Dixie Carter: Good or Bad for TNA?

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I never said his release was Jarrett’s entire fault. However, I am willing to be that if he was good friends with him then he would still be with them.

Agreed, and I'm sure if someone is good friends with Dixie Carter, they won't be released either. Just like at any job, if you are in with the boss your job is safe.

I would rather see some of those guys too but I also liked Dutt so I would want to see him too. And how is Dutt going to take time away from them? He could actually still be in the show and not take time away from anyone.

What!?!?!?!?!?!?! If Sonjay Dutt was on the show, that is 10 minutes that the MCMG, Red, or some other good wrestlers won't be on the show. If Dutt was on TV every week, that means less time for others. It's common sense.

Yes it was illegal and he will probably be punished for it, but no one can prove if he was using them.

So he just had some used syringes in his bag, but it doesn't mean he was using them? I don't understand your logic.
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