TNA iMPACT! LD for 01.06.11

Obviously not, especially with that stupid looking pointy beard. But looks don't talk, and neither can pope. If he bent over and put the mic to his ass, I think that promo would have made more sense.

:p Well you know what they say...Dumb is forever. Obviously he had to be a little dumb to agree to do that stupid promo. Not the best career move no matter what. That promo will forever be a mark on his resume, and put it under the ":wtf: was I thinking?" section...
Dude, Jeff Hardy is one of the greatest performers in wrestling history. I don't know what you're on about here, but when I was watching TNA week-to-week, he was delivering awesome promos and high quality matches.

If Hardy was really that bad, TNA would have taken the belt off of him at this point.

Since he's been champ, he's averaged an actual TV appearance once every 3 weeks. Those other times he's either not on or cuts a pre-taped promo on the big screen. His actual in ring promos have been few and far between and it seems the reason is that the company does not trust him to carry the reigns by doing so. They are protecting their investment by limiting his TV time instead of exploiting him as a champion. This is the guy who made the "biggest turn ever" and they are hiding him. You would think they would exploit him and have him lead the whole damn show. Clearly, they don't have that much confidence in him, but they also don't have confidence in anyone else. Sting is gone, Angle is retired, AJ is midcard, and Anderson was concussed by Hardy's stupidity. Who else is going to hold the belt?
I really don't like Jay Lethal at all. He might be one of the most boring champions I've ever seen in my life.

IDR...I agree...I do miss the XDivision when it was being run by Nash, at least he brought some spice to that group of talent. The old Paparazzi Production stuff...that was some classic stuff there. Lethal is pretty dead on with his impressions, and had a good thing going, I know it probably got a bit taxing physically to keep pushing the nostalgia gimmick when he probably wanted to be himself. His feud with Flair was probably my favorite.
Robbie E? Another bore. I miss real X Division wrestlers.

I'd take Petey Williams over both Lethal and Robbie any day of the week.

Lethal is a phenomenal talent, a really good worker, and a guy that is now considered "a chocolate midget" (notice how I changed vanilla to chocolate hehe).

TNA doesn't care about his character development so he gets to look boring. The guy is more talented than most of the roster, but he's the X-Division guy in a dying division. I feel bad for the guy. Luckily, he's only like 24 and has plenty of time to bounce back.
I don't think I saw a shoulder go up...

I like how Lethal is sort of celebrating as he wrestles. After he hit that missile drop kick he pumped his fist.
Lethal is a phenomenal talent, a really good worker, and a guy that is now considered "a chocolate midget" (notice how I changed vanilla to chocolate hehe).

TNA doesn't care about his character development so he gets to look boring. The guy is more talented than most of the roster, but he's the X-Division guy in a dying division. I feel bad for the guy. Luckily, he's only like 24 and has plenty of time to bounce back.

Lethal can wrestle just fine, but he has no personality at all. None.
Since I have been watching, I have seen two DQ matches, one ******ed parking lot incident, Pope stumble through a promo, and a Knockouts match that was nothing special... except the ass shots. Those were great.

Let's get some wrasslin, huh?
Lethal can wrestle just fine, but he has no personality at all. None.

Give him something to work with and he will show personality better than 90 percent of the roster, guaranteed. But again, why do you need a personality if nobody is supposed to care about the title you have.
This has been an ok Impact. Enetertaining opening segment. MCMG vs. AJ/Kaz as good as we all knew it would be. I was so fucking giddy when Angle came out I was "oh shit!" with a big smile on my face. The Knockouts match really aroused me (no lie) Sarita, Velvet, Madison, and Mickie all looked HAWT. Disappointed that the Williams/Terry and now Abyss/Lethal has ended in DQ.
This has been an ok Impact. Enetertaining opening segment. MCMG vs. AJ/Kaz as good as we all knew it would be. I was so fucking giddy when Angle came out I was "oh shit!" with a big smile on my face. The Knockouts match really aroused me (no lie) Sarita, Velvet, Madison, and Mickie all looked HAWT. Disappointed that the Williams/Terry and now Abyss/Lethal has ended in DQ.

if this is ok, then whats bad?
Give him something to work with and he will show personality better than 90 percent of the roster, guaranteed. But again, why do you need a personality if nobody is supposed to care about the title you have.

You're insane, dude. You're telling me if I gave Jay Lethal AJ Styles or Kurt Angle or Jeff Hardy that he'd suddenly have a personality worth more than pigs spit? No chance. You can't teach talent. Only how to apply it.

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