What is going to forever change TNA? Dixie Carter knows.

Here's a question, does it matter? Looks like everyone soundly agrees that there is no way whatever it is could be as big a deal as Dixie Carter has been saying. Even if the big surprise is that they are leaving the Impact Zone, or it ends up being Carlito, Shelton, Mickie, Shane Helms, Batista, Paul Heyman, Shane McMahon, and Ted Turner joining TNA all in the same night, DOES IT REALLY MATTER??? no. I'll put any amount of money on whatever the "Surprise" is being a crock. Even if the miracle of all miracles happened and all those people came together to TNA to make a serious run at WWE, it does not matter. Nothing can change or save TNA from it's ultimate destiny of failure.

what's up negative nancy? It still amuses the hell out of me that people seem to think the only way TNA can be successful is if they somehow put WWE out of business.

As for this announcement, considering she's posted more info regarding the Spike TV President giving her the thumbs up, I'm assuming it'll relate to impact going live on Thursdays or moving out of the Impact zone. Possibly both, or they might do pull a situation where they have one show out of the impact zone then another show back at the impact zone and so on. It could be anything, but obviously it's impact-related as a new signing wouldn't really need to be ok'd by the Spike TV President.
I'm assuming it'll relate to impact going live on Thursdays or moving out of the Impact zone. Possibly both, or they might do pull a situation where they have one show out of the impact zone then another show back at the impact zone and so on.
This would be good. Especially, I would like to see Impact out of the Impact Zone.

I started watching TNA on 4 Jan, when Hogan and Bischoff joined TNA. For me, the first impression of TNA was: Woow, TNA is sooo small (with regard to the Impact Zone). Thus, for a new comer, such as I, the Impact Zone is a week point. In fact, Impact zone is the first thing the new people see when they want to watch TNA, and such a small place gives an impression of TNA as being not interesting, not popular, some second or third quality wrestling organization, since they cannot attract people to bigger places. Of course at the time I did not know that people can go into the Impact Zone for free and impact does not travel around the USA. The question is, if they move out of Impact Zone, can they attract people to bigger places and collect some tickets fees?
It still amuses the hell out of me that people seem to think the only way TNA can be successful is if they somehow put WWE out of business.

It's a good point. By now, you would think Dixie would realize that being an alternative to WWE isn't a bad thing. Building a product slowly on Thursday nights was working for them and there was no reason to try and take down the big guys; certainly not so early in TNA's tenure.

Sensational announcements haven't been getting it done. Moving to the same night as WWE certainly didn't help. Putting themselves in direct competition with the leader by mentioning them several times every show did no good.

That they revised their "business plan" (if they even had a coherent one) makes me think that Hogan and Bischoff initiated the initial meeting with Dixie and told her: "Hire us and we'll make you the number one wrestling company."

Hogan's ego (and severe need for money) may have caused TNA to throw everything they've got in Hulk's direction and turn their business into a "go for broke" enterprise where all policies and directives are "over the top."

Still, I'm anxious to hear what Dixie's latest "business changing" pronouncement will be. Hope she's got a rabbit to pull out of her hat because fans will start turning a deaf ear to her if she keeps promising the world and delivering nothing.
It's a good point. By now, you would think Dixie would realize that being an alternative to WWE isn't a bad thing. Building a product slowly on Thursday nights was working for them and there was no reason to try and take down the big guys; certainly not so early in TNA's tenure.

Sensational announcements haven't been getting it done. Moving to the same night as WWE certainly didn't help. Putting themselves in direct competition with the leader by mentioning them several times every show did no good.

That they revised their "business plan" (if they even had a coherent one) makes me think that Hogan and Bischoff initiated the initial meeting with Dixie and told her: "Hire us and we'll make you the number one wrestling company."

Hogan's ego (and severe need for money) may have caused TNA to throw everything they've got in Hulk's direction and turn their business into a "go for broke" enterprise where all policies and directives are "over the top."

Still, I'm anxious to hear what Dixie's latest "business changing" pronouncement will be. Hope she's got a rabbit to pull out of her hat because fans will start turning a deaf ear to her if she keeps promising the world and delivering nothing.

The thing is Bischoff and Hogan's arrival was about expanding the TNA audience. Even the move to Mondays wasn't so much an attempt to out do the WWE but to expand the audience (Bischoff even said they knew they weren't going to out do WWE). Obviously the experiment didn't work out but, I do think TNA have expanded a little. I think that if Dixie's announcement is as big as she claims it'll definitely help TNA reclaim some of those lost viewers and may further expand their fanbase.
I hope whatever this announcement is, the result will be a better product and TNA starting to get a little competitive with wwe. I don't think a signing of a single performer(or multiple performers) wil "change TNA forever". I will be very very disappointed if the announcement is Batista signed with them. I have no interest in seeing him wrestle again. IMO wwe is better without him.

Paul Heyman being the lead booker would change TNA forever(and for the better), but I don't think that will be the announcement. The announcement is likely something that will make the crowd pop and I don't know if they will do that if they hear that someone else is writing the tv show(although I'd pop if I ordered the show and heard this).
So I didn't read all 11 pages, so forgive me if someone's said this already, but I have a feeling it's a second show. Maybe their version of Thunder.
Unless they are bring in someone like The Rock, or Stone Cold, or even yes, Shane McMahon, anyone new that is available to debut isn't going to change TNA forever. Since this is apparently including Spike, and Impact, I'm still putting my money that they are finally getting out of the Impact Zone. Maybe not permanently. Maybe not live every week, and across the nation, but to different locations at least. All I can say to that is, bye by Loser Cancer Crew.
At first I thought it would be Shane McMahon, but then I considered that he would likely be brought in in an ownership role, which would make no sense whatsoever considering Hogan just did that 6 months ago, then I thought hmmm maybe Vince bought out Dixie and will work an updated Invasion angle (only better this time) , and then I said no Dixie won't sell out, so maybe it is a live Impact, however I don't see that changing wrestling forever... so my conclusion is either a) Dixie Carter is full of crap or b) (and I love this option) Matt Hardy pulls a Meduza and shows up on Impact... before you laugh this off remember just the other day matt asked his tweeters whether to stay or leave WWE ...
At first I thought it would be Shane McMahon, but then I considered that he would likely be brought in in an ownership role, which would make no sense whatsoever considering Hogan just did that 6 months ago, then I thought hmmm maybe Vince bought out Dixie and will work an updated Invasion angle (only better this time) , and then I said no Dixie won't sell out, so maybe it is a live Impact, however I don't see that changing wrestling forever... so my conclusion is either a) Dixie Carter is full of crap or b) (and I love this option) Matt Hardy pulls a Meduza and shows up on Impact... before you laugh this off remember just the other day matt asked his tweeters whether to stay or leave WWE ...

Apart from you know, TNA arent on Mondays to have the same impact. Matt Hardy isn't a champion o and the breach of contract leading to a court case.
I would mark out if anyone from the McMahon family were part of TNA, even if it meant they would bury the company in another poorly executed invasion angle. At this point, TNA sucks and at the very least, a buyout would make it more interesting for awhile.
in my opinion i just think that the annoucement is about TNA going live on thursdays and/or goin on the road, it would help the ratings, and make IMPACT! more unpredictable, edgy, suspenseful.
stop doin these stupid gimmick matches and less blood, keep on developing these young wrestlers... and im sure in time maybe next year they can set themselves apart from wwe, sure as hell cant compete with McMahon.period.
What is this "less blood" talk? TNA's best PPV of the year (Lockdown) featured blood in every non-knockouts match (though one incident appeared to be from being busted open the hard way).

But yeah, gimmick matches are for lazy bookers. That's the main complaint with these WWE themed PPVs where every match has to be under a certain condition (though Extreme Rules/ONS was a bit different since extreme rules leaves a far greater range of options than just TLC/MoneyITB/HIAC/etc. that are narrow in scope).
On Dixie's latest Twitter post or something like that, she said that the major change won't be announced but we would notice it as the weeks went on...

So, I'm really thinking that it has to be something either in creative or something to do with another show being produced on Spike or something that's going to change on Impact...
I thought there was supposed to be a second suprise at Slamiversary? I skimmed over the results but I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. Did I miss something? Or did she just lie?
The likelihood of [Shane] McMahon is slim, so as the general consensus goes, my vote goes to a number of options:

1. A new program to help garner more exposure for TNA as a whole and to give less utilized talents more air-time they otherwise weren't able to get on iMPACT! from week-to-week.

2. The acquisition of Paul Heyman or Kevin Sullivan to creative which would likely be kayfabed as some type of on-air "shareholder" of some type a la Foley's debut.

3. Some type of ECW invasion angle with Dreamer being the first of many (Sandman, Sabu, etc.) to debut in the future.
The likelihood of [Shane] McMahon is slim, so as the general consensus goes, my vote goes to a number of options:

1. A new program to help garner more exposure for TNA as a whole and to give less utilized talents more air-time they otherwise weren't able to get on iMPACT! from week-to-week.

2. The acquisition of Paul Heyman or Kevin Sullivan to creative which would likely be kayfabed as some type of on-air "shareholder" of some type a la Foley's debut.

3. Some type of ECW invasion angle with Dreamer being the first of many (Sandman, Sabu, etc.) to debut in the future.

And do you really, honestly believe, IDR, that either of these three possibilities would warrant the hype and hooplah that Dixie made for the last several days, up until about an hour before the start of the PPV? Unable to sleep, cannot wait for Sunday, will change the wrestling world forever, blah blah blah. I know she is hyping her company, I understand that and I respect that, but let's face it, neither of your scenarios warrant all of the drama that she created.

At best, misleading. At most, and in my opinion, blatantly false advertising and outright deliberate deception. She left a strong impression of something way bigger than these scenarios. I think it's shamful to deceive the fans in this manner and attempt to dupe them into purchasing a PPV they otherwise would not have considered buying.
And do you really, honestly believe, IDR, that either of these three possibilities would warrant the hype and hooplah that Dixie made for the last several days, up until about an hour before the start of the PPV? Unable to sleep, cannot wait for Sunday, will change the wrestling world forever, blah blah blah. I know she is hyping her company, I understand that and I respect that, but let's face it, neither of your scenarios warrant all of the drama that she created.

At best, misleading. At most, and in my opinion, blatantly false advertising and outright deliberate deception. She left a strong impression of something way bigger than these scenarios. I think it's shamful to deceive the fans in this manner and attempt to dupe them into purchasing a PPV they otherwise would not have considered buying.

Not at all, but I fully understand and appreciate why she's doing it the way she's doing it – it builds intrigue, albeit to unveil a marginal reward.

It's not the most honest way of conducting business by any means, but it's also not illegal in any sense. No worse than the lottery, if you ask me, which is probably one of the biggest money-making scams on earth, if not the biggest – yet it's advertised for daily with cute commercials that marginalize the chances of you actually winning.

I commend her for this if it actually helps raise awareness or garners any kind of financial contribution to her company, though – we don't particularly like getting jerked around as fans, but at the same time it is a smart business strategy, even if it is morally objectionable.
It has to have something to do with the behind the scenes type of deal. A change in creative or something about they way they do buisness. Nothing else would really "change TNA to a new level" as Dixie put it. Going somewhere else wouldn't do that unless they went on the road every week but then they would still be doingthe same show which, while it is good is not at the level they want it to be at. Same with going live. It has to be something behind the scenes that they will not come right out and state.
There is speculation now that the change is that TNA is going to drop some or all of it's ppvs and focus more on TV specials or something like that. While it hasn't been confirmed that this is the case, it's the latest word going around in regards to the TNA surprise. That is where the Spike TV exec comes into the surprise which Dixie Carter mentioned in one of her Tweets.
So, after harping on about this "major surprise" for the last four days, Dixie Carter announces that she wont be revealing it at Slammiversary... Oh! Not to mention it was only 3 hours before the event started.

Now, before all of this shit, I was willing to give TNA it's due. It can create a bit of discussion, especially around places like this. However, they are fucking guilty of fooling the fans over this last week and I am so pissed off with how they did that. Dixie Stated that she would have some sort of surprise for TNA Slammiversary and 3 hours before, she decided to enlighten people to the idea that it wont actually be at Slammiversary. How is that fucking fair?!

If Vince McMahon was to announce on some social networking site that he had a major announcement at Fatal 4 Way and I was in two minds about whether to shell out my cash on it or not, something like that announcement might begin to sway my decision and Dixie knew that. She has fooled the TNA fans who were sitting on the fence to buy the event before revealing that it was a rouse all along. She should be ashamed of herself after this. She is not so naive that she didn't think all this buzz about a major announcement would likely mean more PPV purchases. She knew exactly what she was doing at it was the height of deceit.

I'll never trust TNA or Dixie Carter ever again.
Not at all, but I fully understand and appreciate why she's doing it the way she's doing it – it builds intrigue, albeit to unveil a marginal reward.

It's not the most honest way of conducting business by any means, but it's also not illegal in any sense. No worse than the lottery, if you ask me, which is probably one of the biggest money-making scams on earth, if not the biggest – yet it's advertised for daily with cute commercials that marginalize the chances of you actually winning.

I commend her for this if it actually helps raise awareness or garners any kind of financial contribution to her company, though – we don't particularly like getting jerked around as fans, but at the same time it is a smart business strategy, even if it is morally objectionable.

See, I have to respectfully disagree with you here. Does it really build intrigue, when such build up is constantly left unfulfilled? How many more times can she cry wolf, before the WWE fans she covets turn their backs on her and make the decision to never, ever "cross the line," or worse yet, before her faithful TNA fans like yourself have had enough and decide to seek their sports entertainment elsewhere. There wasn't even a marginal reward this time; there was no announcement whatsoever. At least if there was an announcement which turned out to be a disappointment, you could chalk it up to difference of opinion, but when a surprise is teased and there isn't one, that's really shitty.

At least with the lottery, you participate knowing there's no guarantees. If you bought a ticket and you were told you'd definitely win a prize, and then were told last second that you didn't, that'd be unfair, and that's what happened here. And next time, maybe the TNA fans will think twice before buying this "lotto ticket."
That depends on how you define "constantly left unfulfilled", HHF. At this point I'd say it's still up in the air (as is the Sting "deception" angle), so how far you can take being "unfulfilled" doesn't really compute for me since the angle hasn't actually ended, and in this case the "surprise" hasn't come full-circle either.

The talk is that it'll take a few weeks to do so, so what else can I do but give her those few weeks before I actually levy judgement on the results?

I don't disagree at all that it's shitty to promote a surprise that fails to culminate, but I do understand why she hypes things the way she does – that's all I'm saying. It does build intrigue. She just needs to learn that if she's going to do so, she has to deliver, because to promise fans a Ferrari only to tell them it's on back-order will eventually leave your entire fanbase dejected to the point they no longer consider themselves fans.
The whole thing is absurd. There is no one thing that TNA can do that is going to totally transform the company, or put them in contention with WWE, or revolutionize their product. They're so far away that to even suggest it is insulting. But the fact that this thread is at 13 pages and growing, shows that it works in getting people to continue to talk about TNA, and that it doesn't really matter what happens or doesn't happen, because there's likely nothing TNA can do at this point to alienate the desperate.

My opinion is that a lot of things that would be good for TNA aren't going to work in the internet age. I am just not sold that they can give you guys what you want them to give you and still make money, all the while not putting their talent in harm's way.
Ok just wanted to point out something someone sent to me, while its unlikely its Batista Batista does not follow under the 90 day no complete clause. See just like Lex Luger, or 99% of the TNA roster Batista at the end of his WWE stint when he "quit" was without contract, however had WWE released him just before his contract expired he would not be able to try and go to Strikeforce as they have a TV deal, or TNA, so before you give bad rep get your facts straight...

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