Should Dixie Carter step down as president of TNA Wrestling?

I'm not a Sting mark, he and the Undertaker are both legends. Both have had excellent feuds and both are some of the few wrestlers in history who had a successful gimmick that got them to the top and were then able to reinvent themselves entirely. However the one thing Sting will always have over the Undertaker is that Sting was at one point the face of a company. For all his accomplishments the Undertaker has never been #1. During the war against the nWo Sting was #1. And that is why Sting will always be just a hair better than the Undertaker.

Also just something I found slightly amusing about your post, it's obviously opinion as to which man you feel is better, but to say that Sting has never been better than the Undertaker is just silly, for the entire 1980's the Undertaker was a nobody. Sting was probably the most over face in the NWA, in 1990 the Undertaker was debuting as himself, Sting was beating Ric Flair for the world title.

this is incredibly off topic discussion as it is, and would have served better for a thread in the old school section.

Well thats your opinion and my opinion is that Taker is better than Sting. While I do Agree that Sting was great back in the day he isnt at all what he used to be and Neither is Taker but Taker has had 2 of the greastest matches with HBK at WM in the last 2yrs. Yes It did take Taker longer to become a somebody but I think it helped him with the experince(if you get what im saying) but thats the great thing about Wrestling is everybody has the different opinions on Stuff.
Doesn't Dixie technically own TNA? or is she a front for her father who basically owns it?
Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not too sure on the business side of TNA.
But if Dixie owns it, then surely she's completely free to run it into the ground if she so wishes?
If her father owns it and he's given Dixie that position, again it's his business and his daughter, how he runs his own life is up to him. If he doesn't like Dixie in that position, he should (and obviously could) remove her.
I think Dixie is absolutely fine where she is and should be left alone.

If everyone has these grand ideas which will give iMPACT a 4 point ratings boost within a month, why are they all sitting online typing about it? Why not put together a business proposal saying how and why they can improve TNA's product beyond all current comprehension. If they could realistically do that what would really stop TNA giving them a shot? and who wouldn't wanna get paid a lot of money to help out in a business they love?
But obviously no one can....
You people do realize that Taker has been in the business longer than Sting right? thats to those who say sting was main event while taker was just debuting. Learn your history.
Its not like she is 100% bad at being president of TNA. she must have some wrestling mind to be that high up in TNA. what she needs to do is stop trying to run with WWE, stick to Thursday nights for awhile untill they really get big(which they will never do). she also needs to stop having other people run that company for her. she also needs to get off TV, she is on everyweek at ringside. they also need to go back to the six-sided ring that was the only good think on TNA at that if she does all fine as her being the president of TNA.
You people do realize that Taker has been in the business longer than Sting right? thats to those who say sting was main event while taker was just debuting. Learn your history.

The Undertaker, the character didn't debut until 1990. Mean Mark Callous who wrestled in a tag team with Dan Spivey was not the Undertaker. No one gives two shits about the Sky Scrapers. Sting was wrestling Ric Flair for the world title when the Undertaker had just debuted in the WWF as The Undertaker.
And by the end of 1990, the undertaker himself was main eventing. His career will forever be better than sting's. Look at their track records. You are right about one thing though, this is not the topic at hand. On to that...

I don't think she should step down but, she needs to get a clue. This company keeps going backwards just so they can take a step forwards. This year was supposed to finally be the year TNA turned the corner and 7 months in they looked like nothing more than a 2nd rate promotion. They need to get their head out of their asses and she needs to be the first to do so
Why the fuck are you guys bitching about Sting and the Undertaker in this thread... Go make a new thread to talk about it, this one is about Dixie and TNA...

As for the topic..

Guys, are you really as clueless as you act?
If shes so shit at running a business and you could do so much better, why are you not the one running the company? Why are you not hired by WWE or TNA to do their writing?

Oh ya thats right, its because you don't know nearly as much as you think you do.

Think about what you saying for a second. Dixie runs TNA, her father pays for TNA. If Dixie stepped down, why the hell would her dad keep paying for a company his daughter just stepped down from? If Dixie goes, so does the money.

Without the money TNA would not exist right now.....

Yes Dixie may be doing some things wrong, but that gives no reason for a bunch of nobodys online to tell her she needs to quit her job and give away the company to someone else.
I don't think Dixie needs to step-down as she has taken some positive steps with TNA. For me I think the best thing she could do is take a few more assertive steps with being in control. Not completely lose the plot like Vince McHitler has in the last few years but actually say "yeah they're nice but they're useless, you're fired" instead of wanting to maintain the family air about TNA. It might make her a bit less popular but, hopefully, it'd result in less dead weight and free-loaders hanging around TNA and the air of being fired if they don't do their job properly, would surely lead towards a more cohesive and well oiled company.

One of the first things I'd do, if I was her, was strip down the creative team. This isn't a "fire russo/hogan/bischoff" thing but more a case of working out who should be calling the creative shots deal. If she backs Russo then make him the last call guy, with the others following the structure of a magazine system, doing their articles (or wrestler storylines in this case) and handing them to the editor who can then change what he thinks needs changing and then take all the praise, or heat, with what results.

As for Sting and Undertaker (seeing as it's mentioned I wanna join in too) I'd give the edge to Taker. Both are legends but Taker seemed to finally step it up around the time Sting clearly lost interest in wrestling. Sting's come back a bit in the last few years but, overall, I've found more memorable Taker matches to me (although Sting Vs Vader had some of the best matches I've ever seen).

Fair enough Sting was the face of WCW while Taker has never been the face of WWE but, the only time WCW was turning a profit, I'd say Sting was more like Taker then, instead of being the face of the company (I'd give that honour to Hogan/nWo or Goldberg) he was the 2nd thing.
He had a very good question: If not Dixie, then who?

I'm looking at the question as if I'm Fred Wilpon, or as Dixie Carter if she decides to take a step back and take more of a CEO role, or Bob Carter if he loses confidence in Dixie. I'd be looking at people who have been successful as wrestling promoters, but didn't have the kind of financial backing that Dixie Carter had.

One choice would be Paul Heyman. Obviously for what he did with ECW, but he also had a very good run as head booker of Smackdown. His big weakness, again obviously, is the business and financial side.

Heyman aside, I'd be looking at Bill Behrens, who ran NWA Anarchy from 1999-2005, which was on a lot of local TV stations, before he quit to take jobs at WWE and then TNA.

I'd also be looking at the owner of OVW, who has been successfully (success=not bankrupt) produced episodic weekly wrestling TV for 15-20 years.

My ideal team would be Heyman as Executive Producer in charge of creative and talent, and Behrens as President in charge of the business side of everything.
People say the dumbest things about Dixie because they read the gospel according to the dirtsheets. Stop and think about this logically. The first point that is important is that without Dixie Carter TNA would likely not have lasted 6 months. It has now been going 8 years and she has been the president for over 7 years. I am just trying to figure out when it is she became so horribly inept? Is it just because she brought in the most recognizable wrestler on the planet and you decided that you liked the product less for a few months? I will take years over months any day. People talk about bringing in Heyman. Here is another doozy, Dixie Carter's company is more successful than Heyman's was. Heyman barely made it a year on national tv and had trouble keeping his own guys let alone bringing in highly notable names from other places. Saying Dixie Carter should step down is the same thing as saying TNA should fold. Why they should do that while the ratings are trending back up is beyond me.
Simple solution:
Dixie Carter should continue running the company but she should abstain from showing her face on TV.
How many "Boss" do you want??!! There is Eric, Hogan and Dixie. Let her do what she wants backstage. She makes TNA look weak. ( I didn't say it 's weak but she gives me that impression whenever she starts sucking up the crowd)
The Undertaker, the character didn't debut until 1990. Mean Mark Callous who wrestled in a tag team with Dan Spivey was not the Undertaker. No one gives two shits about the Sky Scrapers. Sting was wrestling Ric Flair for the world title when the Undertaker had just debuted in the WWF as The Undertaker.

And one year later he beat Hulk Hogan for the WWF World Championship how long did it take Sting wait a second he was thrown out of the World Title scene for Hogan clearly Taker was better then and still is now
I really have a hard time understanding the logic behind this. I hardly think Dixie would even consider stepping down just because a bunch of online people want to start a rally saying she's so terrible. If she's so awful, then why is TNA still around years later after its initial start? I think we don't give her enough credit. Sure, I've been guilty of thinking :wtf: with some of her choices for running things, but fans and stars keep coming to the Impact Zone. I’m sure if she was as bad as most people think, her father would’ve already made sure she was taken off a long time ago. It’s a given that she probably knows that she’s not liked the the majority of the IWC, and you can more than likely bet that it is used for creative with some of the storylines going, and they will run with that until the cows come home. If she’s so stupid/dumb/hated, etc, then why do they still keep drawing crowds? Believe me, wrestling is wrestling no matter who’s at the helm. She is obviously a fan of wrestling from the way she speaks, does that always make her sound smart? No. But she does have passion, and passion shows. Granted, not everyone thinks passion will get you to be the best in the world, especially when WWE is the standard to which it seems like most people hold other federations to. I think TNA is doing alright. Do I think Dixie will step down? Probably not anytime soon. Do I care if she leaves? No. I say just enjoy the positives that are going on while they are available, there are people being given a good second chance, to which, I do give her LOTS of praise for, and I am quite in favor of that. So I really think that until she proves otherwise, everyone should just sit back and in the words of the Beatles, “Let it Be.”
all you wwe-trolls need to get off your high horse and stop bitching and moaning about this woman not knowing how to run her company, like the two other posters stated, had her father not put her in charge of the company, tna would not be around, her hiring hogan and bischoff was just to attract fans, and i think it's worked so far, it's only a problem to the wwe/iwc fan boys because it's not A MCMAHON CREATION!!!
The first point that is important is that without Dixie Carter TNA would likely not have lasted 6 months. It has now been going 8 years and she has been the president for over 7 years.

"Dixie Carter" there should read "Panda Energy's money." Panda lost a lot of money in TNA's early years before stabilizing at a point where revenues and expenses were pretty close. You can justify that as the price of starting up a national company and enduring those early losses, but the fact that her father's company had the money doesn't make her smart.

If she's so awful, then why is TNA still around years later after its initial start?

Panda's money and Spike executives' egos. I do give her credit for being able to sell her project to Spike TV executives for gradually increasing chunks of cash and TV time. Spike is at least partially on the hook, according to the Interwebs, for Angle and Sting, Bischoff's deal is with Spike, and Spike may be paying Hogan, and certainly sank a lot of money into promoting Hogan Comes to TNA this spring.

I am just trying to figure out when it is she became so horribly inept?

It was when she removed Jeff Jarrett as head honcho and took a larger role. Wrestling is a little bit like a sports franchise, especially TNA. She went from being the remote owner in the skybox, like Jerry Reinsdorf of the Chicago Bulls and White Sox, staying out of visible day to day operations that are best handled by professionals, and took on the role of a Mark Cuban, very visible and directly involved with major decisions.

Jeff Jarrett was her first GM, essentially, and she inherited him. When she got rid of him (he's still on TV and still has stock, but little to no power) she almost immediately brought in what was to be a new management team, Hogan and Bischoff, the guys behind Monday Nitro and the NWO.

That team failed. PPV buyrates are by all accounts WAY down, and they weren't good before. Ratings are exactly where they were a year ago and the Monday Night Wars experiment was a fiasco. Merchandise sales may be up, although how much of that goes to TNA rather than to Terry Bollea is a good question. Live event revenue has to be up, but their biggest event ever was in a minor league baseball park.

They failed so badly that she is giving a pay-per-view, and a good chunk of the last month of Impact, to Tommy Dreamer for a don't-call-it-ECW revival. Do you think that that was a Hogan or Bischoff idea to try that?

Dixie Carter is not a wrestling person, and knows it. That's actually to her credit--her problem is that she hasn't set a direction for the organization, and it badly needs one. TNA's biggest problem has always been its identity crisis. It wants to be WWF or WCW, to make it to the big stages and deliver a product that the mainstream can embrace. But it doesn't have the resources or the talent to do that. What it does have the resources to do is be a successful niche product, an ECW or an ROH on a larger scale, with a much smaller, much more loyal audience. You can make money doing that, if you plan for it. But they have never wanted to do that. They have always been obsessed with getting bigger, and given much less thought to getting better.
Yes she should TNA seems to get worse each year . She knows nothing she even announces stuff like a surprise then it dont happen . Hell panda energy should just sell to VKM and be done . The only person who can run the company right is Eric b and panda wont give him the money he needs to make it big . Hell dixie running TNA is like a Priest Directing a Hardcore porn movie
She shouldn't step down so much as share the power. She needs to have someone who will protect the investment in TNA better then the "Human ATM" Dixi Carter. It should be someone who knows wrestling not someone who just got into it because they're dad is foking over cash for it.
I don't think she should. Panda Energy supplied the funding for TNA to succeed as we all know. And its just within the past two years or so that TNA has started to go down hill. The reason, she wants to be the nice one. She wants to be the one that everyone says "Oh she is such a nice lady." Meanwhile everyone is laughing behind her back because she is making these terrible choices. She needs to stop listening to people.

I remember back when a company I think it was called WCW (Sarcasm), was ruined by egomaniacs like Kevin Nash who were smart enough to capitalize on the idiots running WCW. He got paid and the company went down in flames. Not that Nash was the only one to do something like that. The same thing is happening now. Back in 2006 when TNA was on top of its game Dixie wasent listening to people who were just trying to get themselves further in the buisness. She made smart moves and TNA succeeded because of it.

Now of course as I said she wants to be the nice guy. Well Vince has proven and its a life fact that you cant please everyone. McMahon knows that the buisness comes first, the wrestlers come second and the Montreal Screwjob proved that. Dixie Carter would have let Bret do whatever the hell he wanted because she would have trusted him. Just like the people she trusts now that are bringing down TNA. Fast. She needs to realize that she cant compete with WWE, honestly they didnt even sell out the Tsongas Center back in 08 if I remember and that arena holds a good 6,500 people if you have a stage, ramp, and a ring.

Simply enough Dixie needs to stop listening to her mark friends. It was reported on WZ that Heyman wouldnt go to TNA because he wouldnt have control, due to Dixie not wanting her "friends" to be fired. Could Heyman fix TNA? Maybe but we'll never see him have the chance. She needs to stop hiring people that really shouldnt be with the company just because their her "Friend" or a friend of someone who is already in the locker room. Prime Example, Hall and Waltman. Bringing in Hogan to make you look more professional, worked for the short term now its back to where no one cares at all and he's just taking money. She let Hogan and Eric Bischoff take away their idenity with a snap of their fingers, by removing the six sided ring. The 6 sides made them different and unique, get rid of that, go to a 4 sided ring and a late 80's WCW ring and guess what Dixie your no longer different.

So combine all that with pointless hirings like Orlando Jordan and Shannon Moore who no one cares about, and still employing people like Eric Young is killing TNA faster than any of us thought. And the ironic thing is Vince is sitting back laughing at all of this. 3-4 years ago when the IWC was calling TNA competition he didnt sweat it at all and why should he have. He knew TNA would end up at this point eventually.

So should Dixie Carter step down? No. She should smarten the hell up and realize all of her choices is making TNA a laughing stock. HardCore Justice is just the latest dumbass move. If she doesnt make changes then obviously she should step down, but that wont happen. I do watch both TNA and WWE, and no matter how much I hate the WWE PG product, TNA's is really no better at this point. And thats sad to say.

And did Sick Nick really say Vince Russo isn't creative? Thats one of the most ignorant things I've heard on here. He is the most creative man in wrestling history. But when Vinny Mac isn't there to filter some of his ideas we get a subpar product, SOMETIMES. The IWC acts like Russo is TNA's only writer. He isnt the only one coming up with some of these pointless storylines.
So Vince McMahon, Eric Bischoff, Paul Heyman? All dumb people yes?

I wasn't saying that all successful promoters and what not are people without a brain. What you're doing is concentrating on certain things I said just so you can take it as literal, so you can emphasize that I haven't gotten to my point. It's either that, or sarcasm. "All dumb people, yes?" - Hey man, you tell me. Two out of those promoters destroyed their own companies by using one single angle for five years straight, and another promoter has bra and panties matches take up the semi-main event slot on his show.

Johnny Ace booked a match and that's relevant to a person not on the booking team how?

It was obviously an example that had to be presented in the way I done so, because there is no scenario that can emulate such a situation in the current TNA creative team. So, I'm not even going to reply furthermore on this quote 'cause you, once again, are trying to emphasize things that do not need to be emphasized.

You can always tell how unintelligent a person is when the first attack they make is based on gender.

And there he is, emphasizing and singling out the part where I mention she's a girl. Which is the one thing, out of maybe ten things that I said about her? Yeah, you can always tell how insecure a person is about their side of an argument when they like to make an individual response to the opposing side saying something about a person's gender. o_O Why don't you argue what I said about her stupidity or something? Defend your opinion instead of concentrating on secondary elements in my argument that had many strong points.

So, Vince Russo has a strong work ethic but he's apparently not deserving of his job? I suppose you think you could do better?

He's definitely not deserving of his job. He put Owen Hart in a stupid gimmick that not even Owen wanted to do, he hung up over the ring and killed him. He came up with second rate gimmick matches that were made in WWE, he single-handedly annihilated the WCW promotion, when it was at it's peak, he instantaneously ruined careers with stupid ass angles and storylines back in '99 and early '00, which led to him ultimately getting fired, and he was actually sued FOR his bad booking, and was accused of purposely being so unbelievably uncreative and borderline ******ed, and that actually led to him being sued. Yes, that's right. People in the business actually thought that there was no way he can honestly be that utterly stupid, and felt like he was purposely trying to fuck the company over.

Having a strong work ethic alone shouldn't warrant someone having a job. You gotta' be good at what you do as well. It's like, what if I was a really hard construction worker and I busted my ass, but kept destroying the things I worked on and accidentally killed somebody? Do I even have to go on in this scenario? No. 'Cause all it takes is a little common sense, which seems to be something that you're running away from.

What are you talking about? Are you talking about Russo or Carter? This is like some irrelevant rant.

I actually did go a bit out of the topic, but it's because dwelling on just why Carter is such a mark, and such an idiot, had to bring up Russo, and I think that all the bad things happening in TNA right now, is more alongside the lines of being Russo's fault, then Carter's, so in hindsight, I'm actually defending Carter a bit. (Which would warrant the question; am I really a sexist idiot like you say I am? Afterall, I've made a few posts in this thread already saying that she shouldn't quit.)

You seriously have some tolerance issues you need to work out. Other than that, let me tell you something about Jim Cornette, Jim Cornette is the only person the IWC likes to suck off more than Paul Heyman. And Jim Cornette is a thousand times worse, for one he's stuck in the mentality of a territories booker. Secondly of everyone to ever work for TNA, only Jim Cornette can claim that he managed to run his own wrestling promotion into the ground by himself, if you need a reference point google Smokey Mountain Wrestling.

I don't know much about his Smokey Mountain Wrestling promotion, but there is a reason that it didn't need all that harcore bullshit, to become as popular as it was, when it was alive, and as it died. Watch a couple of shoot interviews now and then, even the people who dislike Cornette said that SMW was ran better than the WWF, and was more consistent, which is extremely easy to believe because back in '96 and early '97, some of that shit you had no clue why it was happening. So, I think you're alone in that whole, "Smokey Mountain Wrestling sucked" thing or whatever. o_O It didn't. It was SUCCESSFUL.

Between your blatant sexism and stupidity, I've not heard one viable option as to who could replace Dixie Carter.

I didn't feel like I had to go into it, but I guess I will - Dreamer (who right now is doing all of the creative writing and what not, so if he was in charge, and he did have more power in the company, I am sure he'd steer the place in the right direction), Hulk Hogan (and I don't even like Hogan, but I am sure that if carter wasn't involved, Bischoff and Hogan would not tolerate that piece of shit and they'd fire him, 'thus saving the entire company, at least for a bit, 'cause Bischoff and Hogan can destroy a company pretty good too), Paul Heyman (Don't need to go into it), Any TNA wrestler at all (Because they would probably want to put themselves and the rest of the roster over, instead of people from the ECW, that was unsuccessful, and that died after 6 years of being barely relevant 10 years ago, then died again early this year after another company destroyed it and made a mockery of it), and Jim Cornette (for obvious reasons)

I can name even more people too, but I don't think I have to. Hell, I could do better than Carter. With ease, actually. All you gotta' do is not insult the fans' intelligence, not mock them on facebook, and don't advertise things on Twitter every two minutes when nothing is official anyways. It sounds easy.
Do I think Dixie should step down? No, absolutely not. I don't think she's doing that bad of a job. TNA has a deal on Spike, advertisers to pay for the programming, a decent sized audience, a hell of a good roster, and a permanent location to showcase their talents. There is no way they're not making money from advertising, attendance, TNA merch, etc. I don't see the problem. The WWE wasn't built in 7 days (or years) people.

In my opinion, I think Dixie gets more than her share of mud slung in her direction because she is an attractive woman in a male dominated industry. People's assessments of her seem based on gendered stereotypes rather than anything inherently real. Comments about her being "less intelligent," "not understanding business," or that she can somehow be "easily swayed by manipulative men” nothing other than sexist hog wash. It’s not 1915 people, they let the ladies vote & drive a car these days. I would hate to see what some of you would say if she were both Black and female….
Carter has managed to do something Paul Heyman never did, pay her employees all their money.. on time.
You can clearly see that like Heyman she has a genuine love for the business. That doesn't necessarily translate into good business sense but everything is a learning experience and you have to take chances sometimes for the sake of brand awareness. TNA today isn't what it was last year this time. There are about as many positive reasons as negative. If they can find their balance and build from there, TNA will have a great future. Creatively you can tell there are too many cooks in the kitchen and once they figure that situation out we'll have consistency

Funny enough, TNA lasted longer than the XFL, and makes more money too, so even Vince needs to learn the hard way sometimes. TNA is doing better than any other independent in the US, that should speak for itself. Carter can stay, she just needs better people around her, and they should definitely start by reevaluating their booking situation
"Dixie Carter" there should read "Panda Energy's money." Panda lost a lot of money in TNA's early years before stabilizing at a point where revenues and expenses were pretty close. You can justify that as the price of starting up a national company and enduring those early losses, but the fact that her father's company had the money doesn't make her smart.

Numbnuts, if she was producing a bad product the ratings would be absolutely dreadful and Spike or whichever company it is will take the show off the air at the drop of a dime.
I know that Dixie Carter gets a great deal of criticism, I know that she does deserve a lot of it, but I'm not sure about her stepping down as TNA President. It's one thing to point out things about the TNA product that you don't like, but going so far as to say that a casual wrestling fan could do a better job of running TNA is something else entirely.

Like many, I've criticized Dixie Carter on numerous occassions, but I've never once suggested that I could do a better job than she could nor do I think that very many fans at all, if indeed any at all, that post on this forum or any other wrestling forum could run TNA any better than Dixie Carter. We all have ideas that we think will work, ideas that sound damn good to us. But for every person that saw our "good ideas" in action, there might be 10 others that think it's absolute shit. Personally, I think the whole ECW reunion ppv idea is just such a concept but that's neither here nor there. I do just have to sing out when it comes to these particular threads because the VAST VAST majority of the IWC really doesn't have the first clue about running a wrestling company. We can think that we do all we want because we're not putting our money where our mouth is. At the end of the day, we're just fans. We might know what we like, we might have a pretty good of what goes on in some instances, but that's not the same as actually running things and deciding what goes and what doesn't.
For the past two years TNA president Dixie Carter has been really going harder in the paint to compete with the WWE. From TNA's "Cross the line" days to now in the TNA days of "EV.2.0" (or what ever they call ECW in TNA). Dixie Carter's TNA Wrestling has been sailing in wavey waters. And since Dixie Carter has hired Hulk Hogan & Eric Bischoff late last year. Carter will stop at nothing to go head up with Vince McMahon of the WWE.

Now with TNA's "Hardcore Justice" just around the corner on Sunday, Dixie Carter is letting the company's money ride on this pay per view which mainly features former ECW wrestlers as we know. Without the TNA World Championship title on the line at the PPV?

There are rumors and other talk from the wrestling media's, internet fans, and the underground that within a year, TNA Wrestling may fold? Which so much invested in TNA by Spike TV and other products. Would it be easyer if Dixie Carter just step down as president of TNA Wrestling? Because from outside Carter countlessly on her Facebook & Twitter accounts and texting about her company. She's not even on the same level as Stephanie McMahon, as far as being a female boss (Not being sexes!) in an industry dominated by men.

I don't know how you can compare Dixie to Stephanie first off since Stephanie doesn't own or run WWE. She may have helped run some aspects of shows like Smackdown in the past, but comparing a writer of Smackdown to a an owner of a wrestling company is ridiculous. Stephanie hasn't had any creative control over anything since she became a mother.

As far as the ECW reunion show goes, TNA are getting the highest ratings they have received since February. This whole ECW may be for one night, but I wouldn't be surprised that the ECW PPV will draw more than a regular TNA PPV. That may be sad, but at the same time we don't know what the future will hold. We don't even know for sure how many PPV buys TNA is getting.

People read too much into the internet gossip and dirt sheets. Its easy for a Monday morning quarterback sitting behind a keyboard with no experience in business or the wrestling industry to say what they would do to run a company. Even if you had a million dollars, you would probably fail unless you had experience in business. If wrestling fans knew how to create companies then all of us would be successful, just like that backyard wrestling company :rolleyes:

We may not all agree on what TNA puts on television, but they must be doing something right to be the #2 wrestling company in the world.
Ya know, I don't think Dixie is doing such a horrible job, honestly. The only thing that pisses me off are the surprises and announcements that either turn out to be lame, or just don't happen. However, programming over the last few months, in my opinion, has been pretty awesome.

I will agree that TNA's roster is the best on tv currently, but the writing is the only thing lacking. With Dreamer now in the company, and apparently on the creative staff, I've definitely seen a positive change.

Now, to those who think Dixie is horrible, and doesn't know what she's doing, you're not thinking. I've only gotten back into wrestling because of TNA. I stopped watching completely for 5 years, and around october '08, gave WWE another shot, and liked what I saw, until I had TNA to compare to it. and after that, I went from watching 5 hrs of WWE a week and 2 hrs of TNA a week, to eventually just watching TNA for the most part.

I do check out the E every once in a while, but I really don't feel like they are doing anything all that groundbreaking either. I mean, please, someone tell me all of the super amazing spectacular stuff that's going on that is 'can't miss,' cuz I don't see it at all. I mean, the Nexus was a cool and awesome concept...for a couple weeks, then it got boaring. I'll be honest, I sat through about 4 weeks of RAW, and you WWE superfans are certainly tolerant, cuz I barely made it through all those RAWs, and it was excrutiating...all I was watching for was Nexus stuff. And before people start ranting on me, I don't hate WWE, I just don't like what they're currently putting out. I mean the Divas alone are a joke...can you say Hogsplash?

So should vince step down? NO, no one would ever say that, cuz he's Vincent Kennedy McMahon. I feel like both companies have their ups and downs, and but neither is in such utterly horrible shape that they need their respective presidents to step down.

So no, currently I do not see anyone who can fill Vince's or Dixie's shoes better than either of them at the moment, although both could be doing better, and PLEASE Dixie, if you're gonna surprise us, please surprise us, don't disappoint us and if you have something that will "change the company forever," please tell us, rather than pretending like you never said it.

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