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All for Christian back in the WHC picture. He was my favorite to face ADR at Summerslam if they went the one on one route. I figured we'd see a triple threat with RVD added in or a fatal four way with Sheamus as the fourth. Either scenario makes me happy, pulling for a Christian win for sure.
WWE SmackDown spoilers from Tuesday night's tapings in San Jose, California:

* The Wyatt Family kick off SmackDown. Bray Wyatt talks about Kane and the Ring of Fire match at SummerSlam. Kane interrupts on the big screen. Kane comes down and fights off Rowan and Harper as Bray looks on. They beat him down and Bray kisses him, then hits the finisher. The Wyatts pose over Kane to end it.

* Christian vs. Damien Sandow is next. Christian gets the win after a roll up and then hits a spear. Alberto Del Rio attacks and cuts a promo on Christian losing at SummerSlam. Christian counters the cross armbreaker and hits Killswitch.

* Still to come - Daniel Bryan vs. Wade Barrett in a No DQ match and The Shield vs. Rob Van Dam, Mark Henry and Big Show.

* Backstage segment with RVD and Big Show.

* Layla and AJ Lee vs. Kaitlyn and Natalya is next. AJ and Layla get the win.

* Backstage interview with Ryback.

* The Shield vs. Mark Henry, RVD and Big Show is up next. Show hits a knockout punch on Dean Ambrose and RVD follows up with a frogsplash for the win.

* The Miz vs. Jack Swagger is next. Zeb Colter and Antonio Cesaro are at ringside but got ejected by the referee. Miz ends up winning via roll up.

* Curtis Axel vs. Zack Ryder is up next. Paul Heyman is at ringside. Axel wins with his neckbreaker finisher. Heyman cuts a promo on CM Punk after the match.

* Wade Barrett vs. Daniel Bryan in a No DQ match is up next. Bryan comes out to a huge pop. During the match, Vince McMahon makes his way out. The match was described as one of Barrett's best yet. They used chairs, kendo sticks and more. Bryan goes for the Yes Lock but Vince pulls the referee out of the ring. This pisses Bryan off. Bryan turns around to a Bullhammer. Vince calls for a referee and out comes Brad Maddox but Bryan kicks out. Bryan goes to pin Barrett but Maddox won't make the count. Bryan shoves Barrett into a table in the corner. Maddox goes down. Out comes Triple H in a referee shirt. Bryan nails a headbutt on Barrett and Triple H counts the pin. Orton's music hits but he doesn't come out. It's just his video and music playing to end the show.
There is nothing wrong with the Shield losing to RVD, Henry, Show. The Shield are a fantastic team that takes advantage of teams that consist of three separate egos rather than a strong team working together well. All three of their definitive losses so far have been fine. RKNo got their shit together and finally worked together rather than in spite of each other, Uso's and Christian consisted of a hot tag team and a tag team specialist. Henry/Show/RVD aren't egos, they're three veterans tired of the shit the Shield has been talking. Henry proved he wasn't just another ego by being cool with RVD despite losing to him for a championship spot. Is the Shield were to lose to Cena/Bryan/Orton on this show then there would be a problem, but for now, they're fine. That being said wrestling in 6 man tag matches on Smackdown seem to be their Kryptonite.
TNA taped next week's Impact Wrestling episode on Thursday from Norfolk, Virginia. Here are full spoilers:

* Bobby Roode & Kazarian defeated James Storm and Gunner

* Manik defeated Sonjay Dutt

* Joseph Park defeated Daniels, Jay Bradley & Hernandez in a street fight

* Bully Ray comes out with Tito Ortiz, who's now a member of Aces & 8s. They brag about Bully Ray's victory from last week. Out comes Brooke Tessmacher and she makes out with Bully Ray. Bully says he has the 'hot Brooke' now.

* Gail Kim defeated ODB

* AJ Styles is revealed as the 5th man on Main Event Mafia's team. He comes out to his old theme.

* Devon, Wes Brisco, Garett Bischoff, Ken Anderson & Knux vs. The Main Event Mafia. Styles got the pin on Devon after connecting with a Styles Clash. Devon must leave TNA now. "Thank you Devon" chants break out after the match.
Killing the lone wolf AJ already? Fuck everything. He's dropped all the development his character got for "Hey guys because TNA had to send a trainwreck to rehab I'm suddenly a face again!!!"

Why not Sabin? He just had the world title thus he was eligible.
There is nothing wrong with the Shield losing to RVD, Henry, Show. The Shield are a fantastic team that takes advantage of teams that consist of three separate egos rather than a strong team working together well. All three of their definitive losses so far have been fine. RKNo got their shit together and finally worked together rather than in spite of each other, Uso's and Christian consisted of a hot tag team and a tag team specialist. Henry/Show/RVD aren't egos, they're three veterans tired of the shit the Shield has been talking. Henry proved he wasn't just another ego by being cool with RVD despite losing to him for a championship spot. Is the Shield were to lose to Cena/Bryan/Orton on this show then there would be a problem, but for now, they're fine. That being said wrestling in 6 man tag matches on Smackdown seem to be their Kryptonite.
WWE SummerSlam is just hours away - and infamous Reddit.com user "Dolphins1925" has released his 'predictions' for the show. Dolphins1925 has been impossibly accurate with his WWE pay-per-view predictions this year - correctly calling the winner of every single WWE PPV match since prior to WrestleMania 29 back in April.

Warning: The following match predictions may contain *SPOILERS* for tonight's show:

Dean Ambrose vs. Rob Van Dam (US Title, Pre-Show):
Prediction: Rob Van Dam

Brie Bella vs. Natalya
Prediction: Brie Bella

Dolph Ziggler & Kaitlyn vs. Big E Langston & AJ Lee:
Prediction: Big E Langston & AJ Lee

Kane vs. Bray Wyatt (Ring of Fire):
Prediction: Kane

Damien Sandow vs. Cody Rhodes:
Prediction: Damien Sandow

Alberto Del Rio vs. Christian (World Hwt. Title Match):
Prediction: Christian

Brock Lesnar vs. CM Punk:
Prediction: Brock Lesnar

John Cena vs. Daniel Bryan (WWE Title Match):
Prediction: John Cena

He also predicts that Randy Orton will cash in his Money in the Bank contract after the conclusion of the main event - but did not specify who will walk out of SummerSlam as WWE Champion.

With John Cena having surgery on his elbow soon - we could very well see Randy Orton as WWE Champion tonight.
Source? I'm not seeing the post. Until I see it on the Reddit account, I won't believe what you just posted.

Also, I'd be shocked to see a Cena win. NOTHING on this PPV would shock me more.

Sam should have got his bet with me while he had the chance.
Source? I'm not seeing the post. Until I see it on the Reddit account, I won't believe what you just posted.

Also, I'd be shocked to see a Cena win. NOTHING on this PPV would shock me more.

Sam should have got his bet with me while he had the chance.

Wyatt losing would shock me most.
I sort of want Harper and Rowan to walk through fire for The Master.

Anyway, these are coming from someone posing as Dolphins on a Google predictions contest. It's not Dolphins. Keep waiting, buddy.
I have no opinion. Either way, who cares? Nothing will come of this. His stated objective is moronic.
I sort of want Harper and Rowan to walk through fire for The Master.

Anyway, these are coming from someone posing as Dolphins on a Google predictions contest. It's not Dolphins. Keep waiting, buddy.

I hope this false deity is condemned to the depths of hell (or his mom's basement) for eternity.
I still don't get why the Dolphins guy is a big deal. Anyone with common sense and a knowledge of the WWE booking style can figure out most of the results with relative ease.

Look at Wrestlemania for instance:

Cena wins to even the score
Undertaker does not lose there period
Jericho is ultimate jobber and you don't build up Fandango for months to have him lose his first match
HELL NO isn't losing their titles after seven months to a thrown together team with Shield on the horizon
HHH will get his win back on the biggest stage of them all

You can do stuff like that for almost any PPV. It's not hard.
I still don't get why the Dolphins guy is a big deal. Anyone with common sense and a knowledge of the WWE booking style can figure out most of the results with relative ease.

Look at Wrestlemania for instance:

Cena wins to even the score
Undertaker does not lose there period
Jericho is ultimate jobber and you don't build up Fandango for months to have him lose his first match
HELL NO isn't losing their titles after seven months to a thrown together team with Shield on the horizon
HHH will get his win back on the biggest stage of them all

You can do stuff like that for almost any PPV. It's not hard.

Agree to a point. Have you ever gone 100% for 5 PPV in a row? I know most people can do decent, but 100% for that long is something else, especially considering MitB.
Agree to a point. Have you ever gone 100% for 5 PPV in a row? I know most people can do decent, but 100% for that long is something else, especially considering MitB.

I don't think 100% but I was WZPC World Champion for a year. Think about it like this: let's say you can get 7/9 matches for sure using common sense. The other matches are literally coin flips between rarely more than three people. MITB is the only one that's really impressive.
WWE Smackdown
Air Date: August 23, 2013

-Vickie Guerrero opened the show and introduced the new WWE Champion, Randy Orton. The Viper says he just gave the fans what they wanted by winning the championship, and while he was surprised by what Triple H did at SummerSlam, he doesn't need anybody's help. He calls himself the face of the WWE - Daniel Bryan interrupts.

- Daniel says it's time for the face of the WWE to change. Bryan calls Orton "pretty", and insults the way he looks. He says he had to work hard to get where he is, while Orton was just handed the WWE Championship. Bryan challenges the champion to a match tonight, but Randy says he has to wait until Night of Champions to get his rematch. They two brawl and Bryan gets the better hand, until Orton rolls out of the ring.

-Backstage, Vickie Guerrero isn't happy about what Bryan did to the WWE Champion. She announces a steel cage for tonight's main event.

(1) Curtis Axel def. Cody Rhodes

-After their victory, Paul Heyman cuts a promo about CM Punk being lost without him. Curtis Axel challenges Punk to a match for the Intercontinental Championship next Monday on Raw.

2) Dolph Ziggler def. Big E Langston

(3) Alberto del Rio def. Christian in a good match with the Cross Arm Breaker.

-Del Rio cut his usual post-match promo about being the savior and hero of the Latino community. Ricardo comes out and introduces his new client, Rob Van Dam. Christian takes down the champion, and RVD hits the Five Star Frog Splash off the top rope.

(4) Mark Henry & Big Show def. 3MB in a 3-on-2 handicap match with the KO Punch.

(5) Darren Young def. Antonio Cesaro

Steel Cage Match
(6) Daniel Bryan def. Wade Barrett. This was said to be near pay-per-view quality, with Bryan picking up a big win.

-Randy Orton came out and RKO'd Daniel Bryan to end the show.

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