TNA iMPACT! LD for 01.27.11

Do you think that anyone who does, or attempts to do an F-U..or version of it would be considered giving the code way of saying "FU" to Cena? Or what could be wrong with doing that move? I mean since McCool kinda ripped off Styles' Clash, what would be wrong with "What's good for the goose is good for the gander?"

They both use it as a finisher so nobody kicks out of it, or at least very rarely. MMH just used the AA as a move that got kicked out of at 1. It basically had as much Impact as an arm drag. If he used it as a finisher, that's fine, but using it as a throwaway move in a match is a shot.
Not the Stenier mention. All the talk of the MEM like you've read spoilers on it.

Well everybody esle been saying it plus by now its pretty obvious....Crimson even said ''gave me an offer I cannot refuse.''....who esle say that other then Mafia....again this guessing not 100% sure....could be new stable for all I know...sorry if people think its a spoiler.

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