TNA iMPACT! & ReAction LD for 10.21.10

KB, everything that happens in TNA is REAL!!!! That's why we have Reaction. This is serious stuff! This is not scripted, it's all real!!!!!!
And WWE is fake? Should I get the pic with Barrett wearing the Nexus band in a food court?
Red loses, and some idiot is on the mic. Might as well just give up for the night and go to bed.
And WWE is fake? Should I get the pic with Barrett wearing the Nexus band in a food court?

Hey, I call em like I see 'em. Both cases are pretty stupid. We all know it's scripted, fake entertainment. Can we all just accept that and stop trying to convince people outside of programming that it's real?
Wait a minute. Nah... A feud for the X Division title? Nah... Impossible. Maybe this isn't so bad.
So with in the same segment they focused on both the X division and the Global/TV/legend whatever title Nice

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