The past twelve hours....

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Because the mods are pathetic Nazi overlords with sad lives who have nothing better to do than violate LBK's constitutional rights.

That's the truthful version. Some accounts will say that it was because he advertised his blog, but they can't prove that.
Because the mods are pathetic Nazi overlords with sad lives who have nothing better to do than violate LBK's constitutional rights.

That's the truthful version. Some accounts will say that it was because he advertised his blog, but they can't prove that.

To be fair, violating LBK is a better use of time than ripping off Watchmen for the sake of brain farting two pages worth of posts.
That's what that was from. Never got into it, but I figured he was riffing on something.

Yeah, notice how he wasn't trying to give it any credit. Really grinds my gears.

The story wasn't even that great, another allegorical mess that forgot its own deeper meaning halfway through. If he had pulled something out of The Divine Comedy or Don Quixote, I'd have let it slide.
Yeah, notice how he wasn't trying to give it any credit. Really grinds my gears.

Yup, I was actively trying NOT to give it credit. I was hoping people thought the inane and unrelated comment was of my own creation.

Opening post reminded me of the writing style. Glad it got on your nerves though.
Yup, I was actively trying NOT to give it credit. I was hoping people thought the inane and unrelated comment was of my own creation.

Opening post reminded me of the writing style. Glad it got on your nerves though.

It caused my gears to grind sir, and your pretentious attitude which suggests that you shouldn't have had to cite the reference is really starting to burn my toast.
It caused my gears to grind sir, and your pretentious attitude which suggests that you shouldn't have had to cite the reference is really starting to burn my toast.


From the guy who can't stand a reference to Watchmen, but would let some Dante or Cervante slide. "Better call out this internet chump for not citing his sources."

Oh, and who is your favourite ancient Greek philosopher by the way?

Keep living the dream, pal.

From the guy who can't stand a reference to Watchmen, but would let some Dante or Cervante slide. "Better call out this internet chump for not citing his sources."

Oh, and who is your favourite ancient Greek philosopher by the way?

Keep living the dream, pal.

You can reference Watchmen all you like, I just prefer it if someone is ripping a line out of literature they find inspiring that they at least recognize it. I'd let Dante or Cervantes slide because properly referring to them is impressive enough in itself, and they'd both be fitting supplements to a dark brooding thread introduction.

Me favorite Greek philosopher aye? Oooh, that's a tough one. I know I'm being patronized here, but you're a jackass so I figure I'll humor you. Diagoras pointed out how one is foolish to acknowledge fortunate circumstances as blessings of the Gods without also acknowledging unfortunate circumstances as either curses or complete buffoonery of the Gods. He was very brave to wonder such things, and was eventually exiled for his rebellious beliefs.

I've already lived the dream, now I'm just savoring my free time.
You can reference Watchmen all you like, I just prefer it if someone is ripping a line out of literature they find inspiring that they at least recognize it. I'd let Dante or Cervantes slide because properly referring to them is impressive enough in itself, and they'd both be fitting supplements to a dark brooding thread introduction.

I though Rorschach was plenty dark and plenty brooding for the tone of the thread. Those who got the reference understood, mostly. I suppose we can disagree on the merits of citation and Watchmen.

I know I'm being patronized here, but you're a jackass so I figure I'll humor you.

I was patronizing you, and return the sentiments. I can accept that we're both likely jackasses. Maybe next time we cross paths it will be under better circumstances. Have a nice day.

PS. Not a bad argument from Diagoros, cheers for humouring me.
It's like a flower, growing out of a pot of shit.

If we're going to go dark and brooding, we might as well riff on Bukowski too.
It's like a flower, growing out of a pot of shit.

If we're going to go dark and brooding, we might as well riff on Bukowski too.

Yeah, let's all just avoid the obvious choice of Edgar Allen Poe.

Behold me then safely ensconced in my private boudoir, a fearful instance of the ill consequences attending upon irascibility alive, with the qualifications of the dead. Dead, with the propensities of the living, an anomaly on the face of the earth, being very calm, yet breathless.
Go on then, if you have to. What kind of person am I?

What is the prison section for but exercising our 'intro to psychology' chops. I'll give you a score out of ten for accuracy.

I'm pretty sure that for better or worse you'll have your own section in a collegiate level Psychology text book soon, for now I'll have to use my powers of reasoning.

You assumed that I mocked you for referring to The Watchmen, which I honestly never did. If you have an argument for why it's better than, as I put it "an allegorical mess that forgot its own deeper meaning", then I'm sure that that will be a much more thrilling discussion.

My pretentious attitude was in having higher expectations of someone who was ostentatiously expressing a poetic perspective, a perspective that I believe you wanted to be recognized as your own. Your pretentious attitude was in trying to save your dignity for the few people on here that might still take you seriously.

I imagine that you're not an over or under achiever. You've managed a moderate series of accolades through your life, I'm assuming some college but no actual degree yet. If you have a degree, that wouldn't surprise me either. Those are getting very easy to obtain. In referencing Watchmen, I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that while you manage to live on your own you haven't endured any courses that expect you to comprehend advanced literature.

It's extremely easy for me to assume that at your age, you haven't found your calling in life yet. Whatever career path you're on right now isn't where you see yourself retiring in twenty years. Whatever your circumstances, you fondly imagine earning more money and having a higher standing in society in at least ten years.
I'm pretty sure that for better or worse you'll have your own section in a collegiate level Psychology text book soon, for now I'll have to use my powers of reasoning.


You assumed that I mocked you for referring to The Watchmen, which I honestly never did. If you have an argument for why it's better than, as I put it "an allegorical mess that forgot its own deeper meaning", then I'm sure that that will be a much more thrilling discussion.

I didn't take offence at the idea that Watchmen was sub-par, rather that you claimed I was trying to rip it off. That can be dealt with in the next section anyhow. Your not half wrong on the Watchmen being a little clumsy on the 'What does it all mean?' mark, though I did find the plot engaging, and enjoyed the character based journey through the mystery. Being a comic book fan and mystery fan, it was a fun read. Not a huge fan of the business with the island or the ending though.

My pretentious attitude was in having higher expectations of someone who was ostentatiously expressing a poetic perspective, a perspective that I believe you wanted to be recognized as your own. Your pretentious attitude was in trying to save your dignity for the few people on here that might still take you seriously.

I had no hopes for claiming the work as my own. A simple google from those who didn't get the reference would have set me adrift quite easily. With the hundreds of tv/film/literature 'in-jokes' being tossed around on a site like this, I felt citation would have been both needless and a little disruptive. I had also assumed Rayne would have gotten the reference for some reason.

The reason for throwing out lines was mostly based on the style of the opening post. Having only read Watchmen a week ago, it was fresh on my mind. My snarky response to you was based mostly on firstly deriding the simple mumblings between myself and Rayne as brain farts. Sure, they were meaningless, but his comment that a journal was the second place the police would look, spiked my curiousity. That your first comment was antagonistic, followed by the assumption that I was trying to steal from a pretty widely known novel for having not cited it... Well, it grinded my gears.

I will admit, if I had been trying to steal anothers work, I would set my sights a little higher. From what I've read of Dante (not a great amount) I think I would prefer to plagiarise Milton. I'll go 5/10 here.

I imagine that you're not an over or under achiever. You've managed a moderate series of accolades through your life, I'm assuming some college but no actual degree yet. If you have a degree, that wouldn't surprise me either. Those are getting very easy to obtain. In referencing Watchmen, I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that while you manage to live on your own you haven't endured any courses that expect you to comprehend advanced literature.

A good approach, but he trouble with the Watchmen reference as a basis here is that, as stated earlier, I read it last week. Otherwise I doubt it would have come up. I have a master's degree in English literature with a focus on publishing. You're on the money with the over/under achiever, but this would have to be your weakest area. 2/10.

It's extremely easy for me to assume that at your age, you haven't found your calling in life yet. Whatever career path you're on right now isn't where you see yourself retiring in twenty years. Whatever your circumstances, you fondly imagine earning more money and having a higher standing in society in at least ten years.

Being on the low end of the career ladder, its hard for me to know if I do consider this (publishing) my true calling, but its far from the least enjoyable thing I've ever done. The rest is a blanket statement for most people, but accurate none the less. 6/10.

Overall, not a bad job for a first time talking to me. The Watchmen was a bit misleading, so you did well. Cheers again for humouring me.
What the hell is this? Just because Danger did not cite the reference does not mean he tried to pass it off on his own. People on forums do that all the time, a reference is made, those who get it then roll with the joke & often quote back from the same source. Its somewhat equivalent to an internet high five.

So what, now any post on WZ using a quote\reference must now come with an asterisk noting the source or the poster is accused of plagiarism? Basically since you disliked the source material it has to come with a name tag, yet if it was from something you prefer- citation becomes unnecessary? Fuck off with that shit.
What the hell is this? Just because Danger did not cite the reference does not mean he tried to pass it off on his own. People on forums do that all the time, a reference is made, those who get it then roll with the joke & often quote back from the same source. Its somewhat equivalent to an internet high five.

So what, now any post on WZ using a quote\reference must now come with an asterisk noting the source or the poster is accused of plagiarism? Basically since you disliked the source material it has to come with a name tag, yet if it was from something you prefer- citation becomes unnecessary? Fuck off with that shit.
Here's the issue with uncited referential humor on the internet. I like it, personally. But the problem is that you're going to reach a very broad audience, and inevitably some of that audience is not going to get the reference. Depending on the content, a literal interpretation of the quote without being familiar with the reference can be QUITE offensive.

I recently got a very graphic illustration of this professionally with a joke that went awry. I made a joke referring to the 'Lisa Is A **** McClusky' phenomenon, and one of the people who didn't catch it also happens to have a very loyal and passionate fan base who will attack on the word 'frog'. I dodged a bullet after it was explained to people, we all laughed and have traded in-jokes ever since, but the point was made that some people just aren't going to get your jokes.

So whenever you make referential humor, you run the risk of your audience not catching the reference. If you're willing to account for the risk in making that statement, have at.

In this case, I just didn't catch it. He shouldn't have to cite references or anything, and I don't think that arguments being made seriously. We can't completely kill humor on the internet, y'know.
I must admit I didn't think much of Andy first time I laid eyes on him; looked like a stiff breeze would blow him over. That was my first impression of the man.
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