TNA iMPACT! LD for 02.17.11

I do not understand this camera man guy. Who the hell is he and why is he there?

I made a thread about this a few weeks ago and asked the same thing. When he debuted, Tenay said it's Okada and said it like he's someone we all should recognize. All we know is that his name is now Okato, he dresses like Kato from The Green Hornet and he takes pictures for Joe. That's the extent of what we knoow about him but Tenay and Tazz treat him like someone we had seen for months. He's been on Xplosion some but not as the Green Hornet thing.
What the fuck is a green hornet?

Comic book character. Kato was his side kick and dressed just like that. In the old TV show Kato was played by a young Bruce Lee. There was a movie about the Green Hornet recently and Okato is another character designed to tie into pop culture because Green Hornet only kind of bombed so everyone knows who he is right?
I'm as big a Williams fan as you can get, I don't have many worth while countrymen to back... possibly four worth while ones if I count Pac, and Williams is my favorite. But I can kinda see why they need to feed him to Supermex at the moment. They're rather short on heels with momentum who can work a decent match.
Comic book character. Kato was his side kick and dressed just like that. In the old TV show Kato was played by a young Bruce Lee. There was a movie about the Green Hornet recently and Okato is another character designed to tie into pop culture because Green Hornet only kind of bombed so everyone knows who he is right?

Ahh... comics. I no longer care.
I'm as big a Williams fan as you can get, I don't have many worth while countrymen to back... possibly four worth while ones if I count Pac, and Williams is my favorite. But I can kinda see why they need to feed him to Supermex at the moment. They're rather short on heels with momentum who can work a decent match.

My thing is they couldn't feed like Magnus to him? Beating up someone that badly is going to hurt them the same, so hurt someone that has nothing else to do. I don't get why Williams had to be that guy.
See, this is something that annoys me. They just showed Traci Brooks in the back who hasn't been on TNA TV in over a year. Even if she's not a star (and she's not), having her return in some capacity can be played off as a shock. Instead, we show her doing nothing all that important in the back, and if she does anything with the company moving forward, her return will mean nothing because we just saw her. The same thing happened with Hernandez last week. You take away the moment of surprise when you do that and it ruins the pop. For once, hold off on a surprise TNA! Even if it's small!
Robbie E is like a ******ed Zack Ryder with too much tanner.

Oh, another dirty finish. Wow... the shock...

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