The past twelve hours....

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I've figured out the real reason why you were put in prison.

You've accumulated too much bad comma.


Wow, your jokes are actually worse than your knowledge of and ability with the English language, and I didn't think that was possible.
Oh. Comman.

I bet you I know what his ringtone is......

I didn't imply anything. I certainly didn't imply someone wasn't doing their job well enough. You're making up stories. Are you one of those cool anti establishment posters that thinks the moderators of this site have too much power?

You took a thread where a fellow "power ranger" was posting, and you deleted it. Your fellow "power ranger" didn't feel the need to delete it, and in fact, he felt it was acceptable enough as a thread that he was posting in it. You, though, decided that it needed to be deleted even though he did not. You, therefore, implied he was not at your little level of "power ranger" and he wasn't doing as he "should". That isn't "made up", that is what happened. You can debate your intention if you want, but the situation certainly looks like you nut cut your fellow "power ranger".
You took a thread where a fellow "power ranger" was posting, and you deleted it. Your fellow "power ranger" didn't feel the need to delete it, and in fact, he felt it was acceptable enough as a thread that he was posting in it. You, though, decided that it needed to be deleted even though he did not. You, therefore, implied he was not at your little level of "power ranger" and he wasn't doing as he "should". That isn't "made up", that is what happened. You can debate your intention if you want, but the situation certainly looks like you nut cut your fellow "power ranger".

Maybe my fellow "power ranger" didn't have the ability to delete your thread. I doubt he felt I "nut cut" him because we don't care about petty bullshit. I don't need to debate my intention. I know my intentions. You do not.
Dagger posted in it ,as a response, to clarify the fact you broke the rules because you whined about getting an infraction. Its not like he was shooting the breeze as you are trying to imply.
From the commonly neglected forum rule book:

H. Advertising: Since some people have decided to abuse the Advertising system, from now on ALL advertising to outside the WrestleZone Forums is banned. This means Signature advertising and Private Message advertising is no longer allowed. All other discussions forums or wrestling site links (unless linking to sources of news stories) are not allowed on this Forum. Putting advertising in your Signature may result in an Infraction and the advertisement being removed. If it is put back, you may be automatically banned. This rule also includes banners with web addresses in them, or anything else that could be interpreted as advertising. Blatantly breaking this rule will result in a permanent ban.

Reason why you were infracted. It would have been against the site's rules to not infract you, since you were advertising your blog. But of course, abuse of power and all that.

3. Miscellaneous

A. Acting Like an Idiot: If the Staff feels you are not contributing to the forums and are simply a nuisance poster they have every right to ban you. These are privately owned forums and it is our judgment as to who can and cannot post here, not yours. Freedom of speech does not apply here at Wrestlezone Forums.

Just something I ran across that I thought may spark your interest.
Death penalty is too easy. He will just say he 'won' if he gets banned. Keeping him locked away in prison till he slits his own wrists is the way to go.
Maybe my fellow "power ranger" didn't have the ability to delete your thread. I doubt he felt I "nut cut" him because we don't care about petty bullshit. I don't need to debate my intention. I know my intentions. You do not.

So, you are stating, not implying, that you might have more "power" than your fellow "power ranger". Ok, so he didn't do as you felt he should and since he doesn't have the same "power" as you, you took matters into your own little hands and deleted the thread. It surprises me that one lil bitch "power ranger" would have more "power", as a volunteer mod on a third rate message board, than another lil bitch "power ranger".
Dagger posted in it ,as a response, to clarify the fact you broke the rules because you whined about getting an infraction. Its not like he was shooting the breeze as you are trying to imply.

It really is awfully cute when one ****** sticks up for another. It's like the Special Olympics of message boards when one "BooHoo lil bitch crew" account sticks up for another. However, no one asked for your opinion, did they? The fact remains that one mod was posting because clearly he didn't feel the need to delete a thread, and another swooped in and decided to nut cut him and delete said thread.
From the commonly neglected forum rule book:

Reason why you were infracted. It would have been against the site's rules to not infract you, since you were advertising your blog. But of course, abuse of power and all that.

Just something I ran across that I thought may spark your interest.

Oh no, you quoted a rule book made by self-absorbed power starved ass hats. Whatever will I do? Oh, that's right, I'll do nothing, because I could not care less about these "rules". The fact remains, one idiot gave me an "infraction" (oh no!!!!) and then proceeded to post in the thread. Another idiot came along and decided to cut the first idiot's nuts off and delete the thread. Keep up the sub-par work, mods!!
Oh no, you quoted a rule book made by self-absorbed power starved ass hats. Whatever will I do? Oh, that's right, I'll do nothing, because I could not care less about these "rules". The fact remains, one idiot gave me an "infraction" (oh no!!!!) and then proceeded to post in the thread. Another idiot came along and decided to cut the first idiot's nuts off and delete the thread. Keep up the sub-par work, mods!!

So you joined and stayed on a forum knowing the rules particularly well and decided to break them anyway?

You go you rebel you.
So you joined and stayed on a forum knowing the rules particularly well and decided to break them anyway?

You go you rebel you.

Rules are supposed to make for better situations. The "rule" that I "broke" is fundamentally stupid. It is a "rule" that prohibits others from knowing about a site that discusses wrestling, without having every post start with "According to......". Hmmmmm, it's obvious that this has more to do with the fact that I have pointed out the BS "reporting" of Madden the Mark and Nicky Plagirino than a moronic, nonsense rule. Of course, the fact that the address to my blog has appeared in other threads without consequence makes this just that little bit funnier.
Rules are supposed to make for better situations. The "rule" that I "broke" is fundamentally stupid. It is a "rule" that prohibits others from knowing about a site that discusses wrestling, without having every post start with "According to......". Hmmmmm, it's obvious that this has more to do with the fact that I have pointed out the BS "reporting" of Madden the Mark and Nicky Plagirino than a moronic, nonsense rule. Of course, the fact that the address to my blog has appeared in other threads without consequence makes this just that little bit funnier.

Nah, the barroom is filled with people ripping on Mike Killam. Nobody stands by the WZ front page around here.
It really is awfully cute when one ****** sticks up for another. It's like the Special Olympics of message boards when one "BooHoo lil bitch crew" account sticks up for another. However, no one asked for your opinion, did they? The fact remains that one mod was posting because clearly he didn't feel the need to delete a thread, and another swooped in and decided to nut cut him and delete said thread.

Let's address the bolded parts of this quote.

1. He has every right to post his opinion as long as it's within our rules, something you clearly know nothing about. Sharing one's opinions is the whole point of a forum.

2. I didn't post in it because I chose to not delete the thread. I posted in the thread to mock you for being a moron who creates a blog for the purposes of whining about a forum admin that restricted his posting to one section and then advertises said blog when he has been told multiple times that this violates our rules. I would have deleted the thread if I had deleting powers of this section. If you look at the section for a little box in the lower right corner that says "Moderated by:" you can see if the section has a mod. If a section does not have a mod (like this one) then only a G-Mod or Admin can delete there. You still broke the rules, thus I infracted you knowing one of the 4 posters who do have deleting powers of the section would delete it if they felt the need to. Brain showed up shortly after and took care of it. He didn't "nut cut" as you put it, he just simply has more powers than myself or quite frankly any other member of the forum except for Admins or the other G-Mod, and took care of a task I don't have the powers required to do.

3. I've been called many things by posters who want to complain about an infraction, but you are the first to call me a "Power Ranger". I have been laughing all day at that remark.

4. You're still an idiot.
Let's address the bolded parts of this quote.

1. He has every right to post his opinion as long as it's within our rules, something you clearly know nothing about. Sharing one's opinions is the whole point of a forum.

2. I didn't post in it because I chose to not delete the thread. I posted in the thread to mock you for being a moron who creates a blog for the purposes of whining about a forum admin that restricted his posting to one section and then advertises said blog when he has been told multiple times that this violates our rules. I would have deleted the thread if I had deleting powers of this section. If you look at the section for a little box in the lower right corner that says "Moderated by:" you can see if the section has a mod. If a section does not have a mod (like this one) then only a G-Mod or Admin can delete there. You still broke the rules, thus I infracted you knowing one of the 4 posters who do have deleting powers of the section would delete it if they felt the need to. Brain showed up shortly after and took care of it. He didn't "nut cut" as you put it, he just simply has more powers than myself or quite frankly any other member of the forum except for Admins or the other G-Mod, and took care of a task I don't have the powers required to do.

3. I've been called many things by posters who want to complain about an infraction, but you are the first to call me a "Power Ranger". I have been laughing all day at that remark.

4. You're still an idiot.

So, you're saying that your power as a "power ranger" isn't as important as his? Wow, it's like you got called down to the "power ranger" principal's office for not doing a good enough job then. It's funny that there are different "levels" of volunteer moderators. It's funny that you got your nuts cut off by your fellow "power ranger" volunteer and you don't even know it.

Now, you claim you "knew" that someone else would delete the thread, but yet, you spent time posting in the thread. You also claim you "knew" that someone else would delete the thread, but yet, there have been other occasions where the site address was posted and there was no consequence to it.

Let's be clear "pinky the power ranger" you are about as important to this site and message board as the hair is to my ass. You can give "infractions" that mean next to nothing, but you can't really do anything. You're like Dwight on The Office. You are the "Assistant to the Regional Power Ranger", and the sad part is that you are proud of it. The difference is that Rain Wilson played the part of subservient bitch because he was acting and getting paid, you do it because you are a subservient little bitch.
3. I've been called many things by posters who want to complain about an infraction, but you are the first to call me a "Power Ranger". I have been laughing all day at that remark.
He's really, really, really bad at this insult thing, and telling him that? You've just doomed yourself to being called "Power Ranger" for the next two months.

Cope, if you can.
He's really, really, really bad at this insult thing, and telling him that? You've just doomed yourself to being called "Power Ranger" for the next two months.

Cope, if you can.

I haven't laughed that hard at anything in a very long time. Although I must admit I always preferred these guys over the Power Rangers:

The next time he posts a link to his blog, it'll be the first excuse I've had in twenty years to say "Go Go Power Rangers!"

So some good *has* come out of all this, after all.
However, no one asked for your opinion, did they?

So now you are saying someone has to ask for an opinion before people are allowed to post? This isnt kindergarten or Nazi Germany, so that means people can speak freely without permission. Among other things, you must not understand how a forum works either.

The "rule" that I "broke" is fundamentally stupid.

Just because you dont agree with a rule, does not allow you to break it without consequence. Besides, quit acting like your blog is anything more than a failed attempt to rally people behind a useless cause & agree with your silly complaints. It isnt a news site or anything of value. So regardless if there was a rule or not, why would WZ allow a little kid to advertise a site that is just about him being a whiny bitch because he has no social skills or common sense?

Also, your over use of quotations in a mocking capacity is quite ridiculous. With all the air quotes and pauses for commas, you must look like a fool in real life when trying to hold a conversation. Similar to whiny teenage girls who wave their hands about & comically shake their head for emphasis. No wonder people cant take you seriously.
So now you are saying someone has to ask for an opinion before people are allowed to post? This isnt kindergarten or Nazi Germany, so that means people can speak freely without permission. Among other things, you must not understand how a forum works either.

Just because you dont agree with a rule, does not allow you to break it without consequence. Besides, quit acting like your blog is anything more than a failed attempt to rally people behind a useless cause & agree with your silly complaints. It isnt a news site or anything of value. So regardless if there was a rule or not, why would WZ allow a little kid to advertise a site that is just about him being a whiny bitch because he has no social skills or common sense?

Also, your over use of quotations in a mocking capacity is quite ridiculous. With all the air quotes and pauses for commas, you must look like a fool in real life when trying to hold a conversation. Similar to whiny teenage girls who wave their hands about & comically shake their head for emphasis. No wonder people cant take you seriously.

What's funny is that you and the crew make threads about me all the time, and now, in an attempt to get attention, you have offered your opinion, that no one seems to care about.

As I said rules are meant to make things better. The "rule" I "broke" doesn't do that. It's not my opinion that the rule is stupid, it's simple fundamental truth.

You can claim that people don't take me seriously, but yet, you and the other crew accounts make threads about me, and hijack threads to make them about me.
and now, in an attempt to get attention, you have offered your opinion, that no one seems to care about.

So even though I can post freely throughout the forums & enjoy conversations daily with other people, you say I posted that in an 'attempt to get attention'?

What the fuck is it that you are doing here again? Oh, right- looking for attention.... Is this one of those things where you make a statement about yourself and apply it to someone else?

You can claim that people don't take me seriously, but yet, you and the other crew accounts make threads about me, and hijack threads to make them about me.

We mock & criticize you. That is the opposite of taking you seriously. There you go again, confusing the meaning of words.
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