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You let Cesaro/Bryan be the first two men inside and you're almost guaranteed some of the best five minutes ever.

I think Bryan should be the last man in, personally. The crowd will be a fever pitch for his entrance if they know 100% sure that it's about to be him.

I think it'd also be a good idea for them to eliminate Orton early. Chamber matches are always cooler when it's a guaranteed new champion and I think we're pretty done with Orton as champion at this point. Bryan/Cena to close the chamber would be super cool. Or Bryan/Sheamus.

Ultimately though I think Bryan HAS to win. He has to main event WrestleMania. There's just no other option at this point.

Also, Shield vs Wyatts is super cool. It seemed like maybe Reigns was going to break off, but could the entirety of the Shield just turn face at this point? That'd be unexpected but also very fun to watch, as guys like Rollins and Reigns are probably more natural faces while Ambrose is untested in that role and could be pretty fun to watch.
I think Bryan should be the last man in, personally. The crowd will be a fever pitch for his entrance if they know 100% sure that it's about to be him.

I think it'd also be a good idea for them to eliminate Orton early. Chamber matches are always cooler when it's a guaranteed new champion and I think we're pretty done with Orton as champion at this point. Bryan/Cena to close the chamber would be super cool. Or Bryan/Sheamus.

Ultimately though I think Bryan HAS to win. He has to main event WrestleMania. There's just no other option at this point.

Also, Shield vs Wyatts is super cool. It seemed like maybe Reigns was going to break off, but could the entirety of the Shield just turn face at this point? That'd be unexpected but also very fun to watch, as guys like Rollins and Reigns are probably more natural faces while Ambrose is untested in that role and could be pretty fun to watch.

Naw the only option I see is Orton winning, there's nothing for him to do but the title match and for some reason they think that's a good idea. Cesaro and Christian are only there to be easy fall guys. Cena will be with Bray and while I hope to god it isn't true Sheamus may turn heel and feud with Bryan. It would be a mistake but look what's happened the last five months. I agree on him entering last though, but if we don't get some type of Cesaro interaction it would be a missed opportunity.

I hope we all can enjoy the next two weeks of The Shield, as they unfortunately will be the last.
Naw the only option I see is Orton winning, there's nothing for him to do but the title match and for some reason they think that's a good idea. Cesaro and Christian are only there to be easy fall guys. Cena will be with Bray and while I hope to god it isn't true Sheamus may turn heel and feud with Bryan. It would be a mistake but look what's happened the last five months. I agree on him entering last though, but if we don't get some type of Cesaro interaction it would be a missed opportunity.

I hope we all can enjoy the next two weeks of The Shield, as they unfortunately will be the last.

I know everyone seems to be thinking that CM Punk vs HHH is a thing, but post Rumble it seems like CM Punk vs Kane is much more likely. If Orton loses the title in the EC, the Authority turns it's back on him, and he has all kinds of flashbacks to Evolution, wouldn't Orton vs HHH make a ton of sense?
I know everyone seems to be thinking that CM Punk vs HHH is a thing, but post Rumble it seems like CM Punk vs Kane is much more likely. If Orton loses the title in the EC, the Authority turns it's back on him, and he has all kinds of flashbacks to Evolution, wouldn't Orton vs HHH make a ton of sense?

Orton or HHH as a face would be ridiculous at this point, I know HHH/Stephanie switch alignments every hour but even he can't think it's a good idea. It would be worse than WM 25 in terms of no one caring.

Oh and if Punk/Kane happens past EC I'll be really sad.
Orton or HHH as a face would be ridiculous at this point, I know HHH/Stephanie switch alignments every hour but even he can't think it's a good idea. It would be worse than WM 25 in terms of no one caring.

Orton seems on the precipice of turning into a passable face if he faces HHH right now. They could pull it off.
Orton seems on the precipice of turning into a passable face if he faces HHH right now. They could pull it off.

Like I said it could happen, but nobody would care, Punk/HHH has more emotion and story and at the very least everyone will root against whoever Orton is facing to take the belt off him once and for all.
WWE didnt put the Wyatts and Shield in a war games EC because it would have overwelmed all our brains, and thus, we could not buy the WWE network due to being in a catatonic state.

Shrewd, wwe
WWE didnt put the Wyatts and Shield in a war games EC because it would have overwelmed all our brains, and thus, we could not buy the WWE network due to being in a catatonic state.

Shrewd, wwe

Damn it, Norcal, why did you have to implant this into my mind?

I yearn for the world where things are this way.
If, IF they give Bryan the strap at EC- Having Bryan\Sheamus\Batista at WM just seems silly. Unless they go Bryan vs Batista & Sheamus vs Orton then that I could live with. Considering the other rumored matches. I just dont see Orton losing the belt & either him or HHH turning face to fight eachother.

& With The Shield vs Wyatts -they havent actually said if it was just a regular match, so there still may be hope for a Chamber War Games... Doubtful, but hope.
No Lesnar in the Chamber. Weak. I hope he destroys Christian and takes his spot. I love me some Christian but it's not like he has a chance in hell anyway.
Unless WWE are planning on calling up the Ascension and reforming Air Boom then I just don't get why they're breaking up the PTP and the Real Americans.
WWE Smackdown
Feb. 14, 2014 – Ontario, California

(1) The Shield def. Daniel Bryan, Sheamus & Christian. Sheamus accidentally hit the Brogue Kick on Christian, allowing Seth Rollins to pin him.

-Vickie Guerrero comes to the ring and Zeb Colter asks her to be his Valentine. She makes a 4-way match, where the winner gets a shot at the Intercontinental Championship.

(2) Jack Swagger def. Mark Henry / Rey Mysterio / Kofi Kingston

(3) Eva Marie def. Alicia Fox. Eva actually got booed when she came out, which will probably be covered up in post-production. She won with a roll-up.

-Bad News Barrett out with some bad news. He calls American wowen fat bigs who eat chocolate on Valentine's Day.

(4) The Usos, Goldust & Cody Rhodes def. The New Age Outlaws, Ryback & Curtis Axel.

(5) Darren Young def. Damien Sandow. Young had new music, and was attacked by Titus O'Neil after the match. Young gets the upper hand in the brawl, ripping off a part of Titus' pants, and stands tall.

(6) The Miz def. Fandango. Santino and Emma came out during the match, and Emma brawled around the ring with Summer Rae. Miz with the Skull Crushing Finale on Fandango during the distraction. Emma and Santino celebrated after the match, doing the weird dance thing…

(7) Cesaro def. Randy Orton. This was a non-title match. Very loud "We the People" chants and even a "Cesaro Section" of fans with signs. 16 revolutions on the Cesaro Swing, which the fans loved. He hit the Neutralizer and beat the WWE World Heavyweight Champion CLEAN.

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