or the WWE actually reuniting a past tag team. Hopefully it is the latter and it is accompanied by a tag team title reign (kid can dream can't he?).
I haven't been watching iMPACT too much for the last couple weeks. Why is AJ vs. Bully Ray on the back burner?
I have to say, I'm delighted about Hawkins and Ryder. They work well together, they have natural chemistry. They also love the business which is no bad thing.
Fuck both Ryder and Hawkins. Push Chris Masters.

Watch Superstars this week, he beats drew McIntyre

Well to be fair, they really didn't have any business holding the titles anyway.

Why the hell not? They took so many freaking bumps(especiall during the edge/'taker TLC match) and jobbed out to people like Finlay and Hornswoggle. Apart from having great chemistry and bein over it didn't warrant much more to earn the belts who's main opposition at the time was finally and hornswoggle or Jesse and festus.
Why the hell not? They took so many freaking bumps(especiall during the edge/'taker TLC match) and jobbed out to people like Finlay and Hornswoggle. Apart from having great chemistry and bein over it didn't warrant much more to earn the belts who's main opposition at the time was finally and hornswoggle or Jesse and festus.

Taking bumps, jobbing out to everyone = deserving the Tag Team titles?

I was just saying that they were probably the most heatless team I have ever seen hold the belts. Unless they came out to Edge's music, no one cared about them in the slightest.
Cool, should be good. Gets ryder to do something without begging the IWC to do it and it will probably keep koslove/marella busy too.
I'm gonna assume that at some point the have a no-DQ title match and Mason Ryan kicks the shit out of them and Hawkins uses his elbow drop on one of them(let's say Big Show) and BAM new champs. This isn't going to happen I know but I'm goin to dream.
Michael Hayes returning to manage Tyson Kidd? I can dig that, anything that gets Kidd an actual push of some kind. I hope this match was as good as the match they had on Superstars two weeks ago.

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