Dixie Carter...Next Knockout Champion ?

While we're at it, let's jump over to WWE, and make Linda McMahon the Diva's champion. She lives and breathes wrestling.
Seriously dude how many times have we seen Linda McMahon on WWE TV let alone wrestling.

She appeared sporadically in feuds but overall her on screen appearnce made sense and didn't exceed 100 times (thats an exaggerated number) from thousands of years she was married to Vince, this topic is as bad as Russo suggesting David Arquette becoming WCW champion.

And I suggest locking it and deleting it before someone in the TNA creative team sees it and suggests it to Dixie who likes it and puts it into excution, God forbid.:disappointed:
Could it happen? Yes. Remember, this stuff is being booked by Russo and we all know some of the excellent WCW champions that were made during his time in WCW>

Dixie should not be a knockout champion. It makes little sense from a storyline. Furthermore, it puts her, and others, in danger, as she is inexperienced. The closest to actual physical involvement in the ring should be her getting in the face of some of the other wrestlers.
Back in the 90's when the WWE was lacking on heels Vince Mcmahon made himself into one and start a fued with the company's top baby face Stone Cold Steve Austin, It became a legendary program !

Point i'm trying to make is the KO's division is lacking right now both heels and faces, so why not do what vince did and have dixie carter become an active wrestler. She's already got her own theme music, what else is there left to do ? What do you guys think of dixie being the next KO champ ? Would she be better as a face or heel ?

This is horrible, this idea. Just because she is the owner of the company doesn't mean that she should be on television, let alone in the wrestling ring. Dixie is terrible on the mic and should only be used in small doses. I know the Knockouts division isn't at its peak right now, but why would you bring it even lower by having a middle aged woman who has no athletic or wrestling background become Knockouts champion? Remember Vince Russo and David Arquette as WCW champion? Two people that had no clue about the business or even how to wrestle.

I wasn't a fan of Vince and practically his entire family wrestling in WWE, but at least it wasn't serious. Shane could actually go in the ring and people wanted to pay money to see Vince get his ass kicked. Even if people hated Dixie, no one wants to see a middle aged mother get beaten on television. Just because Dixie is in decent shape for her age doesn't mean that she can go out and have a wrestling match.

Finally, what in the blue hell would Dixie have to gain by becoming a Knockouts champion? She is the owner of the company. Even if she was a heel why would she need a meaningless title like the Knockouts title?
The point that is trying to be made is that dixie doesn't need to be as good as trish, that takes time. What you can do is team her up with your top face or top heel, Does anyone remember when vince was ECW champ and he had umanga and shane helping him ? This is the perfect way to bring back Awesome Kong, have her help dixie get and retain the KO's title
The only part that makes sense is forming an alliance with a KO, but still there is no storyline justification for this as it is perfectly clear that Dixie will never be an in ring competitior.

You have the best women wrestlers in the world and you want an untrained wrestler to take the belt? This is the problem with your idea. That, and the fact that Kong is a better heel.
I hardly wander over into TNA territory.. but an exception had to be made in this case to say WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING!?

You can honestly say you WANT to watch Dixie get in the ring and wrestle? That would be worse then TNA doing their own Katie Vick story. Hell, I would rather sit in front of a TV and watch the Vick angle 100 times before I'd want to watch Carter wrestle a match.

Jut because Vince did it, does not mean she has to. Look at the outcry from fans when Vince won the WWF title.. Or the ECW title. Hell throw in the '99 Royal Rumble while you're at it. No one wanted to see it, and were very upset that it did happen. So why would Dixie want to copy that? It would do for TNA exactly what Russo and Arquette winning the WcW title did for WcW.
If this were to happen it would be more like Russo winning the WCW Title than McMahon winner the WWF.No, just no. The Knockout's division is fine as it is.

That would be worse then TNA doing their own Katie Vick story

No this would receive nowhere near as much criticism if they were to do that.
Dixie is a milf and i'd definately nail her!.....but as a womens champion I don't think so.

She isnt a wrestler, and would the title isnt important enough to pull of the storyline of "the boss" holding the belt. It worked in the WWF, with Vince as the hated heel boss holding the top title because it was THE most important belt in the company, and THE top storyline at the time. In TNA, the KO title is simply an afterthought, and there is no face/heel wrestler over enough to make this storyline work. Dixe herself is not/will not ever be over enough to pull this off either.

Bad bad idea man!

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