TNA iMPACT! & ReAction LD for 10.28.10

If they are going to have an overrun of iMPACT into Reaction every single week, and in fact not even start the main event of the evening for iMPACT when the show is supposed to be over, why not just eliminate Reaction and make iMPACT a three hour show?
Yeah, I go in to work at 11pm and need to make lunch. Gotta watch a replay stream in the morning.

Is he bloodied?! WTF?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Low blow!
I thought Morgan's face turn was supposed to take place over 2 weeks not 1

Actually, I thought it was supposed to take place over several weeks, slow and steady. And just as the turn starts to make sense, he's supposed to suddenly and illogically turn back. You know, a swerve, for swerve's sake.
Actually, I thought it was supposed to take place over several weeks, slow and steady. And just as the turn starts to make sense, he's supposed to suddenly and illogically turn back. You know, a swerve, for swerve's sake.

Keep in mind, when he went to "talk" to Anderson (who we never saw), he smiled as he walked away. But he's being choked out with chains by his group now, so obviously he'll turn heel shortly after the PPV again because it's obviously a setup to basically hang the guy to death.
I know I'm late with this but I just really noticed the gash on the back of Anderson's head and it was fucking sick.
Do you honestly think WWE in-ring is better than TNA?

That's incredibly subjective. I know you asked KB, but I'll answer it too. I think it goes match to match. I like some TNA matches, I dislike some TNA matches. I like some WWE matches, I dislike some WWE matches. Both have incredibly talented workers. When either company gives them time to work, you see great things.

What KB is pointing out though is the recent trend of TNA not having any wrestling on their weekly programming. It doesn't matter if they have talented guys, because if they don't wrestle, you don't get to see it.
Do you honestly think WWE in-ring is better than TNA?

Yes. Their style may be formula based, but the quality is much higher and rather than flying all over the place and missing spots or having guys like Tommy Dreamer and Raven in the ring in 2010 having three minute matches, I'd rather watch younger guys have longer matches.
It cracks me up when the wwe preferers come and talk crap about tna's in-ring stuff.

I really liked Morgan in that last segment.

With all due respect, SD, Morgan could step into a TNA ring and do his version of Riverdance, and you'd tout this as a 5-star match. After all, it is TNA.

Do you honestly think WWE in-ring is better than TNA?

Without a doubt, the in-ring product is better in WWE than it is in TNA. Without a doubt. Because in WWE, the in-ring activity actually includes wrestling matches, not just a series of promos to further convoluted storylines.
It absolutely is subjective JJ and indeed changes match to match. That is why I asked what he thought and meant essentially the entire body of work. I have always felt time in a TNA match is not a fair direct comparison to WWE matches because the workrate is not comparable IMO. Therefore, time alone does not make a match for me. There are plenty of ways to stretch a match that are detrimental to my enjoyment. Time is not everything in matches. Creativity, movesets, high spots, variety and workrate I think are all things TNA does better in ring than WWE on regular basis.

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