Should Dixie Carter step down as president of TNA Wrestling?

We may not all agree on what TNA puts on television, but they must be doing something right to be the #2 wrestling company in the world.

Well said. #2 in the world, people. More popular than WWE in some markets, including the UK. And even though TNA is on free tv, and you have to order sports packages to get WWE, if people over there loved WWE so much, they'd buy the package, which I can't imagine costs much more. I'm just saying, just because WWE loyalists won't give another company a shot doesn't mean its the worst wrestling around. And like I said, I don't hate WWE, I just am not into what they're trying to sell me at this time. I dislike the WWE IWC more than I dislike the company because of the one track minds they have, "I'm right because WWE gets more views than TNA, so obviously TNA is a worse company."

Here's a quick example. Saying WWE is better because they have more viewers is like saying the 2003 Yankees are a better team than the 2003 Marlins, cuz the Marlins have almost no fans, and the Yanks have millions. Who won that world series? The Marlins, that's right. Food for thought.

Also, someone said santino sells more merch than MCMG. Well DUH!! Santino is in a bigger company with more viewers, and even though he can barely scrounge out a win every few months, the kiddies love him cuz he's funny...just like the lil leprechaun. He's a comedy act who wrestles sometimes. MCMG's stuff is pretty hard to find their black shirts, which I cannot find ANYWHERE anymore.

ps - the Guns are actually pretty good on the mic.
When did that become official? Not to be a jerk but I'd say ROH has the best roster on TV, although HDnet isnt nationwide like Spiketv you get my point.

Well, its not official, but in my opinion, they have the most talented roster on tv currently. I feel like they have a great list of guys and gals from top to bottom, with more in the back who are great who aren't, currently, getting air time. I can't speak for ROH, cuz I don't get their channel, but they do put on great matches (ive checked out some videos on youtube). Not so high on the promos, but amazing in-ring work...and Danielson was just spectacular.
Well said. #2 in the world, people. More popular than WWE in some markets, including the UK. And even though TNA is on free tv, and you have to order sports packages to get WWE, if people over there loved WWE so much, they'd buy the package, which I can't imagine costs much more.

For your info the sports package over here costs and extra £25 per month minimum, which translates to about 30 dollars. Might not seem that much but it does add up. I prefer WWE but, unless football's on, I aint paying extra just for wrestling.

TNA is more popular over here amongst the hardcore wrestling fans but, among the casuals, they haven't heard of it. The rating have always been closer over here, even during WCW's run on top of the monday night wars and even when wwe was winning. I was at TNA's event at Wembley arena this year and, even with ultimate X on the card, there was only about 5000 or so people there, way down from last years 8500. Still good numbers but not the best when you consider WWE sells out pretty much every time they tour here, and they come here a few times a year
I find it hilarious that people act like Dixie is some teenager with a wrestling fetish. She's 45, she graduated from the University of Mississpi with a degree in Business Administration. She was promoted to Vice President of the Levenson and Hill advertising company at age 27. In 1993 she started her own business and it was that business that was contacted by TNA back in 2002. It wasn't until HealthSouth went bankrupt that Dixie asked her parents if they'd be interested in purchasing TNA.

She achieved plenty in the business world without her parents help. Maybe you should put down your copy of Mark Madden weekly and actually learn a few facts about TNA's president, instead of the biased opinions of sexists bloggers.

Here's what I need to know about her. She's running the only realistically viable competition to WWE in this country into the fucking ground. Everything else is irrelevant.

Beat the dead horse some more, considering he wasn't even working for WCW the last 6 months of its existence I'd be hard pressed to figure out how he did that.

I used to live in the D.C. area. I can translate bullshit pretty well. Let's see. This one says "Russo was fired in late 2000, but, by that time, it was too late to save the sinking ship, and all they did was give the captain the first lifeboat."

I also note that, while you say it's beating a dead horse, you have yet to claim that it's factually inaccurate.

Yeah I mean with TNA now producing 4 hours of primetime television, things are surely going down.:rolleyes:

Since when are "quantity" and "quality" the same thing? By the way, that's not a rhetorical question. I want you to answer it. There's a reason I don't eat at many buffets. Usually, the food is crap. Granted, it's all you can eat, for a low price, but if it's not good food, who gives a shit about the price?

I ask for proof, and you give me an interview with Vince Russo. A man who, pretty much literally, has every reason possible to lie his ass off about this issue tells a one sided version of events, and you take it as wholesale gospel. Frankly, I think Russo's full of shit. But, it's not like the evidence is provng either one of us right or wrong on this one.

Yes, Dixie Carter, successful business woman long before TNA existed, should just quit because a bunch of no nothing internet posters think so. What degree in business do you have?

If she were as successful as you seem to enjoy claiming, it would be her money at risk with TNA, not her father's. But, that would just be silly, wouldn't it?

"What degree in business do I have?" I don't have one. And, you'll cling to that, and snuggle it like a security blanket, since you can use that as a strawman arguement in your attempt to discredit my prior comments. "How can you believe this guy? He didn't go to college!" Well, I went to work right after high school. And, in my time after high school, I learned how the actual world works, not how a textbook says it works.

More to the point you realise that if TNA is a subsidary company of Panda, Bob already does run it indirectly. Except he's busy running his energy company.

I decided to put this in it's own little quote box for one simple reason. It's the only valid point you've ever made. And, then you decided to fuck it up with the part about the energy company.

The simple fact is, since TNA is under the Panda Energy umbrella, he should be well informed about what's goingg on in a company that he owns. Especially since members of the TNA roster are drawing their paychecks, not from TNA, but from Panda Energy itself. Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, and Eric Bischoff don't work for Dixzie. They work for Bob.

"But, what does that have to do with anything?" Man, am I glad you asked that, (whatever I decide to name the voice in my head). It means that members of the TNA roster are convinced that TNA will fail, and have hedged their bets against that possibility. It's very similar to how the huge names in WCW had contracts with Time Warner, instead of WCW.

Dixie Carter is such an incompetent business woman that not even her own employees have enough faith in her to expect checks with her name on them to be worth the paper they're printed on. And, if that's not a sure sign to Bob Carter that something's terribly wrong, then he's just not paying enough attention.
Gene Simmons should take over Dixies position smart business mind and would educate himself on the product. Only bad thing here is the knockout division would get raunchier if he were to take over>
And did Sick Nick really say Vince Russo isn't creative? Thats one of the most ignorant things I've heard on here. He is the most creative man in wrestling history. But when Vinny Mac isn't there to filter some of his ideas we get a subpar product, SOMETIMES. The IWC acts like Russo is TNA's only writer. He isnt the only one coming up with some of these pointless storylines.

You do know the difference between a strong work ethic and someone's creativity, don't you? I mean, what has Vince Russo done that you personally, honestly feel is creative? Destroying a promotion that almost beat WWF upon entrance? Did you feel that 20 minute lip-syncing Kiss Concerts on a wrestling show is creative? Do you feel like it's creative to kill a wrestler's image by putting him in a stupid blue outfit, then hang him above a ring and literally kill him? Do you feel that Mr. Russo is creative by ruining lives, careers, and taking away entertainment from our wrestling programs that even if they sucked, were never as bad until Russo came in?

Hey, I'll say that even with Russo in charge, the end of '09 for TNA was great, and yes I do know that Russo wasn't the only person in charge, but the thing is; TNA didn't need any crazy stipulations or storylines or gimmicks at the end of '09 in TNA 'cause no one really needed that. Put people in the ring, have 'em wrestle, and we were garaunteed a good show. So Vince isn't the only person to blame, no, but you're arguing with the fact that Russo isn't creative, and I just want a little bit of elaboration, so go on. Explain your side, and I'll admit if I think you're accurate in the tiniest way possible.
I just joined this forum after many years of reading the threads that are posted and I have to say some points on here do hold substance. I'm not a mark or a smark, or anything like that. I do believe that TNA could have a viable product but I do agree with Mikey Whipwreck when he said something along the lines of "It's funny how when the business is in the toilet, wrestling promotions try and bring back a product that they didn't think held water and use it to generate buyrates". If this "reunion" was indeed Dixie's idea then I believe it is a bad one. One Night Stand rates as one of my all time favourite PPV's, whether Dixie bringing this into TNA is a bad thing money-wise is yet to be seen. What I don't understand is why. Yes, they do have many ex-ECW wrestlers in their promotion, but it doesn't mean that they have to re-hash an idea that has already been done. No matter which way you spin it, after ONS it wasn't viable. There is no way it can be done differently, and you will see these ex-ECW stars talking about what it meant to them. Wasn't that done before? I don't believe TNA could have signed Angle, RVD etc without the money to back it up. They seem to re-do old WWE and WCW storylines case in point MEM = NWO, EV2.0 = ECW ONS. I think you see the point I'm making. I don't think it's down to Dixie, but Russo, who recycles his past work and tries to somehow make it different. I don't believe she should step down, but definately go off-screen as unlike VKM, as much as TNA marks hate him, you know he has a viable on-screen character and a great persona, mixed in with genius mike work. Dixie, simply does not.
You do know the difference between a strong work ethic and someone's creativity, don't you? I mean, what has Vince Russo done that you personally, honestly feel is creative? Destroying a promotion that almost beat WWF upon entrance? Did you feel that 20 minute lip-syncing Kiss Concerts on a wrestling show is creative? Do you feel like it's creative to kill a wrestler's image by putting him in a stupid blue outfit, then hang him above a ring and literally kill him? Do you feel that Mr. Russo is creative by ruining lives, careers, and taking away entertainment from our wrestling programs that even if they sucked, were never as bad until Russo came in?

Hey, I'll say that even with Russo in charge, the end of '09 for TNA was great, and yes I do know that Russo wasn't the only person in charge, but the thing is; TNA didn't need any crazy stipulations or storylines or gimmicks at the end of '09 in TNA 'cause no one really needed that. Put people in the ring, have 'em wrestle, and we were garaunteed a good show. So Vince isn't the only person to blame, no, but you're arguing with the fact that Russo isn't creative, and I just want a little bit of elaboration, so go on. Explain your side, and I'll admit if I think you're accurate in the tiniest way possible.

Lets see what I think Russo has done creatively. The Attitude Era for one. The majority if not all of those gimmicks and storylines were created by Vince Russo. UNDER the guidance of Vince McMahon as I said before. When he has Vince to filter his good and bad ideas he is the best writer in the buisness no doubt and the attitude era proves it.

He didnt have a filter in WCW. If anything I personally feel that eventually he just gave up because he knew he was screwed without Vince in WCW. In TNA for the most part he has had a filter. Have some gimmicks and storylines not been needed? Yes, but there are gimmicks and storylines in WWE as well that suck just as bad. Key example, McCool and Layla trying to act like the Beautiful People and failing misrably. And having Vickie involved with them for that period of time just because she is hefty and doesnt fit the bill of the typical "beautful person" is unneeded and degrading IMO.

Russo didnt destroy WCW. The people in charge of the company destroyed it. And thats a fact. A writer cant destroy a company, he doesnt have the final word on what goes to air. Also Its been said in many interviews by old WCW roster members that even before the Russo era they hardly ever knew what was going on even as the show was going on. They put whatever Russo thought of up there regardless of how bad it sucked. I won't be a mark and say "Oh Russo killed WCW on purpose" because obviously that isnt true. He tried, he got short on ideas and came up with bad ones. WCW staff put them to air compared to Vince who would have kicked his ass for even suggesting it.

Also, if your blaming Russo for killing Owen Hart your an idiot. I have all the respect in the world for who Owen Hart was as a person and a wrestler but if he really didnt want to do the drop down as its been reported he wouldnt have done it. Im terrified of heights and regardless of whether my job was on the line there is no chance in hell you would have got me up there.

You need to remember Russo isnt the only writer in TNA, Dixie has her "friends" working with Russo as well.
Lets see what I think Russo has done creatively. The Attitude Era for one. The majority if not all of those gimmicks and storylines were created by Vince Russo. UNDER the guidance of Vince McMahon as I said before. When he has Vince to filter his good and bad ideas he is the best writer in the buisness no doubt and the attitude era proves it.

Russo didn't create Austin's gimmick, Austin did that himself, even down to the name and Michael Hayes suggested the finisher. Taker's gimmick was almost ruined by the Ministry angel (I still hate it to this day) Big Show was turned into a clown almost straight away. Most of The Rock came from him. Triple H and HBK made DX. Mick Foley...his career was made by him deciding it was a good idea to jump off a cell roof. Russo had a hand in a lot of the attitude era, no doubt, but the top talent made it on their own merits.

He didnt have a filter in WCW. If anything I personally feel that eventually he just gave up because he knew he was screwed without Vince in WCW. In TNA for the most part he has had a filter. Have some gimmicks and storylines not been needed? Yes, but there are gimmicks and storylines in WWE as well that suck just as bad. Key example, McCool and Layla trying to act like the Beautiful People and failing misrably. And having Vickie involved with them for that period of time just because she is hefty and doesnt fit the bill of the typical "beautful person" is unneeded and degrading IMO.

As the head writer you get the credit and you get the stick. In WWE Vince McMahon gets the credit because he turned Russo's rubbish into workable material. In WCW we had Judy Bagwell on a Forklift or viagra on a pole. In TNA, before Hogan and that came in, we had suffered through the destruction of Joe who, fairly or not, was TNA's big promise that turned into...merrr. We had Kurt Angle coming out with crap that he's not the sharpest knife in the draw. The list goes on. We've had good stuff while he's written, for sure, but there's been more bad stuff then good.

Leycool are clearly shaped on The Beautiful People but, it was Love and Velvet who created the characters themselves, basing them on people like Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie. So even though it's a stolen gimmick, it's not a Russo idea that's stolen, it's a wrestler created idea. Besides, it's only fair after Russo took Austin's gimmick and gave it to Sharkboy, at least this one results in more interest.

Russo didnt destroy WCW. The people in charge of the company destroyed it. And thats a fact. A writer cant destroy a company, he doesnt have the final word on what goes to air. Also Its been said in many interviews by old WCW roster members that even before the Russo era they hardly ever knew what was going on even as the show was going on. They put whatever Russo thought of up there regardless of how bad it sucked. I won't be a mark and say "Oh Russo killed WCW on purpose" because obviously that isnt true. He tried, he got short on ideas and came up with bad ones. WCW staff put them to air compared to Vince who would have kicked his ass for even suggesting it.

The office might've killed it but Russo handed them the ammunition to do it. Russo had final say on TV material, he was basically running WCW, it was his call that giving the title to Arquette was a good idea and still thinks so to this day. Yeah having someone to put his work in order would've made a huge difference to WCW but Russo was given the money and power to prove he didn't need someone to do that. The fact that he didn't reach out to sign someone to help him shows he thought he was doing the right things.

You need to remember Russo isnt the only writer in TNA, Dixie has her "friends" working with Russo as well.

No but he's the one that's shown, time and again, he can't cut it as the, so to speak, editor of the scripts. He needs moving back down the pole to the Vic Venom esq. role he had when WWE started getting "attitude" a booking guy that was below the chiefs. It seems to be heading that way in the last few months, but every now and then some classic "Russo-ness" creeps in.

I will say one thing for Dixie Carter though, I've just read an interview with Paul Heyman where he said she started making serious overtures to him about two months ago. I'm not saying Heyman could solve Dixie's problems but, at least it shows she realises the Hogan/Bischoff/Russo team isn't delivering the goods. To me, exploring other avenues is deffo a thumbs up
Why would the owner of a company ever step down? What Dixie needs to do is "step back" and stop trying to micro-manage the company. A good executive or owner of a company manages the managers of the various divisons, not every little detail of what goes on. She needs to step back from being on TV, she will never be a "Mr. McMahon". She needs to keep her nose out of the creative department and booking, wrestlers and guys in the business for a long time are best at that. As far as booking goes she should lay down the law that there should be consistency and only get involved if there isn't. She should concentrate the majority of her efforts on one of her proven talents, by promoting the company.

Gotta side with Red, better the Devil you know then the Devil you dont.

Also considering that its her father that is bankrolling this if she goes so does the money and then where will TNA be?

Exactly pointless thread when you think about because she wont and i admit shes going hardout but she trying and it'll pay off. Getting ready for Hard Justice because ill be there, look out for me second row from front CANT WAIT!!!!
I'm not a fan of TNA, but I think Dixie's problem is that she's impatient. TNA took years to get move from weekly pay per views to a television show, and again to a larger network. Now they're going to have 4 hours a week of tv time, they've got the second biggest pay per views in the country, and they're touring around larger and larger sections of the country and getting the word out. Overtaking the WWE just doesn't happen in the day, and no amount of money thrown at the problem will do it.
Hey, I'll say that even with Russo in charge, the end of '09 for TNA was great, and yes I do know that Russo wasn't the only person in charge, but the thing is; TNA didn't need any crazy stipulations or storylines or gimmicks at the end of '09 in TNA 'cause no one really needed that. Put people in the ring, have 'em wrestle, and we were garaunteed a good show. So Vince isn't the only person to blame, no, but you're arguing with the fact that Russo isn't creative, and I just want a little bit of elaboration, so go on. Explain your side, and I'll admit if I think you're accurate in the tiniest way possible.

Very funny stuff from the typical dave meltzer sheep who buy into all the Russo hate. I am a big fan of Vince Russo. This little 09 stint that YOU LIKED was one of the few times in TNA where Russo was actually able to go with his vision. The only other people with him was partner Ed and their trainee Conway.

Its only the meltzer sheep who try to spin off all this hate on Russo and make it seem like nobody likes him but when you hear the actual interviews from wrestlers I would say 80-90% of people who work with him like him and praise him.

Notice its the columists like Madden and Storm that dont because they are meltzer sheep to now getting their beliefs based off internet reports.

Here is a little quote from Vince Russo while he had his facebook page up before the dirt sheet writers started reposting his words twisting them around causing him to close it.

"Jim--the younger guys have had the spotlight since July--I know because that's more, or less when I replaced Jeff. Just look at who your champions are--Eric Young, AJ, British Invasion. The younger guys have definitely been given the spotlight.

And wrestling, or acting--that's just an opinion. Everybody wants something different--the key is to try and please as many peoiple as possible.


"You can't get there in a week. Keep in mind, Jeff was in charge of creative for seven years--and it was heanily based on wrestling--you can't change that overnight. Plus--it's a different crew I'm working with--a lot of these younger guys can't yet pull of what Austin, Rock, DX, and Mick did. They're still green and very young--they're not seasoned professionals. I'm taking baby steps with these younger guys--because they still have so much to learn." -- Vince Russo


With Russo having complete creative control, he wants to send a message to younger talent that they are looking to develop new stars. The general feeling backstage is that Russo is more trustworthy than Jeff Jarrett, whom had a reputation for supporting his circle of friends only.

Kevin Nash interview:

KN: I think it is, because I don't do anything half-assed. If you put me in there, it means I'm thinking about it 24/7. You have to, because when you're lying there in the sun, you get an idea and it's like, "God, that's way better than I thought." And you've got to get up and you've got to write it down. And you've got to change in and so on.

I'm really good friends with [Vince] Russo. And I see what he has to go through and the situation that happened where kind of right before the pay per view, some political things go down, and he's left with a show with a bunch of gaps in it and he's got to do his best to fill it. And those are the things that take years off your life. And at this point, right now, like what we talked about earlier - I'm closer to dying. So, I don't need the stress and they can't put enough zeros at the end of my paycheck.

AC: Do you think you'd be able to do it in some kind of committee atmosphere where it wouldn't be all on your shoulders? Maybe working with Russo?

KN: I told Vince [Russo] when this situation went down, I said, "Hey" - we have always talked, and it's mostly been about my stuff - But I said, "If you have anything that you need to run by - If you want somebody just to run something by to be an ear, as a friend I would always do that." But I, in no form or fashion, want to be calling the shots. It's just not there anymore for me. I mean, if I was out of the ring maybe I could do it. But I'm in the ring, and I'm having fun in the ring. I mean, I love what I'm doing in the Main Event Mafia. My focus is doing that right now. Let somebody else come up with the ideas. I'll perform their ideas to the best of my capabilities.
I don't think she needs to step down... Dixie Carter is still learning the business. Yes she will make mistakes, but people learn from their mistakes. Vince McMahon didn't make the WWE a success in his first years as boss. He also wasn't new to the wrestling business like Dixie Carter is. He had to learn his way around the business just as she's doing. I think she is doing a fine job, and she is just taking several risks to find out what does and doesn't work for Total Nonstop Action. The ratings for IMPACT! are slowly starting to rise week by week, so somebody is beginning to appreciate what she is doing.
I don't think she needs to step down... Dixie Carter is still learning the business. Yes she will make mistakes, but people learn from their mistakes. Vince McMahon didn't make the WWE a success in his first years as boss. He also wasn't new to the wrestling business like Dixie Carter is. He had to learn his way around the business just as she's doing. I think she is doing a fine job, and she is just taking several risks to find out what does and doesn't work for Total Nonstop Action. The ratings for IMPACT! are slowly starting to rise week by week, so somebody is beginning to appreciate what she is doing.

Why is it people make it sound like she just joined TNA? She's been there since October 2002 and is the reason they even made it this far instead of crashing and burning faster than the WWA. While she does a lot of idiotic moves and is rather naive, she's no rookie at this. Nearly 8 years as an owner, I don't think you still count as a rookie.
What I'm trying to say is that she does not have the years of experience that a Vince McMahon or a Paul Heyman has. Everybody always seem to say that she is a mark and that she will never be on the level of Vince McMahon. Vince McMahon has has 50+ years to find out what works and doesn't work for his company. He has made many mistakes along the way. Dixie Carter only has 8 years, so technically when you put her up against other people in the business she is still kinda new. TNA has been around for almost 10 years, half of that as NWATNA but people still see it as relatively new company, because some people just started following the company when they got on SpikeTV.
No she shouldn't step down. Let's be realistic, if Dixie Cater steps down that means the end of TNA wrestling. She is not all bad like a lot of people make her out to be. Dixie is an accomplished businesswoman as has been pointed out in this thread, but she is also more of a mark for the wrestling business than she is an insider. Without Dixie, there is no TNA plain and simple. She should however, step back and allow someone with a real basic understanding of in the inner workers and a real vision (not Eric Bischoff, not Hulk Hogan and certainly not Vince Russo) to guide her along the way. TNA is failing right now, but I refuse to believe that a company with as much talent as TNA has is hopeless. The problem with TNA is simply that they don't know who they are. There was absolutely nothing wrong with TNA wrestling during it's debut period on Spike TV. They had a worse time slot which did close to the ratings they do now, did better pay per view buys and had a fresh buzz about them built on the quality in-ring wrestling an athletics that they had become known for since 2002. They kept things simple and let their actions speak louder than their words. They were not making money, but they were clearly on the path to establishing themselves as a viable alternative to WWE's brand of Sports Entertainment. The problem is, that Dixie Carter lacks the vision and patience to understand that TNA is a niche product and how to make it grow accordingly. Even Vince McMahon paid them a compliment and said they could succeed as a niche product, but that they were not competition to WWE, which of course they are not and never will be. It has been the delusion that Dixie Carter lives under, refusing to accept the reality of what TNA is and is not, that has been the companies biggest continuous problem.

What they still need and have needed since day one of the national television tenure with Spike tv, is effective branding, more advertising and a future oriented vision on how to achieve the goal of being something unique. With TNA you do it by featuring a wrestling style not featured by WWE, creating, marketing and allowing your own unique characters to have a chance to grow and lead your promotion, not by bringing in performers already branded. The only worthwhile big name signing that TNA has made has been Kurt Angle, and that is only because he slips so effortlessly into a more wrestling oriented product and can be the one guy who elevates the type of performers that TNA needs to grow and be who they need to be. Christian Cage couldn't do it and neither can Jeff Hardy, RVD or Anderson.

ROH, a company with a fraction of the money, advertising and exposure of TNA, is effectively able to market and create stars (they might be indie stars) but nonetheless they draw well for ROH, but TNA can't do the same or even carry over. Ironically, the indie company that could, ROH, is where TNA got and continues to get most of it's good young talent, yet for some reason TNA can't make the connection on how to effectively market and form strategy. The reason is that TNA refuses to accept who they are. Instead they live under a delusion that they are something bigger than what reality says is true, and they erroneously believe they are one big star away from making that jump to the next level and being on the same level and identity as WWE, instead of accepting the truth that their roots are indie and that if anything they need to shoot for the goal of being the next ECW (revolutionary, not copying) and learn from it's mistakes rather than attempting to be the next WCW or WWE. It is a different era and a different wrestling business and TNA is never going to be viewed as anything more than a second rate sports Entertainment company on their current path. With their money, talent and media outlets, they can however be the cream of the crop of the alternative market. Again though, TNA gets it wrong and instead of trying to explore new territory, they try to rehash things that happened ten to fifteen years ago with the original ECW.

The problem is #1: Dixie Carter's lack of vision and surrounding herself with the wrong people. Vince Russo is not a professional wrestling booker, he is a crash TV writer, and Hulk Hogan and Bischoff are still living in their past during WCW. Tommy Dreamer...well lets just say I like Tommy Dreamer, but he doesn't have a vision for the future either. The problem is, Dixie is naive and doesn't understand the wrestling business, and all these guys, well meaning or otherwise can work her into getting paydays for themselves and you really can't fault them for wanting to get paid and wanting to do the only things they know how to do. No one likes to admit when they are a dinosaur and everyone wants one more chance to either prove themselves, or perhaps in Bischoff's case, one more chance to scheme. Paul Heyman may or may not be the guy that could turn TNA into what it needs to be. Heyman has his faults, but I will say this for Paul, he has been the most honest and forthcoming about what he wants, his vision for TNA and what TNA needs to really do other than JR, who realistically is too old to lead revolution like TNA needs. Cornette has also been very honest about what TNA needs to do, but we all know his bad blood with Dixie would ever prevent that and he himself said that he is too old, plus there is the manner of his work with ROH in which he is doing a very good job as a "Kibbutzer" as he puts it.

Honestly if it were my company, I would choose Heyman and offer him the 30 million dollars he wants plus creative control and kick Bischoff and Hogan to the curb. He is the one guy available who you can bring in now that doesn't need to have his hand held at this point. If Dixie was smart, she would realize she has nothing to lose at this point, because TNA is on a dead end path right now and in two years when Bischoff and Hogan jump a sinking ship after their rehashes don't work, you will be back at square one again. Personally I think TNA missed the boat a couple years ago with Cornette, before they completely soured him on "corporate wrestling" as he calls it. I would have let Cornette fire Russo, and then groom his own creative team and booking replacement. There are a lot of talented guys who are already and were inside TNA who know what the company needs to be. Kurt Angle said it best when wanted them to move in a more wrestling oriented product. Perhaps Kurt Angle could have been a long term solution given the right tutelage, or maybe even a guy like Christopher Daniels under the guidance of someone like a Cornette. Right now though, it looks like the only solution with any chance of success would be Heyman.

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