There is nothing wrong with the Shield losing to RVD, Henry, Show. The Shield are a fantastic team that takes advantage of teams that consist of three separate egos rather than a strong team working together well. All three of their definitive losses so far have been fine. RKNo got their shit together and finally worked together rather than in spite of each other, Uso's and Christian consisted of a hot tag team and a tag team specialist. Henry/Show/RVD aren't egos, they're three veterans tired of the shit the Shield has been talking. Henry proved he wasn't just another ego by being cool with RVD despite losing to him for a championship spot. Is the Shield were to lose to Cena/Bryan/Orton on this show then there would be a problem, but for now, they're fine. That being said wrestling in 6 man tag matches on Smackdown seem to be their Kryptonite.