[Rumor] Dixie Carter No Longer TNA President; Eric Bischoff to Succeed Her?

I don't know much about how wrestling organizations are managed or those details, but seems like an opportunity for TNA (if possible) to really try something different. My analogy would be from like professional sports where bad teams look to the good teams and find someone they can try to hire from within that organization that might be lower on the food chain so to speak but can bring with them their experience from a proven organization.

Not sure if there would be anyone from WWE that TNA could hire to fill that role but if there is might be worth considering if they can come in and paint a clear vision of what the company is to be about. Maybe it's just me but I wouldn't mind seeing this person stay off television and let the wrestlers be the focus of the show as well.
Why Gabe Sapolsky he did pretty good with ROH when he was in charge sure TNA might have an indy feel but at least TNA would be more wrestling orientated than it is now.

Maybe why not? Yeah from what i have read, he was good with ROH so if possible hire him (if this rumor is true).
As some others have said, I wont believe this until I see it from a more credible source. However, in the land of speculation, this wouldn't be good for TNA regardless of who took over the company. If she's actually put the company in that bad of shape, it would take a major overhaul to pull them out of the gutter. They'd need an entire new management team with a little vision, not just one person, to turn them around and point them in the right direction. The leader can only do so much with a shitty team.
Whats scary about this, is HTM had this like 2 weeks ago. He also had Jimmy Hart leaving 2 weeks before it happened as well. So as much as HTM might be a douche, he has been accurate with what he's been reporting. Now on to this article, like an earlier poster said, this ties in with the Daphney lawsuit. This is bad all around for TNA. Its scary that the "they" storyline is coming true. If Carter is truely out, then it cant be long before the Carters pull out. I cant see Eric being able to run a company without a big check book. I wonder what the roster would look like in a year.
Part of me wonders if this was all put out by TNA creative to make us believe that "They" really happened. Is the IWC being duped?
Sometimes the IWC is hilarious. For over a year we have been hearing about how Dixie Carter is the worst thing going in TNA because she has no wrestling experience or whatever people say. Then a questionable rumor has her being replaced by the one person out there that has anything resembling the experience they cried for and many are against it. Why? Because Bischoff has a tie to WCW! He cannot possibly handle the financial side of the company! That is the main concern and people are clamoring to bring in Paul Heyman :wtf: One of the most hilariously misguided streams of "logic" I have seen the IWC trumpet in a while. When it comes to the business side on a large scale give me Bischoff 10/10 times.
We keep seeing people talking about Daffney suing TNA. Really it is just a Workman's compensation lawsuit which will recover doctor's bills and lost wages. If she had been considered a full-time employee she would have simply filed for workman's compensation but since she is considered an independent contractor she has to use a Lawyer and sue for Workman's compensation. It's not like a lawsuit where she can get punitive damages and get millions of dollars. Workman's comp is basically a routine way for employees to get things paid for if they work for a company where they aren't provided insurance and are injured on the job.

That's to the best of my knowledge but I could be wrong so someone can correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think I am. I believe all TNA will be charged with if she wins the suit will be hospital bills and maybe lost ages.
Because Bischoff has a tie to WCW! He cannot possibly handle the financial side of the company! That is the main concern and people are clamoring to bring in Paul Heyman One of the most hilariously misguided streams of "logic" I have seen the IWC trumpet in a while. When it comes to the business side on a large scale give me Bischoff 10/10 times.

Shattered dreams you are right on the money. Bischoff didn't really kill WCW he was only part of the reason that WCW died. He stuck with the idea of the NWO for too long, but who wouldn't? I mean NWO t-shirts were selling like crazy at the time, so why would they (WCW) give up that cash cow? It would be like WWE decided to pull Cena's mercherdise, Mcmahon would have a heart attack seeing the loss of money. Paul Heyman the so called savior couldn't even get a TV deal on TNN (now Spike TV) and couldn't pay his guys/girls, that why there was a mass exodus in the original ECW. When you can't pay your full time wrestlers thats really bad.
Because Bischoff has a tie to WCW! He cannot possibly handle the financial side of the company! That is the main concern and people are clamoring to bring in Paul Heyman One of the most hilariously misguided streams of "logic" I have seen the IWC trumpet in a while. When it comes to the business side on a large scale give me Bischoff 10/10 times.

Shattered dreams you are right on the money. Bischoff didn't really kill WCW he was only part of the reason that WCW died. He stuck with the idea of the NWO for too long, but who wouldn't? I mean NWO t-shirts were selling like crazy at the time, so why would they (WCW) give up that cash cow? It would be like WWE decided to pull Cena's mercherdise, Mcmahon would have a heart attack seeing the loss of money. Paul Heyman the so called savior couldn't even get a TV deal on TNN (now Spike TV) and couldn't pay his guys/girls, that why there was a mass exodus in the original ECW. When you can't pay your full time wrestlers thats really bad.

Paul Heyman is by far the worst thing that could happen to TNA. The guy wanted to incorporate UFC crap in a pro wrestling product. Are you kidding me? For what? To draw in a portion of the UFC crowd? If they wanted to watch UFC, guess what, they'd watch UFC. He wanted to fire everyone over the age of 40? Well, for one, like Nash said - that'd be okay if he's the first in line, because he's over 40. And what happens to all the other wrestlers TNA has that are over 40 and are good? What happens in a few years when guys like AJ and Anderson turn 40? Was he gonna have Jay Lethal and Amazing Red Main Event his shows?

And Bischoff did hold on to the nWo for too long, as if McMahon didn't hold on too long on John Cena. See, if that was the only factor WCW would still be alive. If it was just Bischoff fucking up the nWo thing, I doubt it'd kill the company. But there were a ton of other reasons. That's why WWE is still in business despite McMahon fucking up left and right. He still controls his own money, and as long as he has that (and marks to pay for an absolutely fruitless product and give him ratings every week), he'll be in business. More power to him.

IF this is true, and I'm starting to believe it isn't, Bischoff is the right and only choice. He knows a heck of a lot more than Dixie, he can do better than Hogan, it's risky to bring in a complete nobody, Shane McMahon is pure science fiction and Heyman is not even an option. Yes, he knows how to book, but that fucker wants the company and that's suicide for TNA. I'd take a sound stage over bingo halls any day.
Paul Heyman is by far the worst thing that could happen to TNA. The guy wanted to incorporate UFC crap in a pro wrestling product. Are you kidding me? For what? To draw in a portion of the UFC crowd? If they wanted to watch UFC, guess what, they'd watch UFC. He wanted to fire everyone over the age of 40? Well, for one, like Nash said - that'd be okay if he's the first in line, because he's over 40. And what happens to all the other wrestlers TNA has that are over 40 and are good? What happens in a few years when guys like AJ and Anderson turn 40? Was he gonna have Jay Lethal and Amazing Red Main Event his shows?

And Bischoff did hold on to the nWo for too long, as if McMahon didn't hold on too long on John Cena. See, if that was the only factor WCW would still be alive. If it was just Bischoff fucking up the nWo thing, I doubt it'd kill the company. But there were a ton of other reasons. That's why WWE is still in business despite McMahon fucking up left and right. He still controls his own money, and as long as he has that (and marks to pay for an absolutely fruitless product and give him ratings every week), he'll be in business. More power to him.

IF this is true, and I'm starting to believe it isn't, Bischoff is the right and only choice. He knows a heck of a lot more than Dixie, he can do better than Hogan, it's risky to bring in a complete nobody, Shane McMahon is pure science fiction and Heyman is not even an option. Yes, he knows how to book, but that fucker wants the company and that's suicide for TNA. I'd take a sound stage over bingo halls any day.

I was watching videos about Dutch Mantel who use to work for TNA, he was explaining stuff how they had talent, but they don't know how to use those talents. Same for Russo, he knows how Russo does a lot of bullshit storylines. I can't really say much about Paul Haymen because I remember i had trouble watching ECW because it would come on television really late or some times wait two weeks for it come back on cable.

I believe he can create good top stars, but he wants younger guys who are going to be the future with the company working with the wrestlers who are still there. I remember Dutch Mantel had said the reason for TNA was to bring former WCW fans to watch the product, but they don't know where all those fans went. IF the fans want to watch UFC that's on them. If the fans don't watch the product or don't like the product that's on them. I know TNA was trying to bring more fans from UFC, but after signing Hogan, the fans know who he is, and don't want to watch the product that has somebody who can't wrestle now or cut the same old promo
There's so much wrong in here I don't even know where to begin. Well, let's give this a shot.

Paul Heyman is by far the worst thing that could happen to TNA. The guy wanted to incorporate UFC crap in a pro wrestling product. Are you kidding me? For what? To draw in a portion of the UFC crowd?

Well considering UFC draws bigger PPV buyrates than WWE except for Wrestlemania, I'd say they have a big crowd to draw from. TNA hasn't brought in new fans in years as evidenced by their stagnant TV ratings. Trying to appeal to a new fanbase wouldn't be a terrible thing. There are certainly ups and downs to this idea and I don't know how it would be executed, but to try and appeal to the UFC crowd isn't a bad idea. Hell, Undertaker did that with WWE by using the gogoplata submission in his repertoire. Small example but he's a fan and wanted to show that he was incorporating that into the wrestling product.

He wanted to fire everyone over the age of 40? Well, for one, like Nash said - that'd be okay if he's the first in line, because he's over 40. And what happens to all the other wrestlers TNA has that are over 40 and are good? What happens in a few years when guys like AJ and Anderson turn 40? Was he gonna have Jay Lethal and Amazing Red Main Event his shows?

I can't tell you who would main event the shows in a few years. In 1995, could I have told you that the recently debuted Hunter Hearst Helmsley, The Ringmaster and the yet-to-debut Mankind and Rocky Maivia would be main eventing? The idea is that like sports, wrestlers have a finite timeline that they are a draw. That's less an age thing than it is a time on top. One of the main reasons the WWE ended up beating WCW was because the WWF had the forsight to create new main eventers. You always have to be looking forward and giving the fans something new. People got tired of seeing Hogan the heel dominate everything in WCW, especially when his main events were against old opponents that were purely nostalgic. They had two chances to change things with Sting and Goldberg and they fucked both up. Heyman can see that you need to mix things up. You comment on Cena later and maybe part of the reason people boo him is because he's simply the same guy that's been on top for 6 years. In the instant gratification age where there are 13 PPVs a year, that's a lot of time. The fans want something new and they are getting it now with the youth movement. Some guys will stick, others won't. In the late 90s, the WWE tried pushing guys like Test, British Bulldog (briefly), Billy Gunn, Ken Shamrock, and others, but what stuck was Steve Austin, The Rock, Triple H, and Mankind (Taker was already there basically). Later on, you had Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho join the fray as well, with Lesnar to follow. The point is that you have to continue to try and push guys and see what the fans respond to. Heyman sees that you need to always be looking that way instead of saying "wrestler x draws, we'll keep him around until he's dead.

And Bischoff did hold on to the nWo for too long, as if McMahon didn't hold on too long on John Cena. See, if that was the only factor WCW would still be alive.

It's not the only factor and I will soon show you where more of the fault lies.

If it was just Bischoff fucking up the nWo thing, I doubt it'd kill the company. But there were a ton of other reasons. That's why WWE is still in business despite McMahon fucking up left and right.

The difference is that Vince is a stron-willed owner who knows the business better than anyone else. Yes he's messed up, everyone has, but clearly he's done so less than anyone else because his business is incredibly successful. The difference with Bischoff and his major flaw is that he's an outsider that got appointed to the president's spot. He's not a guy that grew up in the business, he's a guy trying to infiltrate it. Bischoff as president wanted to be "one of the boys" and that fatally wounded WCW. This led to Hogan and Nash basically booking the thing into oblivion because they knew more wrestling than Bischoff ever could but Bischoff was fine with it. Who cares that they never looked towards the future and they continued to push "the boys" when no one wanted to see it anymore. It's the old "inmates running the asylum" thing and the major difference that every wrestler points out in the difference between WWF and WCW was that WWF felt way more professional. Their locker room was a more controlled place because Vince is the unquestioned leader of the company. He can be a hard ass, but you need to be in order to be successful. Bischoff has been a pushover and that's what scares me about him leading TNA. I hear the same things about their locker room and I fear that he's learned nothing and history will repeat itself.

He still controls his own money, and as long as he has that (and marks to pay for an absolutely fruitless product and give him ratings every week), he'll be in business. More power to him.

He's a guy who took a regional promotion and made it into an international superpower of a company that expands well beyond wrestling. That's why he's in business, because he's a damn good business man. Millions of people watch his product every week, tons own their stock, and their international business plan is top notch. The fact that you took a needless shot there, which is incredibly typical of your posting style, is irrelevant. You know he's a damn good businessman and that TNA sits there WISHING for the success WWE has. Hate the player, don't hate the game. They are damn successful whether the one fan known as Zevon Zion enjoys Monday Night Raw or not.

IF this is true, and I'm starting to believe it isn't, Bischoff is the right and only choice. He knows a heck of a lot more than Dixie, he can do better than Hogan, it's risky to bring in a complete nobody, Shane McMahon is pure science fiction and Heyman is not even an option. Yes, he knows how to book, but that fucker wants the company and that's suicide for TNA. I'd take a sound stage over bingo halls any day.

I'd say TNA are at a crossroads. You had Dixie Carter running the ship as president, a woman who wants success for TNA as she enjoys wrestling but has no idea how to achieve it, she's not "in" the wrestling insiders so she kept trying to bring in wrestling names to steer her product in the right direction. If you handed off to Bischoff, it's the SAME PROBLEM. Bischoff thinks he knows more, but he doesn't. He was Dixie years ago but with a bigger checkbook and a much bigger ego since paying superstars worked for a couple of years. Without that option, you simply have a kiss-ass who will continue to push his one idea and continue to buddy up to wrestlers. He's fine to produce the show (though stop with the camera cuts ever second and a half!), but don't make him your president.

If you want a good president, it needs to be someone who understands all aspects of the business. They need to also surround themselves with good people and be a hard ass businessman or businesswoman. A sense of order is needed and the inmates need to stop running the asylum. You want to make TNA work? Have someone come in and clean house! Jeff Hardy and Kurt Angle, can you get clean? Go get help and only come work for us if you aren't a death risk/media nightmare. Are you planning to be a star, let's book you on any show we can to get our people out there. We only work two tv tapings and then have like 3 house shows and that's it. Use that extra time to promote the business! Then the name starts going out there. You also need someone who's a good scout that can see talent waited to be taught. Jim Ross would be PERFECT but he's doing that with WWE and not going anywhere. He's the guy that signed talent like The Rock, Edge, Christian, Kurt Angle, and more. You need to see the future in talent but then you need the right trainers and such to further that talent. That's where TNA is currently lacking. You have these young dudes that won't go anywhere because they simply aren't getting any better. Hell, Mr. Anderson has come in and gotten worse! These talents need direction and taught every little nuance of the business. You think Steve Austin woke up one morning and just "got it"? Hell no! He worked 10 years to get to the main event and even then he wasn't satisfied and always trying to get better. To do that, you need people constantly analyzing your stuff. I'm a writer and I always have other writers look at my stuff and edit it. You have to if you want your piece to be the best it can be and if you want to improve. I'm going off on a tangent here but I think you are seeing my point.

The president of TNA needs to be someone tough minded and willing to surround themselves with the right people. THAT is where money needs to be invested. I guarantee you that you could build a great company and product without most of the current main eventers if you brought in the right talent scouts, teachers, etc. and worked with your midcarders and such. There's potential in a lot of them and you could have, if done right, a attitude era-like main event in that the guys there would all be relatively new but all would have worked hard to get there and will be awesome in their own way. I personally don't think a pushover like Bischoff can be that guy. I think he can be a TV producer as him and Hervey are good at that, but keep him to that. You have to identify where people are talented and that's his talent, not being the head of a company. Hogan WOULD be better because I think he could grow a spine if he had to. Plus, he's just asshole enough to make it work. I'm not sure he's right for it, but he'd be A LOT better than Bischoff who basically feeds off of Hulk anyway.

As for the truth to this, Dixie asked on twitter today if she should stay on Twitter given that she's stepped down as president so I don't know if that confirms it but it's out there.
So who are you proposing that is actually available in this hypothetical debate JJ? That sounds great and all but if you take your own advice Bischoff is the best choice. If you are worried about "outsiders" then there really are not many people to choose from. President isn't synonymous with writing the actual storylines. I am not sure why people are equating the two.

I am also quite confused on how Hogan is the choice when you specifically tried to fault Bischoff for having him "book the thing into oblivion." The business side is much more important. Look at Hogan's personal finances. You still want him running the company? Does he know the first thing about something like that? His recent track record isn't especially great when it comes to being surrounded by the "right people." What does he know about production etc? Bischoff seems to have a decent relationship with the people at spike on top of all this. In spite of what you read around here creative is hardly the problem in TNA. There is no magic creative fix that is going to skyrocket them. TNA needs the company organized into one direction. I'd certainly want Bischoff in charge of that before I would Hogan.
This could be for the best. Dixie Carter has made some bad decisions regarding how to run TNA. They should be a much bigger deal by now than they are, and part of the blame has to belong to her. She brought in Hogan/Bischoff, made Impact go up against Raw on mondays only to lose pretty badly, and older guys who do not need pushes are getting pushed when they could be pushing some of the younger guys too along with the bigger names. Bischoff was in charge of WCW during its best years so he would be better anyhow because he knows what he's doing and it's clear that Dixie most likely does not. If this is what gets her out of the top position for a while then perhaps it was for the best, as a Bischoff led TNA would be a larger success than a Dixie Carter led TNA.
In regards to the Sexual Harrassment case mentioned in the OP, there is more info leaked on that..

-- Randy Ricci, a former production manager for TNA Wrestling, reports that a sexual harassment lawsuit has been filed against the organization.

While specifics of the case have yet to be disclosed, Ricci states that Terry Taylor, TNA's Director of Talent Relations, was named in the suit.

Ricci added, "It should be noted as well that if Terry has done anything or not, with his past, it won't turn out well for he or the company."


More on Dixie Carter..

Despite rampant speculation, Dixie Carter is still the president of TNA wrestling. However, her mother Janice has assumed the role of making financial decisions for the struggling company. Dixie Carter has been keeping a lower profile, which includes stopping using social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook. Her last tweet was posted on March 2nd, shortly after her Twitter account was re-activated following Twitter suspending it when Carter failed to go through the correct protocol to verify it.

Whats normally the next step in this? We see it every day in corporate america..I can see the writing on the wall already...
So who are you proposing that is actually available in this hypothetical debate JJ? That sounds great and all but if you take your own advice Bischoff is the best choice. If you are worried about "outsiders" then there really are not many people to choose from. President isn't synonymous with writing the actual storylines. I am not sure why people are equating the two.

I am also quite confused on how Hogan is the choice when you specifically tried to fault Bischoff for having him "book the thing into oblivion." The business side is much more important. Look at Hogan's personal finances. You still want him running the company? Does he know the first thing about something like that? His recent track record isn't especially great when it comes to being surrounded by the "right people." What does he know about production etc? Bischoff seems to have a decent relationship with the people at spike on top of all this. In spite of what you read around here creative is hardly the problem in TNA. There is no magic creative fix that is going to skyrocket them. TNA needs the company organized into one direction. I'd certainly want Bischoff in charge of that before I would Hogan.

Yea, you completely missed my point, though that's not surprising. Bischoff should NEVER be anyone's first choice. Forget booking for a second because let's assume that a good president would hire the right people for that (writers and bookers that work well together). I would not and do not trust Bischoff to be someone that is a hard ass at the top to get things done. He's still the same pushover he was years ago. Hogan doesn't have to take shit from Bischoff but Bischoff sure as hell has to take Hogan's shit. If Hogan tells Bischoff something, the Bisch is gonna take it as gospel so why not cut out the middle man?

Quite honestly, TNA's best bet would be Donald Trump. He's a hard ass business man, loves wrestling, and would undoubtedly do his research to bring in the right people. Now, you can keep dreaming on that one because his friendship with Vince won't allow that to happen just like Jim Ross won't be going to TNA anytime soon, but that's a good suggestion. Seriously though, Bischoff promotes that poor environment and it's happening again. Eric Bischoff is seriously the last person I would hire to be my president because all of the things that were bad about WCW (the good old boys network, friends booking friends, not having a clue about building towards the future) are very present in TNA. Believe me, I have a list of people that I think would fit well in different roles in TNA but the president could be anyone that has run a business before. For TNA's sake, they'd be better off with someone that understands how to promote, market, and sell a product. Then that person could surround themselves with wrestling people for all the necessary jobs like booking, writing, teaching (a VERY important one for TNA).

Bischoff can produce Impact if he wants but that's all I'd ever give that piece of crap. It's evident that he learned very little from his crash and burn with WCW as his year with TNA has brought them the same problems WCW had. Don't let him anywhere near executive power for TNA.
In regards to the Sexual Harrassment case mentioned in the OP, there is more info leaked on that..


More on Dixie Carter..


Whats normally the next step in this? We see it every day in corporate america..I can see the writing on the wall already...

Please. Do not believe any nonsense dirtsheets will type up here. TNA was losing money back in 2008. TNA was reportedly running out of money in 2010. Yet, the signed Mickie James and a bunch of other wrestlers.

TNA has no money, yet the went on the road which is the most expensive thing you can do in the business.

Now, "sexual harassment" but no one is fired or released? Don't you think a FEMALE owner wouldn't allow that?

Let's be realistic here. Desmond Wolfe is reported to have everything down to hepatitis C and a blackout disorder. There is a bunch of BS reported and nobody seems to notice. Goes to show the IWC isn't all that intelligent.

All we know is TNA is wanting to change their brand and product to make their company better. Instead of admiring they are finally doing this, a bunch of negative press has to be released to overshadow it.

Dixie's Mother was handling their money for the past 6 months considering a report was made mentioned of that.
Yea, you completely missed my point, though that's not surprising.

And you missed mine because you still haven't named a realistic choice that is actually better. No one is saying that Bischoff is infallible, simply that the truth is that there isn't anyone else as qualified for the job.

If Hogan tells Bischoff something, the Bisch is gonna take it as gospel so why not cut out the middle man?

Because the "middle man" is the only one that knows anything about the business side of things. A couple of inputs here and there do not run a company.

Believe me, I have a list of people that I think would fit well in different roles in TNA but the president could be anyone that has run a business before.
If you want a good president, it needs to be someone who understands all aspects of the business.

Bischoff has run a business before and this sure seems to contradict your paragraphs about the problem of the outsider in earlier posts.

For TNA's sake, they'd be better off with someone that understands how to promote, market, and sell a product. Then that person could surround themselves with wrestling people for all the necessary jobs like booking, writing, teaching (a VERY important one for TNA).

You basically just described Dixie Carter. Care to try again? Also, once again all this vagueness applies to Bischoff as well.

Bischoff can produce Impact if he wants but that's all I'd ever give that piece of crap. It's evident that he learned very little from his crash and burn with WCW as his year with TNA has brought them the same problems WCW had. Don't let him anywhere near executive power for TNA.

Why do you think Bischoff has had full control this year? Not remotely true. Maybe more importantly why do you think Bischoff is a pushover? Because he did not actually have full control and he had to facilitate things in WCW? You seem to often conveniently forget that Vince was Owner and President while Bischoff was just President.
Because Bischoff has a tie to WCW! He cannot possibly handle the financial side of the company! That is the main concern and people are clamoring to bring in Paul Heyman One of the most hilariously misguided streams of "logic" I have seen the IWC trumpet in a while. When it comes to the business side on a large scale give me Bischoff 10/10 times.

Shattered dreams you are right on the money. Bischoff didn't really kill WCW he was only part of the reason that WCW died. He stuck with the idea of the NWO for too long, but who wouldn't? I mean NWO t-shirts were selling like crazy at the time, so why would they (WCW) give up that cash cow? It would be like WWE decided to pull Cena's mercherdise, Mcmahon would have a heart attack seeing the loss of money. Paul Heyman the so called savior couldn't even get a TV deal on TNN (now Spike TV) and couldn't pay his guys/girls, that why there was a mass exodus in the original ECW. When you can't pay your full time wrestlers thats really bad.

You guys are spot on as is Zevon, giving Heyman the keys to the car is the WORST choice TNA could make. But backtracking, here's the "logic." Bischoff is the guy who nearly put the WWF under and beat McMahon at his own game. He's evil. Heymans the guy who kissed McMahons ass and had a "secret" deal to be the WWF's minor league lapdog and thus was propped up via the WWE propaganda mill. The WWE rewarded Heyman by creating this mythological aura about him being this great all around mind and really the #2 guy behind McMahon, not that asshole Bischoff who was top dog for years.

The problem with that? He's nowhere near the level the IWC see him at. Heyman doesn't know squat about TV production nor about money. This is the guy who wasted five figures on styrofoam heads to hand out to the audience and have them shake around. Production wise the guy honestly thought putting an hour long match on TV each week would beat the big two in the ratings.

If our options are Eric Bischoff in charge or Paul E. Dangerously the only option is Bischoff. Now if Heyman will swallow some of his ego and work as a booker? Great. Otherwise move on from him already. Unless you secretly want TNA outa business you do NOT want Heyman running the entire program.
Heyman hasn't proved that he is worthy of taking over control of a company. His reportedly "ideas" were flawed completely.

His love for MMA has gotten him nowhere to be quite honest. Firing Sting because he is over 40 makes no sense considering Sting is the hottest thing TNA has going on.

Let's not forget Heyman is the guy who is a promoter for products. His latest promotional job was for the EA Sports MMA video game. Which FLOPPED big time. Nobody bought it and it wasn't even advertised.

Once again, Heyman is supposed to make that thing sell off the shelves. It really hasn't matched to the level of popularity of UFC. Now, explain to me how the hell is he gonna help TNA?

Heyman wants to fire guys making million dollar contracts to free up millions of dollars but he wanted a 5 million contract. Does that make sense?

Heyman is absolutely terrible to run any company. Booking? Fine. But please stop with this crap that he is a savior.

Bischoff has earned his stripes from the WCW days. TNA needs a boost and a product change. Not someone to take over the entire show.

Spike TV is nothing like Turner. Therefore, you all who believe Bischoff is gonna turn it into WCW needs to really rethink their logic when it comes to wrestling. TNA is just as bad in terms of ratings and maybe even attendance during WCW's decline in 2000. How is Bischoff gonna make it worse? Really?
And you missed mine because you still haven't named a realistic choice that is actually better. No one is saying that Bischoff is infallible, simply that the truth is that there isn't anyone else as qualified for the job.

Because the "middle man" is the only one that knows anything about the business side of things. A couple of inputs here and there do not run a company.

Bischoff has run a business before and this sure seems to contradict your paragraphs about the problem of the outsider in earlier posts.

You basically just described Dixie Carter. Care to try again? Also, once again all this vagueness applies to Bischoff as well.

Why do you think Bischoff has had full control this year? Not remotely true. Maybe more importantly why do you think Bischoff is a pushover? Because he did not actually have full control and he had to facilitate things in WCW? You seem to often conveniently forget that Vince was Owner and President while Bischoff was just President.

Yea, I'm not going to continue this because you blatantly disregard important parts of my post to make yours sound better. Hard task considering you don't make many valid points.

It's very simple. I gave you a name of someone, actually two someones, that are better than Bischoff for the job. I told you that he belongs in prdouction as that's what Bischoff/Hervey entertainment does. Leave him in that capacity.

As for where I get information from, especially about Bischoff and the type or person and business president he might be, I read a lot. You know reading right? Left to right, top to bottom. Take Tylenol for any headaches, Midol for any cramps.
Personally, I like Bischoff. It took balls to go up against the wwf the way he did but that was a long time ago and a lot of people from that time, including Bischoff, have said that they are different people now and would not go about business that way. With that, I don't know if Bischoff would be able to make tna a success. They certainly have the talent but as we have seen, that doesn't mean a whole hell of a lot when the people in charge don't have a clue and I can't believe in the past year+ that tna hasn't gone to Bischoff and said "what do you think about this?" in terms of storylines. Who knows, maybe he saved us from some really bad angles but it just seems odd. I don't know, it might work but i guess it all depends on how much Panda Energy is willing to back him. If they are willing to lose a few bucks for a while to get TNA out of Orlando and into other cities, to buy commercial time on other stations (say on USA during Mondays and Syfy on Fridays), it might work. As for Heyman, they missed the boat when they didn't sign him up. But look at the roster at that time and look at his first rule - no one over 40. bye bye Angle, Sting, Nash, Hogan, Flair,... not surprising things went the way they did. But I think that having Heyman would be the better way to go.
It's very simple. I gave you a name of someone, actually two someones, that are better than Bischoff for the job.

Well in fairness to the other guy Hogan and Bischoff are tied at the hip. It's a package deal with the two and would be unlikely to only have one or the other.

I do like your 2nd suggestion though, even though I disagree his friendship with McMahon would make it impossible. Donald Trump is first and foremost a businessman and one of the absolute best at that. He isn't the type of guy to stay out of a major market just so he wouldn't compete with a friend. If there ever was an opportunity for Trump to make himself THE name in Pro 'Rasslin' and add that to his empire? Make no mistake, he would be all over it.

Unfortunately I cannot see TNA being that opportunity, although I wish it were. The business could certainly use a Donald Trump to shake it up. Trump v.s. McMahon would make the Monday Night Wars look like a friendly game of put put golf in comparison.
This from the Main Page:

Source: The Wrestling Observer

Despite several internet reports over the past few weeks, it's being reported that Dixie Carter has NOT been replaced as the President of TNA nor has she been demoted within the company.

Although it has been said that Dixie's mother Janice has taken on a more important role in TNA, it appears as if that's not the case, as Dixie is still very much involved in the day-to-day business decisions within the company. While Janice is involved in financial matters where TNA is concerned, it's being said that she rarely attends TNA events and Dixie is still very much in control.

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