The WWE SmackDown! LD On 2/4 Has A New Star On The Rise, But You Already Knew That!

Please dear lord, let the come-uppance happen to Michael Cole...whether it be an AA from Cena, a Book End/Scissor Kick from Booker, or King getting his just rewards at the Elimination Chamber (Which we know sadly probably won't happen... :disappointed:) Please... I'd even take him getting the Book of Ezekiel...from the Corre
I am loving Booker on Commentary. I think I might just watch Smackdown from now on to keep listening to Booker pwn Cole all the time :p
I think I'm gonna have to review this episode of Smackdown, I'm enjoying it very much so far.
Dropping that angle with Drew and Kelly Kelly so abruptly only made the audience more impartial towards Drew. He didn't come off looking like a good guy or a bad guy. The WWE sort of botched that storyline.

Maybe that was the idea. It gives him the potential for a face turn, but he could still remain a heel if he needed to be.
What did he just call Kelly Kelly? A Mexican plate with tons of hot sauce on it?

HOLY SHIT! Kofi got AIR there. He must have dropped 10 feet!
What did he just call Kelly Kelly? A Mexican plate with tons of hot sauce on it?

HOLY SHIT! Kofi got AIR there. He must have dropped 10 feet!

He said that she is hotter than a mexican plate with a whole bunch of hot sauce on there :p That was JResque right there :D
Michael "Mr. WZNexus" V.;2813202 said:
Maybe that was the idea. It gives him the potential for a face turn, but he could still remain a heel if he needed to be.

That makes no sense, so he could be either... but he isn't, he's neither? The WWE just fucked Drew McIntyre. They either need to get him some hardcore heel heat (Vickie Guerrero come on down), or hide him for a while until they can repackage him. Or they can cut their losses and release him, but the suits seem to think he has potential.
Dropping that angle with Drew and Kelly Kelly so abruptly only made the audience more impartial towards Drew. He didn't come off looking like a good guy or a bad guy. The WWE sort of botched that storyline.
Drew is just awful, but I agree that never giving him direction doesn't help.
Please dear lord, let the come-uppance happen to Michael Cole...whether it be an AA from Cena, a Book End/Scissor Kick from Booker, or King getting his just rewards at the Elimination Chamber (Which we know sadly probably won't happen... :disappointed:) Please... I'd even take him getting the Book of Ezekiel...from the Corre
I'm hoping for a match against King at Mania where King knocks his lights out. That'd be a great moment.
Safe to say that the McIntyre/Kelly storyline was a diasaster
Mostly because McIntyre is a disaster.
That makes no sense, so he could be either... but he isn't, he's neither? The WWE just fucked Drew McIntyre. They either need to get him some hardcore heel heat (Vickie Guerrero come on down), or hide him for a while until they can repackage him. Or they can cut their losses and release him, but the suits seem to think he has potential.

Or he can stay mostly a tweener until he gets some real direction in another storyline. What would be so wrong with that?
Booker T says Kofi is the future of the WWE? That's a great endorsement, and I hope Booker is right, Kofi is easily in my top 10, possibly top 5.
Here's a thought of a new match concept... an Elimination Chamber... where Michael Cole starts out being the only person alone in the chamber. Each pod is filled with people he's called out/screwed over etc. Then, one by one, random wrestlers are released into the ring to beat the living hell outta him. What fantasy list would y'all make?? If there were to be 6 other people... who would u pick?
Michael "Mr. WZNexus" V.;2813227 said:
Or he can stay mostly a tweener until he gets some real direction in another storyline. What would be so wrong with that?

Because he's not a tweener. Tweeners get reactions, and Drew gets nothing. If a superstar gets no reaction, that means the crowd doesn't care about him, and if the crowd doesn't care about him that means they don't care about the match. If they don't care about the match, they'll change the channel and the WWE will lose money.

I know it's not gonna happen... but... could you imagine if King wins the WWE Title? I would mark the fuck out all over my building.
Michael "Mr. WZNexus" V.;2813227 said:
Or he can stay mostly a tweener until he gets some real direction in another storyline. What would be so wrong with that?

No one gives a fuck about Drew. I didn't think it was possible for people to give any less of a fuck about him than they did, but they do now. He's just terrible. I mean, he has the tools he needs to go far, but he's dreadful at using them, and he also never has direction which makes it worse.

He needs to get fired or they need to give him a character that shows off his charisma - He does have it, just not right now in this role.
Booker T says Kofi is the future of the WWE? That's a great endorsement, and I hope Booker is right, Kofi is easily in my top 10, possibly top 5.

how many times have we heard "(insert name here) is the FUTURE of (show name here)" just before they get buried under jobbers then future endeavored?

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