TNA iMPACT! LD for 01.06.11

Well gametime, I didn't like how there have been 2 DQ matches tonight and plus I didn't care for the whole Bubba/DVon segment. I miss Black Machismo to be honest.
You're insane, dude. You're telling me if I gave Jay Lethal AJ Styles or Kurt Angle or Jeff Hardy that he'd suddenly have a personality worth more than pigs spit? No chance. You can't teach talent. Only how to apply it.

Put Jay Lethal in a feud with Jeff Hardy or AJ Styles that means something and yes, Lethal will hang in just fine and probably outperform both on the mic. I believe in the guy that much. Call me nuts, but the guy has natural talent that is being wasted while guys who have little like Kazarian and Rob Terry are in the "cool group".
Problem is, 1 X 0 is the same as 1,000,000 x 0 hehehehehe.

I'm kidding, I'm not sure how I feel about Kazarian, but he reminds me of Scott Hall with the slickback hair.

When he's a face, I feel the same way, but he's really come into his own in this Fortune role, IMO.
Put Jay Lethal in a feud with Jeff Hardy or AJ Styles that means something and yes, Lethal will hang in just fine and probably outperform both on the mic. I believe in the guy that much. Call me nuts, but the guy has natural talent that is being wasted while guys who have little like Kazarian and Rob Terry are in the "cool group".

I don't buy it. I've been watching Lethal for six years+ now and he's yet to show a lick of a personality when he's not impersonating Savage or Flair.
Black Machismo was so much fun. I had a great time when I first saw him live in KC and he was Black Machismo, and this was back when Christian v Angle was the main event, back in like 07 I think? Then in 2008, Lethal came thru Topeka again, and fought Sonjay Butt, and was still wearing the gear, but not talking like Machismo anymore... but still entertaining all the while with his moves, which I guess should've still been the case.
Put Jay Lethal in a feud with Jeff Hardy or AJ Styles that means something and yes, Lethal will hang in just fine and probably outperform both on the mic. I believe in the guy that much. Call me nuts, but the guy has natural talent that is being wasted while guys who have little like Kazarian and Rob Terry are in the "cool group".

We all have differing opinions, but I must be watching a completely different Kazarian than you are.
Put Jay Lethal in a feud with Jeff Hardy or AJ Styles that means something and yes, Lethal will hang in just fine and probably outperform both on the mic. I believe in the guy that much. Call me nuts, but the guy has natural talent that is being wasted while guys who have little like Kazarian and Rob Terry are in the "cool group".

So..JJ...would you say Lethal showed some promise when he had the feud with Flair a while back? Maybe imo I thought he did rather well with that line.
Black Machismo was so much fun. I had a great time when I first saw him live in KC and he was Black Machismo, and this was back when Christian v Angle was the main event, back in like 07 I think? Then in 2008, Lethal came thru Topeka again, and fought Sonjay Butt, and was still wearing the gear, but not talking like Machismo anymore... but still entertaining all the while with his moves, which I guess should've still been the case.

When Jay Lethal imitatd Ric Flair that showed me he is entertaining. He's like the black Frank Caliendo. If I were a blind man I would not have known that was Lethal instead of Flair.
I've been watching for an hour. There has been one wrestling match. It was knockouts, and it sucked.

What is this?
Shockingly KB cannot follow the Shakespeare of TNA.

Eric: We need all the titles. Abyss, you go fight Jay Lethal.

Abyss: I will destroy him and take the title!

Eric: No you won't. When I say take the titles at all cost, I mean in a specific way for no apparent reason at all when you have a much better chance of beating Lethal and dominating the division than Kaz.
Morgan vs. Anderson is going to have to be epic to pay off all the buildup to it.

KB...I do agree, I'm pretty interested to see what happens with this, because how a face v face will pay off. Even though Anderson is technically a 'tweener' would you say? Something will have to go down. The only thing I get tired of is the 'afterschool' special vibe I got last week with Foley dragging on Anderson a bit..."This is your brain..." "This is your brain on hardcore" is kinda the impression I got a
I like Anderson better as a heel though I am fine with him as a face. I don't want to see Morgan/Hardy AGAIN. At least, not so soon. I am not sure if Anderson is #1 then Doug Williams #2 or Doug is #1 then Anderson #2. I love them both.
We all have differing opinions, but I must be watching a completely different Kazarian than you are.

I don't mind Kazarian, but I don't love him either. He's quite generic, though being in Fortune has done a lot for him. Jay Lethal just needs a chance to shine. He went over Flair and should have moved up to at least the TV title level and he could have been the guy to beat AJ. He wasn't, and now he's just the guy who lost to toe Jersey Shore duo, only to get the title back because he's a face and Kazarian needs to beat a face.

All I'm saying is from a talent standpoint, Lethal > Kazarian in every aspect. Give him a chance to shine and that kid will take the ball and Usain Bolt with it.
Eric: We need all the titles. Abyss, you go fight Jay Lethal.

Abyss: I will destroy him and take the title!

Eric: No you won't. When I say take the titles at all cost, I mean in a specific way for no apparent reason at all when you have a much better chance of beating Lethal and dominating the division than Kaz.

This is, bar none, the best interpretation of tonight's logic. Well played sir.
I like the Morgan Anderson buildup a lot.

Anybody remembers the awesome BFG RVD Vs Abyss video package? Why can't TNA do video packages as awesome as that one more often
I've been watching for an hour. There has been one wrestling match. It was knockouts, and it sucked.

What is this?

A typical Thursday evening on Spike TV. Total non-stop action. The TNA marks love it and try in vain to defend it. The rest of us see it for what it is. Too much talking, too much nonsense, but lackluster in-ring activity.

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