UWF: Mock Draft V

Okay sorry about the delay, just editing a few things. My show was way too long, so I'm shortening it as best I can while trying to keep all the vital parts of every match in. Should be posted within the next ten minutes.
The show opens with a montage of last week's happenings. A video clip is aired promoting tonight’s matches: Mr. Perfect vs. Ricky Steamboat, Brock Lesnar vs. Sting, Brian Pillman vs. Dean Malenko, Terry Funk & Raven vs. Demolition, Tajiri vs. Ultimo Dragon and another yet unannounced match!

The show opens with the Steiner Brothers making their way to the ring, receiving a loud pop in the process. Scott immediately takes the microphone and confronts The Road Warriors.

Scott Steiner: "Road Warriors! I know you're in the back. I've just been talking to the General Manager, and he's granted us a match with you. The winners will become the new PWF Tag Team Champions."

The Road Warriors music hits the arena, and just like the Steiner’s, receive a loud pop.

Hawk: "Steiner Brothers! There is no other team in professional wrestling who we respect more than you. It would be an honour to meet you in the ring next week to wrestle for the tag team championships. We look forward to it".

Both teams shake hands in a sign of respect, with the Road Warriors leaving the ring first, followed by The Steiner’s.​

- - -​

Tajiri vs. Ultimo Dragon

Both these men were defeated in the Cruiserweight championship tournament, and it was only right that Shane McMahon put these two incredible, high flying athletes against each other. Both men receive decent pops and wind up shaking hands before the match begins.

Tajiri takes control early in the match, landing variations of his precision kicks to the forehead of Dragon. Within seconds of the match, he attempts to lock in a Tarantula, but his effort unsuccessful. Now Dragon’s in control, hitting Tajiri with a la casita. He pulls vigorously on the arm of Tajiri with his armbar, which he rolls up for a pin. After his not so successful pin attempt, Dragon brings Tajiri to his feet, scoring an Aztec suplex. Tajiri manages to make it to his feet on his own accord, looking dazed. From behind, Dragon locks in a Dragon Sleeper, but Tajiri’s too close to the ropes.

Dragon is in control of the match with Tajiri getting in a little amount of momentum from the crowd. When it looks like Dragon sets up Tajiri for a Dragon Bomb, Tajiri reverses it into flip-over DDT while in mid-air. Both men lay on the mat while the referee counts up to 7, both men making it up. Before the referee made hit back to his feet, Tajiri spat his Asian mist directly into the eyes of Dragon, though luckily for him, most of it missed his eyes due to his mask. Then, out of nowhere, Rhyno, making his debut, climbs into the ring and smashes Tajiri into oblivion with a devastating Gore. Dragon gets the same treatment. Rhyno stands in the middle of the ring, above the two lifeless bodies.

Winner: Draw

- - -

Mr. Perfect is shown backstage, preparing for his Intercontinental championship match tonight against Ricky Steamboat. Bobby Heenan is hyping him up.​

- - -​

Brian Pillman vs. Dean Malenko
PWF Cruiserweight Championship​

Both Brian Pillman and Dean Malenko have made it to the finals, beating their respective opponents Tajiri and Ultimo Dragon. Perhaps this feud will finally progress since Pillman's debut, where he guaranteed a victory had it been Dean Malenko in the finals.

Dean Malenko makes his way to the ring first. He walks to the ring in a calm fashion, rubbing his wrists along the way. While he doesn't look agitated, it's clear that Malenko just doesn't like Pillman and he wants to hurt him - after all, Pillman made his debut here in PWF at the expense of Malenko. Pillman's music hits the arena, wasting no time to make his way to the ring. He runs down the ramp looking pumped, reminiscent of The Ultimate Warrior. The match begins.

It's apparent straight away that these two men’s styles complement each other. Both are generals in the ring, having lengthy careers in the business, winning numerous titles and accolades along the way. Both men also had the honour of being a Horseman - would this fact bring out the best in both men to prove who the better former Horseman was? The opening minutes of the match revolve around a series of high-impact dropkicks, suplex's and powerslams. It's Malenko who gets the upper hand upon hitting Pillman with a devastating spinning heel kick, sending him crashing to the mat.

Malenko is known for taking a body part and working it constantly. His many battles during his tenure as a WCW Cruiserweight Champion facing the likes of Ultimo Dragon, Chris Jericho and Eddie Guerrero are fine examples of showing Malenko's great display of limb psychology. Malenko wastes no time working the legs of Pillman, delivering numerous kicks to his knees and upper leg. Almost instantly a figure four leglock is applied, but Pillman is too close to the ropes. Several submissions are applied by both men. By now, Malenko had weakened Pillman's left leg, apparent when Pillman started to limp after hitting a running crossbody.

The end seemed near for Pillman when he was hit with Malenko's trademark manoeuvre, the double underhook powerbomb. Oddly, Malenko didn't make the transition into a Cloverleaf, instead going straight for the pin. A very close three count came to be, but it wasn't enough. Malenko was enraged. Fired up, he went crazy on Pillman, unleashing an arsenal of furious punches to the face. Upon making it to his feet, Malenko signalled that a Cloverleaf was in store for Pillman. With both legs wrapped around each other, it looked like Malenko was going to lock it in, when surprisingly, Pillman reversed, getting the three count. What an upset! What seemed like a fluke, Pillman is now the new PWF Cruiserweight Champion!

Winner: Brian Pillman​

- - -​

Demolition vs. Raven & Terry Funk

A feud which stems back months ago, Terry Funk finally has a partner to take on Demolition and prove that he can beat them once and for all. Funk revealed his partner Raven during the week leading up to tonight’s show. We didn’t get chance to catch up with Demolition for their thoughts on Funk’s partner before tonight.

Demolition make their way to the ring, looking confident, not letting Funk’s partner Raven nerve them at all. Barry Windham walks to the ring with them, but before he climbs through the ropes, the referee sends him to the back. Funk and Raven make their way to the ring following a standing ovation.

Ax and Funk start off, trading blows until Ax out of nowhere hits a Snap DDT for a two count. He unleashes an arsenal of power moves – a full nelson slam and a flapjack, which is followed up with double knee gut buster. Funk is dazed, strutting around the ring, mistakenly walking into the corner of Demolition. He’s met with a punch to the forehead by Smash, sending him to the mat.

The match continues in similar fashion for the next several minutes with several tags between Demolition. Funk finally gains the upper hand, hitting a Piledriver on Smash. Funk manages to make the tag to Raven, who proceeds to knock both members of Demolition out of the ring.

Raven controls the next portion of the match. Bulldogs, drop toe-holds and a piledriver are hit consecutively on Smash, following a unsuccessful pin due to Ax's interference. The match seems to come to a devastating end when Smash is knocked over the top rope, landing on his head on the outside. Unconscious, he lay there with his partner Ax standing above him, calling for help from the back. While help is sent from the back, Barry Windham, unbeknown to Funk and Raven makes his way through the crowd, hitting both Funk and Raven with a powerful Lariat. He hoists Raven back up, and delivers another Lariat. The referee hadn't seen any of this, attending to Smash on the outside. Ax grabs the referee and rolls him into the ring while he proceeds to pin Raven, who's just taken two Lariats from Windham. Ax gets the three count for the win.

After the three count, Smash makes it to his feet, climbing into the ring to celebrate with Ax and Windham. Obviously, they had outsmarted Funk and Windham once again. Funk goes crazy on the outside, throwing chairs about, even hitting Raven. He storms the ring with a chair while Demolition cowers back through the crowd.

Winners: Demolition

- - -​

Mr. Perfect vs. Ricky Steamboat
PWF Intercontinental Championship Match​

Mr. Perfect has been irate since losing to Ricky Steamboat in the Intercontinental championship finals a few weeks ago. Last week, he beat Bam Bam Bigelow, with the help of Bobby Heenan to earn another Intercontinental championship shot. It was also revealed this week that if Mr. Perfect loses this match tonight, he will never receive another Intercontinental title shot while Ricky Steamboat is the champion.

Mr. Perfect makes his way out first with his manager Bobby Heenan. He looks pumped, more motivated than ever after the stipulation added to this match. Steamboat comes out, shaking hands with fans on the way to the ring. Both men are introduced and the match is underway.

The match stars off at a blistering pace - chops, kicks, scoop slams, reversed headlocks. Its obvious here that both men work incredibly well together in the ring, both men’s styles suiting each others. While Steamboat may not be as charismatic as Perfect, he makes up for it in his incredible, high flying athleticism. Both men are more than capable of wrestling longer than the ordinary match. Steamboat’s battles with Flair and Perfects battles with Hart are perfect examples.

Almost instantly, Bobby Heenan proves as a huge distraction. Steamboat is obviously frustrated with the sound of his voice, but manages to pass it off; more important things need to be taken care of. Perfect gets the upper hand of the match, mat wrestling his way around Steamboat. Dropkicks are delivered, knocking Steamboat through the middle ropes. Heenan throws his usual abuse to Steamboat, but once again he ignores it. Upon climbing back into the ring, he’s met with a belly to back suplex, taking him to the mat. Perfect locks in a figure four leglock, grabbing the ropes for extra pressure.

With a clear advantage, Perfect gets too cocky for his own good. A diving crossbody results in a 2.99 count. Knife edge chops are thrown, followed by a neck breaker slam. Another near pin fall. Heenan decides to get involved now, pulling at the leg of Steamboat. He’s ordered to the back by the referee, but doesn’t compute. After a final warning, he’s threatened with Perfect being disqualified, resulting in him making his way to the back. While this is happening, Perfect landed a low-blow to Steamboat. He follows it up with a Perfect-Plex, but Steamboat barely manages to kick out. Clearly frustrated, Perfect goes outside for a chair. While climbing back into the ring, he’s rolled up for a near fall. Upon making it to his feet, he’s met with some more dropkicks by Steamboat. Another near fall occurs after a superplex delivered by Steamboat.

While Perfect is laid out on the mat, Steamboat makes his way to the top rope. As he’s about to jump, Perfect makes it to his feet and hits the ropes, causing Steamboat to fall. Perfect runs up to him, sits him up on the turnbuckle, then manages to hit a Perfect-Plex from the top rope. 1-2-3! Mr. Perfect is the new Intercontinental champion!

Winner: Mr. Perfect​

- - -

The camera cuts to Shane McMahon's office, where he's shown talking on the phone. A loud bang occurs, which happens to be the door. Bet Hart walks up to Shane, with his belt wrapped around his waist. He seemed to be a little agitated and wanting to get something off his chest.

Shane McMahon: "Thanks for knocking Bret. I appreciate it. Now what do you want", Shane said sarcastically.

Bret Hart: "Shut up. What the hell is going on around here? I have no match? I'm the goddamn champion of this promotion, and I don't have a match? This place is turning into a joke."

Shane looks on, smirking at Bret's comments.

Shane: "I'm protecting my champion, Bret. Your title defence at the fifth pay-per-view is going to draw big numbers and I'm going to make a lot of money from it. I don't want the risk of you being injured come that date Bret. But hey, you come barging into my office, not even having the courtesy to knock! Here's what I'll do Bret. I'm going to make a match for next week. You, Bret, will be in a triple threat match, against two of the biggest stars today. And just to spice it up a little, there's going to be a few stipulations. To make this even more interesting, I'm not even going to tell you who your opponents are or what the stipulations are until 30 seconds before your match starts next week Bret. Now get the hell out of my office!"

Bret looks on; Shane's comments seemed to have irked him. He grins and walks out, slamming the door behind him.

Brock Lesnar vs. Sting​

The stare down between these two men is one hell of a sight. Lesnar’s flexing his muscular frame, looking as intense as ever. Sting looks on, staring him dead straight in the eyes, showing no sign of intimidation. After all, Sting is no small man – he’s slain some of the biggest giants in the business. Lesnar stares Sting down, gives him a nod and makes his way back into his corner. Perhaps this was Lesnar’s way of showing his respect? Surely he isn’t intimidated by ‘The Icon’?

After the explosive stare down comes to a close, both men await the sound of the bell. The bell rings, where Lesnar proceeds to waste no time in charging Sting. Lesnar delivers some ferocious thrusts into the stomach of Sting, following them up with a series of his high impact clotheslines, leaving Sting flat on the mat. It may only be a short few seconds into the match, but Lesnar is no fool. He gives Sting no time to rest, well aware of Stings lengthy, legendary Iron Man matches with Ric Flair and Ricky Steamboat. Lesnar knows he needs to get this over as quick as he can. It will only take one slight miscommunication for Sting to gain the advantage.

It seems Lesnar is too eager to get this over with quickly. With ease, he hoists Sting onto his shoulders, a clear signal that the F-5 is near. Sting shrugs himself off of Lesnar and delivers some fast kicks to the left lower leg of Lesnar. Sting knows he needs to ground this beast - it's too risky letting Lesnar stay on his feet. But he also knows Lesnar is a former amateur wrestler - an all-American champion. While Sting thinks up a suitable, effective game plan, he successfully locks in a Scorpion Deathlock. It doesn't take Lesnar long to power out, in the process sending Sting through the ropes onto the mat.

Sting finally finds the answer to his question - there is no answer. Lesnar is just all-round too powerful. Sting is going to have to use his superior knowledge and predict Lesnar's onslaughts, with hope that he can counter his arsenal of high-impact moves. The men once again lock up with Lesnar sending Sting to the ropes. He is rewarded with a clothesline - an unsuccessful one at that. Sting yells at Lesnar to run the ropes and deliver a clothesline of his own. Foolishly, he does so, and upon charging Sting, he is hoisted up and hit with a spinebuster.

The match continues in similar fashion. Lesnar gains the advantage and Sting will find him making foolish mistakes - posing for the crowd, taunting Sting and being abusive towards the referee upon two counts. Later on, Sting has a clear advantage when he hits Lesnar with a succession of three Stinger Splash's and a Scorpion Death Drop. This leaves Lesnar open, centre of the ring for a Scorpion Deathlock. Sting applies his submission manoeuvre. By this point in the match, a good twenty five minutes, both men are panting for air. Lesnar manages to fight off the Deathlock, making a smart retreat to the outside.

The match comes to a close when Lesnar, out of nowhere, manages to reverse a suplex and hit Sting with the F-5. With this being the second F-5 hit on him within such a short span, it comes as no surprise that Lesnar gets the win. Lesnar definitely had his work cut out for him here tonight, his PWF debut. Sting came so close to winning, but this untamed beast got the better of him. Brock Lesnar has now advanced to the finals next week to meet Kurt Angle, a WrestleMania 19 main-event rematch. The winner will proceed to face Bret Hart for the PWF World Heavyweight Championship at the fifth and final pay-per-view.

Winner: Brock Lesnar
Where the hell is NBT and that kick-ass roster I gave him? If he's quit, then I say we break down his roster and have ourselves a little expansion draft.
It's nice to see you put Rhyno and Lesnar to good use Matt. They're definitely being treated better than Benoit and Bigelow. With Hart and Angle off the card, the Sting/Lesnar main event should carry things. I'm impressed, as always. It did feel slightly unfurnished in places though, particularly the beginning announcement. Love the font though. Poll coming tomorrow night. Tracking down the shows is going to be fun.
It's nice to see you put Rhyno and Lesnar to good use Matt. They're definitely being treated better than Benoit and Bigelow.
I enjoyed what you did with both Bigelow and Benoit, despite neither man winning.

With Hart and Angle off the card, the Sting/Lesnar main event should carry things.
I'm hoping so. That's probably my personal favourite match which I've wrote up to now.

I'm impressed, as always.

It did feel slightly unfurnished in places though, particularly the beginning announcement.
That was definitely the weakest part of my show. It was just thrown in there at the last minute. I've lacked in building up a Steiner Brothers/Road Warriors feud.

Matt, i really liked your show.
PWF.com update:

After last week's battle with Raven & Terry Funk, both members of Demolition suffered injuries. Ax suffered nothing serious, just a few cuts and bruises, while Smash has suffered a fractured neck. This unfortunate incident means that Smash will not be able to participate in anymore of the upcoming shows. Ax will continue to stay with the PWF, and he told us that Barry Windham will be taking Smash's place in next week's tag-team rematch with Raven & Terry Funk.

- - -​

So basically, I'm taking Smash off of my roster. I'm trading him for Antonio Inoki if that's ok.
Eric Bischoff comes to the ring... tonights show will be one match long... for total control of the federation. Stone Cold Steve Austin takes on the rest of the roster in a gauntelt match... should he win he gets the company... should he loose he leaves the company for ever....

RESULT: Stone Cold wins... he is now in control of the company... WOH what a match, no one saw those twists and turns coming, a true spectacle... amazing

A not so much loud as an earth shuddering *COUGH! COUGH!*
I'm doing a T'Lo. Hopefully you'll understand in a second:

Official Press Release from IPW Board of Directors:

It has come to the members of the board's attention that appointed General Manager and part owner Paul Heyman has caused dissension within the ranks of the IPW roster with the formation of a separate ECW faction and their outrageous attacks on the rest of the IPW roster, in particular World Heavyweight Champion The Undertaker. Although the board has no control over the general manager, nor can it order the dissolution of said faction, it will be deciding the card of the upcoming pay-per-view in one fortnight's time, optimistically entitled Resolution. The card is designed to quell frictions within the company.

However, the GM does still possess the power to decide a singular match on the card and where the event will take place, already informing us he has a new, uncontracted talent ready to compete for the Television Title, currently held by Taz, and that the event will take place in what is unofficially known as the "ECW Arena" in South Philadelphia.
Alright, so I'll be using this show to really clear up any confusion - and likely make some more - and tie up all the loose ends before the big finale. The card is likely to change, with stipulations and descriptions probably being added.


IPW World Heavyweight Championship Match
The Undertaker © (IPW) vs. Chris Jericho (ECW)


IPW Tag Team Championship Match - Ultimate X

Latin American Xchange (ECW) vs. Triple X - Low Ki and Christopher Daniels © (IPW)


IPW Television Championship Match

Taz (IPW) © vs. ??? (???)


Chris Benoit (???) vs. Nigel McGuiness (IPW) vs. Bam Bam Bigelow (ECW)


There Must Be A Winner
CM Punk (IPW) vs. Mr. Kennedy (ECW)


Briscoe Bros. (???) vs. The Hardy Boyz (IPW) vs. America’s Most Wanted (???)


Remember, every show counts so don't save it all for the finale. I'm not.
That's a sweet line-up there Sam, looking forward to it.

I'll have updates throughout the week about my show so that any of the matches on the card don't seem to be randomly thrown together.
PWF.com is reporting that effective immediately, Antonio Inoki, Japanese wrestling icon and multiple time world heavyweight champion has joined the PWF roster. While nothing much has been revealed about his debut, we managed to get a few words with Anoki before leaving the PWF offices.

Reporter: "Excuse me, Mr. Inoki, what are your thoughts on joining the PWF?"

Inoki: "As you can imagine, I'm thrilled. I've come here from Japan, looking for the best competition in the world. I've done it all in Japan. I've been a multiple time world champion in several promotions and I'm among the icon's and legeneds in this great sport. But there's one icon in this business I haven't met yet. The only time we were on the same card was at a Supershow in 1992, and guess what? He headlined. Where was I on that card? In a dark match which wasn't even televised!"

That is all we managed to get from Mr. Inoki before his departure.
A couple of changes on my roster to report. Basically, I've completely dropped the Briscoe Bros. In their place, I've brought in Super Crazy (a new member of ECW, duh) and Elix Skipper, who'll be completing Triple X. This in mind, I've tweaked my card slightly. More tweaking will likely take place soon.


IPW World Heavyweight Championship Match
The Undertaker © (IPW) vs. Chris Jericho (ECW)


IPW Tag Team Championship Match - Ultimate X

Latin American Xchange and Super Crazy (ECW)
Triple X - Elix Skipper, Low Ki and Christopher Daniels © (IPW)


IPW Television Championship Match

Taz (IPW) © vs. ??? (???)


Chris Benoit (???) vs. Nigel McGuiness (IPW) vs. Bam Bam Bigelow (ECW)


There Must Be A Winner
CM Punk (IPW) vs. Mr. Kennedy (ECW)


Matt Hardy w/ Jeff (IPW) vs. James Storm w/ Chris Harris (???)


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