[Rumor] Dixie Carter No Longer TNA President; Eric Bischoff to Succeed Her?

I think that the report is most likely bullshit if it was true why aren't sites reporting TNA is being sued for Sexual Harassment you would think most wrestling websites would have this reported since its pretty big news that your President is stepping down and the company is being sued which is why I think the Sexual Harassment thing is bullshit. As for her stepping down or maybe even having less power it could be true it could be false.
Not a tna fan but bad journalism is bad. You can clearly see in reading this article its ALL speculation from 'former and anon sources'. The writer spews out maybes and might happens and covers his ass at the end saying 'she might take her spot back'. What really got me was him saying at the beginning that carter might have to step down but changes midway as if she already has to saying she pretty much has and she might come back....make up your mind sir.

Not a tna fan but im a fan of 'good journalism' and I just don't see it here. This is as stupid as the Hogan twitter 'report' that was chopped into segments that only showed the 'bad' parts.
I think that the report is most likely bullshit if it was true why aren't sites reporting TNA is being sued for Sexual Harassment you would think most wrestling websites would have this reported since its pretty big news that your President is stepping down and the company is being sued which is why I think the Sexual Harassment thing is bullshit. As for her stepping down or maybe even having less power it could be true it could be false.

I agree here that we dont' have the full story here and it would probably be everywhere if this was true, so as far as proclaiming it so, I'll wait.

As for the rumor that Bischoff might take over, I feared this happening since day 1. This would be a BAD BAD BAD thing for TNA. Yes, you could hope that EB has learned something since his days at WCW, but has he? Forget the checkbook stuff for a moment as I know we'll get the "he can't do that again" speech. He already has done that, but that's neither here nor there.

What I want to focus on is the other thing that doomed Bischoff from the beginning. Even as president, he wanted to be "one of the boys" and he palled up with the biggest stars. He still is buds with the legends who are roaming around TNA and as a lot of reports have stated about TNA already, the inmates are running the asylum again. The problem EB runs into is that people don't see him as an authority figure even if he is one. They see him as the boss who you can get what you want out of because he needs to be "boys" with the top guys. If there already is an authority problem, promoting Bischoff will not solve these issues. I'd rather see Hulk Hogan promoted than Bischoff in all honesty.

At least if you have Hogan as president, he might have some spine when dealing with people. Hogan needs to kiss no one's ass (except maybe tone down on kissing his own so much) and if he is over hiring his buddies, which it looks like he is, then he would make a much more suitable boss. Bischoff is a terrible idea and is the walking definition of "right place, right time". He was a major reason for WCW's demise and undoubtedly would, and might already be, promoting the same "inmates ruling the asylum" atmosphere that plagued WCW. TNA needs someone to take change and lay down the law, even if it pisses the wrestlers off for a little while. Get a drug policy in place, lay down stringent rules for employees, and get past this law breaking nonsense. Get tough and you get somewhere. Get Bischoff and his buddy-up self and you are going nowhere fast.
I think it means either Dixie or someone in management sexually harassed one of the wrestlers.

Her trying to fuck the wrestlers doesn't surprise me in the least. If that's the case, it was likely someone who is married.

Dude . don't spread bullshit. where's your proof?

besides who would complain if Dixie wanted to juggle your rod? Ask HHH , whats the downside to marrying into the company?

Its probably a guy in the company IF its true.
If this is true then it could be great for the company especially if it leads to the release of Vince Russo and the hiring of a new creative team. However, if he is gonna be taking Hogan's advice on things we may as well be prepared for the year long reign of The Nasty Boys as Tag Champs.

Hopefully Bischoff learned from his mistakes and if he becomes President then he acts like it and runs the company the way it should be and not by doing favors but building toward the future. Hopefully it can lead to IMPACT! going live and on the road. As i've said in many of my TNA post NO SPOILERS=HIGHER RATINGS.

With that said I'm gonna take this with a grain of salt until I see something from a reliable source.
First of all this from the OP should ring bells in peoples heads

Bischoff previously served as WCW President in the mid to late-1990s, in what was a rather successful run before over-sized contracts, politics, stagnant storylines, and the rising success of the WWF (now WWE) caught up to him.

All this would be the same now apart from its not the rising success of the WWF(WWE) as they are there. Bischoff should not even be considerd. All in all Bischoff killed WCW he moved to mondays he hired big stars for big money and he went to war with WWF. If WCW stayed as it was i myself still think WCW would be going in one way or another sure the monday night wars was EPIC and great TV but before that we Thought WCW and WWF was good anyways .

Bischoff or Hogan is a NO NO. Shane OMac or Heyman or Cornnet someone who isnt intrested in takeing down the giant before they are big another to hold the gun to pull the trigger .

Dixeie needs to go but Bischoff would be not better maybe even worse
All I can say is thank god! :lol2: This hopefully means this will lead to better management if Bischoff has learned from his mistakes and does not let :hogan: have a lot of power. But in my opinion if they fire Russo amd Bischoff being the money man as he is I wouldn't be surprised if they take a shot and try to hire Heyman as their storyline man. Otherwise this will lead to the long awaited death of TNA. :crucified:
Ultimately, I think Dixie actually wants this to happen. Think about it, if you put Eric in charge along with Russo and Hogan, all that's missing is Kevin Nash booking the damn thing. It really will be WCW 2.0. Someone please get David Arquette on the line, we need a new champion!
Well...the problem with WCW was that they were not using the younger talent they had. They were concerned with the bigger names and those politics kept guys like Jericho down.

Right now besides some former WWE guys they seem to be using their own homemade stars more and getting them to be the forefront. That is where they differ.
Dude . don't spread bullshit. where's your proof?

besides who would complain if Dixie wanted to juggle your rod? Ask HHH , whats the downside to marrying into the company?

Its probably a guy in the company IF its true.

i have no proof. it's my opinion. does it matter what i think? no.

i doubt me saying dixie tried to go downtown on a wrestler is going to have any impact.

if you were married and your female boss came on to you, you would let her?

if so, i feel bad for your wife.
and it makes any difference, how?
It's still the same company, still the same people running the overall show.
But if it does mean TNA get's off there asses and actually starts going forwards in leaps and bounds then good. Shoulda got rid of her a long time earlier

But history is history, Bischoff was in control of WCW when it was briefly very successfull but the only people that were happy were a small select group of people and it didn't take long for WCW to die.
I believe that TNA would be far more successful under Bischoff. Bischoff has admitted that in 1998 he had run the NWO Storyline so big that tearing it down, combined with the politics and the contract clauses that he gave were killer to WCW. He also admitted that when he came back and had to work as a Co-Head of creative with Vince Russo that it further destroyed the company because their styles were different. Bischoff liked pushing Cruiserweights, Tag Teams, and factions that had elite talent (NWO/Horsemen) while Russo wanted to push unproven talent and do rediculous stunts.

In the end I could see Bischoff (Who has said he doesnt want to write a show) fill more of an Executive Producer type role, letting Hulk Hogan be a consultant/on air talent, and hire a new creative team that focussed on what Bischoff likes. I think that would work if he didnt allow huge contracts and the stupid Creative Control clauses.
I hope it all gets worked out but it's obvious TNA has been being run horribly. If even half of the stuff being claimed is true it's bad.

TNA needs to sort itself out this kind of shit will not only affect the guys working there but eventually will make people think twice about even signing them in the first place. A bad reputation in buisness is a hard thing to get rid of.
who would be the one to make the decision on someone new?
what type of say does Spike have?
I wouldn't be surprised to see it be Bischoff. maybe having Bischoff get this type of control, could also lead him to be the person behind the Network? what actual role does Hogan have? maybe with Bischoff becoming president he could say that he now has more control in TNA than Hogan does? maybe this could also lead to the younger wrestlers getting a push and Bischoff can say it was Hogan who wanted to see all the dinosaurs getting all the attention. that could help Bischoff transform from heel to face.

might be the best thing for TNA to no longer have Dixie in charge. seems she wasn't really a wrestling person anyway.
I see why people want Heyman to come in and be the president of the company, but there is one problem. If this story is all true, then who's going to bring him into the company in the first place? I mean, the one person who initially offered him a job within the company she ran is no longer in a position of power so she can't make those decisions anymore. So who is going to finally decide who should be made president? I don't know how much the Carter family, specifically Dixie's mom and/or dad, knows about the wrestling industry, but I can't imagine it's too much. So if that's the case, then I think them not really knowing much about wrestling and Heyman in particularl is enough to suggest that maybe they won't even offer him the spot.

So my best guess is that Eric or Hogan will get the spot since they are working with TNA already and are more known. Furthermore, Eric already has some power since he's the executive producer therefore they might extend his power if they feel he's doing a good job with his current position. If it's not them, then my other guess would be that they'll just transfer someone in Panda Energy to TNA and see how well they do.
Personally I do not believe this article is accurate, although I could be wrong.

If it is correct I don't see why the Carter's would hold on to it. If their daughter is not running the company, and was forcibly relieved, wouldn't that be a perfect time to pass TNA onto someone else? I could totally understand keeping it if it was making significant money, but all we could do is assume regarding finances.

If Bischoff somehow gains control of the company, I cannot necessarily see it as a bad thing. The company in its current state is growing, but very slowly. He will be strapped for resources and will likely utilize his own production company to keep costs down. I personally think the ceiling is much higher with Bischoff than it is with Dixie, so Bischoff would be an improvement.
eric running tna, ill start digging the grave and making the tombstone, RIP TNA, we had fun but its over. actually who knows maybe eric will turn the company into a company instead of the wwe2. or he is just dig himself a big hole in the ground and be buried alive and the downfall of tna and the loss of many jobs. only time will tell.
Excuse me, but why do people think Bischoff will run TNA into the ground and Heyman won't? It seems to me that too many people think Heyman is Jesus all of a sudden. Bischoff was a part of a company that died, and most of it was out of his control. Heyman's company died as well and it didn't even have a fraction of WCW's success, and it died mostly because of Heyman. Heyman knows his stuff, but I seriously doubt he's as good as people hype him up to be.

As far as this rumor goes I don't really believe it, but I also do. The dirt-sheets never get it 100% right. Sometimes it's a total miss and most of the time it's a half-truth. If this is a half-truth then this links with the "TNA Plans major changes to the product" thing.

But if someone's to replace Dixie at the helm, and if it has to be a current TNA emlpoyee the obvious choice is Bischoff. Who else? Hogan? The queston is ... does Bischoff want to run it?

If we're talking an outside person, ultimately I would love it if Shane O'Mac jumped in and took the reigns. We never know how he'll do, but he always seemed like a guy who's very "in" on what's popular and hip.

Who knows? If this is true and Dixie does step down, I don't care who it is as long as he/she/it does a better job at it. I won't shit on Bischoff just because he fucked up 10 years ago or absolutely count Heyman out because he did the same as well. They're both human beings and they learn from their mistakes as much as some Heyman haters/Bischoff haters don't want to believe it.

We'll see ...
I'd really hope that Bischoff decides against taking any such position.
TNA does not appear to be run as a safe, prosperous working environment as it stands.
Giving him the keys to the office, while probably much better than Dixie, seems like an extraordinarily short-sighted choice.
Heyman really is no better.
Why not have someone completely new, who while perhaps not knowing the "boys in the back" actually knows how to run a successful, safe and profitable business of any kind?
Who could that be? I have no idea but I do know that anyone doing it now is better than those who already have failed in the past.
That said, TNA appears to be in it's death throes. Which is sad, considering they are the only other TV game in town.
If true (because we don't know yet) the new president has to be someone with wrestling knowledge. Bischoff? Maybe if he wants to, i guess he learned from his mistakes (not saying it was all his fault). Heyman? Maybe if he wants to, i hope he learned how to manage money to pay the employees ( a big reason why the original ECW failed, because with lack of money the guys/girls were jumping ship left and right).
Right now TNA needs to look outside of what they have. Bischoff proved that he's a follower not a leader. TNA needs a strong personality to come in and make the changes that need to be made. Since Bischoff and Hogan debuted in TNA what really has changed? TNA became WCWv2.0. I'm not talking the good part of WCW either.

They have a chance here to really do something different and start totally fresh. I hope they do that instead of promoting from within.
Why Gabe Sapolsky he did pretty good with ROH when he was in charge sure TNA might have an indy feel but at least TNA would be more wrestling orientated than it is now.
I love how all this has played out in an angle...but its actually going to happen! Bischoff as president of TNA would be terrible, it will be the same old bs. He doesn't know what he's doing, he just struck it big with a huge angle and signed every wrestler that anyone had heard of that wasn't under contract due to Ted Turner's bottomless reservoir of money. What we've seen the last year in TNA is in part due to Bischoff's influence.

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