Want To Save TNA? Turn Dixie Carter Heel

This would bury the company further... It would look exactly like what it is. A low class production of what became a global phenomenon in the early 90's. Just more Rehash of something that put the WWE/WCW on the Map. They need to go back further than the 90's rip stuff from 70's and 80's (everything has been done before so your stealing from somewhere) There will NEVER be a one step fix.
Hell i tweeted Dixie Carter about what needs to be fixed. They have the talent. They have all the tools needed to make a good product. They just need to work on their continuity,quality, and stop turning people heel at the drop of the hat. When someone flips sides 3-4 times in the span of a year.... That's not good for them or the company.

If I was them I would drop this gang warfare bullshit that they keep trying to shove, I would bring back the 6-Sided Ring. And I would take things back to basics. Small Micro management. None of this network bullshit. Flesh out the characters let them develop have them become solid in their face/heel roles develop relationships with each other. Have some people just not like one another. Actually have someone pull off a decent title reign... Instead of switching it 5 times a month.. Hell even keeping the 4 sided ring everything else they NEED to do to save the company. Actually write a show instead of throw out Group A and Group B and have them fight the entire time. Run multiple angles I know you only have so much Tv a week but if you went back to putting on great matches. Cutting promo's that were worth listening to. and Having actual feuds with beginnings middles and ends. and you just had basic I want your gold, or stay the hell away from that girl, Or we have had issues for years and I'm letting it be known now.

Shedding the image that TNA is a collective tool. And instead of pushing all this older talent use them as your "legends" and they actually have a lot of wrestlings legends atm (Ric Flair,Hulk Hogan, Kurt Angle, Sting) And they have some of the best tag teams, and really good young talent that could draw for them. Stop going for the easy money and actually rebuild your brand.

Currently they just keep going for the rating spike, the shock and Awe. But when that's all you do it's boring and trashy. Go back to basics rebuild and then every once in awhile when you have quality shock and awe you can ACTUALLY blow someones mind. It's not about making people think it's real. It's about getting people Wrapped up in the moment that they suspend all belief and just go OMG!!!

It's a company, they want to make money. Then invest time in making your company a true alternative instead of a wcw reject. Bring in fresh young writers, stop using people trying to relieve their glory days from the 90's that's not nostalgia that's a rerun. Bring Wrestling into the 2000's be Unique, be innovative, go back to what brought TNA to the dance.
Turning her Heel will only help in the short term and will ultimately get compared to Mr. Mcmahon. I like the idea as a concept, but in order to do it you would have to many things leading up to it. Like have a Hogan/Bischoff power struggle, with one of them becoming face. Do a sort of 80's thing with Hogan, like have Eric have him taken out one week by a huge guy so he is off TV for awhile, like when Bundy hurt him, show him in the Hospital saying he is coming back, when he come back have him attacked again, continue this for say one or two months, but have it only take up about 5 min of TV time and allow Eric to take control like a hellion throughout the whole time. The only way for Hogan to get it back is to make a bargain with Dixie ultimately giving her back her company and Hogan fighting to get it back, thus allowing for her to do the big turn and align with Eric.

I also agree with one of the above posters who mentioned that they need new writers, this i agree with, but they need more than just one. The need a team of them that comes up with ideas and stories, plus lets have them write specifically for a few wrestlers, with this it allows Dixie, Hogan, and Eric to see who the better writers are and who can write good simple stories that have a good beginning, middle, and end.

You cant eliminate the older vets, they are some of your drawing power but some of them can be used to help the younger guys for example you can use Kurt to form a group sort of like Evolution (notice i said sort of like) where he takes some younger guys like red and crimson and form a trio, he helps them with the mic and trains them but also helps them when needed.

You can also take JJ and make him a manager for some tag teams and a couple of other guys (keep him out of the ring wrestling wise) like Gen Me he can be their mouth piece get them the championship and help them win and retain it like old school managers, this would allow them to be in more matches while keeping them off of the mic as he is decent on the mic.

For those that want the six-sided ring back it doesn't need to come back, but longer matches on the show and going live more than twice a year would help along with traveling to different locations plus adding another show. One would have one group and the other another group with a few crossing over here and there. Thus allowing their full roster to be used, and using any training academy that is at their disposal to help the greener guys/gals that they have i.e. dudley's, Hardy's and who ever has one at the moment.
if you really want to save TNA its simple...
Fire Jeff Hardy, Vince Russo, and bring in either Paul E or Jimmy Cornette.
Find the young guy like Joe Doering who you feel you can build around and give him the Legend Killer gimmick.... Then have him destroy... Sting, Flair, Mic Foley, Tommy Dreamer and Hogan.... Then i'd release all these guys. However, I'd let Flair stay only if he was okay with being a manager.

Tell Scott Stiener he can stay for a few months if he wants to bring Rick back and feud with the Dudleys then fire him.

Keep Jeff Jarrett off camera - i'd actually have angle put him out of action for a year or two probably by Angle or the Legend Killer.

Then I'd go hire the Briscoe's, All Night Express, Kings of Wrestling, the World Greatest Tag Team Ever, Carlito, Paul Birchill, Steve Lewington, KC James, Paul London, and Mike Dibiase.
if you really want to save TNA its simple...
Fire Jeff Hardy, Vince Russo, and bring in either Paul E or Jimmy Cornette.
Find the young guy like Joe Doering who you feel you can build around and give him the Legend Killer gimmick.... Then have him destroy... Sting, Flair, Mic Foley, Tommy Dreamer and Hogan.... Then i'd release all these guys. However, I'd let Flair stay only if he was okay with being a manager.

Tell Scott Stiener he can stay for a few months if he wants to bring Rick back and feud with the Dudleys then fire him.

Keep Jeff Jarrett off camera - i'd actually have angle put him out of action for a year or two probably by Angle or the Legend Killer.

Then I'd go hire the Briscoe's, All Night Express, Kings of Wrestling, the World Greatest Tag Team Ever, Carlito, Paul Birchill, Steve Lewington, KC James, Paul London, and Mike Dibiase.

:wtf: Man do you realize that you need big name talent i.e established stars to put your company on the map? Cornette was there and TNA sucked during his time in the company. Heyman would be good, but he wants total control thats why TNA doesn't have him in the moment because they don't want him to have total control. By the way, of all the guys you mentioned you would bring in the only one i can agree with is Carlito and maybe the kings of wrestling.

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