Is Dixie Carter a Stephanie McMahon Wannabe?

CM Steel

A REAL American
TNA Wrestling president Dixie Cater has been a woman in an industry dominated by men for many years now. Daugther of TNA owner Bob Carter, Dixie has the keys to the TNA kingdom in her hands. Not to compare but Dixie hasn't been as successful in her role as a boss in a wrestling promotion as one Stephanie McMahon. Both ladies have been in the sports entertainment industry pretty much all their lives. Both still use their maiden names when it comes to the business. But both still have alot to learn, mainly Dixie!

These women met for the first time earlier this year sadly at the funeral of Reid Flair, son of two-time WWE hall of famer Ric Flair in North Carolina. After the service Dixie Carter went on Twitter talking about how it was an honor to finally meet Stephanie McMahon and how great Stephanie was a person. While Stephanie McMahon simply responded by saying on the Twitter. "Thank you Dixie Carter". It was Tuesday for Stephanie McMahon that day other than the funeral it's self.

Present day Dixie Carter is now for the first time ever on TNA TV a heel. But shortly after "her idol" Stephanie McMahon and her husband Triple H turned back into infamous heels in the WWE. The heel turns are only a month apart. Dixie Carter thus far has held her own as a heel in TNA. But Stephanie is just that natural. So all in all with that being said. Is Dixie Carter a Stephanie McMahon wanna-be?
Comparing the two women are like night and day. There are certain characteristics to support your analysis, but one of the key ingredients that sets Steph apart from Dixie is that evil, mean streak she has. Like you said, she is a natural, and has the experience of being a heel authority figure from years past. I've said before that I don't care for this heel Dixie, and that's just me. But she could grow. She reminds me of a slave owner type (character-wise, not in reality), and she could expand on that somewhat. Who knows. I wouldn't try to have her be a mirror image of Steph though. I recall that Stephanie wasn't all that polished when she first turned on Vince, but putting her with Trips helped her hone her craft. Dixie could benefit from that kind of guidance.
the ONLY thing that they have in common is that they are heel female authority figures. Dixie has only been a heel for a few weeks but she has put her own spin on it that makes her character different from stephanie. Vickie Guerrero has been a heel female authority figure for years and she has never been compared to stephanie. Dixie shouldnt be compared either. So far dixie has done her character in a unique and interesting way.
More like they want her to be Triple H's current persona or his persona b4 he finally said i've had it i'm going total Vince McMahon circa attitude era

IMO in reality she's a Brad Maddox Vickie Guerrero wannabe, ie no talent and only heat they get is cause people despise seeing them and having to listen to there crap. Dixie is below even them, she's believeable as a nice gal cause she look gulliable and weak she's not believable as anything else cause she is gulliable and weak, hell Linda McMahon and Stephanie have 1000 times the balls Dixie does, i get the idea they are trying to go for with her turning but she is not the person to be in that role.
Both Gimmick's bore me i just wanna see A leader thats a face again, wwe and tna has became stale ever since both heel turn's. Dixie does have different stuff than stephanie,however I thought of this before, i just didn't wanna say anything. i was hoping ignore dixie and she'll stop this horrible heel gimmick,
Dixie Carter has been in the sports entertainment industry most of her life? Stephanie McMahon is Dixie's "idol"? Both still have a lot to learn? What the fuck are you talking about?

Dixie and Stephanie are both people with power in their companies, bad, and have uteri. Other than that the comparison is silly bordering on sexist. We've seen tens of hundreds of abusive executives in wrestling. Steph's character is bad because she choose's to be in the best interest of what her and her husband think will help the company thrive. Dixie's character is bad because a lovable character called her out as incompetent and her pride forced her to change who she was.

But most importantly when did Dixie Tweet about meeting Stephanie at a funeral? Who the disrespectful fuck does that? It's a damn funeral, no room for Tweeting about it. I really hope she waited a while before she did this.
But most importantly when did Dixie Tweet about meeting Stephanie at a funeral? Who the disrespectful fuck does that? It's a damn funeral, no room for Tweeting about it. I really hope she waited a while before she did this.

She didn't mention the funeral in the tweet, it simply said something along the lines of 'Met Stephanie McMahon for the first time today. Wish her and her family the best in the future'. Later on when discussing it she'd said how sad the circumstances of the meeting were. It wasn't too disrespectful.

I don't see much similarity between the two really other than being female heels. Their characters and their motivations are different.
How about this. Stephanie is a Vince Mcmahon heel wanna-be. Right now she has been acting pretty much like a clone of Vince Mcmahon in the late 90s. With her its just rehashing something she has and her father has done before, its nothing new, its just something we haven't seen from her in a while due to her time away from tv.

As for Dixie, its her first time being a "heel" so I would say its just her doing something different, and doing it for the ratings. When Vince had to have the ratings in the Monday Night Wars he became a heel, so while Dixie has become a heel now mostly because I would assume TNA needs money & ratings, its viewed as her just ripping off Stephanie? I'd say no. Its about ratings & money, not trying to copy when Stephanie is doing, Steph did what shes doing years ago as Vince did some 14 years ago.

And you could say Stephanie is only doing it now to put together a big storyline to build up for Wrestlemania 30. Because people want something like the Austin v Mcmahon feud again.

So I say no Dixie is no wanna-be.
I agree with the posters that say they shouldn't be compared. I think they are both doing their own thing. I like Stephanie as a heel, and I am surprised at how much I'm starting to like Dixie as a heel. Her first two weeks were rough, but now I feel like she is developing the character, and I like it.

I don't think they should be compared just because they are both women.
How about this. Stephanie is a Vince Mcmahon heel wanna-be. Right now she has been acting pretty much like a clone of Vince Mcmahon in the late 90s. With her its just rehashing something she has and her father has done before, its nothing new, its just something we haven't seen from her in a while due to her time away from tv.

While there's definitely some aspects of the Mr. McMahon character in there, I see a definite distinction separating the two as a whole. Looking back at Vince, you can see a ton of over the top aspects quirkiness in a lot of what he was doing. Stephanie has the ruthlessness of the Mr. McMahon character but she doesn't do any of the downright goofy stuff Vince was doing. She's not doing the Kiss My Ass Club, she isn't strutting around in some exaggerated power walk that looks like a cross between epilepsy and suffering from jock itch, she doesn't try to ham it up like Vince would sometimes do. To me, she comes off more serious, abuses her power in more coldly & calculated ways and ultimately comes off like a cold hearted, sociopathic bitch. A lot of the time, to me, Vince simply seemed like an egomaniacal jackoff who was drunk with power and abused it for the hell of it much of the time.
Your trying to look at this from any way to make Dixie look like she is doing this on her own and frankly she is not. She saw whats going on and how good Stephine does it and how good she makes it look and tried to do it herself but honestly all Dixie is doing is making herself look like a 16 year old Spoild Rich girl who didn't get the car she wanted. Thats all she really is, a spoiled rich girl who seems to have never grown up. In some ways Stephine is like that but she also has alot more to work with then Dixie. I mute the TV when Dixie comes on to talk cause quite frankly she bores me. she doesn't know wrestling and quite frankly should have stayed off TV and let Hulk Hogan handle things but then it goes back to the Rich 16 year old getting what she wants and not carring abou anything else.

To answer the question. is he a wannabe? No she is not. she's a never could, a wannabe would show she has some kind of idea how to be like stephine's dark persona but Dixie needs to spend her money and buy a clue, no she needs to buy alot more then that, starting with acting lessons.

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