TNA iMPACT! LD for 01.27.11

Poor Matt, he hasn't been he same since he had that ab nerve problem. He looks like he doesn't even try to work out anymore
Because you do it every post and honestly it's annoying and makes them hard to read.

You only seem to do it in the LDs though.

Well yeah since mods less strict here in this section with I type lazy bascially haha.....sorry sorry. I will try to do better my good man.
The internet's obsession to attack the appearance of perfectly acceptable looking people always puzzles me. Hardy looks fine, looks pretty crap in the ring at the moment, but of all the man's problems, being fat really isn't one of them.
If it was a pot-shot...I'm sure Jeff would come out and look for the herbage..LOL..any munchies would be Matt's doing...

Not bad, but yea, it was a pot-shot. Anderson kicked out after 1 as if to say "this move can't keep people down". Subtle, but definitely there.
You know maybe RVD would be able to sneak up on them better if he didn't have loud music saying ROB VAN DAM as soon as he came out.
Do you think that anyone who does, or attempts to do an F-U..or version of it would be considered giving the code way of saying "FU" to Cena? Or what could be wrong with doing that move? I mean since McCool kinda ripped off Styles' Clash, what would be wrong with "What's good for the goose is good for the gander?"

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