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WWE SmackDown tapings in Tulsa, Oklahoma:

* SmackDown kicks off with Randy Orton coming to the ring. Orton says he will prove he's the greatest champion ever and wants to publicly apologize to The Authority. Daniel Bryan interrupts and says Orton should apologize to us for being a pretend champion. Bryan says he's the first in line for the new champion and challenges Orton to a match tonight.

* Fandango vs. Big E Langston is up next with Damien Sandow on commentary. Big E gets the win by pinfall.

* They show the SmackDown opening in WWE 2K14 style.

* Bad News Barrett is out next. His bad news is that the WWE Universe is gullible.

* Kofi Kingston comes out and poses on the turnbuckles until Alberto Del Rio attacks him from behind. There is no match between the two.

* The Shield cut a promo about who will face CM Punk tonight. It doesn't look like they all agree but it's going to be Punk vs. Dean Ambrose.

* Cody Rhodes and Goldust vs. Ryback and Curtis Axel is up next. Axel gets the win for his team after sneaking in a pin.

* CM Punk vs. Dean Ambrose is up next with no Seth Rollins or Roman Reigns at ringside yet. Punk got the win via GTS. Rollins or Reigns did not interfere.

* Backstage segment with Rey Mysterio, Zeb Colter, Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro.

* Tamina Snuka vs. Natalya is up next. AJ Lee is on commentary. Natalya gets the win via pinfall.

* Rey Mysterio and Big Show defeated Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro. Rey got the pin after jumping from Big Show's shoulders.

* They show the latest Michael Cole and Triple H interview.

* Bad News Barrett comes out again. Good news is there will be one champion at TLC. Bad news is there will be pain in the match.

* Randy Orton defeated Daniel Bryan by pinfall after hitting the RKO. The Wyatt Family distracted Bryan before the end of the match then Bray Wyatt appeared on the big screen and told Bryan to join them.
Good fucking grief:

TNA taped the January 9TH, 2014 episode of Impact Wrestling on Wednesday night in Orlando. Here are spoilers:

* Dixie Carter came out with a contract for AJ Styles and calls him out. Dixie says the contract is for one night only and for a No DQ match against Magnus tonight. The winner will be the undisputed World Heavyweight Champion. Dixie says she won't give up until she never has to see AJ again. She gets angry and tells him to sign the contract. AJ fires back and cuts a promo on her until Magnus comes out and asks Dixie to leave the ring, which she does. Magnus says AJ's time in TNA is up and he's the true champion. AJ signs the contract and talks about what he's done for TNA.

* BroMans defeated Eric Young and Joseph Park. Gail Kim and Lei'D Tapa were shown backstage attacking ODB so EY ran off and left Park by himself. After the match, BroMans laid Park out on a guardrail.

* James Storm calls Gunner out to the ring. They talk about what happened with Feast or Fired. They're going to have a match with a briefcase on the line and shake hands.

* Samoa Joe came out but was attacked by Ethan Carter III. They made their way to the ring and went to a No Contest. Rockstar Spud came out but Joe chased him off.

* Kurt Angle comes out for his steel cage open challenge. Bobby Roode appears on the stage and runs Angle down. He introduces Angle's opponents, Kazarian and Daniels. Angle ended up defeating them by pinning Kazarian.

* Dixie Carter is backstage and she tells them to leave the cage. Bobby Roode comes in and she makes him go right back out for a match.

* Bobby Roode defeated Sting in a cage match by escaping out of the door. ECIII and Rockstar Spud helped him win.

* Magnus defeated AJ Styles in a No DQ match to become the Undisputed TNA Champion. The match saw interference from Sting, Bro Mans, Ethan, Rockstar Spud, Kazarian and Daniels, as well as Dixie and four referees. Magnus got the pin after Roode laid out AJ. The heels held Sting back from making the save.

After the match, Dixie celebrated with Magnus, Ethan and Rockstar Spud before leaving. AJ Styles took the mic as fans started chanting thank you. AJ says there's no place like home in TNA and talks about putting in work for the fans. AJ says "storyline or not" that Dixie can forget about him. AJ says this is real life and thanks the fans for letting him wrestle and entertain them. AJ shakes hands with fans and goes around ringside on his way out.

More detailed explanation of the main event:
Towards the beginning of the match, EC3 and Spud came out and attacked AJ. He fought them off at first but eventually the numbers game got to him.
Sting came out and attacked the two of them. Both they and Sting stayed at ringside.
All 3 members of Bromans then ran out and attacked Styles and Sting. Bromans hit their finisher on Styles but he kicked out.
Sting made a comeback and he and Styles laid out Bromans.
Bad Influence then ran out and attacked AJ. They hit Styles with a double team move and tried to tell them to count for Magnus. Earl Hebner refused and went to walk out, including shoving down Spud.
Dixie brought out Brian Hebner.
Bad Influence hit another double team move on Styles. Brian made the count but AJ kicked out.
Sting laid out Bromans on the outside with a double scorpion death drop.
Styles and Sting then laid out Bad Ifluence. AJ then sent Zema flying to the outside who collided with a cameraman.
AJ locked in the calfkiller but Kazarian laid out Brian Hebner. AJ the. Laid both of them out.
AJ hit the clash but there was no ref. Earl Hebner ran out to make the pin but Bad Influence pulled him out. AJ then dive into both of them.
AJ went to the top but Roode ran out and knocked him off. He hit three Death Valley Drivers on AJ.
Dixie brought out referee Brian Stiffler. Everyone was holding Sting back. Magnus made the pin.

EC3 Magnus Spud and Dixie celebrated. Dixie grabbed a mic and presented to the fans “your undisputed TNA World Heavyweight Champion” and they all left.
Oh and there's this:
We noted on Wednesday that AJ Styles had not signed a new deal with TNA yet and that they were still negotiating with money appearing to be the biggest issue.

Styles was backstage at Tuesday night's Impact Wrestling tapings and returned on Wednesday night at the tapings for the January 2nd episode and a match was made against Magnus, winner of the tournament finals, to crown an Undisputed TNA World Heavyweight Champion.

That match took place at Thursday night's tapings and will air on January 9th. The match had a No DQ stipulation added to it and saw interference from a handful of stars, including Dixie Carter. The end saw Magnus get the win to become the Undisputed TNA World Heavyweight Champion. After the match, Styles cut what was described as a somber promo and thanked the fans for letting him wrestle for them. He said Dixie could forget about him but he won't ever forget about the TNA fans. He said this was real life and talked about his time in TNA. Styles said goodbye before greeting fans at ringside on his way out.

There is still no confirmation that a new deal was signed since Tuesday but if there wasn't, PWInsider reports that Thursday night's tapings, which will air January 9th, could be Styles' last appearance for the company. The latest word was that both sides were still very far apart on money and that it would come down to the wire. Styles' contract expires before the end of the year.
Then there's this:

For what it's worth, there's a feeling within WWE that Randy Orton may come out of TLC as the winner largely because it's a TLC match and that means John Cena can lose without being pinned or submitted.

The philosophy of both TNA and WWE pisses me off to no end.
I'm pretty much hating both TNA and WWE right now. I try to get excited for the stories, but then they're just thrown out to little payoff or more often coasting along endlessly with little thought or drive behind them. When I want to see how a story plays out I notice that there's nothing more to it and creative's job was done by throwing something on the wall.

What are the top faces of TNA now? I think Aries is the only one who has fire left, then there's Hardy with nothing new to offer, Angle in a veteran storyline and they've done all in their power to paint Storm as a midcarder.

Meanwhile, in WWE, one of the last two money matches is thrown away with little build and the guy for whom the authority story should've been made and who should've been made by the authority story it is pushed back. I want to get excited for something like the Wyatts but I already know there's no story that will be told, just harping on the same string until it breaks like with almost everything else.

I hope AJ goes to Japan, I have little desire to see him in WWE.
Japan's supposedly doing everything right with Okada and that bunch right? Onto them i suppose. By that i mean i'm gonna continue to watch WWE and their shitty main events due to the fact that i love Tag team wrestling so much and hope Uso's the straps.
WWE SmackDown spoilers from Tuesday's tapings in Portland:

* Daniel Bryan defeated Luke Harper and Erick Rowan by DQ after Bray Wyatt attacked.

* Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro defeated Cody Rhodes and Goldust in a non-title match.

* Bad News Barrett cuts a promo about the Slammy Awards.

* Mark Henry defeated Damien Sandow by countout.

* AJ Lee and Tamina Snuka defeated The Bella Twins.

* John Cena cuts a promo. Cena vows to go through a table, get up and win at Sunday's TLC pay-per-view event.

* The Shield defeated The Usos.

* Big Show defeated Ryback. After the match, Big Show and Rey Mysterio attacked Curtis Axel.

* Kofi Kingston defeated Alberto Del Rio. After the match, The Miz attacked Kofi from behind and hit the Skull Crushing Finale.

* Randy Orton comes out to apologize to Triple H for what happened on RAW. Triple H then comes out and accepts Orton's apology to end the show.
WWE RAW spoilers from tonight's tapings in Austin, Texas. These will air on December 23rd.

* JBL and Michael Cole come out for commentary. No Jerry Lawler.

* The Authority kicks off RAW and hands out Santa Claus hats to the crowd. WWE World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton makes his way out and is given the night off.

* The first match is a 12 Divas Jingle Bells match with Eva Marie, Natalya, The Bella Twins, Cameron and Naomi vs. Aksana, AJ Lee, Rosa Mendes, Alicia Fox, Tamina Snuka and one other Diva. Natalya gets the win for her team with a Sharpshooter on Aksana.

* Sin Cara defeated Curtis Axel.

* There will be two six-man matches tonight. The main event will be CM Punk, John Cena and Big E Langston vs. The Shield.

* Daniel Bryan, Cody Rhodes and Goldust vs. The Wyatt Family is up next. Bryan is crazy over tonight. The Wyatts dominated most of the match until Cody got a hot tag. Goldust comes back in and The Wyatts take turn beating him up. Bryan gets a hot tag and clears the ring. "This is awesome" chants start as Bryan kicks Rowan. They go on and all hell breaks loose. Bray hit Sister Abigail on Cody for the win. After the match, The Wyatts beat up Bryan some more and the lights go out.

* Jinder Mahal and Drew McIntyre are out with no Heath Slater. Santino Marella and The Great Khali are out next followed by Xavier Woods and R-Truth. Renee Young is in the ring to host a Christmas Carol contest. Cameron and Naomi are with Truth and Woods. This segment was described as crap. Crowd noise picks the winners. Khali and Santino get the win.

* Fandango vs. Dolph Ziggler is up next in a "Present on a Pole" match. The winner will get an Intercontinental Title shot on the New Year's Eve RAW. Fandango gets the win and is the new #1 contender.

* Darren Young and Titus O'Neil vs. The Usos is up next. Darren Young botched his pre-match promo and said we were in Houston. Fans ate him up. A "this is Austin" and "Houston sucks" chant starts up. The Usos end up getting the win.

* "Bad Santa" Damien Sandow vs. "Good Santa" Mark Henry in a Battle for Christmas is up next. Christmas trees and presents are put around the ring before the match. Sandow comes out with some Sinister Santa music. They actually wrestle as Santa. They open a present in the ring and it's a toilet, before fighting up the ramp. Sandow tears up some of the set and takes out a Christmas tree. Henry gets the win and saves Christmas.

* Los Matadores defeat Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro.

* Ryback beat Kofi Kingston.

* Backstage segment with CM Punk and Big E Langston.

* Bad News Barrett comes to ringside for a promo.

* The Shield vs. CM Punk, Big E Langston and John Cena is next. Into the match, Big E gets a hot tag from Punk and destroys The Shield. Langston hits the Big Ending on Dean Ambrose but Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns break the pin up. The referee calls for the bell. The babyfaces clean house and celebrate to end RAW.
Mark Henry saving Christmas could be the most must see television moment of 2013.

I don't know if I can contain my excitement.
December 27th SmackDown tonight from Corpus Christi, Texas. Thanks to Ismael Vacca & Joseph Zundt, here are spoilers:

* John Cena opens SmackDown and talks about this being the last SmackDown of 2013. He wants the rematch against Randy Orton. The Shield attacks him and beats him down until Mark Henry and Big E Langston make the save. Kane comes out and announces Dean Ambrose vs. Big E, Seth Rollins vs. Cena and Roman Reigns vs. Henry for later.

* Erick Rowan and Luke Harper defeated The Usos. Bray Wyatt entered the ring and hit Sister Abigail after it was over.

* Backstage interview with Randy Orton talking about being champion. Dolph Ziggler interrupts Orton talking. Kane appears, breaks the interview up and makes Orton vs. Ziggler for later tonight.

* Antonio Cesaro defeated Cody Rhodes.

* Darren Young and Titus O'Neil defeated Ryback and Curtis Axel.

* Randy Orton defeated Dolph Ziggler. After the match, Orton hit a very nasty looking RKO on Ziggler.

* Daniel Bryan defeated Damien Sandow. After the match, The Wyatt Family comes out and Bray Wyatt cuts a promo about Bryan joining them.

* Big E Langston beat Dean Ambrose. John Cena, Mark Henry, Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins were all at ringside.

* Roman Reigns beat Mark Henry. The others were also at ringside.

* John Cena defeated Seth Rollins. Again, everyone was at ringside for this one.
WWE SmackDown spoilers from tonight's tapings in Philadelphia:

* SmackDown opens with The Usos vs. Erick Rowan and Luke Harper. Both teams fight to a double countout. The lights go out and Bray Wyatt hits the ring with Daniel Bryan to beat up The Usos. There was a small "yes!" chant. Wyatt hit Sister Abigail on Jey Uso to end it.

* Backstage segment with Randy Orton and Vickie Guerrero. Orton is upset and says he will address Triple H and Stephanie McMahon on RAW.

* The Shield vs. CM Punk and The New Age Outlaws is announced for tonight's main event. Miz TV with Big Show is also announced.

* Big Show appears on Miz TV. He talks about RAW and what happened with Brock Lesnar. Paul Heyman comes out and cuts a promo on Lesnar, praising him and calling him The Ultimate Fighter of WWE. Show challenges Lesnar for the Royal Rumble and Heyman accepts on behalf of Lesnar.

* Sin Cara, Rey Mysterio and Los Matadores defeated Jack Swagger, Antonio Cesaro, Ryback and Curtis Axel when Rey hit 619 and the splash on Swagger.

* Randy Orton vs. Big E Langston is up next. Orton came out to a big pop. Orton ends up getting the win with a RKO in what was called a great back and forth match.

* Daniel Bryan and Bray Wyatt cut a backstage promo on The Usos for Monday's RAW. Bryan says everything we believe in is a lie and plays the heel. This was described as a very good promo.

* Xavier Woods defeated Fandango with a quick roll up. Cameron and Naomi beat down Summer Rae after the match.

* The Shield come out for the main event. Roman Reigns talks about beating CM Punk and says he's the new best in the world. Dean Ambrose says he's been having nightmares thanks to Jake Roberts. Seth Rollins says they're about the future and will be taking out The New Age Outlaws. CM Punk, Billy Gunn and Road Dogg are out next. The Shield gets the win after Reigns spears Gunn.

WWE NXT spoilers from tonight's tapings at Full Sail University:

* Sin Cara, Summer Rae and Sasha Banks greeted fans before the tapings.

* Triple H kicks off the tapings and talks about how far NXT has came. He announces that after the January 30th tapings, NXT will air live on the WWE Network with a one-time special on the night of the February 27th tapings.

* Brando Rhodes is introduced as a ring announcer, using that name.

January 15th Episode:

* Adrian Neville defeated Wesley Blake.

* Alexander Rusev defeated Xavier Woods with the camel clutch. Lana cut a promo before the match. After the match, Rusev attacked Kofi while he was down. Sin Cara ran out and made the save. "Hunico" chants started up which caused a lot of laughter in the crowd.

* Antonio Cesaro defeated CJ Parker in an easy match with The Neutralizer.

* Sami Zayn came out on crutches to a big pop. He says 2014 will be a much better year for him. Zayn wants a rematch against Antonio Cesaro from their famous 2 of 3 Falls match. Cesaro comes out, shakes Zayn's hand and turns down the challenge.

* Natalya defeated Summer Rae by submission. This was described as one of the better NXT TV matches for the Divas. Sasha Banks and Bayley argued at ringside and taunted each other.

January 22nd Episode:

* The Ascension defeated two local wrestlers.

* Corey Graves defeated Camacho by submission. Graves cut a promo before the match and said he can't forgive Adrian Neville.

* Bo Dallas comes out and cuts a promo. Adrian Neville interrupts and wants a title shot. Triple H comes out and announces a Beat The Clock match for right now. Neville wins, beats it and will get a NXT Title match at the live NXT special on the WWE Network on February 27th. Dallas tries to attack Neville got Neville got the upperhand.

January 29th Episode:

* Bayley with Natalya vs. Sasha Banks with Charlotte and Summer Rae is up next. Bayley wins by pinfall.

* Colin Cassaday vs. Tyler Breeze is up next. Breeze gets the win with help from Aiden English.

* The Miz defeated CJ Parker with the Figure Four in what was called a sleeper of a match.

* Renee Young hosts a contract signing between Bo Dallas and Adrian Neville for the live NXT on February 27th on the WWE Network. Bo doesn't show up at first but finally comes out and tells Neville to watch and learn. Neville watches as Bo defeats a local unknown wrestler. Bo then signed the contract and brawled with Neville.

February 5th Episode:

* Alexander Rusev defeated Sin Cara.

* Emma defeated Alicia Fox in a quick match. After the match, Emma cut a promo about being #1 contender. She said Paige isn't 100% right now but when she is, Emma wants her title shot. Summer Rae, Sasha Banks and Charlotte run out and attack Emma until Natalya and Bayley make the save.

* Mason Ryan defeated Sylvester Lefort in a squash match.

* Tyson Kidd defeated Aiden English with help from Colin Cassaday.

* Adrian Neville defeated Corey Graves by pinfall. This was a good physical match fought in and out of the ring. After the match, Bo Dallas attacks Neville and they fight. Triple H announces their February 27th live match on the WWE Network for the title will be a Ladder Match.

February 12th Episode:

* Emma, Bayley and Natalya defeated Sasha Banks, Summer Rae and Alicia Fox. Summer and Sasha ended up walking out on Alicia, causing her to be submitted. Charlotte was with Summer and Sasha.

* Aiden English defeated Colin Cassaday.

* Sami Zayn comes out and talks more about wanting Antonio Cesaro in a 2 of 3 Falls rematch. Cesaro comes and taunts Zayn. They argue. Zayn goes for a handshake but Cesaro won't. Cesaro kicks Zayn's injured knee out and walks off. Triple H appears and says he heard Zayn's knee will be better in time for the live February 27th show on the WWE Network. Cesaro vs. Zayn is announced for that show.

* CJ Parker defeated Tye Dillinger in a quick match.

* Erick Rowan and Luke Harper vs. Jason Jordan and Marcus Louis is next. Rowan and Harper get the win as Bray Wyatt watched from ringside in his rocking chair. Daniel Bryan was not there. After the match, Bray hits Sister Abigail and cuts a promo.
* The Miz is on commentary with JBL and Michael Cole.

* The New Age Outlaws vs. Cody Rhodes and Goldust kicks off SmackDown with a non-title match. The Outlaws do their usual schtick but don't mention CM Punk. The match is going back and forth until Vickie Guerrero interrupts. She's booed so loud you can't hear what she's saying but it's something about how it's every man for himself, brother vs. brother and friend vs. friend in the Royal Rumble. Billy Gunn takes advantage of the distraction and rolls Cody up for the win.

* Backstage segment with CM Punk and Renee Young. Punk has called out all three members of The Shield for tonight.

* Paul Heyman comes out to the ring and gets booed big time. He puts over Brock Lesnar and says Big Show would never hurt him because of Lesnar. Heyman says Lesnar will be on RAW. Big Show's music hits and out he comes to a big pop. Show hits the ring and Heyman runs away through the crowd. Show has a replay shown from where he tossed Lesnar on RAW. Show says this time he will knock Lesnar out.

* Eva Marie ring announces the next match but the audio goes out on her half way in. Rey Mysterio vs. Alberto Del Rio is up next. Mysterio cuts a promo and mentions Batista but Del Rio attacks him to start the match. Lots of back and forth. Del Rio works on Rey's knee. Rey hits 619 but Del Rio blocks the splash with his knees. Mysterio blocks a kick and rolls Del Rio up for the win. After the match, Del Rio beats Rey down. Del Rio locks Rey in the cross armbreaker and won't let up until the referee breaks it.

* Naomi vs. Tamina Snuka is up next. Cameron and AJ Lee are at ringside. This was described as a very sloppy Divas matches with several botches. Cameron attacked AJ at ringside and beats her down. Naomi gets the win after a springboard flip off the ropes.

* We get a recap of the RAW main event. The Wyatt Family makes their way out as fans chant for Daniel Bryan. Bray says he wanted to grow up like his father but he was never good enough so he was cast out of his fathers kingdom to walk among the sheep. Bray says he was destined for greater things. He crawled out of the hole and Sister Abigail saved him. She sang sweet songs to him and he became enthralled with her. As he laid there on RAW, Bray realized he needed to sacrifice himself to be reborn and become the creature he wants to be. Bray says he gave Bryan a chance to walk with the reapers but now he will burn.

* CM Punk is back with Renee Young. He says he's calling out The Shield and The New Age Outlaws, all five of them. She asks if that's career suicide and he says it's a gift for The Authority to do what they want.

* The Bella Twins announce the next match and it's Fandango vs. Big E Langston. Big E gets the win with his finisher.

* Promos for Batista and The Ultimate Warrior.

* Renee interviews The Shield backstage.

* Aksana announces the next match and it's The Usos vs. Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro. Zeb Colter came out in a wheelchair to sell the attack from Big Show on RAW. Colter cuts a promo before the match. The Usos come out with their ribs bandaged up. The Usos end up getting the win.

* CM Punk calling out The Shield and The New Age Outlaws is next. Punk comes out to the biggest pop of the night. Punk says unlike The Authority, he isn't a coward. Punk runs down Triple H, saying he hides behind his wife. The Shield's music hits and they come through the crowd. The New Age Outlaws come from the ramp. They all surround the ring. Kane's pyro goes off and out he comes. He tells everyone to stand down. Kane says Punk's anger is misplaced and The Authority wants him to main event WrestleMania, that's why he's in the Royal Rumble. Kane gives his word that his new directive is to make sure Punk has the respect he deserves. Kane leaves but Punk calls him back and insults him. Kane says "get em boys" and Punk is beat down. Kane chokeslams Punk and stands over him before heading to the back and ending the show.
TNA taped the January 23rd Genesis episode of Impact Wrestling tonight in Huntsville, AL. Here are spoilers that will be updated with more details later:

* Kurt Angle defeated Bobby Roode in a steel cage. Angle did a big moonsault off the top of the cage.

* Austin Aries defeated Chris Sabin to win the X Division Title. Velvet Sky was in the cage at ringside and Aries teased being with her.

* Samoa Joe beat Rockstar Spud.

* Gunner defeated James Storm with his briefcase on the line.

* Bro Mans and Zema Ion beat Eric Young down until Abyss made the save to a big pop.

* Magnus defeated Sting with the World Heavyweight Title and Sting's contract on the line. This match saw a ton of interference and was just like Magnus vs. Styles. Joe and Angle tried to help Sting but couldn't. After the match, Magnus ripped up Sting's contract and sent him packing.
WWE SmackDown spoilers from tonight's tapings in Grand Rapids, Michigan:

* Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro vs. Big Show and Rey Mysterio kicks off SmackDown. Rey and Show get the win after Rey jumped off Show's shoulders with a splash. After the match, Paul Heyman comes out and cuts a promo on Big Show about his match with Brock Lesnar at the Royal Rumble.

* The Miz vs. Brodus Clay is next. Bad News Barrett interrupts and starts doing commentary for the match from his podium, over the loud speaker. The Miz wins by pinfall and goes after Barrett. Our correspondent says, "Segment of the year. Barrett trolled the IWC."

* AJ Lee squashes Cameron.

* The Shield appear on the big screen and talk about the Royal Rumble match.

* Ryback and Curtis Axel defeated Los Matadores.

* CM Punk cuts a promo on the Royal Rumble next. He talks about how The Authority hates him and is out to get him. Kane interrupts and talks about the odds of Punk winning since he's the #1 entrant.

* Erick Rowan and Luke Harper squash Darren Young and Titus O'Neil. Bray Wyatt enters the ring after the match and hits Sister Abigail on Young. Bray cuts a promo about how he will not only defeat Daniel Bryan at the Rumble, he will hurt him. Daniel Bryan comes out to a massive pop and talks about how he fears nothing.

* Emma is shown in the crowd again.

* Kofi Kingston defeated Fandango.

* We get a preview for Randy Orton vs. John Cena.

* The Shield and The New Age Outlaws vs. Big E Langston, The Usos, Cody Rhodes and Goldust is up next. Seth Rollins does a crotch chop to get a pop. The match ends in a disqualification and everyone starts running out from the back. SmackDown ends with everyone brawling in the ring to hype the Royal Rumble match.
Just giving you the note worthy things.

Antonio Cesaro and Christian are the final members of the Elimination Chamber match.

Shield vs Wyatts is official for the PPV.
Just giving you the note worthy things.

Antonio Cesaro and Christian are the final members of the Elimination Chamber match.

Shield vs Wyatts is official for the PPV.

Full spoilers for anyone wondering:

SmackDown opens with a RAW recap and out comes The Shield. Dean Ambrose says the Elimination Chamber is made for The Shield. He said the WWE Universe, The Authority and Randy Orton knew if The Shield got in the Chamber one of them would have walked out champion. Dean talks to Roman Reigns about him setting a record at the Royal Rumble. They talk about eliminating each other at the Rumble. Seth Rollins is the voice of reason. He then talks about The Wyatt Family & says they are the reason The Shield isn't in the Chamber. He doesn't know why they did what they did and he doesn't care but they need to be dealt with. He praises the other two members of The Shield. Ambrose said they will wipe The Wyatt Family off the earth. Vickie Guerrero came out to major heat. You couldn't hear what she was saying but Triple H came out next.

Triple H says he understands where The Shield is coming from. He said The Wyatts cost them. He said it's water under the bridge and to let it go. There is no benefit from it & all there is is loss & more problems and to just let it go. Reigns steps up & says he doesn't need Triple H's approval. Triple H says there is no talking them out of it and asks us if we want to see The Wyatts and The Shield go at it. He announces The Shield vs. The Wyatts for Elimination Chamber.

* Dolph Ziggler vs. Antonio Cesaro in an Elimination Chamber qualifying match is next. Cesaro is announced as from the United States now. Zeb Colter is with him but Jack Swagger is not. A solid back and forth match that went outside of the ring. Cesaro eventually hits a Cesaro Swing and the Neutralizer for the win.

* The Shield vs. Sheamus, Daniel Bryan and Rey Mysterio is announced for later.

* Fandango with Summer Rae defeated Xavier Woods with R-Truth, Cameron and Naomi.

* Christian vs. Jack Swagger in an Elimination Chamber qualifying match is announced.

* Ryback and Curtis Axel defeated Titus O'Neil and Darren Young. Titus didn't try to break the pin up and started an argument with Young. Titus walks out on Young. Young's mouth is busted open. Young grabs the mic & asks what Titus is doing. He said they are like brothers & family. Titus says no & he's tired of feeling like a loser. He came to WWE to be champ. He said the only dead weight he's getting rid of is Darren Young on his back. He then knocks Darren to the mat & starts beating the hell out of him. He takes it to the outside & continues the beat down. Titus turns heel. Young is knocked out.

* Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter are out for the last Elimination Chamber qualifying match. Christian is out next with a new t-shirt. He gets a big pop for his return. JBL has to get up and remind Zeb that he's on commentary. Another good back and forth match at the end. Christian got the win with a frogsplash and the final spot in the Chamber. After the match, Zeb is furious with Swagger and throws a fit in the ring.

* Kofi Kingston defeated Damien Sandow with SOS.

* Renee Young interviews Christian backstage. He says he earned the Chamber spot, he's desperate and close to becoming champion.

* Cody Rhodes defeated Road Dogg with a Disaster Kick. Goldust and Billy Gunn were at ringside and fought during the match. After the match, all four brawl and The Brotherhood gets the upperhand.

* The Shield are out for the main event. The Wyatt Family appears on the big screen for a promo. Luke Harper actually spoke this time. Daniel Bryan, Sheamus and Rey Mysterio are out next. The Shield gets the win when Reigns hits a spear on Mysterio. That's the end of SmackDown.
Oh no, Titus turned on Darren? What an interesting develo-

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