The shoot

Need to spread rep but:


I wasn't going to become involved in this, but since you did mention me in your post, I thought I would say that I enjoyed our time working together in WZCW even though I was, to put it mildly, less than easy to work with at times. I know we sort of fell out at the end and I do regret that.
I'm sad to see that Lee is stepping down. I hope to God that you aren't leaving the Forum, Lee. This place would be much worse without you.

Great post, btw
Slyfox696 I wish people got you. You're exactly like a teacher wanting their students to do best , the sort where the students don't realise until they're 18 that you were pretty good. That being said you've lost your touch, the forum is not about NWS it's about the wrestling sections. We're apparently the best wrestling forum on the net so why don't we have a leader to represent that? This forum would be better off when you're dead though probably not because that means KB and your son in law will take over.

What's funny about this is you were a P-Mod/G-Mod for how long? How much work did you do for the wrestling forums? Hell, outside of the Video Games tournament (which you bitched about because someone had the audacity to vote for a game in a manner you didn't like) what did you do in the non-wrestling forums?

After all the times I looked out for you, smoothed things over for you, and you don't even have the decency to recognize that or come to me in a respectful PM. Whatever, go play Mario Kart. You know, the game which should have won the WZ Video Game Tourney if you hadn't fixed the voting.

Before Sly or KB or NJexus take offence consider this my resignation. For the record Doc should be my replacement.
Resignation? No. De-modding? Yes.

Board Room matters are to be kept in the Board Room. You know that, and I'm tired of covering for you. Unbolded name coming.
You full well know what I did outside of the VGtourney.

I said all I have to say.
I could easily just up sticks and go to some other forum, brother.
Holy Shit, Sly went back in time, and had sex with his mother, and gave birth to himself. The comparisons to God and Jesus are scary. Maybe Sly is God afterall.

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