What is going to forever change TNA? Dixie Carter knows.

You know, I hate to "jump on the gun" early and all that but I just gotta put my input on this. If Dixie Carter has said the word "surprise" once, she has said it a thousand times. I'm telling you, I'm done with TNA, especially with their overhype BS. Remember when Mick Foley made that "announcement that will change the wrestling world forever" on the live iMPACT! from Las Vegas? That one did it for me.

And I'll say this, there ain't gonna be no "change" until you fire Vince Russo. When that happens, then we can talk change.
Its probably just the return of a wrestler or on-air personality. I wouldn't be surprised if it was just Mick Foley coming back on air. TNA has bee great lately and thats a fact. These surprises don't really amount to anything... besides if it was life changing for the product, they would have leaked it already... like Hogan/Bischoff signings. TNA seems desperate to be able to compete for fans and ratings so they are using the most effect and cost free methods to boost sales and ratings. The Internet. I just want the product to keep improving and the characters and feuds to develop like they have been. You don't need surprises and hyping shit every week. You need consistency.
Wow TNA is changing forever -- again.

This is like Tony Schiavone during the only legit Monday Night Wars, every Monday he proclaimed it to be the "Greatest Night in our sport."

Got tired real quick.
If this is anything like the past TNA tweets, it's something small, like signing Shelton Benjamin. I fell for this the last time they did it. They announced it as "We will be making an announcement that will change the evolution of professional wrestling forever!" Five minutes into the show, they said they were moving back to Thursdays. But I kept watching, thinking, "That couldn't possibly be the announcement. There must be something bigger that they're saving for later in the show." But their wasn't.
TNA really is the only legit wrestling option anymore though, so I don't get all the hate. Their shows are 10 times better than WWE. WWE is unwatchable anymore unless you're a 10 year old.
Batista may have been able to get no 90 day no compete in his contract. I feel like when they signed him to his contract they felt that would be the end of his wrestling career whenever his contract ended. Maybe he figured out a way to move on over to TNA. Honestly, I doubt it's him though. I also VERY much doubt it's Heyman as he has a pretty good gig right now. James, Benjamin wouldn't change a whole lot.

My guess is that they're leaving the Impact zone to take the show on the road. Wasn't there speculation about them moving up to NYC into where they used to film Raw in the early days? I'm sure it's just another empty "surprise" that TNA loves to dangle out there to draw ratings but we can always hope it'll be something actually surprising.
You guys can bump this if I'm wrong and it actually happens...

But lets stop mentioning Batista... TNA Highest paid wrestler is most likely sting and he's getting paid a fraction of what Batista was making in the WWE. Also according to reports Batista was never really released and he's still on the WWE website.

Like i said.. If he debuts and we get to see a big spine buster of doom and a bomb.. than bump this and let me have it.

but IMO, you can add Batista to the list of Stone Colds, Rocks, Michaels in the fact they'll never touch Orlando Soil unless its a WWE held event.
I'm so sick of TNA's MAJOR announcement's, which always turn out to be really MINOR in the grand scheme of things. Dixie needs to learn to just keep her damn mouth shut, and stop promising things that she just simply can't deliver. If it's major, then we, as fans, will recognize it when it happens. As I've learned from TNA so many times before, when Dixie promises something major, you may as well prepare yourself to be let down. Major is NXT guys closing out Raw with mass destruction, and we didn't need a damn tweet from Vince saying, "hey guys, watch Raw tonight because something MAJOR is going to happen that will change the business"; we, as fans, recognized it as MAJOR when it happened, and were genuinely pleased with the outcome (how they close out this angle is another issue entirely). Major is NOT bringing in yet another WWE has-been "free agent" whom TNA feels is going to pull the company into the spotlight and out of the 1.5 ratings, even if it is Batista (if Angle and Hogan couldn't do it, NOBODY can). I wish she would just run things behind the scenes and pay the talent, instead of "tweeting" broken promises.
Batista may have been able to get no 90 day no compete in his contract. I feel like when they signed him to his contract they felt that would be the end of his wrestling career whenever his contract ended. Maybe he figured out a way to move on over to TNA. Honestly, I doubt it's him though. I also VERY much doubt it's Heyman as he has a pretty good gig right now. James, Benjamin wouldn't change a whole lot.

My guess is that they're leaving the Impact zone to take the show on the road. Wasn't there speculation about them moving up to NYC into where they used to film Raw in the early days? I'm sure it's just another empty "surprise" that TNA loves to dangle out there to draw ratings but we can always hope it'll be something actually surprising.

It may be possible that Batista has no 90 compete clause.
I think he signed a long term contract before WWE started adding the 90 no compete clause.
my big desire would be they got heyman i know its a long shot but if they got paul heyman than wwe better watch out he is the one of if not the best writers, bookers and characters in wrestling the man is wrestling please may i be that
It may be possible that Batista has no 90 compete clause.
I think he signed a long term contract before WWE started adding the 90 no compete clause.

My memory sucks so feel free to slap me if I'm wrong. According to reports Batista's contract ran out but he continued to work another pay per view with Cena to finish the story. Isn't it possible that the 90 day clause might be up already?

Also the money doesn't matter when you only have to work 5-6 days a month. That leaves time to pursue your other opportunities while you still have money coming in.
Even if it is Batista, that won't change anything. As a matter of fact it is more of the same, another WWE guy joining TNA.

The biggest announcement they could make for me would be, "We are going to stop trying to be WWE light."
Nothing more than the usual hype that TNA has been doing for a long time now.

It won't be Batista because he'll probably ask for a large sum of money that not even TNA pays their top guys. In addition, TNA appeals more to the IWC and Batista is one of the IWC's most hated wrestlers and he won't be accepted by TNA or its fans.

It won't be Michaels because he seems like the kind of guy who can walk away with no regrets. He's loyal to the WWE and he won't go anywhere near Orlando unless it's a WWE event.

It won't be Shane because he won't want to go up against his old man, no matter how much he disagrees with him.

It won't be Benjamin, James or anyone that the WWE has released recently because those guys, as talented as they are, won't make that big of a difference. If Kurt Angle or Hulk Hogan can't get people to watch, no one can.

It won't be Heyman because he's doing pretty good with what he's doing now. Besides, if he was to come in, he would want complete creative and booking control over the product much like he did in ECW. He won't want to work with Russo or Bischoff and Hogan's ego is too massive to allow someone like Heyman to tell him what to do. As long as Hogan, Bischoff and Russo are in TNA, Heyman won't be.

The only things I can think of as far as major would be a new financial backer, maybe Dana White or someone else, or expansion outside of Orlando.

But I'm starting to lose all hope when it comes to TNA. It may be just a matter of time before TNA goes out of business and becomes nothing more than a fraction of the WWE's ever-expanding video library.
Lets face it if TNA signs the Brooklynbrawler or the Shockmaster they will say its a huge shocker and will change the face of wrestling for ever.

New tweet few min ago

TNADixie Just got off phone w/Spike prez Kevin Kay. He is all in and agrees this will change TNA on every level.

I was thinking, maybe goldberg... otherwise probably an old wwe guy from last firings
Whatever it is, it won't change TNA. Hogan/Bischoff/Dixie are full of shit. Every week it seems they come up with some new B.S. "surprise" that's going to change the face of the..blah blah blah. They do this over and over again, and it's getting really old.

A few things that would surprise me...

1. At least two matches last longer than 6 minutes.

2. Hogan keeps himself involved in one, and only one, angle.

3. Abyss has taken a shower.

4. Jay Lethal fails at doing an absolutely amazing impersonation of just about anyone.

It's all bullshit, don't buy into any of it. If I'm wrong, I won't really consider it being wrong. They lie about this stuff all the time to try and get people to watch. When they really do have a HUGE surprise, no one will care, because they have jacked us around so much, who could believe it before they see it.
Its they'll go live every Thursday or the next PPV will be shown on Spike for free, its hardily change but it better than what people are guessing here.
No matter how dissapointed Shane is with his father and sister, he'll never go anywhere else than the WWE (when it comes to the professional wrestling business)

I also don't see Shawn Michaels even considering talking to TNA Officials.

You're right, Shane has far too much money invested in WWE stock, why the hell would he go to TNA. He would be paid far much less and TNA would be forced to release half the roster just to pay for him.

As for Shawn Michaels, he never betrayed WWE in the 90s so why would he now? If he is honestly returning again, he would go to the WWE. But he's retired, and hopefully for good.
I remember people saying about an ECW Invasion storyline with RVD & Heyman. I also remember Foley blogging about 'new projects' which speculation has been to this storyline. I think this is it! Have Foley take Heyman's role as the boss. Like WWE have, all the crap and boring storylines that don't seem to be going anywhere are going somewhere, and I think TNA have been dropping hints of this for a while.

If not, it won't be Helms or Burchill or Shelton their 90 Day No Compete Clause hasn't ran out yet. At least I don't think so.

Discuss fellow threaders!!
TNA is running out of ideas, which is where they are going wrong. Why wouldn't need to keep running out of ideas if they didn't present the notion that they have a new bright idea every time there's a half moon outside. And c'mon, she's up at 6:30 am tweeting, why in the hell did she NOT get any sleep last night? So you just pop up on twitter at 6:30am to announce something that's gonna change TNA forever, for like the 1 millionth time? I mean, can you imagine Jim Crockett Jr. or even Vince just hanging out on twitter to get people interested in their product.

If you need to use twitter at 6:30am to get people interested in whatever you're trying to sell, then it's not worth the public to buy, or buy into, IMO. Here's a suggestion Dixie, stop trying to be in front of the camera (or behind a computer screen) and let the people who you pay to do certain jobs, do those jobs. You can't keep popping out of nowhere and announce that you have hot air in your mouth and thus you're about to blow it out as smoke, which is exactly what you keep doing.

Wanna know why people don't respect TNA, because TNA, for all the forward progress it tries to make, keeps taking 15 steps back with goofy stuff like this. Just shut up, TRY to put on a great PPV, and let the action in the ring, the promos and the overall production of the show speak for itself because IF this is another ploy that she uses (like always) then she's doing nothing but turning the last little bit of fans TNA has away for good. So hey, maybe that WILL change TNA forever, by being such a camera ****e that you destroy your own company...
Has Dixie not been a good girl and gone to bed. :)

I guessing it will be the formation of a new faction or something like that

because please tell me if I am wrong but Bastisa working for is like Desmond Wolfe not winning a world title somewhere!

Secondly who is Shelton Benigiam? Wait I remember now he was a mid-carder in the WWE until he was let go how is he going to make any impact?

The logical guess would be GOLDBERG and wait Hulk Hogan said he would never work for TNA where is he now?

In my option its either a new faction like a old ECW one (TNA has a lot of old ECW guys)


GOLDBERG comes in and destroy everyone

(this is my option)
So, if Dixie posts something on Twitter, fans are going to stop watching TNA? That's ridiculous. Dixie is rarely on television. Impact has been very solid the last several weeks, as have the last couple PPVs. The product is headed in the right direction, rather than the 15 steps backwards as you mentioned.

I don't see anything wrong with someone trying to promote their product.
Hopefully this is just not her trying to get us hype and order the PPV and that there actually is a big announcement. If there is truly not just hype I think it could be either 3 things. 1 Paul Heyman is new head of writing I think this is because of the rumors that Russo is burnt out and wants a different job. 2 Impact could be going on the road sine there were rumors about maybe going to New York in the old Raw arena. 3 It could mean that they are going live every Thursday which could help with the ratings since there would be no spoiler.
I'm not getting my hopes too high because in my opinion the last big thing TNA did when they did something like this that I was caught off guard was signing Kurt Angle. HBK is not going to go to TNA. He just won't. Shane McMahon, also unlikely and I can't even think of one name that is free agent that would be ground breaking for TNA right now.

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