The past twelve hours....

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You didn't imply it, moron, you wrote it.

Left field, that is where you are now.

I'm not sure why you're interested on my sexuality. I date women, and given your propensity for wanting people to get anally raped for everything, that doesn't seem like something we have in common.

I highly doubt you date women.

You are the one interested in sexuality. You think normal questions about sandwiches is somehow a come on. You really need to start talking to somebody about that.
Of course, your comment further demonstrates that since you again took that comment out of context.

Are we back on context? You really have no idea how to use words properly do you? Pointing out one sentence does not negate the fact I read & understood the whole post. Context is for someone outside the conversation who is unclear on what was said before said statement. Once again, context does not apply here & is useless to bring up. Quit trying to sound smart, you have no idea what you are talking about.

If you want to be a creep and ask those questions "to get to know people" go check out the 'alternate dating sites' where 'nightmare's" mother met his possible fathers.

Hold on.

So my mom (a woman)- went to an 'alternate' (you meant alternative, but cant be expected to understand your mistake) dating site- to meet a man? You may again be confused with things.

Also. Is your mother still dead? Yes? Ok, then. So I am gonna say that all this is her fault for not properly raising her son before she died.
You think normal questions about sandwiches is somehow a come on. You really need to start talking to somebody about that.

Maybe he can talk to his television. That seems to be why he thinks he is correct all the time & smarter than others. When he talks to stuffed animals and other inanimate objects they dont say anything back so he assumes he is right.

Also, I am sorry if you are unclear on where that quote of yours came from or what I mean, seeing as I failed to provide the proper context. My bad, Spider.
Maybe he can talk to his television. That seems to be why he thinks he is correct all the time & smarter than others. When he talks to stuffed animals and other inanimate objects they dont say anything back so he assumes he is right.

Explains his spastic use of commas. Maybe he isn't intentionally putting them there, but it's some form of epilepsy derived from too many episodes of the 700 Club and whatever Fox News calls educational programming.

Would also explain the sexual denial that somehow came from being asked what he likes on his fucking sandwich.

Nightmare, what do you like on YOUR sandwich? Show our dear friend how it's not a personal question in any way, and not to be confused with a sexual advance. Seriously, never thought that would ever turn to that.
I'm all about the Reuben. Generally don't dig on red meat due to my diet, but it's still a beautiful damn sandwich. I grab them at a downtown Irish pub here, go figure.
I do love me some pastrami on rye. I would say my favorite would have to be turkey , but not the package stuff. Give me the real, carved off the bone slices. Only thing I hate, on any sandwich, though is tomato. I dig tomatoes in sauce or things like that, but I just dont like fresh tomato on anything.
You just haven't had a good tomato, which these days are admittedly hard to find.

Nah, I have had some really good ones. Its the texture\taste of the seeds & 'gel' in the cavities that bothers me.

If I am preparing something like a salad I will take the time to use just the flesh & discard the other parts - only if it is a great tomato & on very rare occasion. Most places just use the whole thing or use crap tomatoes, so I dont bother because the taste\texture fucks up the sandwich\meal for me. So even if I make my own sandwiches I have grown accustomed to just leaving it off. Now cooked, like when I make sauce, I love them.
Left field, that is where you are now.

I highly doubt you date women.

You are the one interested in sexuality. You think normal questions about sandwiches is somehow a come on. You really need to start talking to somebody about that.

If I'm in left field, you haven't even found the fucking ballpark yet, lil bitch.

I am the one who thinks it's strange for someone to "want to get to know" an anonymous person in a wrestling message board, yes. Me and anyone who isn't nuts finds that strange, yes.
If I'm in left field, you haven't even found the fucking ballpark yet, lil bitch.

I doubt you even know what a ballpark is. Since you came here, you've proven there are a lot of words you use that you don't know.

I am the one who thinks it's strange for someone to "want to get to know" an anonymous person in a wrestling message board, yes. Me and anyone who isn't nuts finds that strange, yes."

Yeah, because knowing what you like on your sandwich is totally getting to know somebody. Extremely personal thing to ask that should lead to gay butt sex for everyone :rolleyes: such a tight ass. Too full of yourself for someone who enjoys watching half naked men grapple one another.
Are we back on context? You really have no idea how to use words properly do you? Pointing out one sentence does not negate the fact I read & understood the whole post. Context is for someone outside the conversation who is unclear on what was said before said statement. Once again, context does not apply here & is useless to bring up. Quit trying to sound smart, you have no idea what you are talking about.

Hold on.

So my mom (a woman)- went to an 'alternate' (you meant alternative, but cant be expected to understand your mistake) dating site- to meet a man? You may again be confused with things.

Also. Is your mother still dead? Yes? Ok, then. So I am gonna say that all this is her fault for not properly raising her son before she died.

Hey, bitchtard, when you take part of a person's post and try to use it as an insult or against them, and you do not provide what is before, after or really any context, it is out of context.

Serious question: how the fuck do you remember to breathe when you're this fucking stupid?

And, kid, do your homework. I meant "alternate". The day you can correct me on anything other than a typo or an auto-correct, well shit, I'm not sure what the world will have become. I didn't mean that your mother fucks sheep or dead people (although that would explain your illness), lil bitch.
I doubt you even know what a ballpark is. Since you came here, you've proven there are a lot of words you use that you don't know.

Yeah, because knowing what you like on your sandwich is totally getting to know somebody. Extremely personal thing to ask that should lead to gay butt sex for everyone :rolleyes: such a tight ass. Too full of yourself for someone who enjoys watching half naked men grapple one another.

Ok, creepy bastard, whatever you say. If you think it's so wrong to watch wrestling, creepy bastard, why are you on the message board of a wrestling site? You seem awfully excited about anal sex. I don't know of any, but I am sure that there are sites for you to get shit like that. You also seem pretty defensive about trying to ask strange questions on a message board. Sure finding out about movies, sandwiches and drinks are normal when getting to know a person, but on a message board from a wrestling site, it's fucking weird.
Ok, creepy bastard, whatever you say. If you think it's so wrong to watch wrestling, creepy bastard, why are you on the message board of a wrestling site?

Oh look, I got a new nickname from LBK the homophobe. Surely he will keep using it until it's ran into the ground, through Hell, and then pops out in China.

For someone who is both a homophobe and hates this place, why are you on this message board of a "fourth rate" wrestling site?

You seem awfully excited about anal sex.

Name two instances that I mentioned anal sex. Calling you a tightass does not count.

I don't know of any, but I am sure that there are sites for you to get shit like that.

You know very well there are sites, or you wouldn't have recommended them.

You also seem pretty defensive about trying to ask strange questions on a message board.

Now you are confusing me with you. Knew that would happen eventually.

I have no problem answering any questions I've asked, and neither does anyone else here who isn't a sociopath afraid of their sexuality.

Sure finding out about movies, sandwiches and drinks are normal when getting to know a person, but on a message board from a wrestling site, it's fucking weird.

You clearly haven't ever had a regular conversation with anyone on here. I feel sorry for you now.
Wait, we weren't discussing sandwiches as a possible lead in to a three way ATM circle?

Those minutes, all wasted.
What's really wasted is LBK's sex education. If he had ever been with a woman, he would know that it was possible to have anal sex with them if they were up for it. But since he hasn't had that yet, he assumes it's only a gay thing.

But let's not spoil LBK's moment of supposed brilliance yet.
I meant "alternate".

Yeah, I know you did, thats why you said it. Problem is that the word is incorrect because 'alternate' dating sites do not exist whereas the correct term would be alternative.

I didn't mean that your mother fucks sheep or dead people

Be honest, you really had no idea what you meant.

You seem awfully excited about anal sex. I don't know of any, but I am sure that there are sites for you to get shit like that.

I thought you did know of those sites? Because earlier ,in an attempt to correct me, you said I should 'do my homework'. Remember that? When you tried (and failed) to imply my mother used an 'alternate' dating site to find a man? (BTW Is that the same sort of confusing statement as your line about a "bag of bald man's hair" ?)

So even if the word you chose was correct, its seems that you were implying to have first hand knowledge of homosexual dating sites. Even though you totally dont go for that sort of thing... right, sparkles?

You also seem pretty defensive about trying to ask strange questions on a message board. Sure finding out about movies, sandwiches and drinks are normal when getting to know a person, but on a message board from a wrestling site, it's fucking weird.

At a point in life when you see everyone else as crazy & you believe to be the only sane person around.... That usually means you are actually the crazy person.

I dont seem to recall a rule stating that only wrestling is to be discussed throughout the forums here. However, I do see different sections available to discuss a wide variety of topics. News stories, daily life, movies, games, etc. You would be able to enjoy all these different sections of WZ if you had not proven to be just a stupid , smart-mouthed little prick.
Wait, can we do some kind of Assassin's Creed style 'fast forward' here? We've done this part before. The next step is where we get told that "riding a *** pole" isn't a homophobic remark, but that viewing it in that light is reflective of our own homophobic biases.
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