What is going to forever change TNA? Dixie Carter knows.

Blah Blah Blah Blah. Dixie was up all night getting excited. Or maybe it was because Jarrett was in between her legs all night while Hogan was dropping his prunes down her throat.

Let's look at TNA's "Big" announcements and such:

Bobby lashley: YAWN
Eric Bischoff/Hulk Hogan: ehhhh I'm torn on this because of all the bullshit Hogan exposure along with Bischoff.

The ONLY thing that would work for me is if Shane comes in with his $ backing the company. But that won't happen because if he does that can you imagine how awkward dinner would be at the McMahon household over holidays and such?
And of course Dixie would have to take the chance that Shane would be there potentially trying to undermine everyone and help WWE sign some disgruntled TNA stars. So honestly I'll just be waiting here to read what the huge announcement is as I'm not jacked up enough about it to actually tune in to see.
batista? highly unlikely, as well as shelton, helms and whoever else.
It is either heyman is finally back or even a hulk hogan heel turn? lets find out and see!
i wouldnt be surprised if it is more less to hype the show.. once again
to go along the lines of the "yawn" major announcements, isn't tommy dreamer's 90-day clause up?

i can honestly see this being the announcement.

or maybe that they are finally getting out of the impact zone and going to be doing the tapings at other areas,
More unsubstantiated bullshit in my opinion. Blowing smoke, trying to trick people into buying the PPV (which I, for one, will not be doing. Again.).

Fact of the matter is, there's no one of sufficient prominence to justify Dixie's reaction. I don't believe for one second that Batista, HBK, or anyone like this is jumping ship. Mickie James, Shelton Benjamin, Carlito, etc., none of these guys would create the buzz that Dixie speaks of. Even Goldberg wouldn't be that big of a deal, despite the fact that his ego says otherwise.

I wonder how much information gets passed around the wrestling business, purposefully or accidentally? The much anticipated ECW invasion thing is a possibility, but good old Vince McMahon has already beaten them to the punch with the NXT invasion.

Paul Heyman could make a tremendous impact in TNA. For about 10 minutes. Then it's back to the same old, same old.

My prediction is the signing of Shelton Benjamin (and Charlie Haas, or has he already signed, I'm not sure) to reform the WGTT. ANd if I'm right, what a tremendous let down.

The only other possibility is moving out of the impact zone, into NYC.

The only talent moves which could create such a buzz are virtually impossible and would never happen. Shane McMahon, HBK, even Batista. Or a current WWE jumping ship due to some contract loophole.

Bottom line, it's likely yet another example of TNA building up hype and being unable to fulfill it. And fans will only take this for so much longer.
Things that would totally be awesome but most likely not be the announcement

World X cup 2010

Multiple Debuts

Mickie James debut (most likely now that I rethink things)
Shane Helms debut
Shelton (I think he may have a few more days though, not sure)
Trish Stratus ( she said she wanted to wrestle, and very available)
Booker T return?

Other than that It would have to be something like a 2nd weekly show or it won't live up to the hype.
Well lets see. A tag team got taken out by an individual who leaves a calling card. Although we've seen ****elando do this in the past he would have done it on camera. I don't think it's any coincidence that this happens after they get heat with Bubba. Then again, Bubba can do his own dirty work that's not his style. Shannon has no real history with anyone in TNA except.. Daniels. Could Daniels be back with a new gimmick? Angel of death? It's a stretch but that's all they gave me to work with on this one. If it's Rhino coming for Jesse Neal again as I suspect it'll end up being I might have to go to orlando and give Dixie a firm talking to, maybe dinner and anything else she wants, woooo
I think she's just trying to get people intrigued and talking about TNA. Which it's obviously working. I don't think her tweet will help ratings go up at all. Only the TNA fans that follow her on twitter and the IWC will see it, and most of them will watch anyway.

I doubt what ever she's referring to will help TNA very much. I think they over use the major announcement/big surprise gimmick. They've already brought in major names like Hogan, RVD, Hardy, Anderson, ect. and none of them have made a big difference in the ratings. There's no one out there now that's as big a name as any of them.

I think hell will freeze over before HBK, Batista, or Shane McMahon go to TNA. Benjamin, Mickie James, and Carlito still have a couple months before they could debut.
I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with promotion the product, that's what you're supposed to do, but do it in the right way. I'm on board with mostly all the other posters who said that Dixie always does this. She gets her tweet thing going on, starts rambling on and on about something that'll "change the landscape of wrestling", and it's usually just some midcarders from the WWE or the announcement that they're going back to Thursdays (for the record, how many times has the term "going to change the landscape of wrestling" been thrown around? Gimme a break already).

Dixie should use the people she has in place to do their jobs of promotions, and when it doubt, delegate these "changing" notions she has, if she doesn't. TNA COULD be on the right course, if they didn't have all these "landscape changing moments" every month or so. It doesn't show stability in the product if you always gotta change something, and I'm not going to even get into the way they never keep a storyline going, let alone meaningful. Dixie is NOT a wrestling person whatsoever, she just happens to know people who know people and has some money in her pocket. Simply, she just needs to chill on the announcements, go out and have people play their roles, put on quality matches and keep things rolling in that regard.
I have a quick question...Does Dixie even realize what she's saying? Using the word "forever" means that it will be like the WWF changing to the WWE or the NWA changing into WCW. Forever means Hulk Hogan winning the title in 1984 or the 1st Starrcade. Those things change things...forever. A debut here and there does nothing but just mean it's a debut here and there. Save Stone Cold going to TNA (which is happen two days before the end of time) is the ONLY thing that will change TNA, and even still, I doubt it'll be forever. A year? Yeah. 6 months? Likely. But forever, Dixie? Really lady? Laughable. Besides, NO ONE'S attention span will lead them to remember forever anyway...
If there is a change that will change TNA forever, it likely isn't with the in ring talent. I think they've gone through enough of that now to realize that bringing in someone new doesn't change TNA forever. They also should realize not to pay attention to the rating for 6 to 12 months. No one person alone will make that change. Hogan coming in didn't change the ratings and if he didn't. Not even a group of people made a change in the ratings. Hogan, Flair, Jeff Hardy and RVD should collectively made a difference but they didn't. The issue isn't talent. It's in developing the storylines and characters.

Possibly a new TV deal for another show would change things. That could be very beneficial as they could work so much more on character development with multiple shows. Some new advertiser that picked up space during impact. A partnership with one of those advertisers to get exposure. NCAA advertises ever year on 20oz bottles for the final four. A creative way to gain exposure like that would change things forever if they were financially backed to do it.

Then again, it could be something totally off the wall. Maybe Dixie found out she's pregnant with Hogan's child? That could change TNA as well and would probably make it hard for her to sleep that night. haha
I am going to say that if TNA really in truly has a major surprise that's gonna shake up the wrestling world forever and knock everybody's socks off then it's only logical to expect that the world's greatest commentator has been signed. Not JR, not Jerry Lawler, not Jesse Ventura, Gorilla or Heenan. Nope. The man who will change wrestling forever, like no other guy could with only a 6 week tenure as commentator under his belt. The one and only...a true genius...Mark Madden.

Seriously though, if TNA wants to shock the wrestling world they will never get Austin, Triple H, Michaels, Taker, or really anyone at this point that could make anyone care. Batista is no big deal. It would be quite interesting if John Cena or Randy Orton showed up at some point but that will never happen. There is only one wrestler who I believe isn't really in perfect standing with WWE who would go to TNA if the price was right and TNA had the financial backing to pay him (which also could be the first part of a two part surprise..could you imagine if a guy close to being as filthy rich as Ted Turner financially backed TNA???). Any single wrestler who could change everything by joining TNA is...The Rock. The chances are slim, but not completely out of the question. I mean, how many more Tooth Fairy movies can this guy put out before he needs to fall back on the wrestling crutch. WWE isn't going to be there to support him or put him over after he just ditched them. If anything they'd bury him.

Anyway, I think the possibility of The Rock joining TNA should become a new thread. Just my thoughts.
TNA has really dropped the ball on announcements. They hype EVERYTHING as a huge industry changing event and it never is. Angle coming to TNA was big. Getting Hogan was big in theory. Going to Mondays would have been big if they actually were ready for it.

Really though, they just build everyone up for a letdown. No matter what it is, I can say with 99% certainty from their track record that it won't be huge to fans. My bet is a new time/extra hour/new show/new game, or something along those lines. Most likely not a new wrestler, and if it is, no matter who is is it will be subpar and expected.

Please prove us wrong TNA...
You guys have it all wrong. She said she can't wait till she tells everyone in the company. All she did was found Macho Mans old local dope hook up and they had some fire shit. So just expect to see everyone tweeking out like they were back in the 90's. hahaha
In all honesty, the only surprise that TNA could debut at the ppv that would interest me all that much would be Paul Heyman. There've been all sorts of rumors circulating about him possibly heading to TNA for a while, that Dixie Carter recently spoke to him on the phone, etc. I figure it's the most likely of all the potential "changing" moments in TNA. I doubt that Stone Cold, The Rock, HBK or Batista are going to show up there.

To be perfectly honest, I'm not sure that I really care what or who the surprise is. I've heard this same sort of bluster from TNA on so many different occassions that it's lost almost all meaning. Every sort of game changer that's come along or has been hyped as being what takes TNA to the next level has been completely underwhelming and not even remotely lived up to the hype.
New GM Baron Von Rashke?
That would be awesome, but what if they merged with another independent?
Or Bishoff could have another wonderful tournament, like the one that killed the AWA.

Heyman might be interesting, but it really wouldn't change wrestling for ever

Or she could have gave up and sold to McMahon.

Return of six sides.
Or Nothing.
Its absolutely nothing I could almost gaurantee it. Dixie is delusional shes always talkin out of her ass most likely shes just trying to hype the pay per view. If there is something "big" happening its probably someone like gregory helms joingin the company. No matter wh oit is they wont be as big or important as dixie or hogan will makke it out to be thats if there is anything going on at all
I'm hoping the change is that they're going live for their shows from now on....then they can actually have surprises on the shows instead of having spoilers every week. The fact is, they can't out-do the surprise that happened on WWE this past Monday. Having the NXT rookies destroy RAW was the best surprise that happened in wrestling since the NWO.
Dixie carter has signed Bruno Samartino and he will meet Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan in a triple treat match.
Does it really matter who TNA signs? Its not HBK. I like Shelton Benjamin but if its him and Charlie Haas I would never read another tweet from Carter. Either that or she sold the company to Ted Turner .....
1) A few months ago there was a rumor that Goldberg was talking with WWE about a legends deal and also being inducted in the Hall of Fame. Goldberg has said in the past he would never work with TNA. I think Goldberg would rather sign a legends deal (which is a fancy way of saying he isn't signed with the WWE but they can sell his merchandise and use him in video games) and sit on his ass and most likely make more money off a legends contract then working with TNA.

2) Why in the world would HBK go to TNA. He retired from the WWE. He wasn't fired and he is still on great terms with the WWE. If HBK wanted a lighter schedule I am sure the WWE would work that out with him. HBK retired because he wanted to retire. I wouldn't be surprise if HBK does a legends contract as well, sits back and collects the cash.

3) Highly doubt they will be taking Impact on the road. Impact just failed on Monday Night and there Thursday night ratings aren't really doing amazing. Plus they rebuilt the Impact Zone when Hogan arrived. I highly doubt they would spend all that money just for a few months of use.

The odds are it is going to be something that really doesn't have an effect on the business at all. Even if it is the mastermind Paul Heyman, I don't see him as the person to take TNA to the next level. If TNA wants to take it to the next level they need to stop rehashing old story lines. They need to bring in someone new, someone who nobody has heard of and has new fresh ideas.

The WWE today is no where as close as entertaining as the late 90's WWF. However at least with the WWE they are creating new stars, creating new unique story lines and trying new things (The ending of Raw last week with the NXT superstars...OMG THAT WAS AWESOME). When I watch TNA I just see old 90's superstars reliving there old 90's story lines.
Come on people think about it the suprise announcement is indeed huge, but is indeed obvious Mr. McMahon has purchased TNA. ROFL ok I am of course kidding but it was fun to say :)
I'm hoping the change is that they're going live for their shows from now on....then they can actually have surprises on the shows instead of having spoilers every week. The fact is, they can't out-do the surprise that happened on WWE this past Monday. Having the NXT rookies destroy RAW was the best surprise that happened in wrestling since the NWO.

Yeah.. I'm still shocked from seeing a bunch no-name wrestlers beat John Cena.

Jeff said:
The WWE today is no where as close as entertaining as the late 90's WWF. However at least with the WWE they are creating new stars, creating new unique story lines and trying new things (The ending of Raw last week with the NXT superstars...OMG THAT WAS AWESOME). When I watch TNA I just see old 90's superstars reliving there old 90's story lines.

An invasion storyline isn't new. What 90s superstars? Hogan is rarely even on TV. Flair has the best mic work in the business. Hall and Nash aren't on TV for any longer than five minutes a night.
check her twitter now.. its got something to do with spike..
"Just got off phone w/Spike prez Kevin Kay. He is all in and agrees this will change TNA on every level."

Tna live on Thursdays? Sounds likely to me..:banghead:
her twitter now says :

"Just got off phone w/Spike prez Kevin Kay. He is all in and agrees this will change TNA on every level."

Probably some nonsence like TNA going live on Thursdays.
It will probably be another show since Dixie tweeted about talking to the President of Spike TV. I just hope that if it is another show that will be an actual wrestling show and not a recap show or a reality type show. The sad thing is that is probably what it will be. Either a Tough Enough, Knockouts, or recap show of Impact.

I'm hoping I am wrong and the big announcement is a huge name like Paul Heyman taking over creative. If any man in the creative department can get TNA off and running its Heyman. I don't want to get my hopes up because the big surprises are usually let downs. If its something like Foley or Lashley returning I'll puke. I love Foley but he is old news and so is Lashley. They both aren't newsworthy any way.

Here is hoping for another Impact show or Paul Heyman to give TNA some credibility. Maybe TNA might even take Impact on the road...

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