So Vince McMahon, Eric Bischoff, Paul Heyman? All dumb people yes?
I wasn't saying that all successful promoters and what not are people without a brain. What you're doing is concentrating on certain things I said just so you can take it as literal, so you can emphasize that I haven't gotten to my point. It's either that, or sarcasm. "All dumb people, yes?" - Hey man, you tell me. Two out of those promoters destroyed their own companies by using one single angle for five years straight, and another promoter has bra and panties matches take up the semi-main event slot on his show.
Johnny Ace booked a match and that's relevant to a person not on the booking team how?
It was obviously an example that had to be presented in the way I done so, because there is no scenario that can emulate such a situation in the current TNA creative team. So, I'm not even going to reply furthermore on this quote 'cause you, once again, are trying to emphasize things that do not need to be emphasized.
You can always tell how unintelligent a person is when the first attack they make is based on gender.
And there he is, emphasizing and singling out the part where I mention she's a girl. Which is the one thing, out of maybe ten things that I said about her? Yeah, you can always tell how insecure a person is about their side of an argument when they like to make an individual response to the opposing side saying something about a person's gender.

Why don't you argue what I said about her stupidity or something? Defend your opinion instead of concentrating on secondary elements in my argument that had many strong points.
So, Vince Russo has a strong work ethic but he's apparently not deserving of his job? I suppose you think you could do better?
He's definitely not deserving of his job. He put Owen Hart in a stupid gimmick that not even Owen wanted to do, he hung up over the ring and killed him. He came up with second rate gimmick matches that were made in WWE, he single-handedly annihilated the WCW promotion, when it was at it's peak, he instantaneously ruined careers with stupid ass angles and storylines back in '99 and early '00, which led to him ultimately getting fired, and he was actually sued FOR his bad booking, and was accused of purposely being so unbelievably uncreative and borderline ******ed, and that actually led to him being sued. Yes, that's right. People in the business actually thought that there was no way he can honestly be that utterly stupid, and felt like he was purposely trying to fuck the company over.
Having a strong work ethic alone shouldn't warrant someone having a job. You gotta' be good at what you do as well. It's like, what if I was a really hard construction worker and I busted my ass, but kept destroying the things I worked on and accidentally killed somebody? Do I even have to go on in this scenario? No. 'Cause all it takes is a little common sense, which seems to be something that you're running away from.
What are you talking about? Are you talking about Russo or Carter? This is like some irrelevant rant.
I actually did go a bit out of the topic, but it's because dwelling on just why Carter is such a mark, and such an idiot, had to bring up Russo, and I think that all the bad things happening in TNA right now, is more alongside the lines of being Russo's fault, then Carter's, so in hindsight, I'm actually defending Carter a bit. (Which would warrant the question; am I really a sexist idiot like you say I am? Afterall, I've made a few posts in this thread already saying that she shouldn't quit.)
You seriously have some tolerance issues you need to work out. Other than that, let me tell you something about Jim Cornette, Jim Cornette is the only person the IWC likes to suck off more than Paul Heyman. And Jim Cornette is a thousand times worse, for one he's stuck in the mentality of a territories booker. Secondly of everyone to ever work for TNA, only Jim Cornette can claim that he managed to run his own wrestling promotion into the ground by himself, if you need a reference point google Smokey Mountain Wrestling.
I don't know much about his Smokey Mountain Wrestling promotion, but there is a reason that it didn't need all that harcore bullshit, to become as popular as it was, when it was alive, and as it died. Watch a couple of shoot interviews now and then, even the people who dislike Cornette said that SMW was ran better than the WWF, and was more consistent, which is extremely easy to believe because back in '96 and early '97, some of that shit you had no clue why it was happening. So, I think you're alone in that whole, "Smokey Mountain Wrestling sucked" thing or whatever.

It didn't. It was SUCCESSFUL.
Between your blatant sexism and stupidity, I've not heard one viable option as to who could replace Dixie Carter.
I didn't feel like I had to go into it, but I guess I will - Dreamer (who right now is doing all of the creative writing and what not, so if he was in charge, and he did have more power in the company, I am sure he'd steer the place in the right direction), Hulk Hogan (and I don't even like Hogan, but I am sure that if carter wasn't involved, Bischoff and Hogan would not tolerate that piece of shit and they'd fire him, 'thus saving the entire company, at least for a bit, 'cause Bischoff and Hogan can destroy a company pretty good too), Paul Heyman (Don't need to go into it), Any TNA wrestler at all (Because they would probably want to put themselves and the rest of the roster over, instead of people from the ECW, that was unsuccessful, and that died after 6 years of being barely relevant 10 years ago, then died again early this year after another company destroyed it and made a mockery of it), and Jim Cornette (for obvious reasons)
I can name even more people too, but I don't think I have to. Hell,
I could do better than Carter. With ease, actually. All you gotta' do is not insult the fans' intelligence, not mock them on facebook, and don't advertise things on Twitter every two minutes when nothing is official anyways. It sounds easy.