TNA iMPACT! LD for 02.17.11

I find it funny. Sarita was Dark Angel in CMLL and Hernandez was in AAA. The rival company.
61 year old man being the focus of the show even though he wasn't going to win the title. What else would you be talking about?

This is an Impact LD. I am talking about Impact. I know it's a hard concept to grasp, but when I'm here, I refer only to the show I'm watching. You should do the same. I guarantee it will be to your benefit.
Fucking Hernandez is awesome. Super Mex all the way. Get rid of these stupid bitches and he'll be better.
Where are all the people that swore to whatever God they pray to that Homicide was going to be the breakout star of the team?
Impact checklist:

1) random backstage brawling? check

2) knockouts screaming at each other and brawling? check

3) heel turn that is pretty obvious but still pushed as a swerve? let's talk at 11.

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