UWF: Mock Draft V


I thought your summary for the last few matches was very good. Due to time constraints, and the fact that noone has posted a response to my question about an extension, that is pretty much the format my show will take.
IPW: Show 3 - Beyond Dishonour

Special Tag Match
Abyss and Tiger Mask
Mike Awesome and KENTA

Light Heavyweight title Ladder match
Jushin Thunder Liger
Petey Williams

Last Man Standing Match - Loser gets fired, managers banned from ringside
Andre the Giant

Survivor Series style elimination match
Last Chance rules - if Team HBK loses, they get no title shots while the current incumbants are champions. If they win they can shoose the rematch stipulation

Chris Hero
Claudio Castagnoli
Ted DiBiase
Perry Saturn
John Kronus
Mick Foley
Samoa Joe

Results to follow
IPW: Show 3 - Beyond Dishonour - results

It was annouced by the commentators that American Dragon Bryan Danielson would not be appearing due to a concussion sustained at the last show.

Special Tag Match
Abyss and Tiger Mask
Mike Awesome and KENTA

After the referee got caught by KENTA who was thrown as a missile by Mike Awesome, the action quickly spilt outside and went arena-wide. For Awesome and Abyss it got very bloody very quickly, while the cruiserwieghts went at it in the ring.

The end came after Awesome powerbombed Abyss through a cornered table, which left Tiger Mask isolated. KENTA's inverted Go 2 Sleep laid him out and the pin came after a huge top rope splash from Mike Awesome.

Winner: Mike Awesome and KENTA

After the match, Abyss brutalised Tiger Mask, ripping his mask off and putting him through an announcers table.

Light Heavyweight title Ladder match
Jushin Thunder Liger
Petey Williams

When it was all said and done in this one, Jushin Thunder Liger became the first Impact Pro Wrestling Light Heavyweight Champion but not before he took everything Petey Williams had and then some.

Williams took a Liger bomb from the inside to the outside while Liger himself only escaped the Sharpshooter after using a nearby ladder to jab Williams in the head.

Williams did connect with a spectacular Canadian Destroyer but it was not enough to keep Liger down. Williams will probably blame this on there being no unbroken ladders in the ring. He went to the outside to retrieve one and climbed it immediately but by this time, Liger had dragged himself to his feet.

They traded punches at the top of the ladder. It looks like Williams had an advantage but Liger reversed a Canadian Destroyer inhto another liger bomb and retrieved the title belt successfully.

Winner: Jushin Thunder Liger

Last Man Standing Match - Loser gets fired, managers banned from ringside
Andre the Giant

It was always going to be a huge collision however neither man got put on the floor despite some amazing highimpact offense. This continued for ten minutes, including an exchange of chair shots!

The end came when the Corporate team headed out to the ring. They appeared to be working with Yokozuna who held Andre, in preparation for a Corporate con-chairto.

Andre ducked this and Yoko got knocked into next week. As the referee counted, the Corporation realised their error and tried to make nice with the Giant.

Yokozuna got counted out and the referee immediately singlalled for medical assistance.

Edge in particular seemed very intimidated. Andre seems placated when it appeared that Edge as leader offered Andre his choice of title opportunities in exchange for some assistance.

The crowd seemed a little confused and concerned, booing mildly as the Corporation raised Andre's hand

Survivor Series style elimination match
Last Chance rules - if Team HBK loses, they get no title shots while the current incumbants are champions. If they win they can shoose the rematch stipulation

The stipulation was borne out of a backstage conversation prior to the show between GM Stephanie McMahon and Shawn Michaels.

HBK played coy with his choice of partners, demanded a shot at Edge. Stephanie appeared to go along with this. That was until he tried to walk away which is when Stephanie implemented the Last Chance scenario. HBK seemed delighted by this, telling Stephanie that he "could not wait to tell the boys the good news."

Chris Hero
Claudio Castagnoli
Ted DiBiase
Perry Saturn
John Kronus
Mick Foley
Samoa Joe

Fought under elimination rules, this had action at every turn. Haku was disqualified due to attacking Mick Foley with a chair before the start of the match. Foley in turn was counted out after failing to recover in time.

Edge, Samoa Joe, Ted Dibiase and Shawn Michaels took turns in eliminating Perry Saturn (Spear), John Kronus (Million Dollar Dream), Chris Hero (Sweet Chin Music) and Claudio Castagnoli (Muscle Buster). This effectively left the encounters as a tag team match.

Haku returned to distract Joe. This worked as when Joe saw him off (despite Mick Foley coming back out to attack Haku), he walked into an Edge spear.

HBK woould have to overcome the odds by himself. Edge and DiBiase were working as a well oiled team, focussing their attack on the back of the Heartbreak Kid for at least ten minutes. Despite being bloodied by an exposed turnbuckle, HBK summoned the wherewithor to counter the Million Dollar Dream with a school boy roll up.

This left Edge, who immediately jumped on HBK, pummelling him with left and rights, bloodying HBK further. He shoved HBK repeatedly in the exposed turnbuckle. He sat down on his haunches, looking for a spear to finish it off.

Edge missed this and went flying into the corner. HBK fell on his back and then nipped back up. As Edge recovered, HBK clotheslined him outside then skinned the cat to get back in. It did not take long for Edge to slide back in and HBK was tuning the band for this.

Edge slid up the superkick attempt and kicked HBK in the stomach to DDT him. HBK caught the boot and managed to kick Edge in the jaw with SWEET CHIN MUSIC!


An amazing exchange saw HBK come out on top. His team of Perry Saturn, John Kronus, Mick Foley and Samoa Joe are all the number one contenders to the respective titles that they were chasing in a match of their choice.

HBK himself will at last get a shot at Edge for the IPW World Heavyweight title.

Survivor: HBK
Winners:perry Saturn, John Kronus, Mick Foley, Samoa Joe and HBK
acording to a0161613 i've been kicked of this out of this forum for not joining up sooner (and when theirs over 58 pages of wrestling results your bound to miss some things out)......... hay no hard feels this is group is for you guys and guess i'll just have to find another Forum then instead
Clearly, Matt and Sam read my show, realized how vastly superior it was to thier shows, and are scrambling to improve them as best they can, despite the inevitability that they will still remain inferior to Spring Showdown. :p
Clearly, Matt, Papa Shango and Sam read my show, realized how vastly superior it was to thier shows, and are scrambling to improve them as best they can, despite the inevitability that they will still remain inferior to Impact Pro Wrestling's Beyond Dishonour.


i think that really numbers and shango, matt and sam have obviously read my show and realised how vastly superior it is to there shows so are struggling to improve
Wabbit, you could take it if you want. But to be honest, I want to let C-Diggity to have first dibs.

He started this and got me in so if he doesnt want it then you can. We will give him until Monday if that is OK.

The screen flickers as the promo video begins. Events from the previous fortnight begin to play. James Storm finishing of Matt Hardy with a beer bottle for AMW to retain the tag titles, Mr. Kennedy hitting a top rope Green Bay Plunge on CM Punk on to a steel chair, Christopher Daniels missing a moonsault from the top of a steel cage, The Undertaker capturing the world title from since-departed Brock Lesnar… ending in him ultimately being made an example of by the general manager, Paul Heyman’s ECW team. A voice breaks in, “And now, for the first time ever, IPW goes to Japan. The only guarantee? The Undertaker will defend his world heavyweight championship against… anyone I see fit.” Suddenly, it’s clear the voice is Heyman’s. The It Came To Japan Logo smashes through the screen as it transitions to the GM, sitting in a typical wrestling-show style backdrop, something you’d see on an internet show or when someone is introducing matches on a DVD, something similar to what Heyman will be doing tonight. “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome. Tonight, I, Paul Heyman, will be your host. There is no card, no announced matches. We’re in Japan and I’ll be declaring matches as they come - the environment couldn’t be more explosive. That said, why don‘t we kick off the show right now? We‘ll have… the oh so beloved Hardyz, who unsuccessfully fought for the tag titles last time out… taking on none other than Rob! Van! Dam! And the homicidal, suicidal, genocidal SA-BU!”


The Hardy Boyz vs. Rob Van Dam & Sabu

Spots aplenty took place in this match, both trying much too hard to prove a point, yet managing to get surprising reactions out of the usually reserved Japanese audience, of which there was a small western section; those that were not so reserved. The Hardyz wanted to bounce back after they were robbed of a chance to win the gold, Van Dam and Sabu that Heyman’s followers were not a force to be messed with. It was eventually the latter who won out, taking things too far. The rainbow haired Hardy was tossed from the scaffolding over the entrance and through nearby tables, landing awkwardly, and Matt ended up on the receiving end of an unexpected Van Daminator which saw him falling from the stage. The match was ended as a no contest, but it was clear who had notched up the victory here.

No Contest


Back to Heyman. “Well, I think that match was so decisive that I don’t even have to comment on it. So let’s move right on to two teams whose rivalry has been building ever since they both signed with IPW. I give you, Homicide and Hernandez, the Latin American Xchange, two highly talented wrestlers who form an essential part of the ECW family, against two semi-toothless sons of bitches in the form of indie legends the Briscoe Brothers!”


The Briscoe Brothers vs. The Latin American Xchange

If the reaction the previous two teams got was surprising, the reaction these two got was even more so. Both wrestled a style popular within Japanese culture, and the audience loved it, giving a particularly large reaction as Hernandez began to tear the Briscoes apart single handed, tossing them about like rag dolls as they flew at him. He could only last so long with his partner on the outside, however, and the Briscoes began to take control. The Briscoes played the face card, LAX showing their heel alignment clearly by revealing their arrogant, brash and downright un-Japanese attitudes to the crowd. It came down to Hernandez finishing off Jay with a Border Toss, and Homicide Marc with a Gringo Killah ontop of his brother.

The Latin American Xchange


We go back to Heyman’s office. He begins to speak immediately, “You know, I’ve often been regarded as a man that knows how to spot talent. WWE and WCW certainly wouldn’t have been what they were without ECW’s albeit largely unwilling contribution. With this in mind, I announce IPW’s latest signing in current Ring Of Honor Heavyweight Champion, Englishman Nigel McGuinness. He will debut in only a few moments time against a person who many consider to be the best big man ever, Bam Bam Bigelow!”


Nigel McGuinness vs. Bam Bam Bigelow

These two got an equally good reaction to the Briscoe/LAX match, the crowd taking quickly to McGuinness playing the underdog role against already Japanese favourite Bigelow. For the most part Nigel was used merely as a tool to make Bigelow look good, and ended up busted open after the big man demonstrated his capacity for brutality. McGuinness demonstrated his resilience, however, taking down Bigelow with a hard, hard lariat off the ropes after managing to get the crowd on his side. His victory was only denied victory after a Tower of London due to Bigelow getting one of his trunk like legs on the ropes. Bigelow managed to turn things around, bleeding heavily himself by then, but only to miss a Bigelowsault on McGuinness, who used his last two seconds of conscious to move out of the way. Unfortunately, Bigelow wasn’t capable of getting to his feet either, and the match ended on a draw.



Back to listening to Heyman’s smug tones. “Did you enjoy that? Then have I got a surprise for you. Ever since its creation, IPW’s excellent tag team division has been the talk of the wrestling community, and its titles and its champions, America’s Most Wanted. It’s time for a new… and old tag team to step into the division. Tonight, Christopher Daniels and Low Ki reform Triple X to compete for the tag team titles, in a steel cage!”


IPW Tag Team Championship Cage Match
America’s Most Wanted © vs. Triple X - Christopher Daniels & Low Ki

The crowd were heavily on the side of Triple X throughout the match. This may not have been the iteration of Triple X that were broken up in that classic cage battle against AMW all those years earlier, but they certainly fought like it. Blood was soon spilled and AMW seemed like early favourites. Daniels seemed slightly sluggish, probably following on from the massive bump he took from a cage only two weeks previously, and ended up handcuffed to the side of the cage, something frighteningly reminiscent of the original cage match. A rejuvenated Low Ki, however, almost literally kicked the crap out of AMW, reversing double team move after double team move, and managed to get the key to free his partner. A spear attempt from Harris was leapt over by Daniels, and the Wildcat ended up spearing himself out of the cage. However, he was laying on the mesh fencing of the cage and so technically hadn’t touched the floor. Low Ki was already at the top of the cage, and ready to escape for real, but Storm has different plans, trying to pull him down. He himself was pulled down though, with an Angle Wings hit on him from the top rope, followed by a Warrior’s Way hit from the top of the cage. The two walked out of the missing side together, triumphant.

And NEW IPW Tag Team Champions Triple X


“It’s a known fact that anybody that doesn’t drink is boring, and so my next match is an attempt to liven up one CM Punk, when he comes face to face with ECW’s crown jewel, Lionheart Chris Jericho!”
An unexpected announcement, for no other reason than who Undertaker‘s opponent would be was now thrown into question.


Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk

True to Heyman’s words, Jericho adopted his old Lionheart personality. No Y2J glitz or, indeed, code breaking. Although part of Heyman’s heel ECW stable, Jericho managed to stay deeply in the running against Punk, due to being in the tier above him most likely. However, like Christopher Daniels the month before, Punk was going to prove himself, even if it meant destroying himself in the process. Both reverted to their roots, mat wrestling like there was no tomorrow, and the crowd loved it. Punk began to get the upper hand, hitting lots of fast blows and throwing Jericho with a ton of high impact moved. Successfully battered, Jericho was put on the top rope, ready for a Pepsi Plunge. He fought back, kicking Punk several times in the head with hard kicks, hitting a quick Lionsault while he was down.

Chris Jericho

After the match, Jericho refused to stop attacking Punk and Kennedy, a fellow member of the ECW stable and thus far main rival of Punk, came down to help deliver it. It seemed Television Champion Taz had come down for the same thing, until he pushed the two away from the semi-conscious Punk. Kennedy apparently couldn’t take no for an answer, forcefully pushing Taz. He got his reward, being quickly choked out by the Tazmission. Jericho, fortunately, accepted no for an answer, swiftly leaving the ring.


“And now, for your main event of the evening. The Undertaker defends his world heavyweight title in his first ever visit to Japan. But who’s the opponent? It’s not Nigel McGuinness, it’s not Bam Bam Bigelow, it’s not Taz, it’s not Chris Jericho, but it is… it is… IPW’s latest addition, Chris! Benoit!”


IPW World Heavyweight Championship Match
The Undertaker © vs. Chris Benoit

Benoit was the first to come down, immediately following Heyman’s shock announcement. He was left in the ring only to glare as coldly as he was glared at by The Undertaker during his entrance, his theatrics surprisingly appreciated by the crowd. The match started off quickly and, as occurs often in his matches, Undertaker started off on the back foot, the Rabid Wolverine managing to dodge his powerful strikes and take him down onto the mat repeatedly. Surprisingly, The Undertaker started to execute several counter holds against Benoit’s holds, reminiscent of his match against Kurt Angle back in 2006. Finally, the champion started to show why he was champion, running through the Undertaker playbook, pulling out every move he was known for, finishing it off with an Over-The-Top-Rope suicide dive that made the Japanese crowd pop like crazy. Benoit wasn’t out of it though, not by a long shot, and the two took the fight through the crowd. It soon became apparent that count out and disqualification weren’t being practiced, as the two tore chunks out of each other with everything they could lay their hands on, before reaching the stage. Undertaker almost took Benoit off of it with a Choke Slam, then a Last Ride, but Benoit got the last word in with a German Suplex off the stage. The two eventually, painfully made it back to the ring, where they fought neck and neck. Benoit got off six German Suplexes before falling onto the floor exhausted, but the deadman just sat up. Benoit went for the Crossface, but got pushed off into the ropes, rebounding into a Chokeslam, which Benoit somehow managed to reverse in mid air into a Crippler Crossface. The two slammed down to the floor again, Benoit still with the hold locked in, the Undertaker writhed in pain, yet somehow find a way of standing up with Benoit still on him and slamming him backwards. Benoit was dazed, but Undertaker was fully conscious of what was going on, locking in the Triangle Choke. He wouldn’t tap, but he did pass out.

The Undertaker

After the match, Team ECW made an appearance; LAX, Kennedy, Jericho, RVD, Sabu and Bam Bam Bigelow running down to the ring to attack Undertaker. Taz was absent. Heyman was on his way down when the opposition arrived, Paul Bearer clocking him round the back of the head with urn, Taz, Punk, Triple X, The Briscoes and Nigel McGuinness following him down to the ring to clean house. ECW expelled from the ring, the four champions stood at the front of their eight. Low Ki, Christopher Daniels, Taz and Undertaker all displaying their gold with one message, tonight hadn’t been a successful comeback for ECW.​


I'd like to point out, the "one man rebels against ECW" thing was my idea.

And you know what, fuck it, I want back in. If Sam permits it, I'll take numbers' roster. Well, I'll probably do a little bit of chop and change, but I'll take his basic roster. Might as well, nothing better to do.
If numbers says it so. And what d'you mean "one man"? There were several of them!

I meant one man from the ECW Clan itself turning on the rest and leading a brand of warriors against them. In your case, Taz. Although I had RVD earmarked for the role.
Number's Roster said:
Brand Name: Impact Pro Wresting (IPW)
General Manager: Stephanie McMahon
Male Roster:
1. Shawn Michaels
2. Edge
3. Mick Foley
4. Samoa Joe
5. Haku
6. Yokozuna
7. Jushin Thunder Liger
8. "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase
9. Abyss
10. Bryan Danielson
11. Mike Awesome
13. Tiger Mask
14. --DROPPED--
15. Chris Hero
16. Claudio Castagnoli
17. Andre The Giant
18. Petey Williams
19. Perry Saturn
20. John Kronus
Female/Managerial Roster:
1. Sensational Sherri
2. Mr. Fuji
3. Sara del Rey
4. Larry Sweeney

On second thought, I'll wait for the UWF Mock Draft 6. Which, with Sam's permission, I'd like to run again. Obviously, if Sam wants to stay on, I'm happy just being a competitor. On a side note, why does numbers only have 19 picks?

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